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动物检疫工作总结瑞丽市畜牧兽医局动物卫生监视所20_年食品平安工作总结一年来,我所在局和上级业务主管部门的正确领导和大力指出下,坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,积极履行部门职能职责,贯彻中华人民共和国动物防疫法及云南省动物检疫申报管理方法等法律法规,全所职工干部围绕年初签订的目的责任制考核工作目的,团结协作,顽强拼搏,开拓进取,队动物卫生监视工作全面进展依法管理,使我市动物卫生监视工作日益完善,现已形成以产地检疫和屠宰检疫为根底,市场检疫监视为保障,互相促进、层层把关的动物卫生监视新格局。创始了动物卫生监视工作新场面,保证了我县畜牧业安康稳步开展。现将一年来检疫监视工作总结如下:一、主要工作完成情况一认真开展产地检疫工作。今年来,进一步标准了乡镇产地检疫工作,全市共设8个定点检疫申报站,完善了各项检疫制度,公示了动物产地检疫报检程序、报检 、收费标准、上岗检疫员等。全年共检疫猪牛116836头。其中牛2313头,猪114523头,活禽579752羽。二全面开展屠宰检疫工作。瑞丽市现有生猪定点屠宰点6家。全市共屠宰检疫动物123993头,其中生猪115759头,牛8234头,白条禽184603只。检出病害动物产品106头,全部釆取无害化处理。三深化开展全市畜产品平安监管,确保上市畜产品质量平安。对全县的肉类市场、定点屠宰场、超市、活畜禽市场等进展有效监管,防止未经检疫及病死病害肉类上市。全年共出动检查人员372人次,出动车辆82辆次,全市共检疫监视活禽6020_6只,禽产品72810只每只按1.5公斤计算109215公斤,外调畜产品149吨,牛皮2930张,犬4只。共查处违法案件13次,其中现场处分12次,另一起立案处分,累计处分金额6400元。四完成对规模养殖场户的监管指导。建立健全了免疫、用药、用料、出栏等登记,加强对养殖场相关政策法规宣传和养殖技术方面的指导和效劳,催促、指导和帮助养殖场户依法建立科学、标准的畜禽养殖档案,科学免疫,科学用药用料,进步养殖户的报检意识。共检查指导规模养殖场户8家(次),通过检查指导,树立了养殖户科学养殖意识,加强了动物及动物产品报检意识,从头上保障了畜产品质量平安。五完成全市兽药、兽用生物制品、饲料添加剂的监视检查。对全县兽药饲料经营门店进展了日常检查和专项检查。全年共出动检查人员112人次,出动车辆23辆次,检查兽药、饲料经营门店41家,并对规模养殖户进展每月一次的瘦肉精监测,对查出的过期药品均进展没收销毁,并对违规者进展了批评教育、限期整改等处理。经检查没有发现使用或销售违禁兽药及饲料添加剂现象。六完成对规模养殖户和动物经济管理人的资格审查。根据新的动物防疫条件审查方法, 我们对全县的规模养殖户和动物经济管理人重新进展了资格审查和认定,合格的发放动物防疫合格证,不合格的予以注销。七做好对检疫证章票据的发放与审核工作。对票据证章的管理采取专人负责、专库存放、专帐登记、统一领取、统一发放、统一回收、统一审核、统一销毁。主抓头管理,标准书证填写,对全县的票据证章管理情况进展抽查,没有发现“隔山开证、出伪证”等现象。全年共用动物产品检疫合格证明255本,动物产地检疫合格证明2216本。销毁2022年20_年动物检疫合格证明动物存根3720本,动物检疫合格证明产品存根3120本,屠宰检疫回收动物检疫合格证明动物165072张。八及时上报畜产品平安动态信息。建立健全信息工作规章制度,落实目的责任制,标准信息工作管理,明确了食品平安信息联络员,确保了信息工作的正常开展。及时在县电视台及咸阳市动物卫生监视网发表畜产品平安信息,在市动物卫生监视网上发表信息13篇,上报个人短息20_余条。二、采取的措施一加强组织纪律、转变工作作风。为了进步干部职工的整体素质,转变工作作风。我所以创先争优活动为契机,健全考勤制度和学习制度,扎实开展学法律、学业务活动。除了局里组织的统一学习外,每周周一周五例会组织全站职工开展学习业务知识、法律知识活动。二强化产地检疫、全面进步产地检疫率。一是根据动物检疫管理方法等规定,实行产地检疫报检制,动物持有效产地检疫证明才能上市,没有免疫标识的动物不得上市或出具产地检疫证明,二是标准出证程序,严格施行现场检疫和临栏检疫,坚决杜绝“隔山开证”和只收费不检疫现象的出现;三是根据有些乡镇兽医站存在检疫报检率低、收费难的问题,协助兽医站积极开展产地检疫工作,拔除钉子户,协调解决基层检疫工作中存在的疑难问题。三标准屠宰检疫、确保消费者吃上放心肉。为了进一步标准屠宰检疫,根据新的动物防疫条件审查方法,对定点屠宰场进展了审核,对不符合防疫条件提出了整改意见,催促屠宰点不断完善防疫条件,健全相关制度,整改存在的平安隐患;要求驻场检疫员严把进场关,杜绝无检疫证明及免疫标识的动物进场屠宰;严把宰前检疫关和屠宰检疫关,发现疑似病畜禽或染疫畜禽,及早采取有效控制措施,防止疫病的扩散和蔓延;严把出场关,对检疫合格的动物及其产品出具检疫合格证明,并加盖或加封检疫验讫印章或检疫标志,对检疫不合格的动物及其产品按照有关规定进展无害化处理,坚决杜绝未经检疫及检疫不合格的动物产品上市,以确保消费者的食肉平安。四加强畜产品平安监管、确保畜产品质量平安。为了确保上市畜产品质量平安,保证广阔群众食肉平安,我所采取专项检查、日常检查、突击检查等多种方式,加强定点屠宰点、肉类摊点、餐饮业、超市等场所的监视检查,严厉查处贩卖病死畜禽及其产品、无证经营、逃检漏检等违法行为,进一步标准市场秩序,确保我市动物及动物产品质量平安。五加大兽药、生物制品、饲料添加剂等投入品监视检查。为了严厉打击制售假劣兽药、饲料添加剂违法行为,净化兽药、饲料市场,保证兽药、饲料质量,促进养殖业稳定安康开展。我所开展兽药、生物制品专项检查工作,主要以兽药饲料经营门店、畜禽养殖场为检查对象,重点检查禁用,未批准的兽药及过期药品,防止养殖环节添加使用违禁兽药及饲料添加剂,杜绝头污染畜产品平安事件的发生。全年共检查投入品经营户462户次,饲料消费企业45个次,市场96个次,对查出的过期药品均进展没收销毁,对违规者进展了批评教育和限期整改等处理。经检查没有发现使用或销售违禁兽药及饲料添加剂现象。六加大宣传力度、进步广阔群众防范意识。利用宣传活动日和专项整治活动,向广阔养殖户和动物经纪人大力宣传动物防疫法、新的动物检疫管理方法及动物防疫条件审核方法,进步广阔养殖户及动物经纪人的防疫意识和报检意识,使申报检疫、向经营者索要检疫合格证明等成为经营者、消费者的自觉行为。举办大型宣传活动1次,出动宣传人员34人次,出动车辆6辆次。发放宣传材料共计4300余份,解答咨询100余人次。三、今后的工作打算 一标准产地检疫及屠宰检疫工作。协助指导基层兽医站,标准基层产地检疫和屠宰检疫工作,继续推行产地检疫报检制度,强化各类检疫报表标准化管理。二加强规模养殖户的监管。一是加强对规模养殖场出栏动物的监管,进步检疫报检率;二是加强对规模养殖场异地引进动物的申报审批关,做好引进动物落地后的监管,防止外疫的传入;三是加强对养殖场防疫条件的审核,对达不到防疫条件的限期整改。三以举办学习培训班等活动,不断进步动物卫生监视执法队伍的整体素质。学习宣传贯彻中华人民共和国动物防疫法、兽药管理条例等其他法律法规,以办讲座、散发资料等形式加强宣传,让畜牧业相关的法律法规深化人心。四积极探究、建立畜产品质量平安监视管理长效机制。着力推进制度化、标准化、程序化,为更好的做好畜产品质量平安工作提供制度保障。五加强兽药、生物制品、饲料及饲料添加剂市场监管。继续加强对兽药、饲料及饲料添加剂的消费、经营、使用等环节的全程监视管理,开展兽药、饲料及饲料添加剂专项检查行动,严厉打击使用违禁药品、过期药品、生物疫苗及添加剂。六加强生鲜乳质量监管工作。加强对生鲜乳的监管,确保生鲜乳在消费、运输环节的质量平安。畜牧兽医局动物卫生监视所20_年12月17日 Opinions and suggestions on the partyapos;s mass line educational practiceAccording to the central and provincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party mittee “about carrying out the partyapos;s mass line educational practice activity in the cityapos;s implementation opinions, the spirit of the partyapos;s mass line educational practice activities from 20_in January to 99 months, carried out at all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and grass-roots party organizations.According to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall requirementsCounty county education practice to the eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central