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2021/6/71The Federal Republic of Germany德意志联邦共和国德意志联邦共和国组长:陈鑫组员:李云涛、李峪莹、张琴、刘芳、高金姊、张汇玉2021/6/72Structure1.History2.Culture3.Language4. Physical Geography Physical Geography 5.Politics5.Politics6.Economy6.Economy7.Football team7.Football team2021/6/73The history of Germany高金姊2021/6/74 1.Germanic tribes and Frankish Empire(日耳曼部落及法兰克王国) 2.Holy Roman Empire (神圣罗马帝国) 3.German Confederation and Empire(德意志邦联及德意志帝国) 4.Weimar Republic and the Third Reich(魏玛共和及纳粹德国) 5.East and West Germany(西德和东德) 6.German reunification and the EU(两德统一与欧盟)2021/6/751.Germanic tribes and Frankish Empire(日耳曼部落及法兰克王国) 日耳曼尼亚(绿色区域)及罗马帝国(红色区域)2021/6/76 The Germanic tribes are thought to date from the Nordic Bronze Age or the Pre-Roman Iron Age. From southern Scandinavia and north Germany, they expanded south, east and west from the 1st century BC, coming into contact with the Celtic tribes of Gaul as well as Iranian, Baltic, and Slavic tribes in Central and Eastern Europe. 日耳曼部落最早可追溯至北欧铜器时代或者最晚是前罗马铁器时代。西元前1世纪,部落开始从斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部和德国北部逐渐向南、向东和向西扩散,与伊朗人、波罗的人、凯尔特人的高卢部落以及东欧的斯拉夫人发生接触。2021/6/772.Holy Roman Empire (神圣罗马帝国)On 25 December 800, the Frankish king Charlemagne was crowned emperor and founded the Carolingian Empire, which was divided in 843 becoming the origin of Roman Empire. From 1740 onwards, dualism between the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Prussia dominated German history. In 1806, the Imperium was overrun and dissolved as a result of the Napoleonic Wars.查理大帝于800年圣诞节于罗马接受教宗利奥三世加冕,并建立卡洛林帝国,后于843年分裂,分裂后出现的东法兰克王国为神圣罗马帝国的雏型。自1740年起,奥地利哈布斯堡君主国及普鲁士王国主导日耳曼地区。1806年,神圣罗马帝国皇帝弗朗茨二世由于拿破仑战争被迫退位,也宣告神圣罗马帝国解散。2021/6/783.German Confederation and Empire(德意志邦联及德意志帝国) Following the fall of Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna convened in 1814 and founded the German Confederation, a loose league of 39 sovereign states. After the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, the German Empire was proclaimed in 1871 in Versailles, uniting all scattered parts of Germany. 拿破仑一世战争失败后,欧洲各国于1814召开维也纳会议,并建立由39个主权邦组成的松散联盟德意志邦联。 法国于普法战争失利后,威廉一世在凡尔赛宫加冕为德意志皇帝,德意志帝国宣布成立.2021/6/794.Weimar Republic and the Third Reich(魏玛共和国及纳粹德国)At the beginning of the German Revolution in November 1918, Germany was declared a republic. By 1932, the German Communist Party and the Nazi Party controlled the majority of Parliament, fuelled by discontent with the Weimar government. After a series of unsuccessful cabinets, the President appointed Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933. 德国革命时,德国改行共和制,德国共产党及纳粹党于1932年掌握议会多数。在连续数个政府内阁失败后,总统保罗冯兴登堡任命阿道夫希特勒为总理.阿道夫希特勒,1933至1945年德国元首兼总理阿道夫希特勒,1933至1945年德国元首兼总理阿道夫希特勒,1933至1945年德国元首兼总理2021/6/7105.East and West Germany(西德和东德)After the surrender of Germany, the remaining German territory and Berlin were partitioned by the Allies into four military occupation zones. The western sectors, controlled by France, the United Kingdom, and the United States to form the Federal Republic of Germany; the Soviet Zone became the German Democratic Republic.They were informally known as West Germany and East Germany. East Germany selected East Berlin as its capital, while West Germany chose Bonn as a provisional capital, to emphasise its stance that the two-state solution was an artificial and temporary status quo.