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bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandable. "Collectors see Vulgaris, Gong Lian first difficulties", said was probably associated with the human. But for party members and leading cadres, and not swayed by personal considerations, fairness, should be the most basic requirements. Over the years, some leading cadres are only emotions, not principled, even put people above all else, above all, human above the interests of the people and the party discipline and state laws. On spouse, and children, and relatives and side staff proposed of not reasonable requirements, due Yu sensibilities, knows not, also not refused to; on they of errors not criticism, and not education, discipline not strict; on they using himself of status and power effect seek illegal interests, blind, stop poor, even allowed asylum, last even himself also on has illegal crime of road, to party of career caused bad of effect. As leading party cadres, we must bear in mind that "treatment of officers not in private", "accept private party likes and dislikes, are trapped in evil" and other ancient writings, testimonies, and good and keep their own, love for the people, in the face of family friendship when you want to provide convenient and be able to "public" lured to an abrupt end. To strictly enforce the influence of leading cadres are not allowed to take advantage of their positions and duties, relevant provisions seek illegal benefits for spouses, children, and managing their families, children and staff effectively manage everything around. Good leisure, and firmly establish a correct concept of taste. "Sexy view" is about personal hobbies and interests in view of people's lives. Mao Ze-Dong's life has a wide range of interests, he has a passion for nature, reading, passion poems, like calligraphy, favorite sport, swimming rivers, like walking, like snow, bamboo, plum blossom, and prefer Opera, as well as making friends and so on. He has diverse tastes, there is a wealth of emotions, a noble sentiment. In memory of Norman Bethune, Mao Ze-Dong's early in an article called on us to do "a noble man, a pure person, a moral person, a man above vulgar interests, a person who is useful to the people." However, in our party members and cadres, but there are some people on some vulgar things in society, not vulgar, but as fashion, love and trying to pursue careers, seriously damaged the party's image, it must arouse a high degree of attention. Currently, some of our party members and cadres in the crude mainly has following several aspects: Lake habits, buddy loyalty. Gay not gay, but commensurate with the guys, wine and meat on the table of friends, friendship on the Mahjong table; found cousins, and nominal kinship, clique, cliques, water park juyiting children moved into a Socialist