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面纱- Hello - Hello Say, I was wondering what? Sorry I was wondering if you'd like to dance Why not? Kitty, who was the young man you were dancing with last night? Which one? Quiet, serious-looking one Oh, him - I suppose you invited him, mother - I don't know who you're talking about I invited him His name is Fane and he's a doctor He manages a government laboratory in Shanghai - A civil servant? In any case He called around last Sunday We had a long chat I told him to come back anytime It's not often that you like any of my young men Well, do you like him? - Not really - What's wrong with him? - Is he in love with you? - I don't know I thought by now you'd know when a young man was in love with you The point is whether I'm in love with him, and I'm not You'd better be careful, young lady Time can run out, you know Oh, stop it, mother Honestly The very idea that a woman should marry any Tom, Dick, or Harry regardless of her own feelings is simply prehistoric How much longer do you expect your father to go on supporting you? - Hello - Hello L I was I was just coming Your father invited me I'm going out May I join you? Right on time What is it exactly that you do? I'm a bacteriologist That must be fascinating You have no idea what that is, do you? No, I'm afraid not No There's no reason you should I study the microorganisms that carry disease Charming 授课:XXXNo, it's not, actually It's the opposite Shall we step inside? Do you like flowers? Not particularly, no Well, I mean, yes But we don't really have them around the house Mother says, "why purchase something you can grow for free?" Then, we don't really grow them either Does seem silly, really To put all that effort into something that's just going to die I'd like to say something to you I came to see you to ask you if you'll marry me You could knock me down with a feather Could you not tell that I'm in love with you? You never showed it Oh, I well, I wanted to It's difficult I But there it is Right I'm not sure that's very well put No, it's not You see how clumsy I am I I'm terrible at these sorts of things But the thing is, I've got to get back to China very soon I don't have time to be cautious I've never thought of you in that way - I improve greatly upon acquaintance - I'm sure you do I'd do anything in my power to make you happy Anything at all I think you'd like Shanghai It's quite exciting, it is Lots of dancing Surely you're not expecting me to answer this second I don't know you at all Yes Ye well, we had the highest of hopes but no expectation that he'd ask her so soon Yes A lovely late autumn wedding Oh, she's done very well for herself, has my Doris At least one of them's made a success No, I gave up on Kitty ages ago Yes Yes Well, I know you understand 授课:XXXYes Well? Is it smaller than you imagined? I'm not sure what I imagined Don't you have a piano? No I don't play the piano - Who is it? - It's I Come in Just wanted to see if you were all settled So, then, you're comfortable, then? Do you need anything? No I'm fine Thank you Good Good I am so happy you're here - Shall I shut the lamp? - What for? I must shut the lamp It's raining cats and dogs I said, it's raining cats and dogs Yes, I heard you - You might have answered - I'm sorry L I've gotten used to not speaking unless I have something to say If nobody spoke unless they had something to say the human race would soon lose the power of speech Walter I'm sorry You're right What? What shall we do? Shall we? Shall we play a game? You don't like the games I play They bore you Nonsense Let's play cards Do you think you'd enjoy a night out? We have an invitation for Saturday night - From whom? - The Townsends Dorothy Townsend Do you not like her? I've only met her once, but there's no reason for her to put on such airs - Does she? - Yes I have no idea why Because she was, what, married to a vice consul? Honestly, they're absurd, this Shanghai set Mother wouldn't dream of asking half of them to dinner I'm taking that black five 授课:XXXWell, it's all right I thought you might enjoy it but we certainly don't have to go I don't care either way Go where? - Kitty Fane? - Hello, Dorothy - I'm so glad you could come - This is walter - I'm pleased to meet you - This is my husband Charlie, stop talking and greet our guests - You know Mr Fane - Charlie - It's Dr Fane, darling - Oh, dear - I do beg your pardon, Dr Fane - Not at all - And this is Dr Fane's wife, Kitty - Mrs Fane - Mr Townsend - I do apologize, Dr Fane I assumed you worked with charlie Oh, no Nothing so glamorous I'm at the civil Laboratory Oh, the government lab? How fascinating Are you enjoying it? I've never seen anything like it Every gesture has a meaning See how she covers her face with the cloth? She is mourning her misfortune What happened to her? She was sold into slavery Condemned to a life of drudgery and despair in a strange land far from home See the chains? They represent the heavy bondage of her poor trapped soul from which there is no escape And so she weeps She weeps for the lively, vivacious girl she once was the lonely woman she has become and most of all, she weeps for the love she'll never feel for the love she'll never give Is that really what she's saying? Actually, I haven't a clue what she's on about I don't speak chinese What was that? Perhaps it was the amah They've gone - He heard us - Who? Walter Walter What if it was? 