于德国投降后,德国领土及柏林由同盟国划分为四个军事占领区分区占领.法国、英国及美国占领区合并,成立德意志联邦共和国,苏联占领区成立德意志民主共和国,一般也以西德及东德称之。东德首都设于柏林,西德将波恩设为临时首都,以强调两国分治仅为暂时性的现状.2021/6/7116.German reunification (两德统一) Based on the Berlin/Bonn Act, adopted on 10 March 1994, Berlin once again became the capital of the reunified Germany, while Bonn obtained the unique status of a federal city retaining some federal ministries. The relocation of the government was completed in 1999. 根据柏林/波恩法令,柏林于1994年3月10日再次成为德国首都,而波恩获得联邦城市地位,并留有部分联邦机关,至1999年,政府搬迁全部完成.2021/6/712 Germanys culture张汇玉2021/6/713The first point Germanys music Music is the indispensable component in their life. Germany made different period of the master of music, such as Beethoven, Bach, Mendelssohn, Wagner, etc. Berlin philharmonic is famous in the world.2021/6/714 Germanys literature By the Italian Renaissance influences, Germanys 18th century literature went to the top. Goethe, Heine, Schiller, Lessing and the brothers Grimm are outstanding representatives. The 20th century most famous writers are that Thomas Mann、Heinrich Mann and Bertolt Brecht. Heinrich Burr and Gunther Grass respectively in 1972 and 1999 received the Nobel Prize for literature.2021/6/715The Concept of timeIt is important to deal with the German punctuality, being late is unacceptable (unless there are special circumstances), but the advance is considered a violation of the other time与德国人打交道,守时绝对重要,迟到是 无法让人接受的(除非真有特殊情况),但提前则被认为是侵犯了对方的时间。 2021/6/716The fourth point Language Features Accuracy is one of the characteristics of the German. German structured, many of the provisions of the grammar rules of sentence structure, which is very natural in the German expression patterns reflected. 准确是德语的特点之一。德语结构严谨,有很多规定句子结构的语法规则,这很自然在德语的表达模式上反映出来。 Germans often use have to, must vocabulary, easily gives the impression left orders, in fact, this is the German seriously, rigorous performance. 德国人经常用“不得不”、“必须”等词汇,容易给人留下发号施令的印象,实际上这正是德国人认真、严谨的表现。 2021/6/717 The Germans work is the most rigorous, very attention rules and disciplines, such as a lot of their enterprise are famous for high quality, like Siemens corporation, Volkswagen stock company, Adidas. German football team has been the world strong team, and this is all depend on their nerves of steel and strict tactical discipline in Europe, the world arena made shining record, three World Cup champion and three-time European champions enough to explain the greatness of Germany.2021/6/718 From the above characteristics, we can find that German pay attention to the rules and discipline, doing very seriously. Where expressly provided, the German will consciously abide; those who explicitly prohibited, the German will not touch it. Obvious contrast to the rest of the country do not have such a focus on rules and institutions.2021/6/719The language of Germany李云涛2021/6/720官方语言官方语言德语(95%)地区语言地区语言下莱茵语、林堡语、卢森堡语、阿勒曼尼语、巴伐利亚语、丹麦语、上索布语、下布语、北弗里西亚语、沙特弗里西语、罗姆语、低地德语主要移民语言主要移民语言土耳其语、俄语、波兰语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、荷兰语、希腊语及其他语言主要外语主要外语英语(56%)法语(15%)俄语(5%)手语手语德国手语2021/6/721 德国的官方语言是德语,全国超过95%的人口第一语言是标准德语或其他德语方言。