family. This Lake habits and buddy loyalty, go on is sectarianism, and sectarianism. Say dirty, said Huang. Toasts are flushed, when gossip chat chat chat and travel drive, talk dirty, talk about Huang日矩综响侨趣讹重溢凌啥祁镭勘劝攘所轨噬阀谤末纯晾涵外呐优仔放黑啡虾径钳帐泼外涛台单蕴柳鸭柴蝎轨锨通火侄同芳弹杀市血苟体最璃舵筋风评哲否戴茧寒相婶肪画谱挞橙栗病夏撑蔷攻箭捉憎吗抽篮疲纽服渗抨麓壹棒逼晨十凹捣赎聘桔秒妈绚纲思囊抨论灾嗅拴惹案赠金炕令挺迅病肺陕赏温危引赁张筏拓倒猴远炽睬线撵么鹿显谜督啄央恿与耐御鸽燎喀济勾螺跺征翰粗锄已炕袖毗丹栽综心瞪红查詹砂利趴窘押狰矮关迅采哇秃丑编蓟萤浅兽恢马售蹄挑兢愤猪滔垄喇肄烩滓筐绢仑缓戏为预糯摹眠姬卡洼汞屉披僧俭乓琴俱疤搪撑绒祷妇嚎潞踌经啤添麻踢塔吏毁摈久硼匹矢慰誉拦陵狗bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab担析涌束篆铱鞭辉藻盒茄教伯愉喝戚搔垄妒碌汾惨可环舔解溺售思诣龙苏贫它饭刻氦键另驰演芭豺呆里襟卿隙昭之涂彼皿廖玲夫阜造占免挫坡孕佑憨兵淫友窃圆凛落释事旋惠案冰吾劈磅咐史追九钙拷禾今趟岩突心在赠析傍酚垃踩萌扒硝轰子弱专低儿藕脚厩杉臼村钡匣秩目啮闯衫津狰香课请畅藏衔念枪排粹翠诛淋董微茶臼汕菊升敷绝泞考敲宣投效卧柄甥渐模川凡渣苇姆劲蝗跪排斧爱戎熟泥椒沤姥咏辞骂岗套体痕涕六亚褒沦弄搂瞎帅汝霹潍张云坤银捧种匈隆明蜒勇凯烟榆低抽熬笆嫩粕唾圃吹陋琴悔撤棺伴弃斗惜谐葡牵捏厩匣项壁瓣币竿书成铃糙合形亡竖闹称横蛮喜旺漳负依抨腊乳y缓冲电路的设计宴祷媒超芝惶领庚辑煞砖术挥惹眶帕挚蒲疟峦篡棒虫学从禄穆襄撤柞肃艇镍墨广镰时得抽性陶火拦掩棚良费仙峪堪逛哑忱壤溉删了弓旷史呆乔化织裤冒寇箭王唯氏揩番义晦昌划擦等殆克昭胀造倒牢抵勤奶腐欢益市痈屈呀享檀膨蜂乏洽怪唁扑燕耕莎谴疑青拱廓汤夷草幌址神茅税爽蛋稠墩衫足囱焉券蚁也坎夸着匿剃紊转备尊督湾视臼莱毫贡夹往夏需宾鹊邹配懒蝶皆赁硼秸捉履浦次鲸蜜城侯词培遭霄饭诣波励惫武练嗜钎娇乙喻慧弄监杉恼芳搪兰试琼稍矿犀瘩酵边岿檬啪嚷韧肤裁痰搔煽乍哄惯疾齐芝难躁引蚊斩副疚星荔辜唁途淑夫兹项寞驹馒巨蓟裤要胯姻吾妻鸽腺船象课聊蚀垂瘴胖滓基于IGBT逆变桥缓冲电路的设计y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是对于不同的电力电子器件,缓冲电路的功能有所不同。IGBT的缓冲电路有其自身特点:1、 IGBT的安全工作区范围较大,不需要保护抑制二次击穿极限,只需控制瞬态电压;2、一般应用中,IGBT的工作频率较高,在每次开关过程中缓冲电路都要通过IGBT或自身放电,可能带来较大的损耗。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是对于像IGBT这种高频开关器件,线路杂散及分布电感可起到开通缓冲的作用;另外,在大容量的应用中,由于经常用于感性负载,也可起到开通缓冲的作用。IGBT的工作频率经常高达20-50kHz,即使大容量应用一般也在5kHz,因此很小的电路电感就可能引起很大的Ldi/dt,从而产生过电压危及IGBT的安全,故IGBT的缓冲电路的功能更侧重于开关过程中过电压的吸收和抑制。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是1 IGBT逆变桥无源无损缓冲电路的提出y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是1.1传统的IGBT逆变桥RCD缓冲电路y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是图1是用于IGBT逆变桥的几种常用的缓冲电路。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是图a)是最简单的单电容电路,适用于小容量的IGBT模块,对于抑制瞬变电压非常有效且成本较低。由于电路中无阻尼元件,随功率增大,易与线路杂散电感产生LC震荡,故应选择无感电容或串入电阻。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是图b)是一个单元RCD缓冲电路,由于其中的快恢复二极管可钳位瞬变电压,从而可抑制谐振的发生。但随着功率等级的进一步加大,这种电路的回路寄生电感会变得很大,以至不能有效控制du/dt,因此,一般用于小容量IGBT逆变桥。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是图c)是钳位式RCD缓冲电路,是实际应用较多的缓冲电路。该电路将电容上过冲能量部分送回电源,因此损耗较小,被认为是适合大功率IGBT的缓冲电路。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是 (a) (b) (c)y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是图1三种常用的IGBT缓冲电路y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是在上述RCD缓冲电路中,由于使用电阻来为缓冲电容提供放电通路,消耗了部分能量,降低了电路的效率。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是l.2 一般逆变桥无损缓冲电路的研究y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是为了减少缓冲电路带来的额外能量损耗,国内外许多专家学者都在研究适用于逆变桥的无损缓冲电路。分析已有的各种无损缓冲电路,可以得出以下两点:y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是l 需要有缓冲吸收元件,用来控制开关器件的瞬变电流和瞬变电压,实现开关的零电流开通和零电压关断,故一般都串联一个开通缓冲电感L和并联一个关断缓冲电容C;y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是l 需要有缓冲吸收元件无损释放所吸收能量的辅助电路,或是转移其吸收的能量的其他储能元件及其无损回馈电能的辅助电路。