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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2009-2010年第二学期期末考试说明一、        考试范围:大学英语(5)Lesson 1-10。二、        考试时间:90分钟三、        考试题型:I.   Structure.  (40%)Directions:Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to fill in the blank.II.  Vocabulary  (10%)Directions:Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to fill in the blank.III.  Directions: Each of the following sentences has four parts underlined and marked A, B, C and D. One of the them is incorrect. You are to identify the mistake. (15%)IV.    Cloze:  (15%)V. Reading Comprehension:Directions: Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow. (20%)三、出题比例:课内占70,课外30。要求同学们弄懂课文,掌握各课语言点,完成课后练习和老师准备的期末复习题。四、另有期末复习题,请在本课程答疑信箱中的公告栏里查询。 附:模拟题一份(做完后可在本课程答疑信箱中核对答案):2009-2010学年度第二学期 大学英语(5)期末模拟试题窗体顶端I. StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (每题1分,共40题)  1. Getting together _ colleagues after work over a glass of beer or a cup of tea _ long been a salarymans daily routine.       A. withhas       B. tohave      C. withhave       D. tohas  2. How much do you _ for repairing your bicycle?       A. charge      B. demand      C. pay      D. cost  3. In particular, Dr. Mahathir finds troubling connections between the Wests promotion of such causes _ labor rights and environmentalism and newer, more insidious forms of protectionism.       A. that      B. as      C. like      D. resemble  4. I can't find my textbook. Xiao Li must have taken it away yesterday, _?       A. mustn't he      B. needn't he      C. hasn't he      D. didn't he  5. The danger for the counterfeiters is that countries such as the United States, which take "a less Latin attitude towards intellectual property, will push the government to take a stick to the whole industry. The underlined part means _.       A. a less serious attitude      B. a more severe attitude      C. not serious attitude       D. a more light-hearted attitude  6. _ the individual may experience, one thing is likely: Japans corporate culture will never be the same.       A. Wherever       B. However       C. Whatever      D. Whenever  7. The hotel staff went to great lengths _ them with first-rate service.       A. to provide      B. provide      C. provided      D. providing  8. Many students are indulged in playing computer games, which greatly _ their time for study and rest.       A. cuts off      B. cuts out      C. cuts into      D. cuts up  9. _ you've found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.       A. Whatever      B. Because      C. However      D. No matter how  10. A government survey _ in January showed that 60 percent of Japanese adults would not rule out switching companies.       A. to release      B. released      C. releasing      D. release  11. Children must be warned to be careful _ fire.       A. on      B. of      C. against      D. to  12. The company centered its research _ lymphokines and the immune system, an area of rapidly emerging interest _ would ultimately have clinical implications far beyond traditional immunology.       A. atwhich       B. onthat      C. forthat      D. to.which   13. Historians arrive _ different conclusions because they have different notions about human motivation.       A. in      B. to      C. at      D. on  14. _ the Maths test, Jane decided to work harder than ever at her daily assignments.       A. Failing      B. Had failed      C. Having failed      D. Because she has failed  15. Indulgent parents and Big Macs are swelling the ranks, and waistlines, of Chinas chubby children. The underlined part may be interpreted as _.       A. Parents having the habit of allowing their kids to do anything bad without any control.       B. Parents who give way to their children and try hard to satisfy whatever desires they have, whether reasonable, necessary or not.       C. Parents who like to buy whatever their children want.       D. Parents who are very strict with their kids.   16. We should simply have obese children _ their life-style.       A. correct       B. corrected       C. correcting       D. correctly  17. During a week _ the American negotiator at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt) surprised everyone _ announcing that new international labor standards would head his Gatt agenda, Dr. Mahathir noted that comparative advantage in world markets comes in many forms.       A. that.at      B. when.by      C. which.on      D. where.to  18. So beautiful _ that it is difficult for us to remove our eyes.       A. the scenery is      B. is the scenery      C. the scenery attracts      D. does the scenery attract  19. _ the individual may experience, one thing is likely: Japan's corporate culture will never be the same.       A. Wherever      B. However       C. Whatever      D. Whenever   20. All his companies had been successful and he was known to be _ rich.       A. extremely      B. completely      C. thoroughly      D. immediately  21. Human skin is very thin on the eyelid and quite thick on the _ of the foot.       A. sole      B. soul      C. base      D. basis  22. Something about the 42-year-old engineer doesn't quite square with the picture of a hapless salary-man under the lash of recession. The underlined part means _       A. is not quite in agreement with      B. doesnt want to make square according to       C. fails to bring himself into      D. not quite at right angles with  23. If it _, we should not go to the Summer Palace tomorrow.       A. had not rained      B. rain      C. should rain      D. were to raining  24. _ is the center of our solar system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages.       A. It is the sun and not the earth      B. Being the sun and not the earth      C. The sun and not the earth      D. That the sun and not the earth   25. “Why do I have to spend my weekend _ my bosses and colleagues at a hot spring?” says a _ office lady with a trading company.       A. along28-years-old       B. to28-years-old      C. for28-year-old       D. with28-year-old  26. As the flood victims are living in terrible conditions, I would rather you _ these relief packages right away.       