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人教高中英语选修6-Unit 1~2课时练习及解析

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人教高中英语选修6-Unit 1~2课时练习及解析

人教版高中英语 选修六 Unit 12 课时练习.单项填空1Which do you perfer,the Impressionist paintings or the paintings of modern art?_.ADont mention itBId prefer the formerCIts my pleasureDIts none of your business解析:根据问句可知答语应为:我更喜欢前者。A项和C项都是回答别人道谢时的用语,意为“不用谢,不客气”;D项意为“不关你的事”。答案:B2The film 2012 _ that there will be a disaster on the earth in 2012.Do you believe so?AexpectsBappealsCunfluences Dpredicts解析:根据题意及从句的时态可知应选predict“预测”。expect“期待,指望”;appeal“呼吁,求助”;influence“影响”。A、B、C三项均不符合题意。答案:D3Johnson had no choice but to have his baby _ because of his financial problems.Aadopted BadoptCadapted Dadapt解析:句意:由于经济原因,约翰逊没有别的选择,只有让别人收养他的孩子。adopt“采用,收养”;adapt“改变,适应”。由于his baby和adopt之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。故A项正确。答案:A4Was she badly hurt?Yes,each time she moved her leg,she _ a cry.Abroke out Btook outClet out Dkept out解析:let out意为“发出,放走”。答句句意:她每动一下腿,就叫一声。break out“爆发,发生”;take out“取出,带出,扣除”;keep out“使不进入”。答案:C5Our plans need to be _ enough to satisfy the needs of everyone.Asubjective BcontradictoryCconsiderate Dflexible解析:flexible意为“灵活的”。句意:我们的计划需要足够灵活来满足每个人的需求。subjective“主观的”;contradictory“矛盾的”;considerate“体贴周到的(多用来形容人)”。答案:D6I usually _ a few words of greeting with my neighbour after breakfast.Atease BexchangeCsponsor Dappeal解析:exchange.with.“和交换”,符合题意。tease“取笑,招惹”;sponsor“发起,举办”;appeal“呼吁,求助”。答案:B7Since you were there when the accident happened,you should state the facts _ they were.Aas BafterCbecause Dso解析:as作连词,在句中引导方式状语从句。as they were意为“按照他们本来的样子”。答案:A8Charlie made a(n) _ to apologize for what he had done,but his classmates wouldnt even talk to him.Apromise BprogressCattempt Dreputation解析:make an attempt to do sth.表示“试图做某事”,符合句意。答案:C9I heard that he grew worse after taking the medicine.Yes.He was _ to it.Apermanent BfragileCallergic Ddelicate解析:be allergic to“对过敏”,符合题意。permanent“永久的,持久的”;fragile“易碎的,脆弱的”;delicate“脆弱的,容易生病的”。答案:C10The speaker talked about sports in general and about football _.Ain a word Bin particularCin return Din demand解析:in particular意为“尤其,特别”。句意:总体说来演讲者的话题是运动,尤其集中在足球上。in a word“总之”;in return“作为回报”;in demand“有需要”。答案:B11Although her grandma had been ill for a long time,it still came as a shock when she _ died.Aslightly BapproximatelyCeventually Ddirectly解析:eventually意为“最后,终于”。句意:虽然她奶奶病了很长时间,但是最后她去世时,仍让人感到震惊。slightly“稍稍,轻微地”;approximately“接近,大约”;directly“直接地”。答案:C12The young teacher wants to help his students as much as he can,but _,hed better help them learn on their own.Afor one thing Bas usualCin other words Don the other hand解析:on the other hand“另一方面”,由but一词可知此处表示转折。for one thing“一方面”;as usual“通常”;in other words“换句话说”。答案:D13(2012年安徽卷,32)May I help you? You seem to be having some problems._,thanks.I think I can manage.AAll right BNo problemCIts all right DTheres no way解析:考查交际用语。All right“好吧;可以”;No problem“没问题”;Its all right“(对道歉,感谢,关心的回答)没关系,没什么,没大事”;Theres no way“没门”。句意:我能帮你什么忙吗?谢谢,没什么大问题,我想我自己可以应付,故答案为C。答案:C14Our factory is doing less and less trade with other companies.Im afraid I will lose my job if it is closed down._ Your boss will overcome the problem.ANever mind. BTake care!CTake it easy. DIts too bad.解析:take it easy意为“放轻松,别紧张”。答句意为:别紧张,你的老板会解决这个问题的。never mind“别介意”;take care“小心,当心”;its too bad“太糟糕了”。答案:C15If my letter _ the impression that I was impolite,please forgive me.Atranslated BconveyedCconcluded Dpredicted解析:convey意为“传达,表达”,其后可接名词、代词、that从句或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。translate“翻译”;conclude“推断,决定”。predict“预言,预告”。答案:B.阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。