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Marketing Case StudyRare mineral treasure integrated marketing planning caseCase: In Wuhan, a rare treasure of mineral water in short supply, Hubei Province, became the first brand of mineral water. In Beijing, a rare treasure among mineral water city five. Rare treasure popular mineral water in the primary abnormality in children affectionately nicknamed it "Princess of water." This is a state-owned asset management company in Wuhan, Hubei's Mineral Water Co., Ltd. and Beijing rare treasure every man marketing planning company situation, after rapid monopoly of scarce resources, the first Lipin star Zhao Wei and a wonderful marketing bold "by the wind" cooperate in the implementation of campaign. Market research and analysis 1. Market Background(1) beverage market is highly competitiveBeverage market many varieties and brands, marketing investment, profit margins. New varieties and new brand juices, functional drinks continue to emerge, the beverage market segments continue to be chopped, divided up the consumer's pocketbook, squeeze the drinking water market.(2) many brandsDrink water as pure water (including space water, distilled water) and mineral water two categories. There are more than 1,000 pure water manufacturers, mineral water producers more than1,000. In Wuhan market, there are 29 kinds of pure water, mineral water, 21 kinds.(3) all aspects of pure mineral water compared to prevailFrom the advertising, marketing, brand appeal to consumer preference, the overall loss to pure mineral water. Pure water use objective advantage is low cost, consumer misunderstanding this stage of the choice of drinking water.Good (4) mineral prospects and great potentialIn developed countries, speaking drinking mineral water is healthy, tasteful logo. Water is the world's leading beverage brands of mineral water, such as the French "Evian." Mineral water in the world for nearly a hundred years of history. Our consumer awareness of mineral water are rapidly improving, water is not only quench your thirst, but also the pursuit of good for the body. Our mineral water quality has greatly improved, the passing rate from 1992's 34.5% rise to 1997 of 78.2%, some brands of mineral water sales are quite large.2. Contender statusFirst Army: Robust, Wahaha, Master Kong, they are leading brands; Second Army: farmer spring, Yi Bao, black child, was particularly full, they are a strong brand; other drinks are more than 40 species of water motley crew, is a weak brand.First Master 30.64%Second Robust 28.56%Third Wahaha 15.74%Features; brand awareness is high, powerful companies, advertising investment, both of which Robust production of pure water and producing mineral water, purified water both by low-cost money, but also by mineral water image building long-term perspective.Robust, Wahaha have built plants in Hubei beach landing, localization strategy, reduce costs and strengthen competitiveness.3. Consumers conditionConsumers have formed the habit of buying drinking water, often buyers accounted for 48.89%, occasionally buyers accounted for 48.15%, only 2.96% of people never buy. Age structure significantly lighter.Consumer Behavior: re-brand, re-taste of mineral water, purified water, the concept of fuzzy, but there are some consumers recognize unhelpful long drink pure water, mineral water began to pay attention to the choice of quality.4. Market PotentialWuhan is one of the four "stove", drink water sales is enormous. Wuhan City, 750 million people often buy drinking water daily to buy a bottle of summer (600mL, 1.20 million) or more, sales are 396 million. Occasionally, people who buy summer weeks are buying a bottle sales is 55,728,800. Other seasons temporarily negligible, Wuhan City drinking water of at least the amount of the actual latent 450 million yuan, even resort to 50% off there over two million latent capacity.5, rare treasure market performanceVisibility, reputation is not high. In Wuhan, a rare treasure original market share of only 1.70%. Consumers rare treasure "do not know" accounted for 41% of 87, "Understanding" accounted for 12 to 60%;. Brand awareness is 16.20%.Sales volume is very low, in 1998 produced a total of 1,700 tons, less than the total sales of around 400 million, with annual sales in Wuhan only about 800,000 yuan.Characteristic rare treasure, but performance is not outstanding. Se rare treasure characteristics distinguish it from other pure water, mineral water, but lesser known.The price is high. In good water consumers do not know is the case, the price is competitive.Distribution of work is very good, buy inconvenient.Poor packaging design, bottle stickers become obsolete, no grades, no taste.Brand survival foundation. Rare treasure in Wuhan on interpersonal sales for three years, sustain brand survival foundation. Enterprise diagnosis Rare treasure mineral water company was founded in October 