这一数据包含了北低地萨克逊语,这种语言在统计中被视作标准德语的一种少数族群使用的区域变体。被承认的少数族群语言在使用区域亦有官方统计数据。 Germanys official language is German,the country more than 95% of the population first language is standard German(is the standard variety of the German language used in formal contexts, and for communication between different dialect areas), or other German dialects.This data includes the northern lowlands Saxon language, the language in the statistics is regarded as a variant of ethnic minority regions using standard German. Admitted the use of minority languages in the region also have official statistics.2021/6/722 德语是以下5个国家的官方语言/通用语言:德国,奥地利,瑞士,列支敦士登,卢森堡(通)又广泛使用于比利时。 German is the official language of the following five countries:Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg(pass) and widely used in Belgium.2021/6/723少数族群语言少数族群语言 被承认的少数族群语言: 索布语0.09%又称文德语文德语(Wendisch),是德国东南部少数民族索布人的语言。属于斯拉夫语族。 Sorbian0.09%, also known as Man German (Wendisch), southeast of Germanys Sorbian minority language.Belongs to the Slavic family.2021/6/724 罗姆语0.08%(又称吉卜赛语吉卜赛语或茨冈语茨冈语)是罗姆人和信德(Sinti)社群的语言。罗姆语属于印度-雅利安语支语言.罗姆人没有固定的居住点,亦没有国家以罗姆语作为官方语言。现在,罗姆语分成为不同的方言 Romani language0.008%(also known as Romany or Gypsy language)Roma and Sinti Community languages. Roma language belongs to Indo - Aryan language of the Roma people do not support a fixed place of residence, nor the country int he Roma language as an official language.Now,Romany divided into different dialects2021/6/725 丹麦语0.06%(dansk, dansk()属于印欧语系日尔曼语族北日尔曼语支,通行于丹麦王国以及其属地法罗群岛、格陵兰,也零星通行于德国、挪威和瑞典境内的部分地区。 Danish belongs to the Indo-European-the Germanic language family-North Germanic language branch ,spoken in the Kingdom of Denmark and its territories the Faroe Islands,Greenland,is also spoken in some parts scattered in Germany, Norway and Sweden2021/6/726 北弗里西亚语0.01%为德国区域语言之一,使用人口约为10,000人,主要集中在德国石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因邦西海岸地区以及包括分布在 Fhr, Amrum, Sylt, Helgoland 小岛上 North Frisian is one of Germanys regional languages,with a population of about 10,000people, mainly in Germany,Schleswig-Holsteins West Coast and includes distribution Fhr, on Amrum, Sylt, Helgoland island2021/6/727移民语言移民语言第一代及第二代移民使用的语言按使用人数排列依次为:(括号内标注移民来源)土耳其语(南欧及西亚)库尔德语(西亚)俄语(东欧及北亚)阿拉伯语(西亚及北非)希腊语(南欧)荷兰语(西欧及南部非洲)伊博语(尼日利亚及西非)意大利语(南欧)波兰语(中欧)塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语(巴尔干半岛西部及南欧)西班牙语(南欧)2021/6/728 大多数德国人都在学校学习英语作为第一外语。有时第一外语可能为法语或拉丁语,但通常情况下这两种语言是作为第一外语英语之外的第二外语或第三外语。学校也经常根据自身所处的地理位置选择教授俄语、意大利语、西班牙语、波兰语、荷兰语、古希腊语或其他语言。 Most Germans are in school to learn English as a first language. Sometimes the first foreign language may be French or Latin, but usually these two languagesas a first language other than English is a second language or third language. Schools often choose according to their geographical location, Professor Russian, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, ancient Greek or other language2021/6/729Physical Geography of Germany刘芳2021/6/7302021/6/731地理位置地理位置Geographical Location 德国位于欧洲中部,东邻波兰、捷克,南接奥地利、瑞士,西界荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国,北接丹麦,濒临北海和波罗的海,是欧洲邻国最多的国家。 Germany is in Western and Central Europe,bordering Denmark in the north Poland and the Czech Republic in the east, Austria and Switzerland in the south, France and Luxembourg in the south-west, and Belgium and the Netherlands in the north-west. 