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八年级第一单元练习题一、Make up questions 1)I play computer game twice a day.  (对划线部分提问) _ 2)My sister surfs the internet three times a week.(对划线部分提问) _ 3)My favorite TV program is Talk Show.  (对划线部分提问) _ 4)Do you often go to the movies?   (作否定回答) _ 5)I sleep nine hours every day. (对划线部分提问) _二、Complete these conversations Complete these conversations. Then practice with a partner. Dialogue A            A:  Hi, Paul. _ you often exercise very much? B:  Yeah, I _ get up early and I lift weights for an hour. A:  Wow! How _ do you exercise like that? B:  About five _ a week. What about you? A:  Oh, I _ _ exercise. I usually just watch TV三、Translate the phrases 1. 购物_ 2. 在周末_ 3. 看电影_ 4. 上网_ 5. 每天_ 6. 一周三次_ 7. 一个月两次_ 8. 绝大部分学生_ 9. 对健康有好处_ 10. 照顾_ 11. 使有所不同_四、阅读短文并回答问题 All over the world men and women and boys and girls enjoy sports. Since the days of long ago, people have called their friends together to spend hours, even days playing games. Sports help people to live happily. When they are playing games, people move a lot. This is good for their health. Many people enjoy sports by watching others play. Games and sports grow out of the work people do. In Portugal (葡萄牙) many people work to catch fish. Sometimes they use their boats for racing(比赛) .The Arab (阿拉伯人) people are famous for their horses. Horseback riding is a very exciting sport in Morocco (摩洛哥) . Hunting (打猎) and fishing are work for many people who must get their food this way. But for other people they are sports. Questions: 1. What do people all over the world enjoy? 2. What are sports good for? 3. What do sports and games grow out of?八年级第六单元练习题一、判断对错When Mike was young, he worked in a small shop. He worked very hard. Everyone thought he was an honest(诚实的)man.One day, a woman came into the shop and bought some small things. They cost(花费)her two dollars and sixty cents(美分). But Mike was not sure about the money. An hour later, he found the money should be two dollars. “I made her pay(付款)more money. I must pay her back the sixty cents.” he thought. It was not easy to get to the womans house. It was about five kilometers to walk to the womans house. When he arrived(到达), it was very dark(黑暗的). He said sorry to the woman and paid back the sixty cents to her, then walked back home with a smile.阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。1. When Mike was young, he worked in a small shop.(    )2. Mike never made a mistake(犯错误). (    )3. Mike came to the womans house to pay back her the sixty cents by bike. (    )4. Mike paid back to the woman sixty cents. (    )5. Mike was a very honest young man. (    )二、阅读理解Mr. Hunt was cutting a branch(树枝)off a tree in his garden. While he was sawing(锯), a man passed in the street. Seeing Mr. Hunt sitting on the branch, he stopped and said, “Excuse me, but if you keep sawing(继续锯树)the branch like that, you will fall down(倒下)with it.” He said this because Mr. Hunt was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between himself and the trunk(树干)of the tree.Mr. Hunt said nothing. He thought, “This is a foolish man and a foolish idea.” So he went on(继续)with his work.After a few minutes, the branch fell down and Mr. Hunt fell with it and the branch hit his left leg. His leg hurt(疼痛)very much.“The man can know the future(未来).” Mr. Hunt thought himself. So he went out with his horse and looked for the man but he never found him again.阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择最佳答案。1. Why did the man stop when he passed by? Because he _.A. could know the futureB. he was afraid of the man falling down with the treeC. he wanted to talk to himD. he wanted to ask for something2. Where was Mr. Hunt sitting? He was sitting _.A. on the branch          B. on the floorC. in the street          D. on his leg3. Mr. Hunt thought the man was _ at first.A. very clever   B. foolish  C. good   D. bad4. At last Mr. Hunt _ with the branch.A. stayed in the tree   B. flew(飞)C. fell down              D. fell onto the tree5. Mr. Hunt was _.A. foolish   B. clever   C. fat   D. thinKeys:一、TFFTT二、本文是一篇语言故事。讲述了Mr. Hunt砍树时坐在要砍掉的树枝上,别人劝告他,他根本就不听,结果和树枝一起掉在了地面上,摔伤了腿。这个故事又能给我们什么启发呢?1. B 语境理解题。从短文第一段第三句话“Excuse me, but if you keep sawing (继续锯树) the branch like that, you will fall down(倒下) with it” 可以看出:他担心砍树的人会与树枝一起掉下来,所以停下来告诉砍树人。故答案应选B。2. A. 语境判断题。