1992, the production was built in the beginning of Enshi Prefecture, product test marketing in 1995, the company set up in March 1997 Sales Corporation, designed annual production capacity of 20,000 tons. Rare treasure listing has been three years, market share, reputation, sales volume is still in a very low level, in the end is what factors affect the rare treasure, the survey found that the main problems are:1. Management of extensive random. Especially in the distribution system does not meet the modern market competition environment, did not establish a scientific, unified, authoritative sales command center and professional and efficient sales force. Wuhan Branch and commerce company conflicts, buck-passing.2. Personnel layout imbalance. Managed to do more, do less business; idle people, fewer people Officer.3 marketing talent shortage. Due to lack of marketing professionals, resulting in only knew the truth head of production, but do not know how to play the market; only know yourself and the product is a good thing, thought it would be cute, I do not know what other people have to love you; only know how to brave the production equipment to invest, but not daring to spend money on advertising, and so on.4. No clear positioning. Rare treasure no market positioning, product features free positioning, the lack of a unique selling proposition (USP), product image blur. No benefit to the consumer point of what people buy.5, no market research, days advertising. No market research is like playing blind man before the war so that no advertising, consumer how Ganhe "I've never heard of the water."Therefore, consumers no interest in it, the dealer did not confidence.6. shop loan work extremely place. Shopping malls, supermarkets, tourist attractions, street stalls head rarely seen rare treasure shadow. This ready-to-drink mineral commodities Distribution difference to this extent could never buy well. Because who would not for a bottle of water ran fine leg.7. Poor marketing. Due to a shortage of marketing talent, resulting in low levels of rare treasure of marketing, there is no market research, no strategic planning, no long-term planning, marketing planning incoherent, not the system. Advertising positioning vague, advertising is not enough, the way behind. Blind to develop new markets, such as primary and secondary unfocused no.8. Packaging design is poor. Bottle close up look old, no grades, no taste. Packaging is the product of the face, the face is not clean, very ugly, consumers will be interested?9. Adverse external competitive environment. Drink water industry is one of the market's most competitive industries, and the most powerful competitors faced mineral water - pure water is very powerful, they are low cost, relying on big brands and strong financial support in the market right path Under the policy guidance, occupy drink water dominance. Open the mineral water market to whom it is not an easy task. Strategic Planning 1 Strategic thinking: a clear-cut a clean break with pure water, not on price, not with it a decline; big fight card features, highlighting rare natural treasure Se price, value clear consumer benefits available; to the whole society to advocate green and healthy lifestyle, proper dissemination of scientific concept of consumption, and thus establish a rare treasure healthy taste of the high brand image and create a sincere and responsible to society for the benefit of mankind and the work of the corporate image.2. Strategic steps: establish a brand, do local boss; strengthen the brand, do Chinese famous brand of mineral water; extend the brand, to make the world green with selenium as the core health industry leader.3. Strategic plan: Wuhan as the headquarters for the northern key markets in Beijing, the first breakthrough, after holding one's ground, to the country.4. Brand positioning: health, vitality and good taste!5 Product Features Positioning: Se, protect eyesight.Suddenly. Rare treasure of mineral water scarce resources is one of the mineral selenium, which is the only standard of selenium content of natural mineral water, is the only selenium, sharp, low sodium calcium carbonate minerals, while three standards of quality mineral water . This is an important basis for product positioning, is to realize the value of monopoly, competition winning footing.How to find consistent point of product characteristics and consumer demand for it? Selenium has many effects, cancer, improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, protect eyesight, etc., only to protect the eyes, enhance the identity of the most consistent with the vision to adapt to water and most water consumer psychology, consumers can believe and be willing to accept, investigate into the scientific discovery objectively feasible and effective.6. Three core product levels: first thirst; second to improve vision; third offers a variety of trace elements needed by the