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2019届高三英语上学期期末考试试题考试时间100分钟 试题满分:120 分 xx.1.15考生注意:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考号、姓名填写在试题、答题纸和答题卡上或贴好条形码,考生要认真核对涂准答题卡上的相关信息。2. 第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。第卷用黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写作答。在试题卷上作答,答案无效。考试结束,监考教师要将答题纸和答题卡按对应次序排好、核对、收回第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)(不计入总分,略)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AChicago High School There are many different high schools in Chicago. They all have the same courses, such as English, math, science, and social studies. In addition to academics, every student should do service learning, which means that each students helps the school and neighborhood with projects. Some students tutor after school. Some work in soup kitchens, helping people get food. Others work to improve the environment. When students do service learning, they feel better about themselves and learn more skills.Some high schools are specialized. Students choose to go there because they want a certain career or want to study a special subject. For example, you can go to a high school that specializes in arts if you are interested in arts. If you dream about flying, you can go to an air force school in Chicago. Besides the usual subjects, you also learn about flying there.You can also find special programs at regular high schools. Language program is popular and many schools offer language courses, such as Chinese and Spanish. Students from a wide range of backgrounds have joined them. Even culinary (烹饪) arts are available at some schools. One student who went to Richards High School in Chicago got a $10,000 scholarship to go to culinary college. He achieved his success at Richards High School where he took culinary arts classes as well as the regular courses. He is on his way to a great career.When you choose a high school, you should think about many things. Whatever high school you go to, how much it helps you is up to you. Succeeding in high school requires determination, concentration, and a mitment to be the best that you can be.21. High school students in Chicago need to _. A. do service work B. learn cooking C. have a personal tutor D. take environmental courses22. Specialized high schools are suitable for students who have _. A. a scholarship B. volunteer experience C. a plan on a career or a subject D. excellent performances in school23.What do we learn about Richards High School? A. It offers some culinary courses. B. It has Chinese language courses. C. It provides students with free lunch. D. It is famous for its academic subjects.24. The passage is intended for _ . A. parents B. teachers C. headmasters D. studentsBVolunteer Day What better way is there to enjoy your own hobbies while helping others at the same time? e to Volunteer Day and choose which activity youd like to join for the day. See below for a schedule of events on Volunteer Day. Volunteer Day schedule: 7:30a.m.: Meet at the munity (社区) Center for juice and bagels. 8:008:30 a.m.: Choose which activity youd like to help with for the day. 8:30 a.m.: Board the bus to your activity site. 9:00 a.m.3:30 p.m.: Work as a volunteer. 3:30 p.m.: Board the bus that will take you back to the munity Center. See below for a list of volunteer opportunities for Volunteer Day so you can begin thinking about which activity you might want to join. A list of volunteer activities: Paint houses: Do you enjoy making art? If so, this volunteer opportunity might be just right for you! Happy Homes is a local organization that provides home repairs for needy people in the form of painting. For elderly or physically disabled people who cannot do repairs to their homes, Happy Homes provides volunteer painters to repaint old homes; outside or in. Happy Homes also provides painters to create beautiful wall paintings inside schools or munity centers. Plant flowers: Do you enjoy being outside in nature? City Parks Association has many great opportunities for people who love to be outdoors. Help plant flowers and bushes in city parks; help lay paths at Cave Springs Park, or help pick up rubbish around the river banks. These activities are very active, so remember to be prepared with plenty of drinking water!Read to children: Do you enjoy working with young children? Do you like books? Love and Learning is an organization that