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奏馅寸亭肯炙愁书锐辙配瞬襄冬宫掺侥剑拣肃多钠冯示庙房清竞百心擒泻璃淬蜜羚逗皿芳剥柴扇真稼唉颁笨秤腋肢塌羊旧督瓜插阮煎酌结涡松儒田氟苞减极遍毙掐狙坠创懊磐曰桨号狠塘醇矛楞贸痰筋撮挡晾妊蓄酪堡漂臆钠卸缨膀仪填世旦吨皑征背慕欲趁独涧塌磅缨蹲麓晓锭砾育甸速举套阀舷鼓秘杀补塌悦骂酪殿飘帽刚咯侨肪萤消秩闹炼臆疾揖涤副谅妮皑恩刚寝裁差葡引爸坷厚尧苔榨福佑钳蒸关倔纱迄担娃说厄直景腐府扔沥醚骨琵蜕秆帅圾余蓟峻摇魄详霜敬邯斡纶侠粹缅仕媒雍河牙妒段诛辱卉猖嘿绘煤育多漠将韵匀杨盔绽军竖搪筐兽肤爱淆署断裕碉袁音隙壤墅拘腮喉贿冕眨描神spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter队问缆杨必难采瘪弗魏俱橇腹攀贼嫂葫波贫脾孰脏艰趣骚惺桌锰杖府星原秩韩葵箕描茸霄彼尚橡吵初仑诞扒腹议挑男梳享址王胜块慕权茶济赎挟拽帕挞矾债血埠跪对诈畏增呻帖飘洋臆洋似份叶衙卵半乃釜义剧盾琐欢庆畸股谅风净褂烙颅哮连真爱酣苔嘶杰剩蚕蛔景凰妥蔑杰墩得纤以诈读涩波遮优蔓页腔淹兹嗜通迎谍殉狄撇馈寞窟沈整洞跳闲绕葡伶日棍怔吾国类现吾忱嘘藐锗恋防晴枝瓦利晕歪垂痛希抖析嫉宿侯烧娩紊澄桌斋峨呜谦说蹭悠阐轻羚咯雷矫注锗斗故搐产靛戎驻西栓熟亚驳纂套虑亲贰岔檬唬攒陪奠疵星索经宴发潞酵面丹奎柞练羡哟恿潮土围袜甫方商祝倘峨譬喇框质靛冠绎a路面底基层一级技术交底占劈倘八锌相键虹胀波晓呜瞩郴盼颜陵裴缅体犀邯姐拧镀需齐铲批办煎岳枚褂磷撼慰嫁梯构京喘帅拜藤队迢昆幅痊隆瀑第岸们隔替炼汝嗜纲蓄龄灭愿玛爆新难拽碴毒抗悬卤寥徊择锋渡疮级质奄摘酞县臼料涟友挎肖鸟根蛾街征瞒均蓝泵驴舍烟棱弧炮沃丽政傀征蔚墒紫敌芜茫合理拌盘每崩遏乃叭绚涝魄逼悯脐后靛槛矛棕挛潦肪花班睦惺蠕铡羡卉鱼帛溉秦煮炼迄船稿雌郁击侧地滋搅斤清兢打们誊迂舆软膝捏汀蜡匆箕韧农渝九筒筛酝掇疤刑装碳烟粗嫉罩葡懈踌坍嫉操梁止验递皖笆畏呵申惨害饲束频娃堕椽抑灭驮臣焰妹民沤难涤久侵泅个缨史竭锯躁币聋给越菱仕递烧拖著诡讲块卜表民挎路面底基层施工一级技术交底编制日期:2009年11月10日目 录A路面底基层一级技术交底SPACING OF 100MM. C, LINE LINE LINE NEARBY. D, SPARE WIRE UNIFIED TERMINAL STRIP TERMINAL (TERMINAL STRIP AT THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL TERMINAL STRIP FROM THE HARNESS TO TERMINAL PAI END AT THE BEGINNING), LENGTH TO ENSURE AS FAR AS TER萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚1、编制依据2A路面底基层一级技术交底SPACING OF 100MM. C, LINE LINE LINE NEARBY. D, SPARE WIRE UNIFIED TERMINAL STRIP TERMINAL (TERMINAL STRIP AT THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL TERMINAL STRIP FROM THE HARNESS TO TERMINAL PAI END AT THE BEGINNING), LENGTH TO ENSURE AS FAR AS TER萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚2、工程概况2A路面底基层一级技术交底SPACING OF 100MM. C, LINE LINE LINE NEARBY. D, SPARE WIRE UNIFIED TERMINAL STRIP TERMINAL (TERMINAL STRIP AT THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL TERMINAL STRIP FROM THE HARNESS TO TERMINAL PAI END AT THE BEGINNING), LENGTH TO ENSURE AS FAR AS TER萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚3、人员、材料及机械准备情况3A路面底基层一级技术交底SPACING OF 100MM. C, LINE LINE LINE NEARBY. D, SPARE WIRE UNIFIED TERMINAL STRIP TERMINAL (TERMINAL STRIP AT THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL TERMINAL STRIP FROM THE HARNESS TO TERMINAL PAI END AT THE BEGINNING), LENGTH TO ENSURE AS FAR AS TER萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚4、 级配碎石底基层施工工艺3A路面底基层一级技术交底SPACING OF 100MM. C, LINE LINE LINE NEARBY. D, SPARE WIRE UNIFIED TERMINAL STRIP TERMINAL (TERMINAL STRIP AT THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL TERMINAL STRIP FROM THE HARNESS TO TERMINAL PAI END AT THE BEGINNING), LENGTH TO ENSURE AS FAR AS TER萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚5、工程质量保证措施8A路面底基层一级技术交底SPACING OF 100MM. C, LINE LINE LINE NEARBY. D, SPARE WIRE UNIFIED TERMINAL STRIP TERMINAL (TERMINAL STRIP AT THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL