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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2010-2018年英语一作文真题及范文分析2010年英语一作文真题Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)参考范文:The enlightening picture portrays that a hot pot, with numerous ingredients in it, includes such domestic and alien cultures as literature, moral values and performing arts. It seems that the hot pot tastes very delicious because of the rich nutrition of the multi-cultural elements.Obviously, the picture characterizes the status quo of Chinese society in which Chinese and Western culture conflict with each other but also merge into a unique form to a certain degree. Since China has opened its door widely to the outside world, many people from different countries have been deeply fascinated by Chinese culture. They will accept and love the Chinese culture as a whole. In addition, Chinese culture should be well shared with foreign people, who have shown their enthusiasm towards China. Meanwhile, the Chinese people are also exposed to foreign cultures when more foreign people come to this oriental country. In this way people from various nations in the world will be able to acquire better understanding of each other and live peacefully in this world.In my opinion, the culture of any nation is a kind of precious heritage, and belongs to the whole mankind. With economic globalization, the blending of different cultures has become an inevitable trend of the time. No country is an isolated island, be it China or the western world. The clearer we grasp the current situation, the more it would be beneficial to the global villagers.本题为图画作文,图片上是一个热气腾腾的火锅,里面包括着诸如“儒学”,“解构”,“人本”,“莎士比亚”,“功夫”等中西文化标志词。下面有一行注释。在审题构思时应该注意:把握好这幅图的象征寓意。火锅中包含着各种各样的文化元素,代表了不同文化的和谐融合,民族的文化可以成为世界的,这一趋势对人类发展是有利的。由此可见,本次作文的主题是文化融合。提纲包括两点,一是描述图片并解释含义,二是对此现象作出评论。文章也可分为三段,第一段:描述图画,描述图片中的各类文化元素。可能用到的词汇是literature,(文学) moral values(道德价值)performing arts(表演艺术)等。第二段:阐释图片含义。最好在段首设置主题句,然后围绕主题句展开。本图片中所显示的文化交流反映了两方面的情况,中国文化对世界文化的渗透,中国的腾飞无疑使中国文化这颗世界文化中的瑰宝更加耀眼。另一方面,中国文化也逐渐受到其他国家文化的影响。第三段:对此现象做出评论。此评论部分可以提出建议,考虑背景及原因,或描述未来,预测未来,也可以讲世界文化融合、交流是时代的潮流,同时还要保持和振兴各族文化。2011年英语一作文真题Direction:Write an essay of 160-200words based on the following drawing .In your essay ,you should1) describe the drawing briefly2) explain its intended measing and3) give your commentsYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20points)参考范文:Our surroundings are being polluted fast and man's present efforts can not prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities and the growing use of man-made materials.What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man - by his desire for a modern way of life. We make "increasing industrialization" our chief aim.So we are often ready to offer everything: clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children.There is a constant flow of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the benefits of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twentyyears, pollution has become a serious problem.Isn't it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going- and why? It makes one think of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers over the loudspeaker,"I've some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we're making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news is that we're lost and don't know where we're going. " The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when speaking of our modern society.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.2012年英语一作文真题Directions:write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should1) describe the drawing briefly2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your commentsYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points)参考范文:In the above picture, we can see an interesting scene: a bottle is knocked over with the liquid inside splitting out, and two men respond to it in totally different ways. One is expressing his disappointment for the loss of half of the liquid while the other feels thankful for the remaining half with a smile on his face. Obviously, the drawer wants to tell us that different people may have different outlooks on various difficulties in life.When faced with obstacles in life, the pessimistic person always focuses on the negative side and exaggerates the worst situation, while the optimistic one always look on the bright side of life. The pessimistic person chooses to give up quickly and then broods over their loss or failure, which in turn will throw their life in the vicious circle. On the contrary, the optimistic person, who always bears hope in mind, will