从短文第一段第三句话 “Seeing Mr. Hunt sitting on the branch, ” 可以看出:Mr. Hunt正坐在他要砍的那个树枝上。故答案应选A。3. B. 语境判断题。从短文第二段的第二句话 “This is a foolish man and a foolish idea.”可以看出:Mr.Hun认为那个人很傻。故答案应选B。4. C 语境判断题。从短文第三段的第一句话 “After a few minutes, the branch fell down and Mr. Hunt fell with it and the branch hit his left leg.” 可以看出:Mr. Hunt 和树枝一起摔到地上。故答案应选C。5. A 作者意图题。从短文所提供的信息可以了解到:Mr. Hunt 砍树时坐在要砍掉的树枝上,这本身就是一种愚蠢的行为,又加上他根本不听别人的劝告。故根据作者的意图来判断:Mr. Hunt是一个很愚蠢的人。故答案应选A。八年级第八单元练习题一、看图填词1. A: Where _Ronal do yesterday?   B: He _ in Japan.   A: What _the weather _ there?   B: It _ very nice.2. A: _ Jorden in America three hours ago?   B: No, he _ He _ in Beijing.3. A: What _ the _ yesterday?   B: It was October 1.   A: _it fine?   B: Yes, it_.4. A: _ they at the railway station yesterday evening?    B: No, they _. They _ at the cinema. Keys:1.was/was/was/like/was  2.Was/wasnt/was  3.was/date/Was/was  4.Were/werent/were二、选择填空(1) He _ his homework yesterday. A. didnt          B. didnt do       C. does            D. doesnt(2) My parents _ late yesterday. A. get to home     B. get home         C. got to home       D. got home(3) Mary _ to school last week because she _ ill. A. didnt go, was  B. didnt went, was  C. doesnt go, is    D. not went, was(4) Last Sunday, I went to the shopping mall with my mother, _ a coat and _ lunch at KFC. A. buy, have     B. buy, have        C. to buy, to have   D. bought, had(5) I _ countryside two years ago. A. lived in        B. lived            C. live in           D. live答案: (1) B   (2) D   (3) A   (4) D   (5) A  三、补全对话根据对话意思,完成整个对话。A:Hi, _(1)did you go on vacation?B:I _(2)to the beach.A:_(3)was the beach?B:It was _(4). So I _(5)a good time.A:How was the _(6)?B:It was often _(7), and I could _(8)the sun, and the seafood is _(9), too.A:How great! I _(10)like to go there one day!Key: 1.where2.went3.How4.nice /good /beautiful5.had6.weather7.sunny8.enjoy9.delicious /nice10.would对话配对。1. How was your vacation?2. What did you do over the weekend?3. Do you like football?4. What does Billy look like?5. What would you like?A. I did some reading.B. Hes tall and has curly hair.C. Id like a small pizza.D. It was pretty good.E. Yes, I do.Key: 1.D  2.A  3.E  4.B  5.C四、完形填空A young man went to a car shop. He was wearing a dirty jacket. He looked at an (1) car carefully and then turned to speak to the salesman.“(2) is this car?” he asked.“Ten thousand two hundred and eighteen pounds,” the salesman said.“Ill have sixteen (3) them,” the young man said.The salesman smiled. He found it hard to be polite, “You are (4), of course,” he said, “Im afraid we can't help you. This car isnt for sale.”The salesman showed his customer to the (5) and the young man did not say anything and left the shop. He went to a shop on the other side of the street and (6) sixteen cars. The second salesman was polite and (7). The young man took plenty of money out of his (8) and paid for the cars in cash (现金). He explained that the cars were for himself and his fifteen friends. He said that they worked (9) a fishing-boat. “We have got a lot of money this season,” the young man said, “and we want to buy cars.”Certainly, (10) salesman was very pleased.(1) A. athletic      B. else         C. expensive     D. unfortunately(2) A. How much      B. How many     C. What about    D. What(3) A. to            B. of           C. /             D. at(4) A. saying        B. smiling      C. joking        D. selling(5) A. car           B. door         C. window        D. manager(6) A. took away     B. stole        C. looked at     D. asked for(7) A. helpful       B. hopeful      C. happy         D. cold(8) A. coat          B. trousers     C. shirt         D. pocket(9) A. with          B. in           C. on            D. of(10) A. the two      B. the second   C. two           D. second答案:(1)C(2)A(3)B(4)C(5)B(6)D(7)A(8)D(9)C(10)B五、阅读理解AAn English traveler(游客)found himself in a northern European(北欧的)country with a little money to buy the ticket to go back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England, he thought he would be all right without food. So he bought a ticket and went on his trip. He closed his ears to the lunch bell. When suppertime came, he didnt go to the dinning room. He just stayed in his room.But after suppertime he was so hungry that he couldnt stand(忍受)it. “Im going to eat,” he said, “Even if they throw(扔)me into the sea.” At supper he ate everything in front of him at the table, and felt trouble coming to him.