human body.7 consumer into the group orientation: mainly young people in primary and secondary schools as a breakthrough.According to the function of positioning Se rare treasure, improve vision, so consumers clear: schoolchildren; intellectuals, computer operator; poor vision in the elderly and tourists.For communication among consumer groups, to primary and secondary step by step, the student population is the key to the first breakthrough. Marketing Strategy (A) marketing concept1. Brand concept: the sale of water, while the sale of health, to Hello vision.2. Brand foundation: not only meet the basic physiological needs, while providing excess value other brands can not provide; and interests can be met over the next convenient, pleasant situation.3 Concept Support: In rare treasure mineral selenium generation to natural and geographical structure of scientific basis, creating a rare treasure selenium mineral water "Lianshengsanji" concept.First level: ground loop for 16 years, clean water, rich in selenium-containing trace elements;Second level: ten kilometers deep at the foot of the hillside gushed;Third level: detached general mineral water, to achieve a variety of elements in particular selenium, strontium, calcium bicarbonate low sodium content standards across the board;4 marketing concept: the latest modern integrated marketing communication theory, combined with the experience of every man planning concepts, combining tradition and innovation, mobilize all means can be mobilized, such as: advertising, public relations, event marketing, promotion, publicity, CI etc., coordinated open market establish a brand name for products and services.(B) the marketing mixA. Products1 old bottle New Look: Change bottle stickers. Rare treasure is already listed in Wuhan, three products, names do not change, water need not change, but the old original image must be changed, the original bottle stickers gives outdated, low-grade impression, colorless and tasteless water, rich in minerals and see, then paste it represents the water bottle, it must be able to for water "speak." This technique is extremely important.Design ideas: First, to design a high taste Logo, as the core of VI systems and other elements associated with kai, highlight the brand. Regroup product descriptions, express product characteristics.2 specification combinations: only 600mL enough. Product specifications personalized, differentiated and serialization is an important means to facilitate customers, gain a competitive advantage. To add 330mL and vats 5L (household equipment).B. Price policyRetail Price:. 600mL, 2 50 - 3.00; 330mL, 2 00 - 2 50 yuan. The price is slightly higher than the mineral water, etc. Robust, slightly lower than the high-end brands such as Evian, to show their worth.C. Advertising and promotion strategy1 advertising creative strategic principles: rational appeals mainly to emotional appeals supplement.2. advertising appeals goals: students.3 advertising performance strategies: star famous. To borrow a new star, accurate and clever.The first need is to open up markets product visibility, low water this high emotional concern, especially consumer goods. In China, the most rapid way to open the visibility is celebrity stars for advertising. By Star-known, time-tested. The new star of the most affordable care, that are looking for the latest star.Find the key in a Nova "difficult" words can not take the eye to advance to accurately predict the "star" of heat and trends, consumers opt to vote."My Fair Princess" starring Zhao Wei Swallow is preferred: first, the absolute star, other companies have not used the product; Second, the popularity is booming unusually hot, by ordinary consumers; third, "Swallow "Vicki especially popular in primary school students, which is what we want to target the main contact; Fourth, she has a pair of unusually large eyes, watery attractive, consistent with the efficacy of the product title. The spokesperson rare treasure not "swallow" must go.4. advertising principles: hard advertising mainly to soft advertising supplement; dominated by regional media, national media supplemented; hard advertising to television, newspapers mainly published series feature advertising, other media supplemented; soft advertising in newspapers based, publish series of popular science articles. Feature films to television, radio feature, DM, brochures supplement.TV advertising to leveraging the power, so rare treasure ad starring Vicki aboard "My Fair Princess" and "My Fair Princess," a sequel of the most popular ride in 1999, plus the fire on fire. The film is a little Swallow, Swallow speech chip is rare treasure advertising, turns strengthen memory, making it a hot topic.5. Promotion Strategy principles: exact mainly Thaumaturgy hegemony. By conventional methods adopted to increase the breadth of products in the market, with a surprise move the way, stand out from