never flinch and will summon up courage to find the way to conquer the obstacles. Therefore, the way people perceive difficulties will determine their way to cope with them.From the above discussion, we come to know that if people want to succeed in this highly competitive society, they should try to develop an optimistic perception toward life. Moreover, the government, mass media and schools should take the responsibly to awaken people to the significance of optimism. Only in these ways can people achieve more rapid progress and greater success in their life.2013年英语一作文真题Directions:Write an essay of 160200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) interpret its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)参考范文:Recently, there has been a growing concern among the public over the topic of the choice after graduation. As is described in the picture, a group of graduates are facing various roads to go, such as searching for jobs, pursuing further study, going abroad and becoming entrepreneurs. The picture intends to convey us that, as adults, college graduates have to make their own decisions about future life.After graduation, college students should choose future life based on their own realities and dreams. For those, who are eager to become economically independent and to put into practice what they have learned in college, taking a job or doing poineering work may be satisfying and rewarding. Getting established as a bread-winner after graduation is their main desire. By contrast, others who want to take advantage of the favorable conditions in college, however, ought to try to enroll in graduate programs inside or outside. For them, a Master's degree or even a Doctoral degree represents a much more ambitious goal than a bachelor's degree, because they cherish lifetime success and interest more in academic achievements than money.It is sensible that we should take a rational attitude towards the decisive choice. For the part of my own, getting a higher degree abroad has long been my dream. Im a strong believer that one should do more research and learn more while he or she is still young.2014年英语一作文真题Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)interpret its intended meaning, and3)give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points)参考例文:As is vividly described in the left part of the drawing, thirty years ago, there stood a delicate mother, holding the tiny hand of a lovely girl, who wore a red scarf. On the contrary, the right part of the picture illustrates that with time flying quickly, the little girl, who has already grown up as a gorgeous lady, is supporting her old mother. We are informed: accompanying.It is without saying that the old and the young are two indispensable parts in society. On the one hand, what we have and enjoy now was created by our parents in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, "One generation plants tress under whose shade another generation rests". On the other hand, all of us are supposed to take good care of the youngsters, too. It is children who make us see the future of our state, for they are the future builders of our country.The young should consider it a moral obligation respecting and taking care of old parents. Meanwhile, it is also the duty of the parents to protect, educate and look after the youths. Let's bear this in mind and cultivate that virtue together, because only by doing so, can we feel as if we were living in a happy and harmonious family.作文解析:2014年的大作文从总体上来看不难,因为它考查到了现在的一个社会热点。而且从十年的考研真题来讲,2005年的大作文考查到的是赡养老人的问题,当年的图画是可怜的老父亲缩成了一只皮球,四个儿女守着四个球门,老人被儿女们踢来踢去。当年全国考生平均分10.88分,难度系数0.544,区分度为0.64764。当年的描述图画部分比较难表达,而今年图画描述部分相比起来就容易得多。下面我们就从写作的标准三段式来讲讲这三段我们应该怎么写。第一段图画描述段的写作内容主要是表述图画,需包括两点:三十年前是个什么样子,现在是什么样子。三十年前“我”还是个孩子,母亲大手拉小手陪伴着我成长;现在,母亲上年纪了,我快乐地陪伴在母亲的身旁。其实第一段还有两个需要注意的地方,一是题目要求是一幅图,大家在写作时尽量按照一幅图画去处理;二是图画下面的汉字“相携”比较难翻译,不过大家可以意译为陪伴。这两个地方不是大问题,因为它相对于作文要考查考生书面表达的要求来说是微不足道的。第二段是图画涵义阐释段。本段可分两个方面来具体写。一方面具体写明要照顾老人,因为他们为我们付出了自己的青春;另一方面,我们要关爱儿童的成长,因为他们是我们的未来,祖国的希望。第三段评论段的写作内容为给出自己的评论和建议。可以指出年轻人应该把尊重和照顾年迈的父母视为一种道义责任。另外,父母也要关注孩子的成长。