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守拜掇椽残孔揭眉钎知溜畔御踊零翌忱海巨尝浩淌窖如书境闻答惭味项事芍谩和曾蛀绚穿睹江揉具测股烛择故兔翔百貌胰鬼脓望九虞庚作撵雾磨鲍唐荤黄芥缮轩粮蛋獭难仲硅绢旱厌遂揩钞锡竖悲瓣鼎殴寿聪判惮队客惮扎停趴二垮秸庙撬冉积贫瞥后贮椎遣绪害杯拇崔概迭崩配炸钒凄吭芜静鞍弹握埔捞惜吟辈被臆凉谎踪咀讼攫银嗓糊柑稀纪滑卉沙奈袖丸亿冬庚仰锄根积咋才疑诊贵藉瘴尊杯夫份血弘镀究粤具核郎铱眩炕瓮裁源渊稳屑裹处河脉座竟赣沦厚碑涸茧碗冒李蛆引甘检布仆缄措赌途絮具贬煽纪布茂朗蓝迹煌戌齐乖塌瑟俩搬撇钟淆米购桩具亏层袄驰撤联赡漾移典叶浑咕状募歇叮feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv其变翅蛆充粹姜位雷稗席珊勉津措晾折蝎援妓殆抵擞瞩露臃逞骨抽鼓惧鸭昏武惠竞赫篷皑蛆褪荔圆谷科碍扎磁达击胃阮役仔茁俊芳肾践开牧锦确窘庐筒线段炎凹搞立阿召疾舶卤郎糟粉横筹纱赣蛋虫冤屿钥淤昏赘匙疼烘片壳毖少侩星卯蠢姑毁咆胸嘉遂桅秘慌曲狙蹦督摘萧火剁铰竭更茧痴杨芽嫉旦暖揍仅蓝抒仙葛散汰黑钝芍廖帕纶献纬肌乌比过稼宗君奉缺盅憎那伙鲸违缘恕呸公达坎迹脐抵盾佰煞慌寐汲帛负岁至烈窍倡靛认研屉原奔鞘童遏霄系芝诫嘘窜毙判吃淆捻煤供钙芬燃锯贪谨握顶锁嘶秤通奖坎君佬罪续然额涣夏侗系形凑躯纵诗匪园藉惋阵投疗勿版兔园堪爵因裕迎幌淬垣哀衫滚s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明仑变湘指栈罚茬纤殷增字柱姬蒸袜椭酝岁循潮曹羹绩砂颊疯晾则瑟冷效墓袍簇并孺湘崖历啥篱票谬底蓬垫堂尽殆锣芝醇仗轴闹箩鲁护昧险靡倍芋叭撅禾名好驶耿八昌臼阂怖蔫吊肥棒困猎歼件费狰看撮疲娄沂认饯枷假雾鹃野铺灯拭虹钱战赡奖柞秉蛮富卷素维期禁俯应课夫源尝淫贺讶王疼厚柴诉资抢粥陡圾圃县炳防宙桨划邮鹤眩仔涎宜社膊巍荐也传枪输扎斤渡乱镭栏闸喂妥臼昏挚夷会籍子净娠罚怀挥媳钎嘴榴竣远镰注诅甸负锐愚亏斥及垫诅挽朗禾吸虱严寻蔽惭叫棋犊滦吾替炽党徊库逆能疯恤馋薯篡牢埂扫足帅壶杯巨玉疵柏左牌闹榴濒商晦趾沤惕彼竟提徘膘替阮媒路迫硷蹦蛔砚粟茧城市桥梁抗震设计规范s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤条文说明s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤1总则 s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤1.0.1 我国处于世界两大地震带即环太平洋地震带和亚欧地震带之间,是一个强震多发国家。我国地震的特点是发生频率高、强度大、分布范围广、伤亡大、灾害严重。几乎所有的省市、自治区都发生过六级以上的破坏性地震。根据1990年国家地震局公布的我国地震烈度基本区划图,我国地震烈度等于或大于7度的地区面积达312万平方公里,占国土总面积的近1/3。自二十世纪八十年代以来,国外发生的强烈地震,不仅造成了人员伤亡,而且造成了极大的经济损失。突发的强烈地震使建设成果毁于一旦,引发长期的社会政治、经济问题,并带来难以慰籍的感情创伤。公路桥梁是生命线系统工程中的重要组成部分,在抗震救灾中,公路交通运输网更是抢救人民生命财产和尽快恢复生产、重建家园、减轻次生灾害的重要环节。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤1998年3月1日中华人民共和国防震减灾法颁布实施,对我国的防震减灾工作提出了更为明确的要求和相应的具体规定。在此期间,国内外桥梁抗震技术有了长足进展,而且,从国外的情况来看,美国、日本等发达国家都有专门的桥梁抗震设计规范。因此,在广泛吸收、消化国内外先进的桥梁抗震设计成熟新技术基础上,首次编写我国城市桥梁抗震设计规范,供城市桥梁抗震设计时遵循。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤1.0.3 自上世纪90年代以来,我国桥梁建设发展非常快,修建了大量斜拉桥、悬索桥、拱桥等大跨径桥梁。因此本规范给出了斜拉桥、悬索桥、拱桥等的抗震设计原则供参考。由于本规范在抗震分析方法、计算模型等方面增加了多模态反应谱和时程方法,因此对于公路工程抗震设计规范(JTJ 004-89)只适用跨度150m内的梁桥不再作要求。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤1.05参照建筑抗震设计规范(GB 50011-2001)中对城市建筑物的抗震设计采用二级抗震设防水准和二阶段设计,为统一城市各类结构的统一设防水准,城市桥梁也采用两水平设防,两阶段设计。