“Bring me the bill(帐单), please.” he said. “There isnt any bill, sir.” answered the waiter(侍者), “All the food here is free(免费的). On the ship the money for the ticket includes(包括)meals.” The travelers cried(哭)hard at the waiters words.阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择最佳答案。1. The traveler knew he would come back to England _.A. in two days           B. in one dayC. in two weeks          D. in three days2. The traveler didnt have _ that day.A. breakfast     B. lunch     C. supper     D. three meals3. At last the traveler knew _.A. the food on the ship was very expensiveB. the food on the ship was very hotC. the food on the ship was freeD. the food on the ship was very cheap4. The food on the ship was free because _.A. the money for the ticket included mealsB. the food for travelers was very simple(简单)C. the food on the ship was very fewD. the food on the ship was really poor5. After heard the waiters words the traveler cried because _.A. he felt very happy         B. he felt very worried(着急)C. he felt a little funny     D. he felt very sad and funnyKeys: 1.A2.B3.C4.A5.DBIt was Sunday and we were sitting at the table. Father came into the room in a hurry(匆忙地)and told us with a smile, “Oh, dear me. I forgot(忘记)to tell you the good news. There is a letter from Granny. Shes coming to see us this afternoon. Im going to meet her at the station.” With these words(说着这些话)he left home.How happy we were! We havent seen Granny for a long time and we missed(想念)her very much. After lunch my mother and I went shopping(购物). We bought a lot of food Granny liked to eat. My sister cleaned(打扫)the house. It was four oclock when we finished work and sat around the table, waiting for Granny. At last(最后)the door opened and in came my father alone(一个人). “Where is Granny?” We asked him. father was very happy, laughing(大笑)and telling us, “April fools! Today is April 1st, April Fools Day(愚人节)!”阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。1. Father was happy because he got a letter from Granny.(     )2. Father went to meet Granny at four oclock at the station. (     )3. We were very glad to hear Grannys coming. (     )4. My sister did cleaning at home that day. (     )5. Father just played a joke(开玩笑)on us on April Fools Day. (     )Keys: 1.F2.F3.T4.T5.TCAfter 26 years of working outside, Mr. Black together with his wife returned(回到)his village to enjoy country life.Mr. Black was born in the village 50 years ago. His family was very poor and he couldnt have enough money to go to school. So he went to work to support(养活)his families. He left his village when he was 24 years old. He worked from one city to another to do different jobs. But he never forgot his village.Now he stops working, and he decides(决定)to come back to his own village for his country life. How happy he is!He decides to give some of his money to the village school and build(建造)a new school library. He grows some flowers, fruits and many kinds of vegetables. He keeps chicken for eggs. He keeps cows and sheep for their milk and meat. He feels very comfortable and happy in his hometown.阅读短文,并根据短文内容选择最佳答案。1. Mr. Black returned his hometown _.A. for his country life with his wifeB. to open his factory for his childrenC. to build a new library for the schoolD. to give his money to the village school2. How many years was Br. Black away from his village?A. 24 years.     B. 26 years.    C. 18 years.    D. 50 years.3. How old is Mr. Black now? He is _ years old.A. 26            B. 24           C. 50           D. 604. Mr. Black feels _ to return to his village.A. very happy    B. very sad     C. very busy    D. very poorKeys: 1.A2.B3.C4.A六、写作每年过生日,我们都又长大了一岁,所以每年的这一天,一定会发生一些让你难忘的事情。记录下这天都发生了什么事情,为什么令你难以忘记。要求:尽量用上面所给的表示时间的词。字数100左右。【参考范文】It was my fourteenth birthday yesterday. I thought I must do something for my parents. So I got up earlier than my parents. After washing myself, I went downstairs to the market. I bought some food for breakfast. Quietly, I went back home, and put the food in the microwave to heat them. When the breakfast was ready, my parents got up. They were so surprised for what I had done. Then after school, I came home to wash my clothes and prepared the dinner. Though I didnt like the food I made, my parents said it was really delicious. It was a busy day, but I felt happy because I knew what a lot of work my parents have to do everyday.