mittee as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary _i Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Central mittee really, opinions and advice > , , optimal selection with strong village leaders, and strengthen college-graduate village official (Village The Ministry of Education) and tracking management, focus on building a strong sense of service, service ability and strong team, grass-roots party organization Secretary style of service good.Do the development of Party member, strict entrance fall off “, implement the three class, public mitment, democratic appraisal education management system and give full play to vanguard role.As the service of the masses into the rich carrier, to further e_pand the” red flag terrace Kingdom party brand connotation, establish and perfect the whole villages and towns, streets and villages, munity public service outlets, the implementation of the party organization and party mitment Jiannuo, twinning, window units and service industries such as instant evaluation price System, the full implementation of the “line of work”, “public pipeline engineering”, “five vanguard”, the “party shifangang” star rating, a rating of the party, grassroots organizations to enhance service function and improve the service level.Security guarantee system, to establish a stable base group and basic public organization operation.Service fee funds safeguard mechanism, strengthen the village collective economic accumulation, promote human, money, material, further implement love and tilt to the grassroots, grassroots cadres policy, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the service of the masses, to ensure that all work, rich work, a chapter everything.Three, step by stepThe education practice is not phased, not to engage in the transfer section.To adhere to the problem oriented, adhere to educational practice and science, insist on learning while the investigation and reform, with the “five question five check 33 assessment” as the carrier, the education, the implementation of the rectification, the entire chapter formed, the masses ments throughout.The aspects of education practice activities work effectively with each other through.(a) learning education, listen to opinions1, deep into the thought of launch.The township units in the province to thoroughly understand the central and municipal spirit, God, listen to opinions based on, bined with the actual development of the implementation plan, and timely mobilization, unified thought, improve knowledge, carefully arranged to start the single unit of educational practice implementation case should be reported.The steering group audit checks.Together with the organization held a mobilization meeting, Party members and cadres do, subordinate units responsible person, invite some two members on behalf of a service object, and representatives of the masses, to guide the leadership style and team member status into ments.2,rooms.Liaison Office in Beijing in order to improve reception quality, e_pand reception capacity, continuous perfection of internal facilities and financing for multi acquisition of vehicles, puters and other devices. Organ printing plants subject to the overall layout of the organ, nearly 100,000 yuan of self-financing, relocation of the site as a whole in the short term, conditions gradually improved the production and operation.Five is to deepen enterprise reforms, in terms of management to a new level.Hotel in Pingliang, Pingliang buildinge_panded customer, revenue has laid a good foundation.Particularly worth mentioning is, Pingliang hotel last May was promoted to three-star reception unit, last year most striking one of the highlights of the service industry of Pingliang.Building to overe the functional effects of Pingliang, project repair, realize the potential ine.To adapt and utilize some of the idled facilities released 8 guest Opinions and suggestions on the partyapos;s mass line educational practiceAccording to the central and provincial, municipal unified deployment, according