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外经贸英语函电-Useful Expressions 英译中

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外经贸英语函电-Useful Expressions 英译中

Unit Two ESTABLISHING BUSINESS RELATIONS1.We learn from your letter of April 1 that you are interested in establishing business relations with us for the purchase of our tools.我们从你方4月1日的来信中获悉,你方有意向与我公司建立业务关系并购买我公司的工具。2. Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor s Office of our Embassy in the U.K., we avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relation with you.从我国驻英国大使馆商务处获知贵方名称和地址,我们借此机会荣幸地写信给你们,以寻求是否有和你们建立业务关系的可能。3. Through the courtesy of Mr.Freemen, we are given to understand that you are one of the leading importers of electric goods in your area and wish to enter into business relation with us.承蒙弗立门先生的好意,我方得知贵公司是贵地的主要的电器产品进口商之一,并希望与本公司有业务关系。4.We have come to know the name of your corporation and have the pleasure of writing this letter to you in the hope of establishing business relation with you.我方已得知贵公司的名字,很荣幸可以写这封信给贵公司,希望我们与贵公司能建立业务关系。5. Your desire to establish direct business relations with us coincides with ours.贵公司愿与我公司建立直接的业务关系的想法与我公司非常契合。6.We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.我方很愿意在平等互利的基础上,与贵公司建立业务关系。7.The Chase bank has informed us that you are one of the leading importers of tools and instruments and that you are interested in trading with us in these lines. For your selection, we are sending you a list of the items which might be suitable to your market requirements.摩根大通银行已经告知我方贵公司是主要的工具设备的出口商之一。同时贵公司也有意向在这些产品上和我方进行贸易往来。通过贵公司的筛选后,我们将寄予贵公司一系列适合市场需求的产品项目。8. Your company has been introduced to us by R.G. Nelson&CO.Ltd. as prospective buyers of Chinese sewing machines. As we deal in sewing machines, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.我们已通过R.G. 尼尔森公司的介绍了解到贵公司是中国缝纫机的潜在买家。因为我方经营的是缝纫机,所以我方很乐于与贵公司达成直接的业务关系,9.We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of electric fans and air conditioners.兹介绍我公司是各种电风扇和空调的主要进口商之一。10.To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, several pamphlets for your reference.为了让贵公司熟悉我方经营的轻工业产品,我们已通过单独的航空邮件寄给你方许多小册子,供你方参考。11.Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuffs, we wish to express our desire to trade with you in this line.我公司专门从事中式食物的出口,希望能与贵公司在这个方面建立贸易往来。12.Your letter expressing the hope of entering into business connection with us has been received with thanks.我们很感谢能收到贵公司表示希望与我方建立业务联系的来信。UNIT THREE STATUS ENQUIRIES1.Will you please be so kind as to furnish us with details, as exact as possible, as to the credit which may be safely allowed to the firm whose name is given on the attached slip.劳烦贵公司提供我方有关所附纸条上注明的公司的信用情况,越准确越好。 2.Messrs,Schneider&Kern have given us your name as a reference respecting their financial standing. Will you please inform us, in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation.Schneider & Kern公司推荐我方向贵方了解他们的金融财务状况。请贵方告知他们的资金财力和信誉情况,一切保密。3.We should be obliged if you would inform us, in confidence, whether your business relations with Messrs.J.A.Hussain Co. during the past would lead you to advise us to allow them 3 months' credit, without security, to the amount of US$6.000.00贵公司如能以保密的形式告知我方过去与J.A.Hussain公司的业务关系,以帮助我方判断是否可以提供J.A.Hussain公司3个月无担保的600.000美元的信用额度,我方将感激不尽。4. Any information you can furnish as to their capital and reputation would be greatly valued and treated in confidence by us. 你们能够提供有关他们资金信誉的任何情况,我们都将十分珍视,并保密。5. We should be glad to know: a) whether they are in the wholesale trade; b) if their financial position is considered strong; c) if they are among leading wholesale firms in your city; d) whether they have the reputation of paying promptly; e) whether they have the reputation of keeping their engagements promptly and fully;f) what credit it would be safe to allow them; g) whether their credit is at all doubtful; h) whether they appear to have suffered very much from the strike in your district. 