A. post      B. posted      C. would post      D. should post  27. The U.N. Secretary General recently said that African countries can get more investments from multinational corporations in the world, only after they adopt democratic _.       A. institutions      B. institutes      C. investments      D. investigations  28. There is less crime now than there used to be. It seems that there is a _ in the crime rate.       A. slope      B. descent      C. incline      D. decline  29. Instead of chemically persuading you that you are not hungry, pills such as Hoffmann-La Roche's Xenical will stop the gut _ absorbing so much fat.       A. against      B. to      C. from      D. for  30. Among the tools used to _ potential sites, the most productive is the satellite photograph.       A. locate      B. find      C. discover      D. detect  31. _, his life is happy.       A. Poor indeed he is       B. Though poor he is       C. As poor he is      D. Poor as he is   32. America is a society in which children have watched approximately 18,000 television commercials _ they have reached their middle teens.       A. by the time      B. only when      C. until      D. before  33. He couldn't have achieved such success _ your advice.       A. for      B. due to      C. with regard to      D. but for  34. Many of his peers were glued _ the TV set this summer watching the worlds top athletes perform feats of endurance and skills.       A. for      B. to       C. after      D. at  35. The escaped criminal is said _ last year.       A. to be arrested      B. to arrest      C. to have been arrested      D. arresting  36. Napoleon got down from his horse and walked in the mud with the soldiers together, which _ the high spirit of the army.       A. experienced      B. raised      C. aroused      D. accumulated  37. _ John Adams who in 1775 recommended George Washington to be commander in chief of the Continental Army.       A. It was      B. That was      C. Although      D. When  38. John participated well in class discussion and read widely _.       A. on his own      B. by his own      C. with his own      D. of his own  39. _ his carelessness, he failed in the examination.       A. In spite of      B. In case of      C. Regardless of      D. On account of  40. _ by their companies to work fewer hours, they are taking more time _ and spending it with spouses or at home with the kids.       A. To presson       B. Pressed.off      C. Pressingon       D. Pressoff II. VocabularyDirections: Complete each of the following sentence with an appropriate word derived from the words in brackets on the left of the sentence. (每题1分,共10题)   41. The number of mistakes _ the mark you will receive in an examination.        A. determines   B. confesses    C. decides    D. confirms   42. (mystery) No one knows where he came from. There is something _ about his family background.        A. miserable    B. mysterious    C. enthusiastic   D. interested   43. (indulgent) The grandfather treated his grandchildren with fond _.        A. indifference   B. occurrence   C. reference   D. indulgence   44. (obese) _ is a danger to health.        A. Obesity    B. Obese    C. Obedient      D. Obedience   45. (confidence) She was _ that she had landed the job.        A. confident    B. confidential    C. considerable  D. consented    46. (inspire) Poets and artists often draw their _ from nature.        A. experience   B. attention   C. inspiration   D. experiment   47. (estimate) He comes first in my _.        A. estimate    B. estimates    C. estimation    D. estimated   48. (related) What has been said above also applies to _ with family members and friends.        A. relationship   B. partnership    C. contacts    D. bonds   49. (pronounce) Her _ is perfect for a second language learner.        A. denunciation   B. pronunciation   C. proclamation  D. reproduction   50. (conservation) He is a _ dresser and usually wears dark and casual clothes.        A. contemptuous   B. conservative  C. contacted  D. considerableIII. Error IdentificationError Identification: Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. (每题1.5分,共15题)51.  Mr. Collins seemed neither(A) in need of(B) encouragement or(C) inclined(D) to be silent himself. 52.  The prisoner denied to have seen(A) anyone(B) at the house when he was questioned(C) by the police(D).53.  But Van Gogh was(A) still unhappy. He longed for(B) days that are(C) always sunny with(D) skies forever brilliantly blue. 54.  A fair exam(A) gives more importance to the important aspects of the course, and lies(B) less emphasis on the unimportant(C) aspects of the course(D). 55.  "He didn't read(A) your letter and correct(B) the mistakes(C)?" "Yes, he didn't(D)."56.  Find answers(A) to(B) these questions is(C) something like(D) a detective story.57.  Not until(A) a baby kangaroo is four months(B) old it begins(C) to live outside its(D) mother's pouch.58.  A growing(A) influence in English social life was(B) the new middle classes, who(C) did not wish to appear(D) showy and overdressed.59.  They like to do one thing at one time(A) and something else(B) at other(C) time or in another(D) way. 60.  The first paper money looked more like(A) a note from one person(B) to another as(C) the paper money used today(D). IV. ClozeDirections: For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. (每题1.5分,共15题)        People once thought that the Earth was flat and that you could fall _1_ the edge. Most of us now think of the planet as a sphere. It is quite useful to think of the Earth and its atmosphere as being rather like an onion-that is, a ball made up of layers,_2_, unlike an onion, each layer is made of a different material.        One of the stories created by the writer Jules Verne described a journey to the center of the Earth, but at the Earth's center it _3_ rather uncomfortable because the inner core of our planet is thought to be made of an alloy(合金) of nickel and iron at a pressure some four million times greater than that which we experience at the surface. _4_ this inner core is an outer core which seems to be liquid and is made of nickel and iron together with a lighter element such _5_ silicon or sulphur.        