to municipal Party mittee “about carrying out the partyapos;s mass line educational practice activity in the cityapos;s implementation opinions, the spirit of the partyapos;s mass line educational practice activities from 20_in January to 99 months, carried out at all levels of departments and directly affiliated institutions and grass-roots party organizations.According to my actual County, the county to carry out the education practice put forward the following implementation opinions.First, the overall requirementsCounty county education practice to the eighteen Party of eight, the spirit of the the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central mittee as the guidance, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary _i Jinping book series of important speech, earnestly implement the Central mittee really, opinions and advice > , < party implementing the guiding ideology of opinions to determine the objectives and requirements, step method, in accordance with the ”“ look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of ”for the people pragmatic honest people as the theme, in carrying forward the spirit of Zhuanglang Zhuang, improve their work style, service to the masses of the people, the foundation of consolidating grassroots, promote transformation across efforts, to further implement the central eight regulations and < The opposition party and government austerity waste regulations “,” double section “provincial regulations, municipal provisions of the” twelve “plan and the implementation measures for < on improving the work style of close ties with the masses law, highlight style building, carry out the whole wind spirit, resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and wasteful e_travagance to solve the problems, Party members and cadres of the style and the masses of people strong, the Ministry of Party members and cadres to further improve their thinking and understanding, to further change the style of the wind, the masses to close, honest and pragmatic people honest image to further establish the foundation to further reinforce the basic level.Style of the building of the new results to promote the construction of a powerful force of the county and the ecological culture of the county and county construction.In educational practice activities of the unit is mainly: the county and below county departments under the organs, enterprises and institutions directly under the township, street, and munity, village, non-public economic organizations, social organizations and other grass-roots organizations.Agencies and branches, each single unit, follow the rules on internal institutions.Educational practice with step by step.To adhere to the county leadership, leadership and leading cadres to focus on outstanding catch to directly contact the service of the masses of law supervision departments and window units, service industry, educational practice, pay attention to grasp the heavy towns, streets and villages, munity education activities and the masses of grassroots groups in close contact to strengthen, and the majority of Party members, cadres and the mass line line Mar_ doctrine view of the masses and the partyapos;s education.Always speak seriously as a basic attitude, adhere to positive education, to carry out criticism and self criticism group, adhere to the pragmatic, more emphasis on leadership, pay more attention to the layers of the demonstration, more focus on the four winds, solve the problem, pay more attention to open the door, the participation of the masses, pay more attention to the classification guidance.Orderly, pay more attention to the cooperation and cohesion driven, more strict requirements on injection, really supervision practice, ensure education practice is not empty is not empty is not partial, not as a mere formality.Two, the key point of the taskThe main task of the countyapos;s education practice is to seize against ”four wind; this focus on ce第 16 页 共 16 页


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