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阅读填空题练习Part 1V Writing (45 marks)Section A (10 marks) Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using theinformation from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. An apprenticeship is a form of on-the-job training that combines workplace experience and classroom learning. It can last anywhere from one to six years, but four years is typical for most. An apprentice spends the majority of the time in a workplace environment learning the practical skills of a career from a journeyman-someone who has done the job for many years. The rest of the apprentice's time is spent in a classroom environment learning the theoretical skills the career requires. Being an apprentice is a full-time undertaking. One of the advantages of apprenticeship is that it does not cost apprentices anything. The companies that hire them pay for school. What's more, it offers apprentices an "earn while you learn" opportunity. They usually start out at half the pay of a journeyman, and the pay increases gradually as they move further along in the job and studies. Near the end of the apprenticeship, their wages are usually 90 percent of what a journeyman would receive. Apprenticeship also pays off for employers. It can offer employers a pool of well-trained workers to draw from. Despite the advantages, apprentices are usually required to work during the day and attend classes at night, which leaves little time for anything else. Sometimes, they might be laid off(下岗) if business for the employers is slow. Once they have completed the apprenticeship and become journeymen, they receive a nationally recognized and portable certification and their pay also increases again. Some journeymen continue employment with the companies they apprenticed with; others go onto different companies or become self-employed contractors.Part Writing (45 marks)A person searches various websites for different reasons, such as school, work, or entertainment. For teenagers, many information resources on the Internet can be used. As a matter of fact, there are educational, music and art websites that are truly helpful to teenagers, because they can help make ones life easier.Educational websites are helpful to a teenager in doing school work and searching for a college. Some can help studying for testes, explaining a lesson , and doing homework .Some can help find the right school based on ones interests. And still others have pages devoted to the social life at each colleges or the species activities that at a certain school.Some free music sites enable a teenager to diversify their musical tastes. On these sites, all types of music are available such as pop, jazz and countryOne can type in a song, category or artist and his or her entire catalog appears. Then, the listener can make multiple play lists without creating an account(账户) with the site.There various art web, sites that can help students to appreciate and create art pieces. On these sites, a student can view numerous photos and art pieces from different. Mediums or create an account with the website to upload their art pieces for people to see. In addition, one can enjoy various art people have created on display for the rest of the world.Truly informative resources offered on the Internet. The best suggestion one can receive is to try to look for new websites that can help in the educational, music, or art area so one can become well-rounded and informed.Truly Helpful Websites for TeenagersMany 71 are available on various websites.I. Educational sites: helping one 72 and search for a college Study for tests, explain a lesson , and do homeworkFind the right school that one 73 Learn information about college social life and 74 II. Free music sites: 75 to diversify musical tastes Listen to all types of musicType in a song, category, or artist to get an entire catalogMake multiple playlists 76 III. 77 : helping one appreciate and create worksView photos and works from mediums 78 for others to see 79 on displayHelpful websites can make teenagers 80 Part IV Writing (45 marks)Since the earliest civilizations, people have controlled rivers to meet society's demands. Today, rivers are controlled for many reasons, primarily to maintain reliable water supplies for daily, agricultural and industrial needs, for power generation, for navigation (航行), and to prevent flooding.River control is achieved by channelization, a term that covers a range of river engineering works, including widening, deepening, straightening and stabilization of banks, and by the construction of dams.An important period of channelization took place in Europe during the l9'th century, when many large rivers were straightened and their beds deepened. One of the most dramatically changed was the Tisza River, a branch of the Danube that flows through Hungary. The controlling of the Tisza, designed to reduce flooding and make land for agriculture, included cutting off more than 100 meanders (河曲), shortening the river's length by nearly 400 kilometers.One of the most common ways in which people control rivers is by damming them. The past 50 years or so has seen an increase in dam construction worldwide, and at the beginning of the 21st century, there were about 800,000 dams globally, some towering more than 200 meters in height.Despite their successes, many dams also cause significant environmental changes that prove harmful. Some particularly deep reservoirs (水库) can bring about earthquakes due to the stress on their bottom rocks caused by huge volumes of water. Downstream of a reservoir, the river is certainly influenced in many ways: water volume, speed and quality are all affected, leading to changes in the landscape and among plants and animals.Title:_71_72ways_79_: ·achievements:800,00 dams built ·problems: causing harmful changes to_80_to _73_ adequate water for: daily life, _74_ and industry power generation navigationto stop rivers from _75_channelization:·engineering works:·widening,_76_and straightening rivers·_77_river banks ·an example: the _78_of the Tisza by nearly 400 kmPart IV Writing (45 marks)While there is no widely accepted definition of MOOCs, their key features are open access:they are currently free to participants, no entry qualifications are required, they support an unlimited number of participants and as yet, very few include any form of accreditation (认证).Currently offered by some famous universities, MOOCs are attractive to people who do not have the financial resources to meet the growing costs of university education, or who do not have formal qualifications. They also allow participants to study at their own pace.The potential for MOOCs to deliver education is obviously vastthey could be considered as a huge step forwards in widening participation. They also have the potential to provide a unique window on universities that offer popular and valuable courses, they may attract some participants to register for formal fee-paying programmes at the same or other universities and are likely to promote new ways of on-line education.However, it is still very early days for MOOCs. The quality of the education provision is highly variable, with many courses offering only recordings of lectures, and delivery is particularly difficult in some special fields that require practical classes, research projects or extensive library access. Besides, wider engagement with participants requires very considerable resource. Even limited feedback or examination becomes a major task if there are several thousand students in the class.Considering the challenges, some people argue MOOCs will soon evaporate (蒸发). But they certainly provide good opportunity for widening higher education, are a means of raising awareness of universities to audiences of tens or hundreds of thousands, and are well worthy of serious consideration. (271 words) free participation at present 72. _ for entry qualifications support of countless participants rare inclusion of accreditation being attractive to people » who 73. _ university education or » who have 74. _ being flexible in the study pace widening participation significantly 76. _ a unique window on universities attracting students to register for formal progarmmes promoting on-line educationKey featuresAttractions75. _77. _ highly variable quality of the education provision 78. _ of some special courses demand for very considerable resourceThe future uncertainty » possibly 79._ certainty » widening higher education » raising awareness of universities » being well worth 80. _ seriouslyTitle:71. _4


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