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On the Analysis of Rhett’s Love for Scarlett in Gone with the Wind

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On the Analysis of Rhett’s Love for Scarlett in Gone with the Wind

浅析飘中瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱On the Analysis of Rhetts Love for Scarlett in Gone with the WindContents摘要.AbstractIntroduction 11 A Brief Account of Margaret Mitchell and Her Work.31.1 Brief Introduction of Margaret Mitchell.31.2 Main Story of Gone with the Wind.52 Embodiment of Rhetts Love for Scarlett.92.1 Satisfying Scarlett at Dance.92.2 Helping Scarlett Escape from Atlanta.112.3 Having Their Sweet Marriage.122.4 Loving Their Daughter.133 Reasons for Rhetts Love.163.1 Different Characteristics.163.1.1 Astute and Mature Rhett.163.1.2 Versatile Scarlett.193.2 The Force of Civil War.21Conclusion.24Notes.26Bibliography.27Acknowledgements摘 要飘是美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔一生中创作的唯一的一部长篇小说。小说以南北战争为背景,着重描述塔拉农场主的女儿斯嘉丽·奥哈拉在战前战后的生活,同时通过斯嘉丽与艾希礼、瑞德等人的感情纠葛为线索,刻画了一副壮观而又生动的南方社会的生活画面。在作品塑造的众多富有特色的人物当中,最具争议性的人物莫过于瑞德·巴特勒。他精明,懂得在乱世中如何生存;他成熟,知道自己该如何去表达爱。本论文通过对瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱进行研究分析,从而透析造成他们这样爱情的主要原因-人物性格的差异和时代背景的促使。通过研究瑞德对斯嘉丽的爱,有助于读者更深入的了解玛格丽特笔下的瑞德·巴特勒和斯嘉丽·奥哈拉。关键词: 飘; 瑞德的爱; 成因AbstractGone with the Wind is the only novel written by American writer Margaret Mitchell. The novel mainly focuses on the life of Scarlett OHara, the daughter of the owner of Tara Plantation before and after the Civil War. The author has portrayed a spectacular and vivid picture of the life of the South community to us through describing the love and disputes among Scarlett, Ashley and Rhett. Among so many unique characters described in the book, the most controversial one must be the core shapeRhett Butler. He is astute, knowing how to survive in turbulent times; he is mature, knowing how to love Scarlett. By analyzing Rhetts love in this paper, we could find out the main reasons that conducte to his lovetheir different characteristics and the force of Civil War. Learning Rhetts love, we readers could get a better understanding of Rhett Butler and Scarlett OHara.Key words: Gone with the Wind, Rhetts love, reasonIntroductionGone with the Wind, the only novel of American writer Margaret Mitchell, has always been getting peoples great concern. Ever since its first publish, lots of well-known scholars, at home and abroad, have conducted their researches on such masterpiece.Haskell (2005) made a review on this book. Her argument was mounted on feminist principles. She contends that “themes centering on women” are “always an inferior subject matter to socially conscious critics of literature and film”. Huang Jinwei (1999) gave explanations with his own characteristics on the glamor, value and characteristics of the book. Ding Yun (1999) had made some researches on Scarletts mental spirit, image and aesthetic value. Rightly because Gone with the Wind is such a glorious masterpiece that many aitistic characteristics are worth studying. Here, Rhetts loveRhett loves Scarlett is chosen as one main aspect to be concerned.Knowing the love between the two heroesRhett and Scarlett in the book is worthy of study, the writer focuses on it. After doing this research, we can get a clearer idea of their love. It is their different characteristics and the force of the time that make it.Here, exemplication will be applied to show Rhetts love for Scarlett. The thesis is devided into five parts. The first part is introduction. It briefly introduces some current researches on the masterpiece and the framework of this paper. The second part tells the backgroud of the writer and the main story of Gone with the Wind. The third part maily shows us how Rhett loves Scalrlett by giving examples in the book. The forth part focuses on analysing the reasons for their love. The last part is conclusion.1 A Brief Account of Margaret Mitchell and Her Work1.1 Brief Introduction of Margaret MitchellMargaret Mitchell was born on Nov. 8, 1900, in a lawyer family in Atlanta. Her father, Eugene Muse Mitchell, who used to be an Atlanta attorney, is a short, prudent and conservative old man, descended from Scotch-Irish and French Huguenots. Her mother, Mary Isabelle Stephens, of Irish-Catholic ancestry, is exquisite and always energetic. She was also a champion fighting for womens rights at that time. The family included many soldiers, who had fought in the American Revolution, Irish Uprising and Rebellions and the Civil War.The imaginative child loves playing with boys, riding her lovely pony and dreaming. She was fascinated with stories of the Civil War that she heard from people around. So, when Margaret decided to write a novel about the Civil War, Atlanta had become the natural background.Margaret Mitchell had studied at Smith College in Massachusetts in the fall of 1918, not long after the United