provides volunteers to help children with learning disabilities. Read books out loud to groups of children four to six years old, or read one-on-one with struggling readers seven to eight years old.Play with animals: Do you love animals? Lovely Friends is an organization that visits local animal shelters and provides volunteers to spend time with the animals while their cages are being cleaned. Play with puppies, snuggle with cats, or hand-feed rabbits.25. At what time do volunteers leave for their activity sites? A. 7:30 a.m. B. 8:00 a.m. C. 8:30 a.m. D. 9:00 a.m.26. An outdoor lover probably takes part in _. A. Plant flowers B. Paint houses C. Read to children D. Play with animals27. What do Lovely Friends volunteers do? A. Read books to children. B. Spend time with animals. C. Help plant bushes in parks. D. Pick up garbage along the river.28. The purpose of the passage is to _. A. educate children B. attract volunteers C. fort the elderly D. encourage the disabled CWe walked in so quietly that the nurse at the desk didnt even lift her eyes from the book. Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down. While I watched mouth open is surprise, Mum took off her hat and coat and gave them to me to hold. She walked quietly to the small room by the lift and took out a wet mop. She pushed the mop past the desk and as the nurse looked up, Mum nodded and said, "Very dirty floors. ""Yes, Im glad theyve finally decided to clean them, "the nurse answered. She looked at Mum strangely and said, "But arent you working late?"Mum just pushed harder, each swipe(拖一下)of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall. I watched until she was out of sight and the nurse had turned back to writing in the big book. After a long time Mum came back. Her eyes were shining. She quickly put the mop back and took my hand. As we turned to go out of the door, Mum bowed politely to the nurse and said, "Thank you." Outside, Mum told me, "Dagmar is fine. No fever. ""You saw her, Mum?""Of course. I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. Dad will stop worrying as well. Its a fine hospital. But such floors!A mop is no good. You need a brush."29. When she took a mop from the small room what Mum really wanted to do was. A. to clean the floorB. to please the nurseB. to see a patientD. to surprise the story-teller30. When the nurse talked to Mum she thought Mum was a. A. nurse B. visitor C. patient D. cleaner31. After reading the story what can we infer about the hospital?A. It is a childrens hospital. B. It has strict rules about visiting hours. C. The conditions there arent very good. D. The nurses and doctors there dont work hard. 32. Which of the following words best describes Mum?A. strangeB. warm-hearted C. clever D. hard-workingDDo you like eating burgers? In general, an American eats more than 220 pounds of meat per year. The meat eaten by people in the world has hit an all-time high in xx, polluting our health as well as the environment.So how can we solve the problem? Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat may offer our planet the break it needs from meat. What are these things made of? Imagine a vegetable burger patty that tastes like the real meat. Its nothing like the vegetable burgers before. But Impossible and Beyond Burger are both made entirely from plants. Beyond Burgers and their colour are made entirely from vegetables. pared with Impossible Burgers, they are less great. What makes the Impossible Burger great is the thing called heme, which is what carries oxygen in the blood of living things. Its what makes meat taste more like meat and the Impossible Burger team has found out how to produce heme by using plants. These kinds of meat are much better for us and the planet. An Impossible Burger researcher says it uses 75 percent less water and gives off 87 percent fewer greenhouse gases pared with real beef. Even if youre not a mathematician, you will realize that the Impossible Burger costs about one-tenth that of beef. If these "meats" truly take off, theres no doubt that fast-food restaurants will serve products like this down the line.It should be noted, however, that giving up meat doesnt always translate into a healthier lifestyle. While 6 percent of the U.S. population dont eat meat or fish now it was 1 percent in xx that doesnt seem to be making any meaningful difference in solving the overweight