A“Harry Potter” star Daniel Radcliffe led groups of excited kids dressed in Hogwarts uniforms as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park officially opened on Friday to long lines and disordered traffic.Radcliffe,Rupert Grint who plays the boy wizards best friend Ron Weasley,and other actors from the blockbuster movie,were on hand at Universal Orlando Resort as fans lined up more than eight hours to be among the first visitors.Before dawn,the backup of Potter fans began to block the main highway through Orlando near the entrances to Universal,forcing the theme park to open its parking garage at 5 am30 minutes earlier than planned,according to local media.Visitors said that by 830 am the line to get inside wrapped around the outside of Universals Islands of Adventure park,of which the Wizarding World is one of six unique sections.And the wait for the Forbidden Journey reached at least 90 minutes at one point.“It was worth it,just because Im a Harry Potter fan,”said Kelsey Rigg,18,a British transplant(移居者) to Florida who at 3 am joined a crowd of several hundred people.Universal Orlando managers did not immediately have information about crowd size.The 20acre Harry Potter park reportedly cost $250 million to build and recreates the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and other places dreamed up by author JK. Rowling in her fantasy novels about the boy wizard and his friends.Attractions include the Dragon Challenge,a highspeed ride based on the Triwizard Tournament,a fictional 13th century contest between students of the three bestknown magical schools of Europe and Flight of the Hippogriff,a roller coaster based on Rowlings magical creature with the head,wings and front legs of a giant eagle and the body,hind legs and tail of a horse.【语篇解读】星期五,哈利波特主题公园正式对外开放,哈利波特的扮演者Daniel Radcliffe带领着穿着魔法学校制服的孩子们畅游乐园。16What is the possible reason for the fans going there so early?ATo see the new film of Harry Potter in the Hogwarts uniform.BTo block traffic together with the other actors in the movie.CTo be the first visitors of the Harry Potter theme park.DTo host the opening of the Harry Potter theme park.解析:细节理解题。从第二段的最后一句话中的“as fans lined up more than eight hours to be among the first visitors”可知影迷去那么早是为了成为第一批参观者。答案:C17Why was the parking garage forced to open ahead of planned time?ABecause all the fans came by car.BBecause the main highway was blocked.CBecause there were too many fans lining up outside of the park.DBecause the parking garage was broken through by fans.解析:细节理解题。从第三段内容可知,影迷在天亮前已到达,使主要干道堵塞,所以停车场提前开放。答案:B18According to the passage,the Harry Potter theme park _.Awas designed by author JK. RowlingBwas built by Harry Potter crazy fansClies in Universal Orlando Resort in FloridaDis managed by Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint解析:细节理解题。结合文章第二段的内容和图片下面的文字可知,哈利波特主题公园就位于佛罗里达的奥兰多环球影城度假村。答案:C19What can we learn from Kelsey Riggs words and action?AHarry Potter fans are crazy about the theme park.BMore Harry Potter fans will transplant to Florida.COnly several hundred Harry Potter fans come to visit the park.DOnly those who transplanted to Florida earlier have the chance to visit the park.解析:推理判断题。从第五段It was worth it,just because Im a Harry Potter fan和Kelsey Rigg凌晨三点就跟几百人等待进入主题公园的行为可推知影迷对主题公园很狂热。答案:A20We can know from the passage that _.AUniversal Orlandos Islands of Adventure park covers 20 acresBsome of the visitors to the theme park waited about eight hoursCUniversal Orlando didnt mind the number of visitors on the first dayDall of the attractions were imagined and designed by some actors and architects解析:细节理解题。