States entered World War I. In January, 1919, her mother died during a flu epidemic so that Margaret had to leave college to take charge of the family. Having lost her mother, Margaret became a runaway horse. At the right time, Margaret became acquainted with two men, an ex-football player and bootlegger, Berrien Kinnard Upshaw, and a lanky newspaperman John Robert Marsh. She chose Upshaw, and the two were married in September.The Upshaw marriage was stormy and short lived. They divorced in October, 1924. And less than a year later, she married Marsh. The two held their wedding reception at their new apartmenta house which Margaret affectionately nicknamed “The Dump”.Only months after their marriage, Margaret left her job to convalesce from a series of injuries. It was during this period that she began writing her book. Starting from 1926, Margaret had written for about nine years. More than 200 pages of manuscripts were not being the final version until an editor-in-chief and vice president of a publishing house in New York met Margaret Mitchell and finally got the pile of manuscripts in 1935. Having worked together for more than a year, they finally made Gone with the Wind meet the readers. Margaret did not think her book would be so badly welcome that made her famous overnight.On Aug. 11th, 1949, Margaret Mitchell was knocked off by an off-duty cab driver. She died five days later and was buried with other members of her family.A legendary woman had walked over her extraordinary life in that way. The only thing she left us was a unique moving novel, an immortal work.1.2 Main Story of Gone with the WindThe story starts on a large cotton plantation named Tara in rural Georgia in 1816, on the eve of the American Civil War. The heroine, Scarlett OHara, is the eldest of the three daughters of Irish immigrant Gerald OHara and his wife, Ellen. Gerald, is quite a wealthy planter. It was not until 43-year-old that he married 15-year-old Christina Ellen, a noble immigrant from the East Coast of French. Gerald is of bad temper, but good-natured, while his young wife is of good education with strict moral values. She manages the entire daily affairs of the estate all by her own, and takes good care of their black maids. Therefore, the couple are not only respected by the whites around, but also loved by the blacks. Their capricious daughter Scarlett is grown up in such environment.In 1861, the relationship between the South and the North in the United States was becoming tenser and tenser. Men in Georgia all talk about the unavoided war between the South and the North. However, the 16-year-old Scarlett expresses no interest in it. What she likes is party, barbecue and those who turn up around her. However, She is upset to hear of Ashleys engagement to his cousin Melanie Hamilton, which is to be announced the next day at the barbecue held at his home, Twelve Oaks. Believing that Ashley loves her, Scarlett decides to tell Ashley her love so that he wont be married to Melanie. When she finally finds a chance to talk to Ashley alone, she confesses her love to him but is politely refused. Then, Scarlett accuses him of misleading her to believe that he always loves her and slaps him in anger, which is heightened when she realizes that Rhett has overheard the whole conversation.“Eavesdroppers ” she began furiously.“Eavesdroppers often hear highly entertaining and instructive things,” he grinned. “From along experience in eavesdropping, I ”“Sir, ” she said, “you are no gentleman!”“An apt observation,” he answered airily, “And you, Miss, are no lady.” 1(P115)The barbecue is disrupted by the announcement that war has broken out, and men all rush to enlist. As Scarlett watches Ashley kiss Melanie goodbye, Melanies shy elder brother Charles Hamilton, asks for Scarletts hand in marriage before he goes. Scarlett consents. They are married, and she is just as quickly widowed and pregnant when Charles dies not in the battle, but of pneumonia.In order to cheer her up, Ellen sends Scarlett to the Hamiltons in Atlanta. Because of lacking of hands, Scarlett and Melanie have to work for the party. One day, they attend a charity ball, where Rhett makes a surprising appearance. He has become a heroic blockade runner for the Confederacy. Scarlett shocks the whole Atlanta society by accepting Rhetts bid for a dance when she is still in mourning.The war continues. As the city is besieged by the Union Army in the Atlanta Campaign, Melanie unluckily goes into a premature and difficult labor. Scarlett has to deliver the child herself for Doc. Meade is busy dealing with those wounded soldiers. In the meantime, they are trapped in Atlanta while Yankee soldiers are coming. Fortunately, Rhett appears with an old horse and wagon and takes them out of the city. When Scarlett thinks they are safe and dont need to worry till they reach home, Rhett leaves her on the road to Tara with