我们很乐意了解:(1)他们是否经营批发;(2)他们的财务状况是否很好;(3)他们是否是贵市的主要批发商;(4)他们是否付款及时;(5)他们是否及时彻底地守约;(6)他们的信用贷款是否充足;(7)他们的信用是否可靠;(8)他们是否在贵地有工人罢工的麻烦。6. This is a case in which caution is necessary and we suggest that you make additional enquiries through an agency. We accept your assurance that the information we have give will be treated in strict confidence and regret that we cannot be more helpful.在此情况下,警告是必要的。同时我们建议你方能通过一个代理商来制定附加的咨询。我方接受你方的保证,我方给予的信息将被严格保密,反悔对双方都无好处。7. In reply to your enquiry dated 30th October 19 concerning Messrs. Willing & Co. , Sheffield, we are pleased to say that we have every confidence in the uprightness of this firm.兹回复你方在19XX年10月30日对Willing公司的询问。我们很高兴地告知你方:对于该公司的诚信我们有足够的信心。UNIT Four Enquiries And RepliesIV. Useful Expressions 1. As we are in the market for, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations.由于我方经营,因此贵公司如能将您认为最合适的报价告知我方,我方将很乐意。2. We have seen your advertisement in and shall be glad if you will send us particulars of我方已看过贵公司对产品的广告,因此若贵公司可以寄给我方关于的详情,我方将很乐意。3. If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, we may place regular orders for large quantities.如果贵公司可以提供要求的产品的型号和质量,我方将会下数目较大的常规订单4. It gives us much pleasure to send you the catalogues asked for in your letter of我方很高兴可以寄给贵公司信中所要求的产品目录5. We regret to inform you that we are not in a position to cover your need for the said goods. Once our supplies are replenished, we shall be only too pleased to revert to this matter.我们很遗憾地告知贵公司我们目前的库存不足以提供你方所需要的产品。一旦我方补货到位,我方将很乐意回复此事。6. We have much pleasure in enclosing a quotation sheet for our products and trust that their high quality will induce you to place a trial order.我方很高兴可以附寄我们产品的报价单给贵公司,同时也相信我们高质量的产品可以促成贵公司的试销订单。7. We put forward for your consideration an offer for our new products, and hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.我们希望贵公司可以考虑对我们的新产品进行报价,同时也希望贵公司可以利用好这次契机。8. This is in reply to your enquiry of March 8,19 We are now sending you a quotation sheet for your consideration. Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchange, the quotation is subject to change without previous notice.兹回复贵公司19XX年3月18日的询盘。我方现已给贵公司寄出所要求的报价单。需要贵公司注意的是:因为外汇的浮动,报价不可以在没有事先通知的情况下作改变。9. Your enquiry of January 10, 19 has been referred to us for attention as we are the exporters of the article you require.你方19XX年10月的询盘我方已经收悉,我们通知您我方就能提供你方要求的产品。10. As the goods of your specifications are in short supply, we intend to furnish you with our (commodity) as a substitute, which is of good quality and very close to your specifications but will be offered at a more favorable price.你方要求的规格我们正好缺货,我们愿意提供替代的商品,该商品质量上乘,与你方要求的规格相近,并且价格更加优惠。UNIT FIVE SENDING PROFORMA INVOICE1. We thank you for your enquiry for our Double Offset Ring Spanners and have pleasure in enclosing our proforma Invoice No. 457 in quadruplicate.我方非常感谢你方对梅花牌扳手的询盘,并且我们随附提供编号为457号的一式四份的形式发票。2. We are sending you our proforma invoice in quadruplicate for the purpose of your applying for an import licence.我们寄给你一式四份的形式发票用来给你方申请进口许可证。3. With this letter we are sending you a proforma invoice in triplicate for shirts.我们随函附寄关于衬衫的一式三份的形式发票。4. The enclosed proforma invoice in triplicate covers goods against your Order No. 589.寄给你的一式三份的形式发票是根据你方的589号订单的。5. Attached to this letter you will find our proforma invoice in triplicate covering 500,000 Knitting Needles.随函附寄一式三份的关于500000个编织针的形式发票。6. In compliance with the request in your letter dated October 24, we are sending you the required proforma invoice in triplicate. Please note our quotation remains valid until November 15. We look forward to receiving your order soon.为了满足你方10月24日来函的要求,我们已经寄给你方一式三份的形式发票。7. The enclosed Proforma Invoice No. 3628 covers the cost of 1,500 cassette tapes (Type EM 127DN) plus freight and insurance to Caracas.随函附寄的编号为3628的形式发票是关于1500份的磁带,外加运费和保费到加拉加斯。Unit 71.Your competitors are offering considerably lower prices and unless you can reduce your quotation, we shall have to buy elsewhere. 