从第二段中的as fans lined up more than eight hours to be among the first visitors可知,想成为第一批参观者的影迷等了八个多小时。答案:BBDirty language,curse(诅咒) words,swearing.These are all ways of describing words people consider socially unacceptable.But such words are commonly said after a painful injury.So,do they serve a purpose in reducing physical pain?That is what researchers in Britain set out to discover.Psychologist Richard Stephens wondered if using curse words truly helped people reduce physical pain.To test the theory,he asked more than 60 college students to take part in an experiment.The students were asked to write down five words they might say after injuring their finger.One of the words was chosen as their swear word.The students were also asked to choose five words they might use to describe another object:a table.These words were their control words.The students were then asked to hold their hand in freezing water for as long as they could.While holding their hand underwater,they were asked to repeat a swear word.Then they repeated the experiment using their control word instead.The researchers found a link between swearing and an increased ability to deal with pain.When students repeated a swear word,they were able to hold their hand longer in the cold water.They said they experienced less pain when using swear words.The experiment showed that swearing caused peoples heart rate to increase,which permits the body to experience or ignore pain better.It also found interesting differences between men and women.The heart rate of both men and women increased.Yet swearing had a greater effect on women.It is unclear to scientists exactly how swearing affects physical reactions to pain.Professor Stephens believes that swearing activates a different part of the brain than normal language.He says more experiments on different kinds of pain are needed to better understand the effect of swearing.The researchers note that swear words have existed for hundreds of years.Their findings offer one reason why the custom of cursing may have continued for so long.Swear words are said with emotion.For that reason,the more someone swears,the less of an effect the words have.【语篇解读】说脏话会减少人的疼痛?心理学家已证实了这一点,但其原因还在探索中。21Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AUsing Curse Words Can Reduce Physical PainBPeople Consider Curse Words Socially UnacceptableCDirty Language Is Commonly Said After a Painful InjuryDCurse Words Are Spoken by Inexperienced Psychologists解析:主旨大意题。文章以“说脏话是否会减轻人的疼痛”为主题,第一段引入话题,接下来是心理学家Stephens对说脏话是否会减少疼痛的试验的描述及由此得出的结论。故选A项。答案:A22How did Richard Stephens carry out the experiment?AWith a questionnaire.BThrough some examples.CBy comparison.DWith the help of the Internet.解析:细节理解题。从第二、三、四段试验的内容和下文提到的试验结果可知,试验是通过对比试验对象说脏话和不说脏话时的情况得出结论的。答案:C23How many experiments should each college student take part in at least?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段可知学生在第一次试验时被要求说脏话,而第二次试验时被要求说不是脏话的词语,故每个学生至少参与两次试验。答案:B24What does the underlined word “activates” mean?AMakes something active.BChanges something totally.CStops something from happening.DDiscovers something new.解析:猜测词义题。从画线词所在句可知,教授认为说脏话会激活大脑中的一个与正常语言激活的不同的部分。故选A项。答案:A25Which of the following is one of the findings from the expeniment?AWomen use more swearing words than men.BThe more someone swears the greater effect the words have.CMens heart beats faster than womens when using dirty language.DUsing swearing words helps women deal with pain better than men.解析:细节理解题。从第六段最后一句Yet swearing had a greater effect on women.可知,女性说脏话来减轻疼痛的效果会比男性好一些。答案:D 8


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