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会计学1新时代交互英语综合教程三下新时代交互英语综合教程三下but they may also share one culture.How to define culture then?Warm-up activities1. identity4. involve4. involveWriting: The Cause and Effect Essay Cause Effect You are out of money. You cannot buy that car. Causes EffectalcoholismA persons homelessnesslack of proficiency in any fieldlack of self-esteem Cause Effectsreduce working hours less incomeemployer is irritatedmore time to studymore time for family and friendsFor causesbecause, due to, on cause is, another is, since, for, first, secondFor Effectsconsequently, as a result, thus, resulted in, one result is, another is, therefore New Era Interactive EnglishNew Era Interactive EnglishLevel Level 3 3What is affluenza?Reading 1n1. Introduction: the authors experience in Scotland Thesis statement: With less money, there was no less satisfaction with living, no less warmth of spirit, no less pleasure in one anothers company.n2. Illustration of his point: there is little connection between wealth and happiness.n3. Discussion about the underlying cause: human beings are very adaptable and tend to get used to their fate.n4. Conclusion: restatement of his pointeconomic growth does not necessarily improve human morale. Happiness is less a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.CET4 真题重现0201/56. Mobile telecommunications _ is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a resultof a contract signed between the two companies. A) capacityB) potential C) possession D) impact CET4 真题重现Affluenza-quire: to askacquire requireenquireinquireNew Era Interactive EnglishNew Era Interactive EnglishLevel Level 3 3Teaching Objectives Students should be able to:Create time lines to help themselves recall dates and events in readingsWarm-up AactivitiesDiscuss the following questions:1. Where is the Bering Strait? Which two continents does it separate?2. Who were the first Americans? What ethnic groups would they have resembled?3. What difficulties do you think ancient Americans faced? How could they have adapted their lives to overcome their difficulties?Text analysis & ComprehensionDetailed Outline of Reading 1I.Great glaciers which covered the north region of the world in ancient times led to the formation of a land bridge between northeastern Asia and Alaska. (para. 1)II. How and when do scholars say ancient Asians might have moved to north America? (para.2-4)possibility one: _possibility two: _possibility three: _The importance of finding answers to the above a. _ b. _III. Evidence has brought the Asian-American connection theory into question (para.5-8)sQuestions about the Clovis-first explanation sRecent studies proved that there were three separate migrations came to America.Clovis Stone Tool IV. The origin of the first Americans is still in hot debate. (para.9-12)a. Many believe that maybe many separate, small groups moved into the Americasb. It is possible that people came to the Americas at different times and from different parts of the world.c. The question is even more complicated than any previous research findings1.glacier A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass, formed from compacted snow in an area where snow accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation.2. expose Vt. show e.g. The wolf opened its mouth to expose a row of sharp white teeth. to learn about beliefs, ideas etc., especially by seeing things or having new experiencese.g. Travel abroad exposes children to different languages and cultures. to reveal the guilt or wrongdoing ofe.g. expose a criminal.3. proceed vi. (+ with, to) to go forward or onward, especially after an interruption; continuee.g.Tell us your name and then proceed with your story. Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to criticize the way Id done it.4. evolve vt. to develop or achieve gradually:e.g. The British present political system has evolved over several centuries. to work (something) out; devisee.g. the schemes he evolved to line his purse.vi. to undergo gradual change; develop e.g. an amateur acting group that evolved into a theatrical company (Biology) to develop or arise through evolutionary processes.evolution n. The Theory of Evolution 进化论4. artifact n.An object produced or shaped by human craft, especially a tool, a weapon, or an ornament of archaeological or historical interest.e.g. prehistoric artifacts made of bones or potterypottery bowlin archaic period5. blend vt. to combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another:e.g. He has no difficulty blending his two writing careers: novels and films.vi. to form a uniform mixturee.g. The smoke blended easily into the odor of the other fumes. to create a harmonious effect or result:e.g. picked a tie that blended with the jacket.n. Something, such as an effect or a product, that is created by blending:e.g. His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence. (Linguistics) A word produced by combining parts of other