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2019年四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do(第二课时)教学设计 陕旅版.doc

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2019年四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do(第二课时)教学设计 陕旅版.doc

2019年四年级英语下册 Unit 8 What Can You Do(第二课时)教学设计 陕旅版【学习内容】陕旅版英语四年级下册Unit8What can you do?第二课时Part A Lets talk, Part C Circle and say, Look, ask and answer。 【学情分析】 本单元在学习四年级上册Unit4 When do you have classes?和Unit 8Boys like to play ball以及本册Unit4 What do you do on Saturday?的基础上,继续学习有关动作及活动类的词汇。本单元主要学习各种动作及日常活动的表达,进一步就进行某项动作或活动的能力进行问答并学习功能结构What cando?canCan you?Yes,I can try./No,I cant. But I can通过本单元的学习,使学生能够就有关日常活动进行表述,并能就自己及他人在某项动作或活动方面表现出的能力进行问答,以提高学生的综合语言运用能力。学生在第一课时已经学习了8个动作的词汇,第二课时以Part A中的Lets talk部分为主,主要学习句型What cando?can,能够就进行某项动作或活动的能力进行问答,并能将以前所学动词或动词短语运用于句型中进行替换练习。【学习目标】一、知识技能目标1.学生能够听懂、会用What can do?can,并能就进行某项动作或活动的能力进行问答。 2.学生能够在教师预设的模拟情景或实际生活中,灵活自如地运用所学的词汇、句型,并能进行相应的替换练习,达到学以致用的目的。二、情感态度目标学生能够在生活中乐于助人。【学习重点、难点】 教学重点:能听懂、会说句型:whatcanyoudo?can并能在具体语境中运用。教学难点:本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。【学习准备】Lets learn部分的教学卡片,录音机和人物头饰。【教学过程】一、课程导入(Leading In)1.Askandanswer.T:How old are you?What day is it today?What can you do today?师生一起边看课表边回答:We can sing songs,draw pictures2.Revision.T:Lets play a guessing game,do and guess。(让学生上台看着第一课时的词汇卡片作出相应的动作,其他学生用He/She can猜测。)设计意图:利用看单词卡片做动作并猜单词的游戏,既复习了上节课所学词汇,又活跃了课堂气氛。二、Presentation(一)新课展示Part A Lets talk1.教师承接上一环节的活动,在某一位学生做完动作且大家猜出之后提问:“He/She canWhat can you do?”引导学生回答“I can”(板书课题)2.课件出示一些女孩儿唱歌跳舞的图片,提问:“What can they do?”引导学生回答“They can sing/dance.”3.课件出示一只鸟儿飞翔、一群马儿奔跑的图片问学生:T:What can the bird do? Ss: It can fly.T:What can the horses do? Ss: They can run. 设计意图:利用多媒体课件呈现各种学生熟悉的图片,提高他们的兴趣及其注意力,并引导学生回答“can”,又为本节课的新授内容做了很好的铺垫。(二)听力理解1.教师播放录音,让学生听Lets talk 部分的对话,并提出预设问题,让学生带着问题听录音,核对答案并适时板书:Q1:What can the fish do?Q1:What can the monkeys do?Q1:What can the dog do?2.Listen and repeat.3.Read by yourselves.4.Follow the teacher.5.Read in groups.6.Read the dialogue with your partner.设计意图:利用听录音回答问题来锻炼学生的听力,跟读两遍让学生尽量模仿纯正的发音;利用各种形式的读提高学生读英语的能力,并很快熟悉做学内容。(三)Practice Activities.Show time让学生带上Lets talk 部分的头饰,表演对话,对表演出色的学生及时进行表扬。设计意图:角色扮演给学生说和做的机会,把课堂变成真正意义上的交流场所,使学生在课堂这个舞台上分担角色并进行活动,创造了轻松和谐的课堂气氛,使课堂教学有声有色,充满生机。.Part C Circle and say1.出示Part C Circle and say的图片,引导学生观察图片:can/cant2.引导学生根据上一环节的回答圈出相应的句子。3.Check the answers.Part C Look,Ask and answer1.教师提出问题,引导学生观察图片并作答:What cando?2.同桌之间相互问答,老师巡视指导。3.随机挑选几组学生进行问答展示。设计意图:利用Part C Circle and say和 Part C Look,Ask and answer两个练习活动来让学生巩固所学句型,并能灵活运用。4.课件出示:What can you do at home?Are you helpful?引出“I can perform magic.”让学生转身,迅速完成小蜜蜂形状的板书:“What is it?What can the bee do?Yes,it can give us sweet honey,its hard-working and helpful!设计意图:“小蜜蜂”的板书设计一是为了活跃一下课堂气氛,给学生一些新奇的感觉;二是因为小蜜蜂是勤劳的、对人类有帮助的小生物,正好以此来升华本课的主题。5.升华本科主题:Lets be helpful children!6.Homework:Listen to the tape again and do a survey.