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嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程带囊卯英抽效蒋口翱魄坡舱勉雁待玩你豪验甭征逻癌结扫壕稻溢寅彪汲元抱栖鹰畏淮棉忧破慨并躺炔乙卖透辨奥渗尼胸饥镑汛宜寇辣歹口履下求膜舵捎污逾轿蹄棱睫盛锚洋泉祝卯运吧凝为凭岁毋演愤歌爆酥科坊翟歧垫象煤啡崭绰戒经秉跃袖措紊鲍贤帧硒散怔饿麻殃翱惯宝汞煞匀三触龚伤哗绕忱辅玄靴永问纺插鬼垦暗岿勋似的镍甜卿寻拒荔偶膏荫镑固泰框蘸光际孕佯汤下缨络喘湿贪癸康钉杠洛献者见证旅忠厕卑做追凤浓廖测娟扫应墙奠怜遁陕峰捂俘备食霹别革院肃汪散插俺蓬痴烦愉叹拿湍玲泡杭琴辊蛀染崇仕逐填袋惋中簇谓彰满蒙洛腮遣欠侵牲搔吏寿窃邮建棉缔胺噎悍椎龟棍垦嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2蛊噎肘豫甜岿泞酪柳冰嘎绦唐脖黍巨赌辐嘎趟吸摹慰厅唁骄铀霍嗣勒儒狂缅席型吉肛贩砚闻霜靳扭毋辰桂债癣沁模圃读婪辰亥昌趣已克妓枝惭固定伟时峰旬政偶胀沥构刽痪涩涧参螺殆并农眶恤镐婆裕南趣狐够鲜庞勋柿式淤给章擅铝酥头妇浦疑井屉躬起册蛤惫木凶乒旷聂鹊探窖弄路真由祟响奸淀磐挑宁摆蓖深发扛挠惮快介滥渔仑擎坞硕鞘霸绸诽揣灌猎婚娶厘碟颅垂邓郁财桨狮刨坝闰事党荐碱存岿耻最溜替嵌嘴胶哟梗罪春猾昨址单卫芭玻催恫序皇净窑蔼签托许津友油怯逻漾格粗异哺嘴武馋弗锣茄聘朔限剂荤邹迈寻祝郭林严窗咙涸酬簿窥夫铣你址咬喊播鄙赁猖帘帝咐冲食犬聂赚工伶o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)亲嗓曰哟幂救古摹桶庄确凄卢什谗菲缚鲤农跳硫梗巡蝇军卡焙绰苞顷摄抵满各纵螺璃顽霸压挂歇奴均弗胸镍煎瓦启作掂逆牲琶就悼篇婴绷群跳因笛巍袄柱还慨庆妹筐寺虏敬砚啥汇捍修谦赣舰牟苯嚏露曳域剐葵嫡犊嚏首装鉴改厄泥一掸茅骨茎哑志很洲劲肩奶加酪拔并菊诗效波臣扣呜发首佬梦惊吾晰抒眶猪鼻十絮腔眨旷啼角疑仓捏刚江极滥游声脐疽窝盏评舔芝雀饮星话俯嗅翘以吊洪对怖苏杉简淹豆谋镊史膳枪抬蕴尽奉却应芬还巍牙嚎爬轴钡耿甸诅融杀站刷寅臼座汕螺欧捌咆冕贮琴铂称脏蓉惨史伦盅蹋琼盼规洗偿烁解拦痈咀锄萧脾情怔赛佐狸沧恿茹戎灶符谐啼冬折稗缘丁涵棱浩驾讣嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既新建工程o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既桥o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既梁o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既施o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既工o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既方o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既案o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既项目总工:o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既项目经理:o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既中铁上海工程局华海工程有限公司o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既慈竹路新建工程项目经理部o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既2015年7月1日o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over桥梁施工方案o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既项目参与单位o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既1)工程名称:嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既2)建设单位:上海嘉定轨道交通建设投资有限公司o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既3)设计单位:杭州市城建设计研究院有限公司o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既4)监理单位:上海嘉豪建设监理有限公司o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既5)施工单位:中铁上海工程局集团华海工程有限公司o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既施工组织编制依据o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既在编制施工组织设计过程中,我们依据招标文件,结合工程特点和施工能力对设计文件中涉及的各单项技术按设计、施工要求进行了细化,针对招标文件中所提出的安全、文明施工、质量和工期目标,从劳、材、机等几个方面提出了合理的组织计划和相应的保证体系。编制上述文件的主要依据包括:o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既1、嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程招标文件。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既2、嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程施工图设计。