words, as smog from smoke and fog. 6. diversity n. variety or multiformitye.g. Charles Darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection. (Scientific American)7. resemble to exhibit similarity or likeness toe.g. She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.What is persuasive writing?In persuasive writing, a writer takes a position FOR or AGAINST an issue and writes to convince the reader to believe or do something.Where is persuasive writing used? in advertisements to get the reader to buy a product. in essays and other types of writing to get the reader to accept a point of view. A general guideline: Have a firm opinion that you want your reader to accept. Begin with a grabber or hook to get the readers attention. Offer evidence to support your opinion. Conclude with a restatement of what you want the reader to do or believe. Introduction:The introduction has a “hook or grabber to catch the readers attention. Opening with an unusual detaile.g. Manitoba, because of its cold climate, is not thought of as a great place to be a reptile. Actually, it has the largest seasonal congregation of garter snakes in the world! Opening with a strong statemente.g. Cigarettes are the number one cause of lighter sales in Canada! Opening with a Quotation Opening with an Anecdote Opening with a Statistic or Fact Opening with a Question Opening with an Exaggeration or Outrageous Statement. The introduction should also include a thesis or focus statement.three objectives of a thesis statement: It tells the reader the specific topic of your essay. It imposes manageable limits on that topic. It suggests the organization of your paper. Body The body should consist of at least three paragraphs to offer evidence to support the thesis statement. Each paragraph is based on a solid reason to back your thesis statement. One of the three paragraphs should be used to discuss opposing viewpoints and your counter-argument.Elaboration: Use statistics or research, real-life experiences, or examples. Generating hypothetical instance: Used particularly when creating an argument and you want the reader to see a different point of view. Use cues for the reader. (e.g. suppose that, what if.) Clarifying a position: Think about what needs to be explained and what can be assumed. Thinking through a process: Think through the procedure from start to finish. Provide background information. Illustrate whenever appropriate. Define special terms used. Use cues for the reader. (e.g. first, second, next, then etc.) Drawing comparisons: Choose something similar to what is being explained. Use one of two patterns: Opposing or Alternating. End with a conclusion. Making an analysis: You can analyze a problem by looking at the parts and therefore help the reader to understand. Drawing an analogy: Use an analogy to explain or elaborate and idea by identifying significant likenesses between two objects or ideas when otherwise they are quite different. This is helpful when the comparison is made to something that is familiar to the reader. ConclusionA piece of persuasive writing usually ends by summarizing the most important details of the argument and stating once again what the reader is to believe or do. Restate your thesis or focus statement. Summarize the main points: The conclusion enables your reader to recall the main points of your position. In order to do this you can paraphrase the main points of your argument. Write a personal comment or call for action. Persuasive Essay OutlineI. Introduction: Get the readers attention by using a hook. Give some background information if necessary. Thesis or focus statement. II. First argument or reason to support your position: Topic sentence explaining your point. Elaboration to back your point. III. Second argument or reason to support your position: Topic sentence explaining your point. Elaboration to back your point. V. Opposing Viewpoint: (optional, however highly recommended) Opposing point to your argument. Your rebuttal to the opposing point. Elaboration to back your rebuttal. .VI. Conclusion: Summary of main points or reasons Restate thesis statement. Personal comment or a call to actionSignificance of Formal Structures 虽然我们强调在翻译中要灵活处理句子的形式,不要为原文的形式所羁绊。但这并不是说,我们任何时候都可以不顾语言的形式结构。有时,句子或段落的结构是用来承载一定意义的,这时句子结构就不宜更动,前后不宜颠倒,以免破坏了意义的重心。 例如:He became a millionaire - all by himself. 不少初学者就译成:他靠自己成了一位百万富翁。但这样原文所强调的重点:all by himself 就完全被淡化了。如果按照原文的结构就可以避免这种丢失:他成了百万富翁,而且全靠自己。 又如:Jim threw the ball. The ball broke the window. The noise attracted the owners attention. The owner scolded him. 译文:吉姆扔球打碎玻璃的声音引起了主人的注意,于是主人痛骂了他一顿。 这种译法基本上描述了原文中所描述的事件。但原文是一片儿童文学,儿童文学特有的简短句式在译文中完全丧失殆尽了,所以这里随意的更动句式也不恰当。 总之,译者在翻译时必须仔细阅读原文,看原文的形式结构有没有特殊的意义,如果没有,就可以考虑转换句子结构,如果确实承载一定的意义,就要尽量尊重原文的结构,才不会改变句子的重心,或变换作者的语气,结果导致原文意义的丢失甚至歪曲。