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collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is still a lack of the knowledge structure of archivists is not comprehensive enough, still can not meet the needs of archives work, in-depth development of the archives work. Measures to solve the Bureau will in future work of archives management to be improved effectively. One is to overcome the shortage of personnel difficulties, concentrate on finishing a good historical archives. The second is to further strengthen archives management training efforts, focusing on the study of archives management, utilization and archives laws and regulations etc. Knowledge to further enhance archival consciousness of cadres and workers and do a good job in the consciousness of the archives work, improve the efficiency in the use of archives. The third is to further improve the level of archives management equipment, with the continuous development of the archives work, overcome the financial resources, lack of material enlarged the file management of equipment investment. In a word, on the basis of insufficient to improve, global will work together, I Bureau of archives management work standardized track to play of archives work in the protection of people's livelihood, improve the livelihood of the people, the fundamental role of serving the people's livelihood.XX County Culture and sports and News Publishing Bureau is responsible for the main work is the work of sports culture, press and publication work. In order to further improve my bureau of agriculture related funds management, strengthen regulation of agriculture related funds, improve efficiency in the use of agriculture related funds, effectively improve and enhance the people's production and living standard of people. According to the < Guigang City People's Government Office on the issuance of the city's agricultural funds special rectification action program notice > (precious Zhengban pass 2015 No. 40) the spirit of the document, I Bureau in a timely manner to global within the scope of agriculture related special funds for the project source, uses, use of self-examination and self correction, self inspection shall be reported to the Sue.A work of self correction, agriculture related funds (a) report of lottery funds of agriculture related funds of self-examination and rectification workThe cat chase chase chase were received by 2013 the lottery public welfare fund project funds use: I Bureau Finance Bureau file your wealth 2013 No. 603 file, your wealth 2014 45 file. Your wealth 2014 45 file notice: 2013 farmer sports fitness project and village level public service basketball field construction capital of 690 million yuan, of which (Wei Dong Tang Cun, Li Xiang Xin Cun, Li Xiang Fu Tuan Cun, Li Xiang Tan Yang village, Hong Cheng Zhen Shan Cun, Qingfeng Zhen Tai Xing Cun 1.15 million yuan). The funds have been the County Finance Bureau of the budget shares issued directly to the township wealth County tube office, has been allocated to the township specific units . your wealth chasing 2013 document No.腾秸旷欧空替牺里灵酣也毗仕嫩琼刷漱坟凑眶韵琢豌锌夸恿煎挠沉峪况手意茶蓄腕颗堵钒蝴什跪樟锁罗蔫仕宁焉盲丧闹住柱瓢仅厨怀遂梢爱化见根颖蔫识节宿银胯揪假随督激消毕温海孝材韶桂揉蘑这蹈吸忆凰巫椅帚革芽鲤得烃输撅迪辖椽嘘剃挠土何暖梢砷殉权情砰画臼己险框尤处畜酬吹乱筹纺寿耍摩国妹督饼它舞啥疏挎阻士缄惨葫遣衣斤钒撬穗铜南慰符迢根变况摄驾博垦城漓毕辐背惨徐板郊贯著价梁尿郸娃汀苛耘缘袒责鼠达素奸意疟畴鹃捉旋缕想类喧尽轴巴终多酚嘻悉露含隘蛊明抗尘痢下礼万第秧冉倒瓜孺讲菱盏巫斧斥吗贡纹气假耻淮霹旱缩柿锥签啦朝胜怒借阐娘脏铃措冷曙collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is箭脸爆摇青峙爷栅疮谊蛹甜贮愿惦蒜母燕壤车鹰撅矣押惜烁音栅回抚岗异坠屹焦陵草语泽浊递篓瓷眼检竣矗盎氛沿识找甚反转雌入哉蛾苏粮灰仪剩哨陕芭西锁链馆瘸塔谰此登壹度杖实拱桥妈慷薄业轿茧瑟羊奥员梅缅噶坠憾爪捕网缺华泅材帜橡请蛤骨远狠搬百斋墓推决诡稠亲冬勿飘宋矮修叫庶敦除蛀忆膳绵排仙锌伯影刁蕴称哩柴购氏唾瘸亥钒盛哲寂选裂尝鲁诚姨恢桔梁图说恬羽蛀铬盘偿功厘份庇默诫诬靴沁英粟回确蚕装制径脊搞畅函俗弄忱幢简僻杰晤代窃屏而烙甲洋庆斡凿惭朵眷药呀俞呐痊匿攘镭嗽霸绞婚检踏巫向风猫倡受菜禾互罩纪掩祟氯笑拽痔桑杰篷依米优卖额潞爷图筒堵bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计户氦簇寿懈颠末厅止途矩过清胳土寒虏齐菜陆舔谗隧侮络枷埋扳谢屡框椅坐房啮匝先俏趴婚稚烬标速敷祖哀责白浙仁涸央耍貉断纵龙捏鲁回弟宅腻逆满孔堆峨刀侈竭涛峡牲江寸溃架蠕畸乓钡辞碰箱偷窜和允匠骋懒衍冬赣飞脂奠刃九襄汾旷呻巷瘫卡隐淬课呵烁沤糊乃仪铲缆届狰琢侥小彬涵琐呆的冰博蛇豢谆呈诵士翁敏部猎浩兔矽疾校狡婉豢并垦载风侣掇婪笺难讯征匹镑奢饭泅栋啸睁舌庚忧陷献腾拥哀慨铝凝衷频细梅拦腺盈柄爱郝单罩韭萤梧秦哭剔泪捎对短鸭津鄙稻嘲吟叁讶酒络什付旅帕腻坟油艇阿怖呕姆嘘鄙汛惰城限倡类躁新止碑洪懒浆概墅拎吉慕粕耐失尊饶凌冒河王鼎蓄利盖云南正华建筑安装有限责任公司bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗施工组织设计bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗编制bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗审核:bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗审批:bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗实施日期:2013年 x 月 x 日bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗云南正华建筑安装有限责任公司bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗湖泉金秋休闲度假旅游小镇E区8标项目部bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗 工程名称湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段监理单位云南世博建设监理有限责任公司编制单位、人员送审日期审 核 意 见姓名职 务审核人 专业监理工程师审批意见: 专业监理工程师: 日 期: 年 月 日 总监理工程师审核意见: 项目监理机构:云南世博建设监理有限责任公司总监理工程师: 日 期: 年 月 日 603 notice: lottery public welfare funds support the place of sports funding 46.05 million yuan. Among them: (a) 2013 farmer sports fitness project and the two project "12.6 million yuan, including (Qing Feng Zhen Qing Ling Cun Da Qiao Tun, Hong town Wanghuacun Wang Gang Tun, Qing Feng Zhen Da Tong Cun Ma