problem.33. Why does the author mention the fact in Paragraph 1 ?A. To encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle.B. To explain why burgers are popular in America.C. To call on readers to care about the environment.D. To show people have too much meat in the world.34. Why will fast- food restaurants choose the Impossible Burger?A. It costs less. B. It tastes better. C. It is healthier. D. It is served faster.35. What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?A. A healthy lifestyle should include meat. B. The overweight problem is difficult to solve.C. Less meat doesnt always equal light weight. D. The number of vegetable lovers is increasing.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) .根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If youre planning to organize a summer camp, you need to have a good plan of action. First of all, you should have a theme. For example, if youre planning a lot of games, you could call it the adventure land" or something like that. 36 If the summer camp is going to be an overnight program, then you have to keep the kids busy with different activities. 37 Games act as one of the best ways for kids to relax. They also help kids get along well with each other and develop the ability to work in a team. Kids at the summer camp need to be on their own for some time. Make sure your plan has some free time for them. 38 You could even encourage them to write down their thoughts about the summer camp. Be careful not to force them to do some things; let them be on their own.Your summer camp program can have a special day. 39 During this day, children can show their culture as well as learn about others. Also you can have a gift day, which means every child has to show their gifts, like dancing, singing or painting.40 Let children do certain experiments or go around the campsite and ask them to find the scientific names of trees. Make sure you make this activity fun and interesting, so that the kids dont plain about it being a study activity.A. Youll have a wonderful summer camp.B. For example, you can have a culture day.C. This time may be used to make new friends.D. And an art camp can have a theme like paint the world".E. This may develop confidence in them to enjoy these sports.F. You can devote a day or two to science and nature activities.G. So plan interesting games like English corners, races and so on.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch, I 41 a note. Often written on a napkin (餐巾), it might be a thank-you for a 42 moment, a reminder of something we were happily expecting, or a bit of _43 for the ing test or sporting event.In early grade school they_ 44 their notes. But as children grow older they bees self-conscious(有自我意识的), and _45 he reached high school, my older son, Marc, informed me he no longer 46 my daily notes. Telling him that he no longer needed to 47 them but I still needed to write them, I 48 until the day he graduated.Six years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move 49 for a couple of months. He had spent those years well, graduating from college, 50 two internship (实习) in Washington, D.C., and 51 , being a technical assistant in Sacramento. 52 short vacation visits, however, he had lived away from home. With his younger sister leaving for college, I was 53 happy to have Marc back. Since I was 54 making lunch for his younger brother, I 55 one for Marc, too. Imagine my 56 when I got a call from my 24-year-old son, 57 his lunch. “Did I do something 58 ? Dont you love me 59 ,Mom?” were just a few of the questions he threw at me as I 60 asked him what was wrong. “My note, Mom,” he answered. “Wheres my note?”41. A. carried B. found C. included D. held42. A. difficult B. special C. fortable D. separate43. A. congratulation B. improvement C. explanation D. encouragement44. A. loved B. answered C. wrote D. examined45. A. lately B. by the way C. by the time D. gradually46. A. received B. understood C. enjoyed D. collected47. A. copy B. read C. take D. send48. A. held up B. gave up C. followed D. continued49. A. out B. home C. to college D. to Sacramento50. A. organizing B. planning C. paring D. pleting51. A. hopefully B. finally C. particularly D. certainly52. A. Because of B. Instead of C. Except for D. As for 53. A. especially B. immediately C. equally D. generally54. A. once B. again C. still D. even55. A. packed B. fetched C. bought D. filled56. A. fear B. surprise C. anger D. disappointment57. A. waiting for B. worrying about C. caring for D. asking about58. A. wrong B. funny C. strange D. smart59. A. any more B. enough C. once more D. better60. A. interestingly B. bitterly C. politely D. laughingly第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式。