the reason that he is going to join the army.On her arduous journey back home, Scarlett feels upset to find Twelve Oaks burned out and deserted. Yet, She is relieved to find Tara still standing. But learning that her mother has just died and her fathers mind has begun to fail under the strain, Scarlett almost becomes crumble. She is left to take charge of the whole family.Though the war is soon over, Scarlett realizes that she cannot pay for the taxes of Tara. Having no other choice, soon Scarlett becomes Mrs. Frank Kennedy just for his money. In order to make herself not being hungry again and be rich from then on, she becomes a hardheaded businesswoman, willing to trade with the despised Yankee carpetbaggers and use convicted laborers in her mill.The poor Frank, together with other members of the Ku Klux Klan, wants to take revenge for Scarlett, who has been attacked by two blacks, is set up and shot dead. With Franks funeral barely over, Rhett visits Scarlett and proposes marriage. Scarlett says “Yes” to him just for the luxurious life Rhett can provide. After a honeymoon in New Orleans, Rhett promises to restore Tara, while the biggest and most opulent mansion is being built in Atlanta. Rhett loves her so much that would like to do everything to please her.The two soon have a lovely daughter, Bonnie, who looks like her mother very much. Rhett adores her as a less spoiled and carefree version of her mother, and does everything to win good opinions of the Atlanta society for his daughters sake. Scarlett, however, still believing she loves Ashley, keeps ruining her figure. With broken-heart, Rhett decides to take Bonnie on an extended trip to London. When Rhett returns, Scarlett then resentfully tells him that shes pregnant again. Unluckily, being enraged, Scarlett lunges at him, and then falls down the stairs and suffers a miscarriage.When Scarlett recovers, Rhett attempts to reconcile with her, while young Bonnie, as impulsive as her grandfather, dies in a fall from her pony when she attempts to jump a fence. The death of Bonnie makes their relationship even tense. Several days after that, Melanie collapses in the second labor. With her dying breath, Melanie tells Scarlett that Rhett always loves her.Having known this, Scarlett quickly runs home, intends to tell Rhett that she realizes now she has been loving him all long, and has never really loved Ashley. She begs him not to leave. However, Rhett says it is too late to salvage their marriage and leaves without looking round.2Embodiment of Rhetts Love for ScarlettRhett first met Scarlett was at the barbecue held in the Wilkesat that time, Rhett was not welcome among those people because of his bad reputation. He witnessed the whole process of Scarlett confessed her love to Ashley, slapped Ashley as a result of being angry, and even threw a vase. Since then, Rhett thinks Scarlett is a candid girlshe dare speak out whats in her mind, and even throw a vase, and he falls in love with her.Though Rhett often jeers at Scarlett, he still has the deepest feeling of love to her. Rhett clearly knows that he cant show his real feeling to Scarlett, for according to Scarletts personality, she would stand in a higher position to be arrogant to him, totally ignores his true love. So, Rhett chooses to love her in a different waytry his best to satisfy her, while not telling her why he does these just because he loves her.2.1 Satisfying Scarlett at DanceWhen Charless dead, according to the tradition, Scarlett has to be in mourning period for at least one year, only wearing clothes in black. But to Scarlett, wearing beautiful dress, making good appearance in any case is the most important.During the war time, because of lacking of hands, Scarlett and Melanie become a nurse of a hospital and has the chance to take part in the Charity Party. Looking at the girls who have their lovers to talk to, Scarlett feels upset about wearing funeral crepe and no one noticing her. Surprisingly, Rhett makes his appearance as a great blockade runner. Scarlett avoids him for fearing he would tell out her secret. But Rhett seems to be able to know her deeply and tries to make her wish come true. Then, he donates a huge sum of money to bid Scarlett to lead the dance, which makes Scarlett immediately catches the public attention and shocks the whole Atlanta City.After that, people in Atlanta all accuse her. However, no matter how sad Melanie and aunt Pitty would feel about her, she doesnt care. She wont remain herself of what Melanie has done for her because what she really wants is a carefree life.Also, Scarlett would like to dress up, but dare not to take off her funeral crepe. One day, Rhett brings Scarlett a bonnet made of dark green taffeta, lined with watered silk of a pale-jade color. Scarlett makes her cry when she sees that bonnet, and acquiescently would like Rhett to kiss her in return. However, Rhett seemed