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人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年一年级下学期英语期末质量监测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 看图,圈出相对应的单词的字母编号。(5分) (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)do housework A . B . 2. (1分)stamp A . B . 3. (1分)Alice, taste the egg. A . B . 4. (1分)The tree is _. A . green B . blue5. (1分)What do you need? I need a new dress.A . B . 二、 读句子,选出正确的图片。(5分) (共5题;共5分)6. (1分) A . drawing B . dancing7. (1分)A . red B . box8. (1分)A . How big the school is!B . What a beautiful park!C . What a tall building!9. (1分)看图片,选择能表达图片意思的句子将对话补充完整 A . Good afternoon, Miss Wang. B . Good morning, Miss Wang.10. (1分)A . driver B . doctor三、 看图,编对话。要求语音语调准确、流利。(20分) (共20题;共20分)11. (1分)为下列问句选择恰当的答语 What will you do next week?_A. Its a robot.Will you go to the park?_B. No, it isnt. Its new.What will you do on Monday?_C. Ill go swimming on Monday. Whats this?_D. I will visit my aunt next week.Is it old?_E. Yes, I will.12. (1分)选出相搭配的句子 Are you Mr. Dog?_A. Good morning, Pig.Are you Lulu?_B. Hello, Miss Cat.Good morning, Dog._C. No, Im Miss Fox.Hello, Mr. Dog._D. Im a girl.Im a boy._E. Yes, Im.13. (1分)What is she doing? 14. (1分)为下列句子选择相对应的答语 A. By bus.B. I will eat some fresh food.C. I will travel to the Summer Palace.D. Yes. I will go travelling with my sister.E. We will come back on October 8th.(1)When will you come back home? (2)How will you go to Happy Valley? (3)Do you have any plans for the summer holiday? (4)What will you do in Sichuan? (5)Where will you go to travel? 15. (1分)Whats your name? (用Fangfang回答) 16. (1分)选出对应的答语 A. Yes, it is.B. There is a cake on the table.C. Its June 1st.D. Its on August 8th.E. Its in May.(1)When is your birthday? (2)What is the date? (3)Is it in May or June? (4)Whats on the table? (5)Is it in August? 17. (1分)为下列句子选择相应的答语 A. I want to send an email to my father.B. I want to write a letter to my mother.C. I want to clean the office for my teacher.D. I want to sing and dance.(1)What do you want to do on Mothers Day? (2)What do you want to do on Teachers Day? (3)What do you want to do on Childrens Day? (4)What do you want to do on Fathers Day? 18. (1分)找出正确答案 Are you happy?_A. Theyre on the bed.Where are your socks?_B. His name is Smith.Do you like blue? _C. No, I am not.Is your apple big or small?_D. Its in the boxWhats your fathers name?_E. Theyre oranges. Is this a lamp?_F. Its a peach.Are you short?_G. Its big.Where is your skirt?_H. Yes, I do.Whats this?_I. No, it isnt.What are these?_J. No, I am tall.19. (1分)What is your hobby? _20. (1分)情景交际Do you have a computer room in your school?_ A. Hes in the art room.Do you have a library in your school?_ B. No, but we have computers in our classroom.Wheres Andy?_ C. Yes, our library is on the second floor.Wheres the toilet?_ D. its on the second floor.21. (1分)What drink does your mother like best? (用juice作答) 22. (1分)从方框中选出下列句子的最佳应答语。 A. Its on the first floor.B. No, it isnt.C. OK! Thats great!D. Its so big.E. Thank you.(1)This is my bedroom. (2)Is that a pencil box? (3)Welcome to my school. (4)Where is the kitchen? (5)Lets go to the garden and water the flowers. 23. (1分)What time does your school finish? 24. (1分)What are these? _25. (1分)_ Here it is.26. (1分)你知道在下列情景中该用什么交际用语吗?你遇见自己的朋友,想跟他打招呼:_A. Goodbye.别人问你的名字时,你可以说:_B. Whats your name?你向别人介绍自己时,可以说:_C. Im Zhao Jun.和朋友告别,可以说:_ D. Hello/Hi!27. (1分)早上见面打招呼时,应说: A . Good morning. B . Hi!28. (1分)选出句子的答语 A. No, he didnt. B. It was fine. C. He went to the Great Wall. D. Size 8. E. Its warm and sunny. F. She went swimming. (1)How is the weather in Beijing? (2)What did she do yesterday? (3)Did he play basketball last weekend? (4)How was your weekend? (5)Where did he go? (6)What size are your shoes? 29. (1分)给下列句子选择正确的答语 A. Its a butterfly. B. Im running. C. Yes, please. D. Because my clock is wrong. E. Sorry, Mum.(1)May I come in ? (2)Dont littering ! (3)Whats that? (4)What are you doing? (5)Why are you late? 30. (1分)_ I had to clean the living room.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 看图,圈出相对应的单词的字母编号。(5分) (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 读句子,选出正确的图片。(5分) (共5题;共5分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 看图,编对话。要求语音语调准确、流利。(20分) (共20题;共20分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、28-6、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、30-1、


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