New Era Interactive EnglishNew Era Interactive EnglishLevel 3Level 3reading skillrecognize classification wordswriting skillsupport your opinion with evidencetranslation skilltranslate texts of various types Reading 1. Ethnic Boundary MarkersReading 2. The Problems of States and NationalitiesReading 1 Ethnic Boundary Markers There are 56 ethnic groups in China. The Han ethnic group is the largest, living all over the country with the compact communities in the Huanghe, Changjiang and Zhujiang valleys and the Songhua-Liaohe Plain of the northeast. The other ethnic groups are the minority nationalities, inhabiting 60 percent of the countrys total area and living mainly in the border regions. All ethnic groups are like equal brothers and sisters in a happy family. Ethnic groups are different from each other in language, religion, physical appearance and particular cultural traits. ethnic group people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture ethnic boundary marker overt factors used to demonstrate or denote group members ethnic identity extent to which one identifies with a particular ethnic group; ones sense of belonging to an ethnic group and the part of ones thinking, perceptions, feelings, and behavior that is due to ethnic group membership. 4 major components of ethnic identity: ethnic awareness, ethnic self-identification, ethnic attitudes and ethnic behaviorsthe first markerLANGUAGE Hopis and Navajos speak their language aloneBUTSerbs and Croats both speak Serbo-Croatian; The Irish may speak Gaelic or English; Ethnic Germans may speak Polish or Russian other than Germanthe second markerRELIGIONJews adhere to Judaism; Sikhs adhere to Sikhism; Serbs and Croats adhere respectively to Eastern Orthodox and CatholicsBUTA Chinese person may adhere to Muslim, Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism or Marxist atheismthe third markerPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSMalays, East Indians and Chinese in Malaysia are distinguished by physical characteristicsBUTGermans, Dutch, Danes and other northern European ethnic groups, Zulus and Swazis, Chinese and Koreans, Choctaw and Chichasaw Indians share similar physical characteristics; at a lower level of identity, physical characteristics alone are not enough to distinguish between ethnic groupsthe fourth markerCULTURAL TRAITSScottish Americans wear kilts; German Americans wear lederhosen; Native Americans wear “Indian clothes”; Guatemalan clothing styles indicate two levels of ethnic identity I.Combinations of ethnic boundary markers are used to distinguish one ethnic group from another.II. A. Native language frequently serves as an ethnic boundary marker. B. In many cases, religious differences may be the most important marker of ethnic identity. C. It is likely to identify ethnic groups by their physical characteristics. D. Cultural traits remain the most important, diverse and complex category of ethnic boundary markers. Overt factors used to demonstrate or denote group membership are called ethnic boundary markers. (Line 2)overt covertdenote connoteovert a. open and observable overt hostilitycovert a. not open, secret a covert glanceconnote (connotation n.) vt. imply in addition to literal meaning The word “plump” connotes cheerfulness. denote v. (denotation n.) vt. mean The word “plump” denotes fat.vt. mark; indicate; signify A frown often denotes _. (impatience/anger/confusion) A quick pulse often denotes _. (fever/heart problem/excitement)l Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now?l A person at his age should be able to distinguish between right and wrong. l Speeches distinguish man from animals. l Liu Xiang distinguished himself as the winner of the “heaviest” gold medal/ by winning the mens hurdles at the 2004 Olympics. Because they serve to distinguish members from all other groups, a single boundary marker seldom is sufficient. (Line 5)distinguish v. (distinguished adj.) lComputers make data readily available to users. lI readily believe that she is lazy at home- she is very lazy at school.lIn case of emergency, he could respond readily. (He has a ready response.), Hopi and Navajo members are readily distinguished by their language alone. (Line 13)readily adv. easily; willingly; promptlybut, yet, however, despite, in spite of, though, although, even though, otherwise, rather, whereas, nonetheless, nevertheless, in contrast, alternatively, for all that, on the one hand, on the other handConversely, a person may be Irish and speak either Gaelic or English as his or her native language. (Line 19)Expression to show opposition of two things or situations: to be similar or equivalent The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. to be in agreement, harmony, or conformity Her job corresponds with her interests. to communicate by letter They corresponded with each other all the time. (They held correspondence with each other all the time.) But in many cases, religion and ethnic group more or less correspond. (Line 28)correspond vi.l Twelve months constitute a year.l Correct grammar and sentence structure do not in themselves constitute good writing.l He constituted a direct threat to the children. Similarly, the