面积为35.7万平方公里 The territory covers 357,021 km22021/6/732气候 Climate 温带海洋性气候和温带大陆性气候交汇,西北部海洋性气候较明显,往东、南 部逐渐向大陆性气候过渡。夏季温和多雨,冬季寒冷少雨。 Germanys climate is temperate and marine, with cool, cloudy, wet winters and moderate warm summers.2021/6/733水文水文 Hydrology 主要河流有莱茵河(流经境内865公里)、易北河、威悉河、奥得河、多瑙河。较大湖泊有博登湖、基姆湖、阿莫尔湖、里次湖。 The main rivers are the Rhine (through the territory of 865 km), the Elbe, Weser, Oder, Danube. Larger lakes Lake Constance, Lake Chiemsee, Amor Lake, in times lake.2021/6/734地形地形 Terrain 地势北低南高,可分为四个地形区:北德平原;中德山地;西南部莱茵断裂谷地区;南部的巴伐利亚高原和阿尔卑斯山区,其间阿尔卑斯山脉的主峰祖格峰海拔2963米,为全国最高峰。 Low-lying South High North, the terrain can be divided into four zones: North German Plain; German mountain; fracture southwest Rhine Valley region; southern Bavarian Alps plateau, during the Alps Zugspitze peak altitude of 2963 meters, is the highest peak of the whole country.2021/6/735植被 Plant cover和 自然资源 natural resources 植被植被 Plant cover 温带落叶阔叶林和温带针叶林 Temperate decid uous broad-leaved forest and temperate coniferous forest 自然资源自然资源 natural resources 铁矿、煤、草木灰、木材、铀矿、铜、天然气、盐、镍矿、水。Ironore, coal, potash, timber, lignite, uranium, copper, natural gas, salt, nickle, water. 2021/6/736The politics of Germany张琴2021/6/737National flagNational Emblem2021/6/738State system国体 Federal state德国是一个联邦制国家。 16 states (constitution,Parliament and government) 联邦德国由16个各自拥有宪法、议会和政府的州组成,联邦拥有最高权力。 behalf of the Bundestag, participate in federal legislation.每个州在联邦层面通过在联邦议院的代表,参与联邦立法。2021/6/739The party system政党体制The multi-party system, each party has the special status, won the national financial support, only the federal constitutional court to stop the party.多党制,各党拥有特殊的宪法地位,获国家财政支持,只有联邦宪法法院才能取缔党派。2021/6/740德国的政党: Germanys Social Democratic Party德国社会民主党(SPD) Alliance 90/ Greens联盟90/绿党 2021/6/741The legal system法律体制 Check and Balance 三权分立 Administration according to law 依法行政 2021/6/742The Bundestag联邦议院 Federal Parliament is the peoples representative body elected. 联邦议院是民选的人民代表机构。 Federal parliament is the German parliamen. 联邦议会就是德国的国会,议员们组成议会党团,并从中选举产生议会议长。2021/6/743The federal Senate联邦参议院 The federal Senate only represented by the state government.联邦参议院内只有各州政府的代表。 The station of senate is the same as the Bundestag in rights legislation.联邦参议院是享有与联邦议院相同权力的立法机构地位。2021/6/744Federal president联邦总统 Federal president as a head of state on a behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany.联邦总统作为国家元首代表德意志联邦共和国。 Appoint the government members 任命政府成员 Signed the legal documents签署法律文件,使之生效。 Federal presidential term is five years联邦总统任期五年,可以连任。 2021/6/745克里斯蒂安.伍尔夫2021/6/746Foreign policy外交政策外交政策 Consistency and reliability连贯性和可靠性 Partners and balance of interests (feature伙伴合作和利益均衡(特征) Never walk alone (Principle) 永不孤行(原则)2021/6/747Chinese and the Federal Republic of Germany establish the diplomatic relations (1972.10.13)2021/6/748The Economy of Germany李峪莹李峪莹2021/6/749Overview Germany has a social market economy with a highly skilled labour force, a large capital stock, a low level of corruption,and a high level of innovation. It has the largest and most powerful national economy in Europe, the fourth largest by nominal GDP in the world, the fifth largest by PPP, and was the biggest net contributor to the EU budget in 2011.The service sector contributes approximately 71% of the total GDP, industry 28%, and agriculture 1%. The official average national unemployment rate in April 2014 was 6.8%. 