你的竞争对手报盘很低,除非你能降低报价,我方将不得不购买别家商品。2.We thank you for your offer, but we are buying at lower prices; are these the best prices you can offer? 感谢你方报盘,但我方正在购买更低价格的产品。这是你方的最低报盘吗?3.We do not see any advantage in your quotations, and would like to know whether you have any better value to offer. 我方看不到你方报盘的任何优惠之处,并且我方想知道你方是否能提供更好的价格4.In accordance with the request of your Mrat the Guangzhou Fair, we have pleasure in sending you herewith the samples and a price list for按你方先生在广州交易会上的要求,现随函附寄样品及价目表。5.It would be greatly to your interest to make a trial of these goods. 试用这些商品将会给你方大有利处。6.May we expect a trial order from you while prices are greatly in your favor? 既然价格对你方极其有利,那么是否能从你方得到一个试用订单呢?7.We desire to call your attention to our special offer. You will readily understand that this offer is good only for acceptance reaching us before the end of January 19In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise you to send orders as soon as possible. 我方希望你方注意到我方的特殊报盘。你方会容易理解这一报盘以在19年一月底之前到达我方的接受通知为准。考虑到这条产品线的需求量大,我方建议你尽快下订单。8.As requested by you some time ago, we take pleasure in making you the following offer, which is subject to your acceptance within 7 days. 按你方前段时间的要求,我方乐于提供给你如下报盘,以你方7天之内接受为有效。9.We regret that it is impossible to accept your counter-offer, even to meet you halfway; the price of raw material has advanced 20% and we shall shortly be issuing an advanced price-list. 很遗憾我方不可能接受你方的还盘,甚至做出任何让步。原材料的价格已经涨了20%,并且我方将很快收到一份提价的报价单。10.Although we are anxious to open up business with you, we regret that it is impossible for us to allow the reduction asked for, because we have already cut out prices to the lowest point after closely examining our cost calculations. 虽然我方渴望与你方建立业务关系,但很遗憾,我方不可能接受你方所要求的降价,因为我方已经在仔细检查了成本核算之后,把价格降到了最低。Unit 81.With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our new makes and are sending them to you, under separate cover, for your considerations.为了支持你方的销售,我方特地另函附寄一些新产品的样品并正寄往你方,供你方参考。2.We have pleasure in recommending to you the following goods similar to the samples sent by you. 我方乐意向你推荐如下与你方所寄样品相似的商品。3.By virtue of its superior quality, this item has met with a warm reception in most European countries. We deem it to your advantage to buy this item for a trial sale in your market.因为产品优质,已在大多数欧洲国家受到热烈欢迎。我方相信,购买这一产品在你方市场上做一个试售,对你方是有利的。4.In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing to you samples, under separate cover, for your inspection. 为了促进我们之间的业务,我方正以航空信件的方式随函另寄样品给你方,以供你方检验。5.In view of the large demand for this commodity, we would advise you to work fast and place an order with us as soon as possible. 考虑到这一产品的大量需求,我方建议你方立即行动,并尽快向我方下订单。6.This item, being quite popular, will also command a ready sale in your market. 这一十分畅销的商品,也将会在你方市场上博得畅销。7.We take pleasure in enclosing the latest designs of our products, which are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be saleable in your market. 我方乐意随函附寄我方产品的最新图样,这一产品品质上乘,价格适中,并且一定会在你方市场上畅销。8.Since the article you require is not available for supply at present, we should like to recommend some similar ones as follows. 由于你方要求的商品目前没有供货,我们打算向你推荐如下相似品。9.It is not our intention to rush you into a decision, but as this article is in great demand, we would advise you to avail yourselves of our offer in your own interest. 我们并不是要催促你们做出决定,但是因为这一商品需求量大,我方建议你方利用有利于你方的报盘。10.We are sending you a sample book with a price-list of our new products, the high quality of which, we trust, will induce you to place a trial order with us. 我们正寄往你方一份附带着新产品的样品本,我们相信,这一产品的高质量将说服你方向我方下试销订单。Unit 91.We enclose a trial order. If the quality is up to our expectation, we shall send further orders in the near future. Your prompt attention to this order will be appreciated. 我方随函附寄了一份试销订单。如果产品质量达到我们的期望,我方不久将进一步下订单。我们也将非常感激你方对订单的及时关注。2.If this first order is satisfactorily executed, we shall place further orders with you. 