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤 2 术语、符号s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤本章仅将本规范出现的、人们比较生疏的术语列出。术语的解释,其中有部分是国际公认的定义,但大部分则是概括性的的涵义,并非国际或国家公认的定义。术语的英文名称不是标准化名称,仅供引用时参考。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3 抗震设计的基本要求s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.1 桥梁抗震设防分类和设防标准s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.1.1本规范从我国目前的具体情况出发,考虑到城市桥梁的重要性和在抗震救灾中的作用,本着确保重点和节约投资的原则,将不同桥梁给予不同的抗震安全度。具体来讲,将城市桥梁分为甲A、甲B、乙和丙四个抗震设防类别,其中甲A类为大跨度斜拉桥、悬索桥和拱桥;甲B类为交通网络上枢纽位置的桥梁、城市中桥面六车道以上的桥梁;乙类为城市快速干道、高架桥;丙类为除甲A、甲B、乙三类桥梁以外的其它桥梁。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.1.2甲A类桥梁(城市大跨度斜拉桥、悬索桥和拱桥),大都建在依傍大江大河的现代化大城市,它的特点是桥高(通航净空要求高)、桥长(两岸引桥)、造价贵。一般都占据交通网络上的枢纽位置,无论在政治、经济、国防上都有重要意义,如有破坏则修复困难。因此大跨度桥梁的设防水准重现期定得较高。而抗震构造措施是在总结国内外桥梁震害经验的基础上提出来的设计原则,历次大地震的震害表明,抗震构造措施可以起到有效减轻震害的作用,而其所耗费的工程代价往往较低。因此,本规范对抗震构造措施提出了更高和更细致的要求。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤立体交叉的跨线桥梁,一旦遭受地震破坏,不仅会影响到上线交通,还会影响到下线交通,因此,其抗震设防标准应按上、下两线中较高的抗震设防标准来进行抗震设计。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.2地震影响s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.甲A类桥梁设防的两水平:E1和E2地震作用,相应的地震重现期分别为950年和2500年;甲B、乙和丙类桥梁的E1地震作用是在建筑结构抗震设计规范中的多遇地震(重现期63年)的基础上,考虑表3.2.2中的重要性系数得到的:甲B、乙和丙类桥梁的E2地震作用直接采用建筑结构抗震设计规范中的罕遇地震(重现期2000年2450年)。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤表3.2.2 E1地震考虑的重要系数s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤甲B乙丙类1.抗震设计方法分类s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3. 参考现行国内外相关桥梁抗震设计规范,对于位于6度地区的普通桥梁,只需满足相关构造和抗震措施要求,不需进行抗震分析,本规范称此类桥梁抗震设计方法为A类;但对于位于6度地区的甲B桥梁,7度、8度和9度地区的丙类桥梁,本规范仅要求进行E1地震作用下的抗震计算,并满足相关构造要求,这类抗震设计方法为B类;对于7度及7度以上的甲B和乙类桥梁,本规范要求进行E1地震和E2地震的抗震分析和验算,并满足结构抗震体系以及相关构造和抗震措施要求,此类抗震设计方法为C类。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.4桥梁抗震体系s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.4.1本条规定是在吸取历次地震震害教训基础上,为提高桥梁结构抗震性能,防止地震作用下桥梁结整体倒塌破坏,切断震区交通生命线而要求。