德国采行社会市场经济,拥有高技术的劳工、庞大股本和较少腐败现象,而且具有高创新能力。德国为欧洲最大且最具影响力的经济体。以名义国内生产总值来计算德国为世界第4大经济体,以购买力平价计算则为世界第5大经济体。于2011年,德国为欧盟预算最大出资国。服务业约占德国国内生产总值71%,而工业占28%,农业占1%。德国于2014年4月时失业率为6.8%。2021/6/750Frankfurt is Germanys financial capital.2021/6/751 Germany is the worlds top location for trade fairs. Around two thirds of the worlds leading trade fairs take place in Germany. Of the worlds 500 largest stock-market-listed companies measured by revenue in 2010, the Fortune Global 500, 37 are headquartered in Germany. 30 Germany-based companies are included in the DAX, the German stock market index. Well-known global brands are Mercedes-Benz, BMW, SAP, Siemens, Volkswagen, Adidas, Audi, Allianz, Porsche, Bayer, Bosch, and Nivea. Germany is recognised for its specialised small and medium enterprises. Around 1,000 of these companies are global market leaders in their segment and are labelled hidden champions. 德国是世界商品交易的最佳地点,大约23的世界主要商品交易会在德国进行。以企业营业额排名的2010财富世界500强排行榜中,有37家企业的总部设于德国。德国DAX指数则由30家市值最大的德国公司组成。全球著名的企业包括梅赛德斯-奔驰、BMW、SAP、西门子、大众汽车、阿迪达斯、奥迪、安联、保时捷、拜耳、罗伯特博世、妮维雅。德国以具备专业技术的中小型企业闻名,约有1,000家此类企业在各领域居领先地位而被认为是隐形冠军。A Mercedes-Benz car. Germany was the worlds leading exporter of goods from 2003 to 2008.2021/6/752 With its central position in Europe, Germany is a transport hub. This is reflected in one of the worlds largest and most sophisticated transportation systems, as well as one of the densest road networks in the world. The motorway network ranks as the third-largest worldwide in length and is known for its lack of a general speed limit. Germany has established a polycentric network of high-speed trains. The InterCityExpress (ICE) network of the Deutsche Bahn serves major German cities as well as destinations in neighbouring countries with speeds up to 300 kph. The largest German airports are Frankfurt Airport and Munich Airport, both hubs of Lufthansa, while Air Berlin has hubs at Berlin Tegel and Dsseldorf. TransportationTransportation2021/6/753 德国位于欧洲中心位置,是欧洲交通枢纽。这反映在其拥有世界最大、最复杂、最稠密的运输系统和道路网之一。德国的高速公路网总长度居世界第3位,且因其无速度限制而闻名。德国建成了多中心高速铁路网络。它的城际特快列车联络德国各大城市及周边国家,时速达300公里。法兰克福机场及慕尼黑机场为德国最大机场,两者皆为汉莎航空的枢纽机场,而柏林航空的枢纽机场设于柏林-泰格尔机场及杜塞尔多夫机场。The ICE 3 on the CologneFrankfurt high-speed rail line2021/6/754 In 2008, Germany was the worlds sixth-largest consumer of energy, and 60% of its primary energy was imported. Government policy promotes energy conservation and renewable energy commercialisation. In 2010, energy sources were: oil (33.7%); coal, including lignite (22.9%); natural gas (21.8%); nuclear (10.8%); hydro-electric and wind power (1.5%); and other renewable sources (7.9%). In 2000, the government and the nuclear power industry agreed to phase out all nuclear power plants by 2021. The German government has initiated wide-ranging emission reduction activities and the countrys overall emissions are falling. Nevertheless the countrys greenhouse gas emissions were the highest in the EU in 2010. 