授课:XXX- For all he knows, you were taking a nap - With my doors locked? Kitty, dear, you need a drink Even if it was, my impression is he'll do nothing That's flattering He knows as well as anyone there's nothing to be gained by making a scandal Has it occurred to you that my husband is in love with me? I have a feeling you're about to say something awful It's just that women are often under the impression that men are much more in love with them than they really are I wouldn't delude myself for a second that you were in love with me Now there you're wrong Do you like your present? It's good enough Charlie? Do I make you as happy as you make me? Of course you do, darling - Hassan? - Yes? - Who brought this package around? - Dr Fane - When? - While you sleeping It's nearly midday We could stop up here under the trees but I'd like to press on if it's all right with you Certainly my comfort's of no concern to you Right Then we'll continue Charlie Townsend, please Charles Townsend I need to see you Kitty, I can't possibly see you I've got a meeting in an hour at the club What is it? I have to go What are you doing home? I'm sorry, there's something I need to speak with you about Actually, I was just about to take my bath I'm afraid it's rather important, darling Can't wait Sit down Do you know a place called Mei-tan-fu? No Well, it It was in the papers the other day 授课:XXXIt's a small town on a tributary of the Yangtze River, in the interior They've had an outbreak of cholera there It's the worst epidemic anyone's seen in a long time The chinese medical officer has died There's a convent of French nuns trying to run the hospital They're doing the best they can, but people are dropping like flies I have volunteered to go and to take charge - Why? - Because they need a doctor But you're not a doctor You're a bacteriologist I'm an MD The fact that I'm foremost a scientist is actually all to the good in this case Won't it be awfully dangerous? I suppose it might, yes Now, Mei-tan-fu is a -day journey You can go by rail for the first part But after that it's carriage, and then we'll have to take a sedan chair Who's we? - Why, you and I, of course - You're not expecting me to come too I hoped that if I was going, you would want to go Surely it's no place for a woman It would be madness for me to go - Why should I? - To cheer and comfort me? No No, I won't go In fact, it's monstrous of you to even ask me Fine Then I shall file my petition for divorce tomorrow I'm afraid that you have thought me a bigger fool than I am I don't know what you're talking about Don't you? I am divorcing you for adultery I am naming charles Townsend as your lover I'm sorry, walter I realize this is very unpleasant But, please, let's not make this uglier than it needs to be By all means What is it that you propose that we should do? You could let me divorce you quietly You divorce me? - On what grounds? - That's what a gentleman would do Give me one reason to put myself to an inconvenience on your account Please, walter, don't be so hateful 授课:XXXWe didn't mean to hurt anyone But charlie and I have fallen in love - He wants to marry me - Really? I knew that you weren't the cleverest girl but I didn't know you were actually a fool Yes Well, if it makes you feel better to hurt me, then go ahead But you might as well get used to it We love each other And we're sick to death of the secrecy and compromise and the rest Now you curse the day that you ever met me Stop mocking me There's no other response for such pathetic behavior It's comic When I think about how hard I have tried to make you happy Debasing myself, acting as though I was as thrilled as you by the latest gossip - I don't have to listen to this - And as ignorant of the world as you are If you interrupt me again, I'll strangle you Sit down I knew when I married you that you were selfish and spoiled But I loved you I knew that you married me only to get as far away from your mother as possible and I hoped that one day there'd be something more I was wrong You don't have it in you If a man hasn't what's necessary to make a woman love him then it's his fault, not hers Either way Tomorrow morning we are to leave for Mei-tan-fu, or I shall file my petition You can't be serious about taking me into the middle of a cholera epidemic Do you think that I'm not? My God That's what you want, isn't it? Do you really think charlie will let you do this? I don't think charlie has very much to say about it Everything you said is true Everything I married you even though I didn't love you But you knew that 授课:XXXAren't you as much to blame for what's happened as I? All right Here's what I'll do Gentlemen, we all have assets to protect here Unfortunately, Mr Nagata's actions have created a rather urgent situation It was an unfortunate but unavoidable incident - Your foreman shot a worker - He was an agitator He was a chinese You may have suppressed a very small strike but in doing so, you have started a very large demonstration I need to use your pen, please - Here you are, miss - Thank you What about support from chiang Kai-shek? Where does he stand? He's a nationalist He will stand on the side of the chinese That's why they call themselves nationalists Excuse me Mr Townsend I think you underestimated the situation I have three of my mills shut down because of walkouts - There is talk about boycotts - What do you propose? A handful of municipal soldiers is hardly a show of force If you'll excuse me Mrs Fane What a pleasant surprise You've rescued me from a pack of wild bores I wouldn't have come if it wasn't necessary Are you all right? I needed to see you I'm sorry Kitty, this is not the most opportune time for me to charlie He knows Right After you, Mrs Fane - Hello, charlie - Hello, George - Hello, Townsend - Pardon He wants a divorce You didn't commit yourself, did you? - Acknowledge anything? - No - Are you sure? - Quite sure Well, this is a bloody scrape we're in 授课:XXXHe says he has proof We deny it He can't prove anything Besides, it wouldn't do him any good to create a scandal But there isn't going to be a scandal Walter's agreed to let me divorce him quietly That's not so terrible, is it? - Will you hold me? - Of course I will Oh, God Charlie? His offer comes with a condition - I'm not a rich man - He doesn't want your money He's agreed to let me divorce him if Dorothy will agree to divorce you And if what? If you'll promise to marry me You know, darling, whatever happens, we must try to keep Dorothy out of it What do you mean? We can't only think