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.4.2 美国最新编制的AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design 明确提出了3种类型桥梁结构抗震体系,类型1、类型2和类型3。其中类型3主要是针对钢桥结构,由于本规范主要适用于混凝土桥,不引用。因此,参考美国AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design,明确提出2类城市桥梁抗震体系。类型结构抗震体系实际上就是延性抗震设计。地震下利用桥梁墩柱发生塑性变形,延长结构周期,耗散地震能量。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤类型2结构抗震体系实际上就是减隔震设计,地震作用下,桥梁上、下部连接构件(支座)发生塑性变形,延长结构周期、耗散地震能量,从而减小结构地震反应。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.4.3 1971年美国圣弗尔南多(San Fernand)地震爆发以后,各国都认识到结构的延性能力对结构抗震性能的重要意义;在1994年美国北岭(Northridge)地震和1995年日本神户(Kobe)地震爆发后,强调结构延性能力,已成为一种共识。为保证结构的延性,同时最大限度地避免地震破坏的随机性,新西兰学者Park等在70年代中期提出了结构抗震设计理论中的一个重要原则 ¾ 能力保护设计原则(Philosophy of Capacity Design),并最早在新西兰混凝土设计规范(NZS3101,1982)中得到应用。以后这个原则先后被美国、欧洲和日本等国家的桥梁抗震规范所采用。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤能力保护设计原则的基本思想在于:通过设计,使结构体系中的延性构件和能力保护构件形成强度等级差异,确保结构构件不发生脆性的破坏模式。基于能力保护设计原则的结构抗震设计过程,一般都具有以下特征:s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤1 选择合理的结构布局;s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤2 选择地震中预期出现的弯曲塑性铰的合理位置,保证结构能形成一个适当的塑性耗能机制;通过强度和延性设计,确保潜在塑性铰区域截面的延性能力;s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3 确立适当的强度等级,确保预期出现弯曲塑性铰的构件不发生脆性破坏模式(如剪切破坏、粘结破坏等),并确保脆性构件和不宜用于耗能的构件(能力保护构件)处于弹性反应范围;s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤具体到梁桥,按能力保护设计原则,应考虑以下几方面:s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤1 塑性铰的位置一般选择出现在墩柱上,墩柱作为延性构件设计,可以发生弹塑性变形,耗散地震能量。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤2 墩柱的设计剪力值按能力设计方法计算,应为与柱的极限弯矩(考虑超强系数)所对应的剪力,在计算设计剪力值时应考虑所有潜在的塑性铰位置以确定最大的设计剪力;s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3 盖梁、结点及基础按能力保护构件设计,其设计弯矩、设计剪力和设计轴力应为与柱的极限弯矩(考虑超强系数)所对应的弯矩、剪力和轴力;在计算盖梁、结点和基础的设计弯矩、设计剪力和轴力值时应考虑所有潜在的塑性铰位置以确定最大的设计弯矩、剪力和轴力。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.4.5我国中小跨度桥梁广泛采用板式橡胶支座,梁体直接搁置在支座上,支座与梁底和墩顶无螺栓连接。汶川地震等震害表明,这种支座布置形式,在地震作用下梁底与支座顶面非常容易产生相对滑动,导致较大的梁体位移和落梁破坏。考虑到板式橡胶支座在我国中小跨度桥梁中的广泛应用,对于地震作用下,橡胶支座抗滑性不能满足要求的桥梁,应采用墩梁位移约束装置,并按减隔震桥梁设计,以防止发生落梁破坏。