A few years ago, after a long morning of sightseeing in New York, my children and I took a rest on a park bench in Central Park. Look!" my son said, 61_ (point) to a nearby rubbish bin. Thats when we saw our first raccoon (浣熊). Quite at home in the big city, he paid us no attention, concentrating only on finding a _ 62_ _ (taste) lunch. He sorted through a few options before ing out with a wrapped sandwich_ _63_ (hold) between his paws. 64 _ (surprise), rather than run away, he jumped down and walked casually to a spot on the path, not a metre from 65_ we sat. The children were spellbound, the raccoon providing better_ 66 _ (entertain) than any museum. He glanced at us, perhaps checking to see_ 67_ we were about to steal his lunch. 68 _ delicate fingers, he peeled back the layers of plastic wrap until the half- eaten sandwich 69 _ (uncover). Then he surprised us all. Instead of starting his food, he turned to a nearby pool of water and_ 70_ _ _ (dip) his paws in. With a casual air, he rubbed his paws together underwater for a moment, brushed his fur, then started gracefully picking at his meal.第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下画-横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I can well remember an incident that happened on a rain Sunday afternoon. I was waiting forthe green lights that a girl of about ten was knocked down by a pass car. The car then drives offquickly. A man immediately rushed to the girl to give him first aid, but I joined in without anyhesitation. Luckily she was not bad injured and we sent her to the near hospital. I am proud of what I did for the girl. As member of the society, I am aware of that beingresponsible is what it takes to make a better society.第二节书面表达 (共1小题,25分)根据题目所提出的具体要求,在答题卡上写出一篇连贯完整的短文。词数不少于60.假如你是李华,你的好友Peter来信想要了解上个月你们学校为了传承和发扬中国优秀传统文化,举办的“京剧进校园”(Peking Opera Enters Middle Schools)系列活动。 请根据下面提供的信息, 给Peter回信,介绍活动情况,并谈谈自己的收获和感受。短文的题目和开头已为你写好。不计入总词数。Activities:* attend a lecture on Pecking Opera* learn to draw Peking Opera masks* watch Peking operasDear Peter, How are you doing? 答案21-24.ACAD 25-28.CABB 29-32 CDBC 33-35DAC 36-40 DGCBF 41-45CBDAC 46-50CBDBD 51-55BCACA 56-60BDAAD书面表达 (共1小题,25分)Possible versionDear Peter, How are you doing? Im more than delighted to hear from you. In you last letter you said you are interested in the activity-“Peking Opera Enters Middle Schools”- held in our school last month. Im writing to give you a brief introduction of it.We held a series of activities focusing on “Peking Opera Enters Middle Schools” to help us students approach Peking opera and understand Chinese culture better.There were various activities and the students showed great interest. First, all the students attended a lecture on Peking Opera in the science hall. Two experts introduced the history, the four major roles, and facial painting of Peking Opera. Then the students enjoyed a live performance by some professional actors. Students were greatly impressed by their singing, dancing and martial arts. In addition, Opera training classes were also offered to students who are interested in singing Peking Opera or drawing Peking Opera masks. Thanks to the activities, I learned how to appreciate Peking opera. But more importantly, I take pride in Chinese traditional culture more than ever before. Its our duty to preserve and promote Peking Opera and other traditional arts at home and abroad. Best wishes. Wele to our school to learn more about it. Yours, Li Hua 书面表达评分参考:1第一档:(2125分)(很好)完全完成试题规定的任务。运用了多样的句式和丰富的词汇,语法或用词方面有个别错误,但为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致;体现了较强的语言运用能力。全文结构紧凑,逻辑清楚、合理。2第二档:(1620分)(好)完成试题规定的任务。运用的句式和词汇能满足任务要求,语法和用词基本准确,少许错误主要为尽可能表达丰富的内容所致。使用了简单的语句间连接成分,内容连贯,逻辑清楚、合理。3第三档:(1115分)(及格)基本完成试题规定的任务。运用的句式和词汇基本满足任务要求,语法和用词方面有一些错误,但不影响理解。内容基本连贯,逻辑清楚、合理。4第四档:(610分)(较差)未恰当完成试题规定的任务。所用句式和词汇有限,语法或用词方面的错误影响了对所写内容的理解。信息未能清楚地传达给读者。5第五档:(15分)(差)未完成试题规定的任务。句式单调,词汇贫乏,语法或用词方面错误较多,严重影响了对所写内容的理解。信息未能传达给读者。60分未能传达任何信息;写的内容与要求无关。7书写或标点符号不规范在4处以上(含4处),或字迹潦草,在得分中再扣除1分(第四、五档文不扣此项分数)。重复错误只扣一次分数。


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