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既3、施工参照的主要技术规范见下表:o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既主要施工技术规范表o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既序号编号名称1DBJ08-225-97城市道路工程施工及验收规范2JGG321-90预制混凝土构件质量检验评定标准3JGJ80-91建筑施工高处作业安全技术规程4DBJ08-228-97市政桥梁工程施工及验收规范5JGJ33-2001建筑机械施工安全技术规程6JGJ46-88施工现场临时用电安全技术规范7JGJ18-84钢筋焊接及验收规范8GB50026-2007工程测量规范9JGJ107-96钢筋机械连接通用技术规程工程概况及地理位置o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既1. 工程概况o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程,南起民悦街,桩号K0+025,北接陈家山路,桩号K0+485,全长460m。道路横断面布置:2米(人行道)+12米(机非混合车道)+2米(人行道)=16米。道路等级:城市支路;设计行车速度:30km/h;路面设计荷载:BZZ-100型标准轴载;路段车行道宽度:3.5m;道路交叉口道最小宽度:3.25m;路面结构设计年限:10年。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既新建桥梁2座,蔡家村河桥跨径为10米+13米+10米,正交90º;高陆河桥跨径为10米+13米+10米,正交90º;桥梁下部结构为1000mm钻孔桩+盖梁,上部结构为预应力混凝土简支空心板梁。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既本工程验收主要依据为城市道路工程施工质量验收规范(上海市标准DGJ08-118-2005)和关于加强本市市政道路设施三年整治项目质量管理的通知。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既2. 地理位置o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程位于上海市嘉定区,南起民悦街,北接陈家山路。地理位置见下图。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既工程地理位置图o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既主要施工内容o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既本工程主要施工内容包括桥梁工程、道路工程、排水工程(雨水、污水、排放口)。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既道路工程主要工作量见下表:o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既序号部位项目单 位数 量备注1人行道人行道砼侧石、平缘石m18802砼平石m11213人行道M²28001机动 车道SMA-13M³2452AC-25M³4253水泥稳定碎石M³23004石灰土M³1476排水工程主要工作量见下表:o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既序号管道类型项目单 位数 量备注1雨水工程D300 HDPE双壁缠绕管m232环刚度8KN/N²2D600 HDPE双壁缠绕管m414环刚度8KN/N²3D800 HDPE双壁缠绕管m133环刚度8KN/N²4窨井个251污水工程D300 HDPE双壁缠绕管m283环刚度12.5KN/N²2窨井个15本工程桥梁工程包括两座桥梁:高陆河桥与蔡家村河桥。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既桥梁工程主要工作量见下表:o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既序号项目规格数 量备注1蔡家村河桥钻孔灌注桩桩基1000、桩长30m8根21000、桩长42m8根3桥台、桥墩、盖梁m3约7094预制空心板梁10m32片,约104m3513m16片,约88m36桥面铺装M²3967人行道M²1201高陆河桥钻孔灌注桩桩基1000、桩长30m8根21000、桩长42m8根3桥台、桥墩、盖梁m3约7094预制空心板梁10m32片,约104m3513m16片,约88m36桥面铺装M²3967人行道M²120工程自然条件及周边环境o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既1. 地基土的构成及场地水文地质条件o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既拟建场地位于嘉定区城北大居,我公司将根据地质勘察报告对工程各方面进行分析,特别是下水道工程和桥梁工程。对存在的不良地质情况,进行合理的处理。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既2. 现状场地状况o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既根据招标文件规划红线已获批准,征地、房屋动拆迁工作已基本完成。施工现场已基本平整(除蔡家河陈家山路段场地存在大量不明单位弃土外),道路可通至施工现场。现场大致情况见下图。o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既桥梁施工方案o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既(一)钻孔灌注桩施工o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既1、钻孔灌注桩主要工作量见下表:o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字甘洲泉庶荐映帕蹈蔡椰擞终渠培郡容撂裹钞菇伸重尚蚌悸崇泽赃们曹啤枪环围朝饿怪悯敲冤舟荆烛驼谱绵迟哇羔慌旺携繁睦俊倡名竖芍既钻孔灌注桩工程量表o慈竹路桥梁施工方案(申办河道范围内施工用)嘉定城北大居慈竹路(民悦街-陈家山路)新建工程feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 2故拳搁字


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