of ourselves I know Dorothy Nothing in the world will induce her to divorce me You don't want to divorce her - It's not a question of my marriage - Then what is it? Do you have any idea of the importance of my station here? If I were why are you laughing? I don't think walter intended for one minute to divorce me He knew you'd let me down - Try to understand - I understand, all right Kitty Kitty, please We'll work this out, I promise - I'm coming with you - Good I thought you might I suppose I needn't take more than a few summer things? And a shroud? I've told Hassan what you'll need She's packing already I wouldn't touch that if I was you They may have died in that bed This can be your room You must be the doctor's wife I've just met your husband and invited myself to dinner I've kept the watsons' cook for you She's not bad She'll have to do as your amah as well 授课:XXXWe're a little short-handed here Sorry, my name is waddington Oh, yes, of course Kitty Fane - I'm the deputy commissioner - Please I believe you're one of our neighbors Only neighbor, I'm afraid Last one standing And watson was the missionary living here? Yes Nice fellow American Lovely family I'll show you their graves tomorrow, if you like How kind of you I hope your journey wasn't too arduous We've been traveling for two weeks Two weeks? - What did you do, swim? - No, we didn't come upriver - Came overland - Whatever for? Well, we wanted to take in a bit of the countryside Get a bit of sun Didn't we, darling? Anyone for a cocktail? Here's luck I was told I might get some help from the local army officer Colonel Yu, is it? Good luck with him He's not fond of us British Listen, I'll warn you, things are pretty dicey even out here I'm afraid that if the cholera doesn't get us, the nationalists might Tried to get those nuns to go but they refused They all want to be martyrs, damn them Well, why have you stayed? I was posted here Simple as that I was shocked to hear you'd volunteered Opportunity for research I couldn't pass it up Yes And you? I don't suppose you've come to Mei-tan-fu for the research My husband's the scientist Indeed Did you have any reaction to the inoculation? - You have been inoculated? - Yes, of course No guarantee The watsons were inoculated and it didn't do them much good Oh, have you brought any gramophone records? 授课:XXX- No, unfortunately not - Pity I'm sick of all mine Listen What's all that? Across the river Trying to frighten off the spirit of death I'm going to town in the morning, have a look around I expect you'll want to rest I can inoculate you in the evening - Will you be doing yourself? - No, I don't think so - You needn't bother with me, then - Suit yourself Tell me, walter is it a long, drawn-out affair, dying of cholera? No All of the fluid goes out of you in the first hours You die of dehydration, actually So it's messy and very painful But it is relatively quick Good night It's rather unfortunate I thought perhaps that you and your wife you'd like to take precautions in case you'd have to leave this place Do you think all this is really necessary? You can see the picture I thought you'd like to put your wife's mind at rest from this situation This is colonel Yu He's the KMT's man He's posting one of his men here at the house Am I a prisoner? No It was Mr Waddington's idea, actually - He feels we should take precautions - Precautions against what? A few days ago, British troops opened fire on a group of chinese workers who were demonstrating in Shanghai Eleven were killed We've only just heard Those were plastered around the town last night I shouldn't worry too much Even the nationalists are afraid of cholera Do they take that water from the well? Can I see where they get their drinking water? Well, for starters, we've got to stop people from using this well until I can test it Do you understand? 授课:XXXYes, I understand, Dr Fane I received my military training in Moscow If you don't like English, we can speak Russian English will be fine Thank you Here You have seen cholera before, yes, doctor? - At the laboratory, of course - No, I mean in a patient No I haven't had the chance, actually Well, I'm not a clinician Did they not tell you? I'm an infectious-disease specialist - Shall we? - After you, doctor No, it's all right I'm all right All right, let's go I don't need you Go back Mr Waddington? I'm looking for Mr Waddington Wait here All right? Hello? Mr Waddington? Mrs Fane? Good morning What can I do for you, Mrs Fane? I found a record for you Stravinsky Very modern Thank you Was there something else? Yes I was wondering if you could tell me when the post comes through It's for Shanghai Unfortunately, since the cholera the cowards won't venture past the river port But leave it with me A local trader I know is making the trip on Friday Townsend - Charlie Townsend? - Yes He's an acquaintance of my husband - Do you know him? - Years ago We were both assigned to the consulate in Shanghai Charming wife Yes They're very popular, aren't they? He'd made a science of popularity - So you know his family? - Well, well enough I like Dorothy Yes, I understand they're quite the devoted couple 授课:XXXOh, he had his little flirtations Nothing serious I once heard her say she found it most unflattering that the women who fell for her husband were so consistently second-rate Well, enjoy the record Mrs Fane? The letter Right Yes, it suddenly occurred to me that Friday's much too late Thanks all the same Can you pass the salt, please? I'm sorry, did you say something? Could you pass the salt? Thank you So this is how it's going to be Passing her evenings in silence Walter Walter I wonder if you haven't gone insane - She's not cooking it - Leave it Leave it Thank you Are you looking to kill yourself? Town well's contaminated This is dirty It's dirty What? Mr Waddington? Mrs Fane? Mrs Fane? Mrs Fane? Come away Come away What's the matter with Te-Ming? You have the dead man


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