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全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语语言学及英汉互译考试大纲一、考试要求掌握普通语言学的基本概念、基础理论,并能运用理论进行简单的语言结构分析。有较扎实的语言功底,较强的英汉书面表达能力,掌握并灵活运用常用英汉翻译技巧。二、考试内容1、普通语言学的定义及主要分支;2、语言的性质:语言、语言的特征、语言的功能;3、语音学(phonetics )中的基本术语;4、语素、词缀及主要构词法;5、句法结构分析;6、语义关系及语义成分分析;7、言语行为理论和会话涵义理论;8、现代语言学的主要理论和流派;9、英译汉;10、汉译英。三、题型Section A1 、术语解释 ( 20 分: 10 题)2 、填 空 ( 20 分: 20 题)3 、简答( 30 分:6 题)4 、详答( 20 分:1 题)Section B1 、英译汉 ( 30 分:一个约 250 单词的段落)2、汉译英( 30分:一个约 250 字的段落)四、参考书胡壮麟主编. 语言学教程 (修订版) . 北京大学出版社, 2002 年冯庆华 . 实用翻译教程 (第一版) . 上海外语教育出版社, 2002 年五、题型示例及参考答案Section APart I. Define the following terms briefly (20 points, 2 points each).1. Displacement2. MetalanguagePart II. Fill the blanks with proper words (20 points , 1 point each blank).1. By is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primarylevel are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.2. studies the rules governing the structure , distribution, and sequencing of speech soundsand the shape of syllables.Part III. Answer the following questions briefly(30 points, 4 points each).1 .Do you think that onomatopoeia indicates a non-arbitrary relationship between form and meaning?2 . To what extent is phonology related to phonetics and how do they differ?Part IV. . Give a detailed description of the special features of American structuralism(20 points ) .Section BPart I. E-C Translation (30 points)What social morality and social conscience leaves out is the narrower but very significant concept of honoras opposed to what is sometimes called merely “socially desirable conduct. ” Theman of honor is not content to ask merely whether this or that will hurt society, or whether it is what most people would permit themselves to do. He asks, and he asks first of all, would it hurt him and his selfrespect? Would it hishonor him personally? It was a favorite and no doubt sound argument among early twentieth-century reformers that“playing the game ” as the gentleman wassupposed to play it was not enough to make a decent society. They were right: it is not enough.But the time has come to add that it is nevertheless indispensable. I hold that it is indeed inevitable that the so-called social conscience unsupported by the concept of personal honor will create a corrupt society. But suppose that it doesn t. Suppose that no one except the individual suffers from the fact that he sees nothing wrong in doing what everybody else does. Even so, I still insist thatfor the individual himself nothing is more important than this personal, interior sense of right and wrong and his determination to follow that rather than to be guided by that everybody does or merely the criterion of “social usefulness.” It is impossible for me to imagine a good society composed of men without honor.Part II. C-E Translation (30 points)他在父亲的教导下“发愤用功”, 其实他读书还是出于喜好, 只似馋嘴佬贪吃美食:食肠很大,不择精粗,甜咸杂进。极俗的书他也能看得哈哈大笑。戏曲里的插科打诨,他不仅且看且笑,还一再搬演,笑得打跌。精微深奥的哲学、美学、文艺理论等大部著作, 他像小儿吃零食那样吃了又吃。 厚厚的书一本本渐次吃完。诗歌更是他喜好的读物。重得拿不动的大词典、辞典、百科全书等,他不仅挨着字母逐条细读, 见了新版本, 还不嫌其烦地把新条目增补在旧书上。 他看书常做些笔记。参考答案s immePart I. Define the following terms briefly (20 points, 2 points each)1 .Displacement: the ability of language to refer to contexts removed from the speakersituation.2 .Metalanguage:a language used for talking about languagePart II. Fill the blanks with proper words. (20 points, 1 point each blank)1. duality2. phonologyIII. Answer the following questions briefly(30 points, 4 points each).1 .Main points: you cannot deny that onomatopoeia needs arbitrariness. Before we feel a word is onomatopoeic we should first know which sound the word imitates.2 .Main points: Both phonetics and phonology study human speech sounds but they differ in the levels of analysis.IV. Give a detailed description of the special features of American structuralis(m 20 points) .Main points: American Structuralism is a branch of synchronic linguistics that