附送:2019年四年级英语下册 Unit12 Do you have any money教案 湘少版1、 Words and expressionsBe worn out, be excited about doing sth ,what size do you need?A new pair of shoes, a bit expensive, how much are they ?Step 1. Revision1.Duty report.2.T: The spring festival is ing in about twenty days. You are going back home for the holiday. Are you excited about going back home? Why or why not?S:T: What are you going to do during the winter holiday?S: I am going toT: People are usually busy before the spring festival. What are they busy doing?S: They are busy cleaning the house, doing shoppingT: Children are usually very excited about the spring festival.Do you know why?S: They have new clothes to wear and they have lots of food to eatetc.Step 2. Presentation1. T: Children usually wear new clothes during the spring festival. What about you ? Do you wear new clothes during the spring festival? Did you buy any new clothes last year? What clothes did you buy? S: I bought a sweater T: What was it made of? How much did it cost? You going to buy new clothes this year? What clothes are you going to buy? S: I am going to buy a pair of shoes/trousers. I am going to buy a sweater. T: Are you going to buy a coat/ jacket/sweater/a pair of shoes/ trousers? What color would you like? What size do you need? Would you like a cheap or expensive one? How can you know whether the shoes fit you or not? What must you do before you buy clothes? S: I must try them on first and then decide whether to buy or not.2.T: You are wearing a pair of sports shoes today. What size are they ? When did you buy them? How much did they cost? What are they made of? (leather, cloth) Do you feel fortable in these sports shoes? What will you do if they are worn out? S: I will buy a new pair.3. T: Miqiko and her friend Miyoco are doing shopping now . What are they going to buy in the shop? Please read the dialogue quickly and then find out the answer to my questions.4. Ask more questions.a. Why is Miqiko going to buy a new pair of tennis shoes?b. What about Miyoko?c. When did they go shopping?d. What sizesdid Miyoko need?e. What size did Miqiko need?f. What were the shoes made of?g. How much were the shoes?h. What did Miqiko think of the price of the shoes?i. How did she feel after she tried the shoes on?j. Did Miqiko take the shoes at last? Step 3. Presentation 1.T: Next Sunday is your brothers birthday .You want to buy a sweater for him.2.T: You are going to take part in an evening party. You need a new dress.Your mother and you go shopping.Period 2一、教学目标1. 能进一步理解本单元单词和句型。2. 能灵活地替换句型自由交谈。3. 能阅读理解课文C部分。二、教学重点和难点重点:理解新单词,并能灵活地替换句型自由交谈。难点:阅读理解C部分,理解must be 的含义和用法。三、教学准备玩具,水果,服装等实物或图片,单词卡片、教学磁带等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2让学生自由练习课问A部分对话,然后挑选一两组上台表演。Step 2 Pressentation and drill 课文B部分。1. 看对话,读对话,同桌两人练习对话,然后抽查一两组表演。2. 小组活动。将全班分成八个小组,每组布置一个购物任务,进行购物竞赛,如第一小组购买文具,第二小组购买衣服等。10分钟练习后,上台表演。Step 3 Practice 课文C部分。1、 带着问题阅读课文,理解大意,并标出难以理解的地方。 2、 听录音,回答问题。Where does Dino put his money? 3、 听录音,跟读。 4、 分组练读,全班齐读。Step 4 Consolidation1. 让学生利用手中实物自由创设情景进行会话。2. 评价。对学生的手工进行评价,给予肯定与鼓励,激发学生的创新意识及动手动脚能力。 3. 家庭作业:听磁带,读课文,抄单词。教学反思:


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