如果第一笔订单执行令人满意,我方会进一步向你方下订单。3.We enclose our order, but must point out that the falling market here will leave us little or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a better price in respect of future supplies. 我方随函附寄了订单,但必须指出的是,价格下跌的市场将给我方带来很少甚至没有盈利。我们必须要对未来的供货向你方要求更高的价格。4.The material supplied must be absolutely waterproof, and we place our order subject to this guarantee.你方提供的材料必须绝对防水,我方在这一保证下才下订单。5.While thanking you for your order, we have to explain that supplies of raw materials are becoming more and more difficult to obtain, and we have no alternative but to decline your order. 感谢你方订单,但我们不得不解释,原材料的供应变得越来越难以获得,我们别无选择只能拒绝你方订单。6.It is regrettable to see an order dropped owing to no agreement on price; however, we wish to recommend you another quality at a lower price for your consideration.很遗憾,因为价格上未能达成一致,订单终止了,但是我方想向你推荐另一较低价格的产品,以供你方参考。7.The chief difficulty in accepting your orders now is the heavy backlog of commitments. But you may rest assured that as soon as we are able to accept new orders, we shall give priority or preference to yours.接受你方订单的主要困难在于大量已承诺的积压订单。但你可以放心,一旦我们能够接受新的订单,我方将给予你方优先考虑。8.Your order is receiving our immediate attention, and you depend on us to effect delivery well within your time limit. 你方的订单正得到我方的及时关注,并且你方能够信赖我方会在时间期限内交货。9.We have booked the following order according to your letter/telegram of and our letter/telegram of and wish to assure you that, upon receipt of the relevant credit, we shall not fail to effect shipment in time.我们已经根据你方信/电报和信/电报接受了如下订单,并向你保证,一旦收到相关余款,我们将及时交货。10.Your order is booked and will be handled with great care. Please open the relevant L/C, which must reach here one month before the date of shipment.你方订单已被接受并将得到仔细的处理。请开立相关信用证,并在装运期前一个月到达。11.With reference to your letter of the 4th November, we have pleasure in informing you that we have booked your order for 1,000 alarm clocks. We are sending you our S/C No. 100 in duplicate, one copy of which please sign and return for our file. 关于你方11月4日的信件,我方兹告,已接受你方1000台闹钟的订单。我方正向你方寄送第100号合同,一式两份,请签署一份副本并退回以供我方存档。12.We have accepted your order for 30,000yards of Article No.60. Please send us color assortment immediately and open the covering L/C according to the terms contracted. 我方已接受你方对于3000码60号商品的订单。请立刻寄送颜色分类给我方,并根据合同条款开立相关信用证。Unit 101.It would be advisable for you to establish the covering letter of credit as early as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment in due time.建议你方尽快开立相关信用证,以便我方按期安排装运。2.We have not yet receive your letter of credit against our Sales Confirmation No. 3246 although it should have reached us by the end of March, as stipulated.我方尚未收到你方凭3246号销售确认书开立的信用证,尽管按规定,此信用证应在3月底之前就到达我方。3.We are enable to effect shipment according to the price and other terms originally agreed upon owing to the delay of your letter of credit, and therefore the responsibility for any loss arising subsequently will wholly rest with you. 因你方信用证的延迟,我方无法按照事先商定的价格和其他条款发货,因此最终引起的任何损失,责任完全由你方承担。4.We wish to draw your attention to the fact that the goods have been ready for shipment for a long time and the covering letter of credit, due to arrive here before March 15th, 19 , has not been received up to now. Please let us know the reason for the delay. 请贵方注意,货物已备妥装运很长时间了,本应在19年3月15日到达我方的相关信用证至今尚未收到。请告知延迟的原因。5.As you have failed to establish the letter of credit in time, we regret being unable to effect shipment within the stipulated time limit. 很遗憾,由于你方未能及时开立信用证,我方无法在规定期限内交货。6.To our disappointment, we have not yet received the required letter of credit up to the present. Please give the matter your immediate attention and let us have your reply soon. 我方对至今尚未收到所要求的信用证感到失望。请给予这件事情及时的关注并尽快答复。7.According to the stipulations in our Sales Confirmation No. 222, you should send us your letter of credit one month preceding the date of shipment. 根据第222号销售合同书中的规定,你方应在装运期前一个月将信用证寄送我方。