Sikhs in India constitute both a religious and an ethnic group. (Line 30)constitute vt.lI benefited much from my association with him.lThis concert is sponsored by the Arts Council in association with several local businesses. A similar situation is found in those regions of the world in which populations have been in long association with one another. (Line 40)association n. l For the sake of safety, you must keep all medicines away from children. l She stopped smoking for her own sake. For the sake of brevity, we will limit our discussion to one trait- clothing. (Line 66)for the sake ofTwo populations who share a common language do not necessarily share a common identity; likewise, two populations who speak different languages do not necessarily have different identities. 1. However, just because two populations share a common language does not mean they share a common identity, any more than the fact that two populations speak different languages means that they have two distinct identities.2. The significance or lack of significance of physical characteristics in ethnic identity may also vary with the level of ethnic identity. How significant physical characteristics are as a significant marker of ethnic identity depends on on which level the ethnic group members share their characteristics. 3. The major world religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism encompass numerous distinct ethnic groups, so that the religious affiliation does not always indicate ethnic affiliation. The members of a religion may come from many different ethnic groups, so a religious group is not necessarily an ethnic one. Reading 2 The Problems ofStates and Nationalitiesvt. to consider or treat as equal Its a mistake to equate wealth with happiness. I am not equating you and him. Falsely equating country of origin with ethnic nationality, (Line 3)vt. to make equal to equate imports and exports. equate The accident claimed her life. (to take) Has anyone claimed the watch? (to ask for on the basis of right, authority or accomplishment) A caller to the broadcasting station claimed responsibility for the bombing. (to state to have) The matter claims our attention. (to call for) Dont claim to know what you dont know. (to maintain)Bombings, ambushes, and assassinations have claimed the lives of more than 2,200 persons, and no end appears in sight. (Line 27)claim vt. a handful of sanda mouthful of sweet aira spoonful of hot soupOnly a handful of countries are peopled by members of a single nationality and are thus ethnically homogeneous. (Line 58)handful n. a fewWords ending with ful indicating the amount:a handful of people/daysDreams peopled his idle hours.peoplevt. to inhabitThe region is sparsely/densely peopled.vt. to supply or fill with peopleEurope largely peopled America. 在美国大部分人来自于欧洲.vt. to fill withhomograph 同形异义词 record n./record v. August n./august a. homophone 同音词 knew/new night/knighthomonym 同音异义词 fair n./fair a. bear n./bear v.homogeneous: of the similar nature or kindhomo-: same; alikeThrough this agreement, the English, French, Germans, Belgians, and other European powers assumed sovereignty over lands (Line 67)assumevt. to take control of Hitler assumed power in 1934.vt. to take into partnership, employment, or use The researcher assumed a new partner.assumevt. to pretend to have or be She assumed an air of confidence in spite of her dismay.vt. to take as granted or true, suppose He assumed the report (to be) valid. Farmers will have a bumper harvest, assuming that the weather is favorable. vt. to take to or upon oneself, undertake When did the president assume office?Nor was Africa the only continent to have boundaries imposed by Europeans. (Line 70)nor 等具有否定意义的词等具有否定意义的词或词组居于句首时句子倒装或词组居于句首时句子倒装nor, never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, not until, by no means, in no time, under no circumstances, under no condition, in no way, in no case, in vain, at no time, neither(nor), no sooner(than), hardly(when), barely, on no account, not a bit, nowhere, not only(but also), not often, etc.Exception: 如果这些词修饰句子的主语、构成主语的一部分,句子不倒装。Not a word was said.Scarcely a drop of rain fell last month.Only an old man took pity on the poor girl.I have never heard such nonsense in all my life. Never in all my life have I heard such nonsense.Churchill was not only a statesman but also a poet.Not only was Churchill a statesman, but also a poet.Examples:vt. to establish or bring about as if by force. The court imposed a light sentence on a first offender. vt. to establish or apply by authority to impose a tax/peace settlementvt. to force into the company or on the attention of another She imposed herself as their leader.vi. to take unwarranted advantage of something You are always imposing on his good nature!imposea scholarship to a student a request luggage allowances to passengersAs European powers granted independence to their colonies, (Line 83)You may grant _


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