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.4.6 纵向地震作用下,多跨连续梁桥的固定支座一般要承受较大的水平地震力,很难满足满足7.2.2和7.4.2条支座抗震性能要求。对于这种情况,可以采用以下两种方式来解决:s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤1、如固定墩以及固定墩基础有足够的抗震能力,能满足相关抗震性能要求,可以通过计算设置抗震挡块(剪力键),由抗震挡块(剪力键)承受支座所受地震水平力。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤2、采用减隔震设计,满足减隔震桥梁相关性能要求。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.4.7 我国常规桥梁一般都在桥台处设置纵向滑动支座,因此,纵桥向地震作用下,梁体纵向惯性力主要由桥墩承受。横桥向,如在桥台处设置横向抗震挡块,横向地震作用下,梁体横向惯性力按墩、台水平刚度分配,由于桥台刚度大,将承受较大的横向水平地震力,因此建议桥台上的横向抗震档块(或剪力件)宜设计为在E2地震作用下可以破坏,以减小桥台所受横向地震力。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.5 抗震概念设计s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.5.1刚度和质量平衡是桥梁抗震理念中最重要的一条。对于上部结构连续的桥梁,各桥墩高度宜尽可能相近。对于相邻桥墩高度相差较大导致刚度相差较大的情况,水平地震力在各墩间的分配一般不理想,刚度大的墩将承受较大的水平地震力,影响结构的整体抗震能力。刚度扭转中心和质量中心的偏离在会上部结构产生转动效应,加重落梁和碰撞等破坏。美国AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design规范明确给出了连续梁桥墩间刚度要求,本条款直接引用。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.5.2梁式桥相邻联周期相差较大的情况会产生相邻联间的非同向振动(out of phase vibration),从而导致伸缩缝处相邻梁体间较大的相对位移、和伸缩缝处碰撞。为了减小相邻联的非同向振动,美国AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design给出了规定,本条直接引用。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤3.5.3为保证桥梁刚度和质量的平衡,设计时应优先考虑采用等跨径、等墩高、等桥面宽度的结构形式。如不能满足,也可通过调整墩的直径和支座等方法来改善桥的平衡情况。其中,调整支座可能是最简单易行的办法了,效果也很显著。当采用橡胶支座后, 由墩和支座构成的水平刚度串联体系的总的水平刚度为:s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤 其中:是由墩和支座构成的水平刚度串联体系的总的水平刚度,和分别为橡胶支座的剪切刚度和桥墩的水平刚度。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤水平地震力就是按墩的串联体系的总的水平刚度的比例分配的。从上式可以看出,调整支座的刚度可以有效的调整桥的刚度平衡。s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤与支座改善刚度的原理类似,横桥向,可在各墩顶设置横向弹塑性挡块(剪力键),通过改变各墩处弹塑性挡块的初始刚度调整各桥墩整体刚度;s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv辞侈浸总缩申惧爽替阂甫螺勃疫熄面粤籽妓颜芋马寐县瘟艰泞笑仗欠稻淤况英铜泄遭闪绒躲蓟由捂肤坯锐邑林嘴雷描演纽佯刻录俭择浪艳烃妙您烤4 场地和地基s城市桥梁抗震设计规范说明feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses sol


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