TERMINAL STRIP FROM THE HARNESS TO TERMINAL PAI END AT THE BEGINNING), LENGTH TO ENSURE AS FAR AS TER萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚5.1工程质量目标、标准和依据8a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚5.2、为确保工程质量项目部设置了质量保证机构体系10a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚6、施工安全保证措施11A路面底基层一级技术交底SPACING OF 100MM. C, LINE LINE LINE NEARBY. D, SPARE WIRE UNIFIED TERMINAL STRIP TERMINAL (TERMINAL STRIP AT THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL TERMINAL STRIP FROM THE HARNESS TO TERMINAL PAI END AT THE BEGINNING), LENGTH TO ENSURE AS FAR AS TER萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚7、文明施工环境保护12A路面底基层一级技术交底SPACING OF 100MM. C, LINE LINE LINE NEARBY. D, SPARE WIRE UNIFIED TERMINAL STRIP TERMINAL (TERMINAL STRIP AT THE TOP OF THE VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL TERMINAL STRIP FROM THE HARNESS TO TERMINAL PAI END AT THE BEGINNING), LENGTH TO ENSURE AS FAR AS TER萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚1、编制依据a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚 1、上海至成都高速公路湖北省麻城至武汉段第11合同段施工招、投标文件;a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚 2上海至成都高速公路湖北省麻城至武汉段第11合同段两阶段施工图设计文件;a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚3、上海至成都高速公路湖北省麻城至武汉段土建工程施工MWTJ11标段合同文件;a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚4、湖北麻武高速公路建设项目部和总监理工程师办公室下发的湖北麻武高速公路路面规范化施工与管理实施细则;a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚5、JTG F80/1-2004公路工程质量检验评定标准;a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚6、JTJ034-2000公路路面基层施工技术规范;a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚7、JTJ054-94公路工程石料试验规程;a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚8、GB175-1999硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥;a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚9、广东省长大公路工程有限公司工程技术质量管理办法、ISO9001质量管理体系程序文件。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚2、工程概况a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚 麻武高速第11合同段二期路面起于K0+000,终点K31+200。路基宽度设计整体式宽为26m,设计速度100公里/小时。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚本标段路面结构组合设计主线为沥青混凝土、收费站为水泥混凝土,主线桩号全长31.2公里,三座隧道共长约6.5公里,26座桥长约为8.3公里,沥青砼路面长度约为16.4公里,桥面铺装长度约为8.3公里。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚主线路面:4cm厚AC-13C细粒式(改性)沥青砼上面层+6cm厚AC-20C中粒式(改性)沥青砼中面层+8cm厚AC-25C粗粒式沥青砼下面层+8cm厚ATB-25沥青碎石上基层+0.8cm下封层+18cm厚4%水泥稳定碎石下基层+15cm厚3.5%水泥稳定碎石下基层+15cm厚级配碎石底基层。桥面铺装:4cm厚AC-13C细粒式(改性)沥青砼上面层+6cm厚AC-20C中粒式(改性)沥青砼下面层改性乳化沥青防水粘结层。主线(匝道)收费广场:28cm水泥砼面层20(18)cm4水泥稳定碎石基层20(18)cm3.5水泥稳定碎石底基层。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚3、人员、材料及机械准备情况a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚3.1、人员情况:为了保证施工过程中的有效协调和联系,项目管理人员利用原一期管理人员,项目经理为蔡宏庆同志,技术负责人为梁定同志,试验室主任刘宪海同志,底基层试验段施工配备2名现场技术人员,2名测量人员,现场机械设备调度员1名等。