developed in avery different style from that of Europe. While linguistics in Europe started more than twothousand years ago, linguistics in America started at the end of the nineteenth century. Whiletraditional grammar plays a dominant role in Europe , it has little influence in America. Whilemany European languages have their own historical traditions and cultures, English is thedominant language in America, where there is no such a tradition as in Europe. In addition, the pioneer scholars in America were faced with the urgent task of recording the rapidly perishing native American Indian languages because there was no written record of them. However, these languages were characterized by features of vast diversity and differences which are rarely found in other parts of the world. To record and describe these exotic languages, it is probably better not to have any presuppositions about the nature of language in general. This explains why there was not much development in linguistic theory during this period but a lot of discussion on descriptive procedures. (10%)Structuralism is based on the assumption that grammatical categories should be defined not in terms of meaning but in terms of distribution, and that the structure of each language should be described without reference to the alleged universality of such category as tense, mood and parts of speech. Firstly, structural grammar describes everything that is found in a language instead of laying down rules. However, its aim is confined to the description of languages, without explaining why language operates the way it does. Secondly, structural grammar is empirical , aiming at objectivity in the sense that all definitions and statements should be verifiable or refutable. However, it has produced almost no complete grammars comparable to any comprehensive traditional grammars. Thirdly, structural grammar examines all languages, recognizing and doing justice to the uniqueness of each language. But it does not give an adequate treatment of meaning. Lastly, structural grammar describes even the smallest contrasts that underlie any construction or use of a language, not only those discoverable in some particular use. (10%)Section BPart I. E-C Translation (30 points)社会道德与社会良心遗漏的是较狭义却非常重要的荣誉概念 是与有时被称为仅是“社会方面可取的行为” 相对的。 有荣誉心的人不是只问这个或那个会不会伤害到社会、 或 这是不是大多数人会允许自己做的, 就可以心满意足。他要问,而且首先要问,这会不会伤害他与他的自尊心?这会不会令他个人蒙羞?在20 世纪早期改革者之间,说按照绅士应该玩的规则来 “玩游戏” 并不就足够造成规规矩矩的社会, 乃是一个受偏爱且无疑是确实的论的时候了。点。 他们是对的: 但这样不够。 可是现在到了再加上 “这么做毕竟是绝对必要的”但假设我坚信没有个人荣誉概念支持的社会良心将会造成腐化的社会乃是的的确确难免的。并不会如此。 假设除了个人之外没有人会受到 “做一件人人都做的事没什么错” 这项事实之苦?即便如此, 我仍然坚持, 对个人自身而言, 没什么事的重要性可以超过个人内心的是非感, 可以超过自己决心追随这个是非感, 而不去跟随芸芸众生之行径或仅仅是所谓 “社会功能”这类准则。没有荣誉感的人能构成好的社会是我无从想象的。Part II. C-E Translation (30 points)It seemed that he began exerting himself in his studies because of his father s remonstrations, butactually he studied for the love of it. He liked to study like a glutton greedy for food, his gullet being so large that he would accept whatever food he set his eyes on, refined or coarse, sweet or salty. Even books of the poorest taste could set him guffawing. He would laugh when taking in impromptu comic gestures and remarks during a drama, and he beside himself with joy when repeatedly reliving what he had seen. Huge tomes about profound and abstruse theories on philosopher, aesthetics, and literature and art would be devoured by him like a young child nibbling between meals, and he would nibble at these books one after another no matter howthick they were. Poetry is an even greater favorite of his. He loves to peruse large dictionaries and encyclopedias, some of which are so heavy you can hardly hold them in your hands he not only reads them entry by entry, but upon coming across new editions, he would go to great lengths to copy the new entries into the old editions. He often takes notes while reading.


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