It is very difficult to discover what it is like within the Earth. Information has been collected _6_ the study of earthquake waves, which react differently in rocks of different densities and different _7_ of solidity. Volcanoes also provide evidence as they throw up to the surface materials from great depths. There is one other _8_ of information-meteorites which fall from space and are thought to represent the composition of the Universe as a whole.        Outside the core is the mantle. The evidence we have from the way in which earthquake waves pass _9_ the mantle suggests that it is solid but it is likely that the upper part is more plastic in consistency. The composition of the mantle seems to be similar _10_ that of a rock found at the Earth's surface called peridotite(橄榄岩) which contains iron, magnesium(镁), silicon and oxygen.         Finally, surrounding the mantle, the Earth has a very thin skin known as the crust which is probably nowhere more than 50 kilometers (30 miles) thick. The crust is at its thickest under the world's mountain belts. 61.       A. off      B. over      C. beyond      D. from62.      A. however      B. thus      C. hence      D. although63.       A. is      B. has been      C. would be      D. would have been64.       A. Surrounding      B. Surrounded      C. Surrounds      D. It surrounds65.       A. as      B. for      C. of      D. like66.       A. from      B. with      C. under      D. by67.       A. codes      B. extents      C. means      D. degrees68.       A. over      B. through      C. across      D. within69.       A. to      B. with      C. about      D. for70.       A. reserve      B. origin      C. resource      D. source V. Reading ComprehensionDirections: Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. Please decide on the best choice. PASSAGE ONE (每题2分,共5题)The World Health Organization says as many as 10 million persons worldwide may have the virus(病毒) that causes AIDS. Experts believe about 350 thousand persons have the disease. And one million more may get it in the next five years. In the United States, about 50,000 persons have died with AIDS. The country's top medical official says more than 90 percent of all Americans who had the AIDS virus five years ago are dead. There is no cure for AIDS and no vaccine(疫苗) medicine to prevent it. However, researchers know much more about AIDS than they did just a few years ago. We now know that AIDS is caused by a virus. The virus invades healthy cells including white blood cells that are part of our defense system against disease. It takes control of the healthy cell's genetic(遗传的) material and forces the cell to make a copy of the virus. The cell then dies And the viral particles move on to invade and kill more healthy cells.The AIDS virus is carried in a person's body fluids. The virus can be passed sexually or by sharing instruments used to take intravenous(静脉内的) drugs. It also can be passed in blood products or from a pregnant woman with AIDS to her developing baby.Many stories about the spread of AIDS are false. You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease. You can not get it by touching, drinking glasses or other objects used by such persons. Experts say no one has gotten AIDS by living with, caring for or touching an AIDS patient.There are several warning signs of an AIDS infection. They include always feeling tired, unexplained weight loss and uncontrolled expulsion of body wastes(大小便失禁). Other warnings are the appearance of white areas on the mouth ,dark red areas of skin that do not disappear and a higher than normal body temperature.    71. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?       A. As many as 350 thousand persons have AIDS.      B. The AIDS virus is carried in a person's body fluids.      C. There's no vaccine medicine to prevent AIDS.      D. The AIDS virus is not spread by mosquitoes.   72. Concerning the ways the AIDS virus can be passed, which of the following statements is wrong?       A. An AIDS mother can pass on the virus to her unborn child.      B. The AIDS virus can be passed on through infected blood.      C. The AIDS virus can be passed on by shaking hands and sharing belongings.      D. The AIDS virus is passed sexually.   73. The expression "a pregnant woman" (Para. 3) means_ .       A. a woman who has an unborn child in the body      B. a woman who is taking drug      C. a woman who has the AIDS virus      D. an unmarried mother   74. The fifth paragraph is mainly about_ .       A. the results of an AIDS infection      B. the possible symptoms of an AIDS infection      C. how the AIDS virus is spread      D. the diseases AIDS patients easily have   75. When the AIDS virus attacks our defense system_ .       A. it starts to destroy our white blood cells      B. we begin to feel tired      C. it means we will die very soon      D. our white blood cells can control it PASSAGE TWO(每题2分,共5题)The pollution of Hong Kong's beaches by oil from a damaged tanker last year recalls a similar incident which took place in Britain in 1967 when the Torrey Canyon, a huge oil tanker, split in two and caused disaster in coastal areas. Shoals of fishes were killed, sea birds hopelessly fouled with oil and coastal holiday resorts put out of business for several weeks. As a result of this particular incident scientists are becoming restless at the thought of Britain's inability to cope with national disasters on a large scale. The reason for their concern is that technology is rapidly outstripping(超越)man's ability to control it. Oil tankers, for instance, have been allowed to get bigger and bigger without sufficient thought being given to emergency braking and manoeuvring arrangement. Collisions at sea continue, but little effect has been made to develop safety devices as effective as those used for aircraft.Scientists were outspoken in expressing their concern during a recent meeting of the British A


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