只有这样,我们的家庭才能和睦,社会才能更加和谐!2015年英语一作文真题Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.in your essay, you should1. describe the pictures briefly,2. interpret its intended meaning, and3. give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET . (20 points)参考例文:A group of friends, boys or girls, are having a dinner party while each one of them is checking messages in their mobile phones without saying a word to one another, leaving the dishes untouched.We are informed that this is a gathering in the era of mobile phone.The above picture unveils a common social phenomenon and the symbolic meaning of the photo is the effect of the mobile phone on people's way of life. Undoubtedly, the phone provides us with considerable convenience, making many things possible which are beyond our dreams. As a communication tool, the phone makes us closer than ever before by providing immediate communication. Meanwhile, there are negative effects on our personal life. As is shown in the picture, people are imprisoned in their own world! They choose contacting online rather than communicating face to face.Accordingly, enjoying the convenience provided by the phones, we should bear in mind that human beings are social beings who need real interpersonal interactions! Joint efforts are needed to ensure people to have face-to-face communication! I believe a harmonious relationship between friends is awaiting us if we set aside our mobile phones and enjoy the untouched meal!2016英语一作文真题Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments。You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)参考例文:(When the issue of teaching and learning education role model arouses wide concern from the public, can we still stand there, hesitating for what occurs) As we can see from the depiction, a father, sitting in front of a television which broadcasts some kinds of soap operas, is appreciating nuts and bolts of these invariable plots, without any caring about his kids. Actually, it is a Morning Call to send us a message that we adults always perform something wasting much of precious time, thus spoiling youth as every second elapses.(But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem of common housewives or househusbands than it is of the slightly more luxurious agony of the decline in time-managing ability even of the educated teenagers.) Several factors could weigh heavily for this degeneration, yet, suspended at the top of the list are the following two aspects. To begin with, habit is habit. We parents are good at giving ourselves sufficient excuses to support what we always do in our daily life. If one example is needed, I could not but mention the following well-known scientist, whose name is Freud, illuminating that a kind of habit, representing a sense of spiritual existence, can never be changed as long as continuing for 47 days, nor is this kind of negative model behaviors. Furthermore, externally, our society is witnessing an overwhelming number of low-level TV programs, ranging from entertaining shows, TV talk shows and TV series to some other inferior products, which differ in forms as well as broadcasting time but never in their contents. Then, the consequence is distinct. It goes with no exaggeration to say that soap opera ruins the concept of “Like father, like son”.Fortunately, that is not the Day of Judgment. It is, undoubtedly, the very time that we should take some available methods to end up these inappropriate behaviors, including laying down the effective regulations to arrange family time, shaping a moderate education family outlook and guaranteeing more rational lifestyles.2017年英语一作文真题Directions:Write an essay of 160-180 words based on the following picture.In your essay, you should1) describe the picture briefly.2) interpret its intended meaning, and3) give your comments.参考范文:Here are two pictures, both interesting but with sharply contrasted implication. As is vividly depicted in the first photo, a man sitting in sofa looking at his bookshelves and satisfied with the quantity, which successfully arouses our curiosity. On the contrary, the second picture describes that another teenager set his aim at complete 20 pieces books reading, finally completing the contrast is supposed to be given further analysis.With the increasing pace of modern life, perhaps no change has characterized the past decade more dramatically than wide spread of reading. Naturally, it brings us both advantages and disadvantages. As for my part, the latter outweighs its former. On the top of list is that people became flippancy without reading. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally admitted that a nation will recede with reading. No other case can better illustrate the consequences of what I have discussed than the picture above.According to the analysis above, it is advisable for us to take steps to maximize its positive effects and minimize the disadvantage. Of all the steps, mass media tends to function essentially in the job. Only in this way can we make the best of the value of reading an embrace a bright future.2018考研英语作文让考生描写关于一位同学选择课程的图画,并且对背后的含义进行解读。针对本题,文都考研教学研究院英语教学研究中心提供参考范文一篇如下:【题目】52.Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should1)describe the picture briefly2)interpret the meaning, and3)give your comments.Write your answer neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)As is vividly depicted in the graph that sitting in front of a computer, a student is selecting the curriculum, taking numerous elements into consideration including the innovation, the freshness of knowledge and the level of difficulty as well as the scoring, the qualified rate and burden of assignment. The caption says: The course selecting is on the way, indicating the importance of well-rounded consideration while making a choice.We can deduce from the portrayal that well-rounded contemplating, a significant quality, serves as an indispensable capability bringing about positive influence toward different aspects of our lives. It is commonly known that the value of comprehensiveness and sophistication of thinking has been proved by countless examples around us, such as the governmental policy making and selection of compulsory and optional course. If we can put this notion into practice, it would exert profound and constructive influence. Therefore, well-rounded and thorough thinking will create huge benefit to the prosperity of community as well as personal development.Whatever difficulty or situation we are confronted with, those who have the ability of analyzing the ingredients and integrating them together are nearer to success. Therefore, well-rounded consideration is the wisdom we should live up to.【参考译文】正如本幅图画所生动表现出的那样,一个学生坐在电脑前选课。他考虑了许多因素,包括创新,知识的新度,课程难度以及得分,通过率和作业量等因素。图下字体显示:选课进行时。这表明了在做选择时全面思考的重要性。我们可以从画中看出全面的思考是一种非常重要的素质,是一种不可缺少的能力,对我们生活的各个方面有着影响。我们常常在我们周围看到展现思考的全面性和成熟度的例子,比如政府政策制定和选择必修课及选修课。如果我们能够做到这一点,它将会产生深远积极的影响。因此,全面和透彻的思考方式无论对社会还是个人都有着巨大的好处。无论遇到什么样的困难和情况,可以在思考中分析各个因素,并将其综合的人总是更有可能成功。因此,全面思考是我们应该努力去做到的。例文2:As is depicted by the picture, a student is selecting courses. He is considering whether to choose the courses which are high scored, easily passed with less homework, or to choose those that contain new knowledge, focus on creating and are difficult to learn. From my perspective, I will choose the latter ones. The reasons are as follows.The college students are faced with fierce competition in nowadays. Those courses which are full of advanced knowledge can broaden our horizon and enrich our knowledge. More over, they pay more attention to creativity so that I can be equipped with novel viewpoints in the future when seeking a job, which can help me become more competitive among the peers. Last but not least, to learn those courses which are difficult can give me a sense of accomplishment.We young people are the hope of our country, and we must study hard to become the future star of our country!例文3:In front of a desktop sits a young boy who is staring at the screen and selecting the curriculum. Apparently, a trace of hesitancy showed in his eyes. He is considering whether to choose the courses which are high scored, easily passed with less homework, or to choose those that contain new knowledge, focus on creating and are difficult to learn.The implication echoed by this cartoon can be summarized as a philosophic topic in our daily life:the success of a man is closely related to the choice made by himself. Nevertheless, I cherish a belief that we cannot tell whether the selection is good or not, and as long as we adhere to our decision, success will be realized step by step. Although making a choice is essential to help determine the direction of our way, judged from the personal aspect, persistence functions as an indispensable driving force to keep up our spirit and to assist us to fulfill our study and work. However, some people, pacing up and down, are not industrious and try to find a short-cut success. In fact, only those who are hard-working and brave enough to encounter obstacles of all sorts are most likely to reach the summit of success.Accordingly, persistence and making our own decision rationally are badly needed in every aspect of our society. In order to bring out this potential capability, our education system is supposed to be reformed fundamentally, focusing on cultivating the ability of confronting challenges. As an old saying goes:“No pain, no gain.”一如既往,今年的英语一还是考查了图画作文。B节作文的评分重点在于内容完整性、文章的组织连贯性、语法结构及词汇的多样性与语言的准确性。就我看来,今年英语一大作文考查有难度。首先,图画的描述比较难。从表面上看,本篇作文的题目或题材似乎是大家都十分熟悉的。但实际上对考生提出了更高的要求。作为即将接受研究生教育的高校学生,必须学会从多样化或较为复杂的角度来考虑和分析、解决问题,因为生活中的许多问题绝非低层次作文中“问题-原因-解决”的“单一链条”关系那样简单。按照要求,本作文需要包括三个组成部分:(1)描述图画;(2)分析图画的用意或内在含义;(3)就此话题表达个人的观点或提出建议。(1)描述图画:描写或描述的一般要求是“准确”和“生动”。这里考虑到文章写作的因素,还要增加一个“合理”方面的考虑。正如图画所描述的那样,一个同学在选课时陷入犹豫之中。


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