indifferent. To Rhett, why he does all these just because he loves her, not for her kiss.Scarlett is so innocent that she cannot read the inner world of Rhett, which often upsets him. However, with the deepest love in his heart and great patience, Rhett would try his best to take good care of her and ask nothing in return.2.2 Helping Scarlett Escape from AtlantaRhett once made a declaration to Scarlett. She thought he would propose a marriage. However, Rhett just wanted to make her his mistress, which made Scarlett furious. She felt that he was very hateful, and didnt want to see him again.Unfortunately, Scarlett is trapped in Atlanta when it has fell in the hand of the North Military, because she has to take care of Melanie who is on her parturition. Having no other choice, she has to ask for Rhetts help. After Rhett hears of this, he risks his life to steal a horse without hesitation and then takes them, sick Melanie and their innocent children, out of the city under the thick smoke of war at once. Though they are attacked on the way they are leaving, Rhett makes himself admirable to Scarlett for being cool and calm at critical moment. At that time, She thinks she doesnt have to feel afraid with Rhett being around. However, to Scarletts surprise, Rhett decides to leave them on the way to Tara to go with the army just for his patriotism.Being angry, Scarlett slaps him across the mouth with all the force she has left. “Go on, Go on now! I want you to hurry. I dont want to ever see you again. I hope a cannonball lands right on you. I hope it blows you to a million pieces. I” “Never mind the rest. I follow your general idea. When Im dead on the altar of my country, I hope your conscience hurts you.” 2(P370)Then, Rhetts gone, not forgetting telling Scarlett that he loves her. However, when Scarletts feeling alone and afraid, how could she believe him at that time? Even though Rhett has done so much for her and leaves them at a safe place, she couldnt satisfy.2.3 Having Their Sweet MarriageA mans characteristic could be divided into two halves and be showed up completely different: externally, he must be very aggressive and brutal to his rivals; internally, he must show his sweet love and be courteous to his beloved woman. Before the woman he loves, a man must control himself and hide his own barbaric nature. Simply speaking, he has to be civilized and educated.After they get married, Rhett takes care of Scarlett by heart though he knows deeply Scarlett marries him just for the luxurious life he can provide. Rhett spoils her. He will bring her the breakfast tray himself and feed her as if she were a child, take the hairbrush from her hand and brush the long dark hair until it snapped and crackled. Rhett often teaches her how to enjoy herself which she has almost forgotten. After a honeymoon in New Orleans, Rhett promises to restore Tara, while the biggest and most opulent mansion is being built in Atlanta.Also, whenever Scarlett is awakened by the same nightmare, it is Rhett who generously comforts her.Rhett was leaning over her when she was woke, and without a word he picked her up in his arms like a child and held her close, his hard muscles comforting, his wordless murmuring soothing, until her sobbing ceased. 3(P816)However, she does not understand Rhett. She doesnt know why Rhett would sometimes look at her just as a cat looks at a mouse-hole. But she would soon forget about it and it wont puzzle her any more because she just wants to enjoy herself, not willing to get bored.Even though Rhett has done so much for her, Scarlett doesnt understand why he does these and how important Rhett to her. Rhett has tried every possible way to please her, to win her heart, but it is in vain. Rhett feels disappointed and chooses to leave at the end.2.4 Loving Their DaughterBonnie, their beloved daughter, was born, which makes Rhett pass on his love from Scarlett to her. He doesnt allow any injury happening to his daughter, and the care to her is even meticulous.When Bonnie is still a baby, she always sucks her thumb. In order to stop her, Rhett would patiently ask for some knowledge from women in Atlanta. As Bonnie grows, shes afraid of sleeping in the dark. If there is no light in her room whenever she awakes, she would cry sadly, which would make the maid who is responsible to babysit Bonnie gets serious condemn. Moreover, Rhett would take her to travel around, buy her little lovely pony to ride, and even teach her how to jump the fence with her pony all day long.Having seen Rhett care so much about Bonnie, people in the Atlanta City could not help but sign:“there has to be something good about a man who loved his child, What a pity Scarlett took no interest in so pretty a creature as Bonnie!.” 4(P867) Even Scarlett would feel a little jealous of Rhett being so nice to their daughter while so cool to her.


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