8.As the goods against your Order No. 4567 have been ready for quite some time, it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering letter of credit established. 由于你方4567号订单下的货物已经备妥待运相当一段时间了,你方必须及时采取行动,开立相关信用证。9.We hope that you will take your commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open the L/C at once; otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising as a result of your failure to do so. 我方希望你方认真考虑商业信誉,并立刻开立信用证,否则你方将对由此造成的所有损失负责。Unit111. We do not object to packing in cartons provided the flaps are glued down and the cartons secured by metal bands.我们不反对用纸箱包装,若防水处脱胶,请用金属带固定纸箱。2. If cartons are used, please supply each chemical in strong polythene bags to ensure protection from damp.如果使用纸箱,请将每个化学物质用结实的聚乙烯塑料袋单独包装,以确保不被弄湿。3. Cases must have an inner lining of stout, damp-resisting paper.木箱必须内衬结实的防水纸。4. Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed, battened and secured by overall metal strapping.用坚固的木箱包装是有必要的。装箱必须用铁钉钉好,用木板压住,用一根铁皮钉牢。5. When packing, please take into account that the boxes are likely to receive rough handing at this end and must be able to withstand transport over very bad roads.包装时,请考虑到盒子在我方可能会经历粗暴的装卸,且箱子必须能经得起路况很差的运输。6. We give you on the attached sheet full details regarding packing and marking. These must be strictly observed.我方已附上了包装和唛头的所有细节要求。请严格执行。7. The greatest care must be given to packing and crating as any damage in transit would cause us heavy losses.请慎重注意包装盒装箱。运输中的任何损坏都会造成我们极大的损失。8. Please use normal export containers unless you receive special instructions from our agents.请使用一般出口集装箱,除非你放收到我方代理商的特殊指示。9. As the goods will probably be subjected to a thorough customs examination, the cases should be of a type which can be easily made fast again after opening.由于货物可能会被海关彻底检查,箱子应该使用开箱后容易快速封箱的类型。10. Taking into consideration the transport condition at your end, we have improved our packing so as to avoid damage to the goods.考虑到你方的运输环境,我方已经加固了包装以避免货物遭到损坏。11. The cases used for packing our transistor radios are light but strong. They save shipping space and facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods.用于包装我们晶集管收音机的箱子轻便但是坚固。它们节省了装运空间,同时便于货物的贮存和分销。12. Our usual packing for dyed poplin is in bales lined with polythene (waterproof paper, kraft paper), each containing 600 yards in single colour.我方通常是使用以塑料衬里(防水纸,牛皮纸)的布包来包装有色绸缎,每个颜色600码。13. You will note that our packing has been greatly improved with the result that our recent shipments have all turned out to the satisfaction of our clients.你方将注意到我们的包装已经有了显著的提高。因此我们最近的装船使我们的客户很满意。14. Our packing is standardized in a manner which is approved by foreign clients.我们的包装已经标准化,并得到了国外客户的认可。15. We are afraid that we shall have to charge more for the designated packing as it calls for extra labour and cost.由于该包装花费了多余的劳力和物力,我方可能要更高的报价。16. We pack our shirts in plastic-lined, waterproof cartons, reinforced with metal straps.我方用塑料衬里,防水箱包装我们的衬衫,并用铁皮加固。17. Our cartons for canned food are not only seaworthy but also strong enough to protect the goods from possible damage.我方用于装罐装食品的箱子不仅可以用于海运,并且够坚固以防止货物受到可能的损坏。18. The weight and measurement (dimensions) of each case are clearly marked on every case.每个包的重量和体积都清楚的标注在每个包上。19. Our nail trimmers are packed in boxes of one dozen each, 100boxes to a (the) carton lined with waterproof paper. (to a(the) =per)我方的指甲刀没一打装一盒,每一箱装一个以防水纸衬里的木箱。20. Our tea for export is customerily packed in boxes, 24 boxes on a pallet, 10 pallets to an FCL container. 我方出口的茶叶通常用盒子包装,没24盒装一货盘,没10货盘装一个整箱集装箱21. be packed in iron drums of xx kgs. net each in press-packed bales of xx kgs. net each用净重xx千克的铁桶装;用净重xx千克的压包的纸包包装。Unit121. Please insure for us (insure us on) the following.请为我们投保下列项目。2. Please cover for us (cover us on) the goods detailed below.请为我方投保以下详列的货物。3. Please hold us covered for the cargo listed on the attached sheet.请为我方投保附页中的商品。4. The cargo is to b


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