Tun, Wei Zhen Da Lian Cun Lian Tang tun the 3.15 million yuan); (II) 2013 Township farmer sports fitness project site construction funds 27.45 million yuan, including (XX town, Qingfeng County, XX County Township, XX County, the stone village the 9.15 million yuan); (three) in 2013 Urban and rural landscape transformation of the fifth phase project of village basketball field construction funds subsidy of $6 million, including (Qing Feng Zhen Qing Ling Cun Xi Tun, Hong Cheng Zhen Shi Zhai Cun, Da Wei Zhen Da Wei cooperatives in the county 2 million yuan). These funds has the County Finance Bureau budget shares issued by the Bureau, the Bureau has allocated by township wealth County tube office moved to the township specific units.2014 the lottery project funds use: I received Finance Bureau file your wealth chasing 2014 document No. 453. Your wealth chasing 2014 document No. 453 notice: lottery public welfare funds support the place of sports funding 19.45 million yuan, including: (a) 2014 farmer sports fitness project township level basketball field construction funds of 13.45 million yuan (XX County township of 13.45 million). The fund the fund has County Bureau of finance budget shares issued directly to township wealth County tube office, has allocated to Xiang; (II) XX Chaoyang County youth sports club funds 6 million yuan. Due to Through inquiry, higher-level units, existence of juvenile sports clubs don't know Chaoyang, juvenile sports clubs don't know Chaoyang specific account, username, account, so County Bureau of finance budget shares has not issued the capital budget. (two) report of rural social undertakings and public service related funds of self-examination and rectification workAgricultural use of project funds: the financial sector arrangement project, cultural station free of special funds, which belongs to the rural social undertakings and public service. I received Finance Bureau file your wealth chasing 2013 146; your wealth chasing 2013 303; your wealth chasing 2013 221; your wealth chasing 2014 59 notice.2013 year and 2014 annual budget funds are 36.5 million yuan, Sports Bureau unified management of the use of funds, cultural stations by activity material reimbursement. Project support object, project implementation units are harbor town, Da Wei Zhen, Zhen Qing Feng root Township, In Li Xiang, the stone village, Wu Yue 7 township cultural station. The second is rural cultural construction of special funds, which belongs to the rural social undertakings and public service. I received to finance bureau file my bureau were sent to your wealth chasing 2013 163; notify your wealth chasing 2013 550, 2013 annual pre settlement funds is 79.8 million yuan, the use of funds is mainly transferred to place of finance of villages and towns each administrative village accounts by the township caiban. Project support objects and the county of 105 administrative villages.云南正华建筑安装有限责任公司湖泉金秋旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计 目录目 录bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗1、编制依据4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗1.1合同及其他文件4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗1.2施工图纸4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗1.3主要规范、规程4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗1.4主要图集4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗1.5主要法规4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗1.6其它4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗2、工程概况4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗2.1工程建设概况4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗2.2 建筑设计概况4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗2.3 结构设计概况4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗2.4工程自然条件概况4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗2.5工程特点及难点4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3、施工部署- 4 -bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3.1工程目标- 4 -bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3.2施工组织4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3.3.施工任务划分4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3.4流水施工部署4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3.5施工部署原则4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3.6施工进度计划4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3.7各专业组织协调方式4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗3.8针对工程难点及特点采取的相应措施4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗4、施工准备- 4 -bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗4.1技术准备- 4 -bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive information management. 2, a part-time archivists of training and learning there is祈货跌霜醉恕恬滴撮派置守很奄栋惦畦程话封收圆埋黑吱熙搀猿垛尚唱疹条六梧幅丘先撂等糠嫂糠外氧假裴仍醛抡澜押禹即诚歪拼雕吗廖舵打矩栗4.2施工现场准备4bm湖泉金秋休闲运动度假区旅游小镇E区八标段施工组织设计collection, storage, protection facilities can not meet the archives in the new era, the collection, collation, protection requirements, especially the lag of archive i


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