competitors, increase market adoption of depth.D. Channel planning1. The main push agency: Wuhan area to wholesale, direct integration;To give priority to tourist attractions, near schools, sports facilities, street size stores, discount stores and shopping malls cloth goods;For small wholesale shop stalls to post a rare treasure posters for conditions began to send their 3 - 5 bottles of rare treasure heighten the atmosphere, attracting purchase.2. Channel tactics: send stalls selling rare treasure freezer. Deposit required to receive printed with rare treasure Logo and slogan freezer, freezer after selling rare treasure standards that go all the main vendors. tourist attractions monopoly sales. Through relationship marketing, in key tourist sites so rare treasure to become the designated drinks. Rare treasure funded printed tickets for various attractions, while rare treasure advertising printed on the tickets, the formation of one to one marketing. tired reward wholesalers. Several wholesalers established boundaries, each able to reach a boundary to reach the corresponding reward. build community direct station, across the board covering the Wuhan market.E. Event Marketing1. Objectives: to build brand image and expand visibility, improve reputation.2 Events creative principles: innovation, two-way communication, participate in interactive, firmly grasp the pulse of the times, manufacturing or lead to social hot spots, guide consumption fashion.F. Public relations and image activities1. Objectives: to cultivate consumer brand preference, remove undesirable disturbances.2. Activities principles: easy to do, do it to achieve perfection. Clear relationship in touch with friends, by all forces, directly or indirectly, to expand the market for products and services. CreativeRare treasure songs articles:Advertising appeals objects: studentsAds selling point: improve visionDemands the support point: much selenium rare treasureAdvertising slogan: drunk rare treasure, the vision will be better.Advertising creative content:Life style and celebrity clips using the recommended type combination. The people are very familiar with the songs "swallow" the cheerful melody of "My Fair Princess" starring actor star of Swallow Zhao Wei, a child king look, she led a group of cute kids doing eye exercises . Voiceover an immature childish songs sang by "Swallow" adaptation of the song: "Swallow, big eyes, drink a bottle of mineral water every day ." thus point to understand the advertising theme, Vicki holding rare treasure of mineral water, a pair of glitter big, bright eyes, said: "drunk rare treasure, vision will be better." Theme activities 1. By "visual Year" heavily TreasureWith the "99 China Vision Year" for event marketing.According to health department survey, the national high school students, the myopia incidence of 64%, the incidence rate of 46% students. The most notable feature is the rare treasure of mineral water to prevent myopia and improve vision.Activities within the passenger: Where in Wuhan City, looking for mineral water containing selenium compliance can participate in sweepstakes, the first day of reward 500 yuan, 20; the next reward 300 yuan, 35; third reward 100 yuan, 100 .Objectives: to elevate awareness, strengthen the scarcity of product resources, and enhance high-value rare treasure.This event unprecedented sensation, every day the participants are more than a thousand or more. Major local news media have reported, "it was expensive mineral selenium, 500 yuan a bottle" has become a topic of discussion streets. Rare treasure of mineral water to achieve high visibility in a very short period of time, and greatly improves the rare sense of the product.2. By "green" win public supportActivity entitled: "In order to environmental protection, high-priced acquisition bottles." A rare treasure bottles for-two dollars, other brands of drinking water bottles every penny.Objectives: to enhance the rare treasure reputation, and establish dedicated to the cause of human health and environmental protection lofty image.Packed day after the event began, a total of three days time to recover tens of thousands of bottles of rare treasure, rare treasure reputation soared.3. Eco by eliminatingFor the part of consumers for rare treasure selenium mineral water authenticity doubts about ecotourism Enshi sourcing activities. Rare treasure mineral water sources Enshi Jianshi County forest coverage rate of over 60%, fresh air, beautiful scenery, ancient folk customs, ecology excellent.Activities: At 8, 9 10 March, consumers as long as the five rare treasure rare mineral water bottle stickers Bowes sent to participate in the lottery, lottery once a month, the awards were to find the source of Enshi travel.Consumers participate enthusiastically, received tens of thousands of letters, of which there was a young man on the mail more tha


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