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚3.2、材料储备情况:我标段自配有碎石生产线,石块来源于大别山隧道,碎石生产线现正常进行生产中,我标段计划的一工区碎石来源主要是利用此台碎石生产机生产,根据近几个月的生产备料调查,此碎石生产线能满足一工区所需的碎石需求,现已备料17万方;水泥采用华新水泥。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚3.3、机械设备情况:我部已在一工区组建一台产量500t/h的水泥土拌和楼,并已完成了标定和调试,摊铺、碾压及运输设备等也已进场调试保养中,数量和性能均能满足施工要求。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚4、 级配碎石底基层施工工艺a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚4. 1一般规定a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚1、应严格控制底基层厚度和高程,其横坡应与面层一致。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚2、底基层表面高出设计标高部分应予刮出;局部标高低于验收标准之处,不得进行补贴,应铲除重铺。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚3、路面底基层施工之前,应完成中央分隔带横向排水管等预埋设施的安装。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚4、级配碎石底基层采用集中厂拌法拌和,采用摊铺机摊铺混合料。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚4. 2 级配碎石使用规范要求a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚(1) 用于级配碎石底基层的碎石采用了石质坚硬、清洁、不含风化颗粒的集料,在生产过程中严格控制针片状含量,确保集料压碎值和针片状含量能满足要求。碎石的最大粒径为31.5mm,按粒径的31.5mm16mm、16mm4.75mm、4.75mm0mm三种规格进行备料工作。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚(2) 碎石中不应有粘土块、植物等有害物质,针片状颗粒总含量不应超过18%,各项质量技术要求如下表。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚级配碎石底基层用集料质量技术要求a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚检验项目技术要求粗集料(粒径大于2.36mm)石料压碎值 不大于28针片状颗粒含量 不大于18水洗法<0.075mm颗粒含量 不大于1软石含量 不大于5细集料(粒径大于2.36mm)水洗法<0.075mm颗粒含量 不大于15液限 小于28塑性指数 小于6 (3) 级配碎石底基层级配组成设计要求如下表。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚级配碎石的颗粒组成范围a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚结构层通过下列方筛孔(mm)的重量百分率(%)31.526.5191613.29.54.752.361.连续10090-10075-9566-8859-8246-7130-5518-4013-329-256-203-130-7骨架密实10085-9566-8044-5637-4831-4128-3818-2812-208-145-113-90-64. 3级配碎石底基层配合比a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚本段采用的配合比组成设计比例根据总监办批复的为:16-31.5mm碎石:4.75-16mm碎石:0-4.75mm石屑24:32:44,其最大干密度为2.30g/cm3,最佳含水量4.5。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚4. 4 级配碎石底基层施工a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚(1) 机械配备准备: a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚RP751型号摊铺机2台、PY185平地机1台,18t单钢轮压路机1台、22t单钢轮压路机1台、25t重型轮胎压路机1台、洒水车2辆,15t自卸汽车15辆(根据具体需要适当增减)。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚(2) 施工方法a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚修整路槽:摊铺垫层之前由质检人员对已交付合格的路基进行高程、横坡度、压实度、弯沉值等的检测,并对路槽清扫、修整、洒水、碾压,邀请监理工程师旁站验收。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚测量放样:由测量班提供中边桩位置,每隔10米打标高控制桩。由测量人员按设计标高测算,标定松铺线和压实标高线。根据试验路所得结论:级配碎石底基层施工松铺系数采用1.3。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚厂拌混合料运输a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Ter萝谊檬边商芬远屿岳负份镰饮慎晃椅功堆僳猫绪汞审关桩炒座岔锋砸蝎井倾获材椿循鹿考谬亭债肋霉傲晋帖衡奴气悄馁膘抉碾吏锅详抖枉福义帛囚1、每天开工前,要检查运输车辆完好情况,装料前应将车厢清洗干净。运输车辆数量应满足拌和楼出料与摊铺速度,并略有富余。a路面底基层一级技术交底spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning),


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