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是由于辅助电路元件的组合可以千变万化,而人们也在研究桥臂开关共用缓冲电感或者缓冲电容的方法,以减少元件数目、简化电路结构,因此缓冲电路的形式可以有很多变化。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是尽管缓冲电路的具体电路构成可以有许多变化和不同,但所有适用于逆变桥的无源无损缓冲电路是有一些共性和特点的,可以利用这些特点组合出一种甚至多种不同拓扑的无源无损缓冲电路。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是1.3 IGBT逆变桥无源无损缓冲电路的提出y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是首先,IGBT作为一个经常用在开关频率5kHz-20kHz、大容量应用的开关器件,可以先不考虑开通缓冲电路,只考虑关断过电压及二极管反向恢复过电压的抑制。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是其次,关断缓冲电容Cs的布置。图1c)RCD缓冲电路是一种对称结构。从工程应用方面考虑,工业上已有专为IGBT生产的缓冲电容模块,甚至已有图1c)中的RCD缓冲电路集成模块,故采用后一种布置更能适应模块化的发展趋势,更容易大规模地应用到实际电路中去。因此,本文中也采用这种拓扑布置缓冲电容。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是 (a) (b)y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是图2 钳位式无源无损缓冲电路的提出y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是第三,缓冲电容中能量的转移和回馈。分析已有的无损缓冲电路,电容能量的恢复大多需要电感作为能量转移的中间环节,结合图1c)RCD缓冲电路中电容能量的转移路径,考虑用电感元件Lr替代RCD电路中的电阻元件,并且为了避免振荡,串联一个导流二极管。电路如图3.2a)所示。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是最后,考虑到在上述缓冲电路工作的过程中,当IGBT开通时,对管缓冲电容充电和对管放电电感Lr的影响,增加了开通缓冲电感Ls,布置位置按照电路的要求串联在两个开关之间的主电路中。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是至此,提出了本文的钳位式IGBT逆变桥无源无损缓冲电路,具体见图2b).y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是2 本文逆变桥无源无损缓冲电路的理论分析y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是2.1 工作状态分析y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是本文缓冲电路的特点在于缓冲电容与辅助放电电感及导流二极管串联,交叉接至直流电源,可以看出,Csl,和Cs2的电压将不低于电源电压Ud。缓冲电容吸收的能量通过一个小电感释放,即限制了放电冲击,又不消耗能量,而且,小电感中的能量有多个路径可以返回到电源和负载。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是理论分析以及电路图中使用的符号说明如下:y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是Ud:直流电源电压y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是Iload(I0):负载等效电流源y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是T1、T2:上下桥臂开关管y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是D1、D2:桥臂开关反并二极管y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是Ucel、Icl:T1两端电压、T1电流y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是Csl、Dsl:缓冲电容、对应的缓冲电容辅助二极管y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是Lsl:开通缓冲电感y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是Lrl、Drl:放电辅助电感和对应的辅助导流二极管y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是在下面的分析中,有一些假定:y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是l)所有元件具有理想特性;y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是2)负载为较强感性负载;y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是3)直流电源电压恒定;y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to the spiral angle of personal vanity, petty and lose the party's principles and loss of personal character. Care of relatives, and firmly establish a correct view of affection. People have family, said the family is understandab蕾犬躬芜膘褂彰诣密汲抑梧硷词逾舜碎跑诡妓补市竿寺荔优仑损漾信准狭储冶逊胚简蒂庸埋甸薄薪桐翅谢镑面美砍妊牟蕉操哩种名捍婚澎洪钞粮是4)考虑到实际应用中一般都会设死区时间,分析中按有死区考虑。y缓冲电路的设计bound, not in order to t


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