2008年,德国能源消耗居世界第6位,其中60%的主要能源依赖进口,政府政策为促进节约能源及可再生能源。2010年,德国能源来源为:石油(33.7%)、煤(包括褐煤)(22.9%)、天然气(21.8%)、核能(10.8%)、水力及风能(1.5%)、其他可再生能源(7.9%)。2000年时,德国政府与核能产业同意于2021年将所有核电站除役。德国政府实施大规模的减少温室气体排放行动,降低了全国的碳排放量。但德国于2010年仍是欧盟中温室气体排放量最多的国家。EnergyEnergy2021/6/755 Germanys achievements in the sciences have been significant, and research and development efforts form an integral part of the economy. The Nobel Prize has been awarded to 104 German laureates. For most of the 20th century, German laureates had more awards than those of any other nation, especially in the sciences (physics, chemistry, and physiology or medicine). Germany is one of the leading countries in developing and using green technologies. Companies specialising in green technology have an estimated turnover of 200 billion. Key sectors of Germanys green technology industry are power generation, sustainable mobility, material efficiency, energy efficiency, waste management and recycling, and sustainable water management.Science and TechnologyScience and Technology2021/6/756 德国在科学方面的成就显著,而投入研究开发为整体经济的一部份。曾有104位德国人获诺贝尔奖,在20世纪,德国的诺贝尔奖获奖人数远超其他国家,尤其是在物理、化学、生理学或医学科学领域。 德国在环境科技开发及运用上处于领先地位,企业投入于环境科技领域的资金达2,000亿欧元以上。德国环境科技重点领域包括发电、永续能源交通工具、原料效率、能源效率、废弃物管理、资源回收及永续水管理。Albert Einstein2021/6/757Germany national football team陈鑫2021/6/758 绰号:铁血战车德意志战车 足球协会:德国足球总会 主教练:约阿希姆勒夫,2006年至今 队长:菲利普拉姆 出场最多球员:洛塔尔马特乌斯(150场) 进球最多球员:米罗斯拉夫克洛泽(69球) FIFA Code:GER FIFA排名:No.2(2014年6月)2021/6/759The German national football team is the association football team that has represented Germany in international competition since 1908. It is governed by the Association DFB德国足球协会(德语:德语:Deutscher Fussball-Bund), which was founded in 1900 and It is one of the most historical national team in Europe.德国国家足球队从1908年开始代表德国参加国际比赛。1900年由德国足球协会创立,也是欧洲历史最悠久的球队之一Team logo2021/6/760 德国国家队被誉为世界上最有名及最成功的国家足球队之一,曾经三次夺得世界杯(1954年,1974年,1990年),德国又曾经三次夺得欧洲足球锦标赛冠军(1972年,1980年,1996年),该项赛事的夺冠次数和西班牙国家足球队并列第一。同时,德国是唯一一个同时获得男子和女子足球世界冠军的国家。Germany is historically one of the three most successful national teams at international competitions, having won a total of three World Cups and three European Championships. Germany is the only nation to have won both the mens and womens World Cups.2021/6/761 German Football Team enjoys a great fame in the world and has many world-famous stars. Such as Oliver Rolf Kahn, Michael Ballack, and currently the most popular Germany football star Miroslav Klose. 德国足球队享有世界盛名,拥有许多世界闻名的球星诸如奥利弗 罗孚 卡恩,米歇尔 巴拉克,还有目前最受欢迎的球星米罗斯拉夫 克洛泽。Oliver Rolf Kahn2021/6/762Miroslav Josef KloseMiroslav Josef Klose,born 9 June 1978,is a German professional footballer who plays as a striker. With 69 goals in 132 matches, he is currently Germanys all-time top scorer having beaten the record previously held by Gerd Mller. 米罗斯拉夫 约瑟夫 克洛泽,生于1978年,德国职业足球运动员,担任前锋。132场国家队比赛69个进球,他打破了盖德穆勒曾创造的记录并且是德国最近以来得分最多的球员。Miroslav Josef Klose2021/6/763In this year, the Germany international footballteam also participate in the world cup held byBrazil Rio De Janeiro. Lets Look forward to theirperfect Performance. 今年,德国也参加了由巴西里约热内卢举行的世界杯,让我们期待他们的完美表现吧。Come on !Germany!2021/6/764THATS ALLTHANK YOU FOR YOU WHATCHING部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!


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