八年级第九单元练习题一、动词填空1用所给动词的适当形式填空。1)English_(speak) as the first language in Australia.2)Bikes _ widely _ by Chinese people.(use)3)Whats the cup _(make) of? Its _(make) of China.4)This English song _ often _ (sing) by the children in class.5)Marys radio _(mend) by my brother just now.6)Vegetables _(sell) in this shop.7)When _ the hospital _(build)? It _ _ (build)in 1968.答案:1)was spoken   2)are, used   3)made, made   4)is, sung   5)is being mended   6)are sold   7)is, built, was built2. 选用方框中词的恰当形式填空。(有的词可重复使用)use,  be,  write,  know,  speak,  enjoy,  find,  try,  learnEnglish _ very widely _. It _ by people in English, the United States, Australia and many other countries. It _ one of the working languages at international meetings. Most international business letters _ in English. And quite a few words and magazines _ in English too. If you _ English, you _ you can _ so many more books. English _ really a bridge to so much knowledge. You must _ your best _ English well.二、判断正误When we meet someone if the first time, its no use trying to hide how we feel about them. Psychologists say that we cant help showing our true attitude towards the other person, even if we actually say very little. So how can you tell whether people like you or not? Or, perhaps more importantly, for you its easy to tell. All you need to do is to keep watching him or her very carefully, to find out how they feel about you. Their “body language” will give them away. These are the signs you should look for:You can tell that the other person likes you if he:looks you in the eye.seems to have large pupils in his eyes.tries to improve his appearance by touching his hair or clothes all the time.stands or sits straight in front of you, or leans forwards to talk or listen to you.stands close to you, pulls in his stomach and pushes out his chest.So youd better be careful if you dont want people to know how you feel about them. But if you want some body to know that you like them and that you enjoy being with them, you dont have to say anythingyou should just let your body talk!1. If you dont speak, other people wont know whether you like them or not.2. According to the psychologists, if you say very little, it will help you to show your true attitudes towards the other person.3. You can find out whether you are attractive or not from the other persons body language.4. If you dont want to give yourself away, look him in the eye though you dont like him.5. If you enjoy being with a particular person, all you need to do is to keep watching him.Keys: F F T T F三、书面表达假设你在互联网上新结识了一位笔友,请你根据下表中所提供的信息向你的同学做一简要介绍。文段第一句已给出。要求文段意思连贯、符合逻辑、书写工整,下栏所给提示必须都用上。(不少于6句)NameKate GreenAge15CityLondon, EnglandSchoolApple Tree SchoolFamilyOne sister, two brotherFavorite subjectsMaths, physicsFavorite sportsSkating, swimming, dancingKate Green is my new penfriend. _八年级第十单元练习题一、基础训练题A.动词归类:在这道题里,请根据所给出的句子的提示,将下面的动词词组放到合适的地方take part in a competition, went on vacation in Tibet, caught a cold,  be a lawyer, had a birthday party, hold an exhibition, started playing the piano, perform in a play, made many friends, write many articles to newspaper. 1. What did you do last year?Last year, I _ _2. What are you going to do next year?Next year, I am going to _B. 1请回忆一下,你去年都做了些什么样的事情。你可以选择使用上一题中的动词短语,也可以运用自己学过的动词。Last year, I _.2新的一年就要到了,你打算做些什么呢?你有出游的计划吗?你有学习一门新的课程的计划吗?把你的计划写出来,和朋友分享一下。Next year, I am going to _.Keys:A:1. went on vacation in Tibet, caught a cold, had a birthday party, started playing the piano and made many friends2. take part in a competition, be a lawyer, hold an exhibition, perform in a play and write many articles to newspaper.B: 略八年级第十一单元练习题一、补全队话Match the sentences from A with the sentences from B.A Would you like to sit down?Does this train go to Covent Garden?Youre sitting on my walkman.Do you mind if I sit here?Can I get past, please?Where do I get off for the Tower?B At Tower Hill. Im going there, too.  Oh, Im terribly sorry.  Of course not. No problem.  Oh, yes please. Thank you very much.   Sorry. Am I in your way?  No, it doesnt. You need the Piccadilly line.A: _B: _A: _B: _A: _B: _A: _B: _


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