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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题05 环境保护话题指导.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题05 环境保护话题指导.doc

2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习书面表达复习专题05 环境保护话题指导 _【写作指导】1仔细审题,确定写作内容。 本文属于发表个人观;屯的评论性文章。要求就美国朋友在博客中提到的现象进行评论,并发表自己的观点。分析博客内容,确定写作的内容和方向。Peter谈论的是中国的饮食,实际上是在讨论如何保护野生动物的问题,所以要抓住实质内容,这是写作的前提。本写作要用第一、二人称,时态以现在时态和一般将来时态为主。 根据提示,确定写作内容:1)回应博客内容,引出话题;2)分析问题:这现象出现的原因和背景;3)明确提出个人观点;4)分析论证自己的观点;5)本着解决问题的原则:、提出个人的建议。 2发挥想象,细化表达信息。 - 写作提纲确定以后,还要根据生活常识和个人理解,细致分析,确定需要表达的信息,如:1)“回应博客内容,引出话题”时需要涉及到:中国莱肴丰富多样、美味可口;而一些小动物,甚至是世界珍稀动物都成了盘中之物;2)分析问题时,可以说明:我国政府已经采取措施进行制止,但仍有人违法捕杀这些动物来出售给各饭店。3)提出个人观点“这种行为不正确”;4)分析论证自己的观点要从环保的角度来表达:动物是人类的好朋友,帮助保持生态平衡;旦灭绝,地球将不适合居住;5)个人的建议要科学合理,如:人人参与,拒食这些食物,才能帮助野生动物摆脱灭绝的危险。3选词组句,准确表达信息。 写作中要选用丰富多变的词语,避免句子的单一化,注意尽量使用结构稍复杂的句式,提高表达质量,如: 1)信息表达词汇。如:珍稀动物precious and rare animals;采取措施to take measures:保持生态平衡:to keep the balance of namre;适合居住to be fit for us to live in ; 帮助摆脱灭绝的危险to help the animals out of the danger of dying out等。【教师点评】 1亮点点击:该习作语言准确、词语丰富,表达过程中不乏结构稍复杂的句式。如:状语从句和定语从句的结合使用:When he was traveling in China. he enjoyed all kinds of dishes, all of which were very delicious条件状语从句:If we go on killing animals like this, the world will not be fit for us to live in in the future.。倒装句:Only in this way can we protect the wildlife and help the animals out of the danger of dying out.等,都充分展示了作者扎实的语言基础和娴熟的语言表达能力。 另外,文章篇章结构合理、层次清晰,过渡和衔自然,过渡词语however,therefore等选用恰当,使得全文行文连贯、浑然一体。 2误点点拨: appear改为appeared,因为此处缺宾语从句的谓语动词appeared,但不能使用动词原形。3画龙点睛:1)第一段的第二每作为回应博客内容,提出话题的引子,最好将人称改为第二人称,更容易增加内容;的亲和力,拉近与读者的距离。如 :While travelin in China,you can enioy all kinds of dishes , all of which were very delicious。2)文章的末段提出个人观点,段首用in my opinion作为过渡就更好了。【参考范文】Just as Peter said in fils blog, Chinese food is rich and tasty. While traveling in China, you can enjoy kinds of dishes, all of which are very delicious. However, you may also find that many small animals. Even the precious and rare ones in the world, appear in the Chinese dishes even though our government has taken measures to prevent people from doing so.实例指导2教材循环使用【写作任务】在刚刚闭幕的两会上,两会代表就教材循环使用问题进行了热烈地讨论,下表是讨论的情况,请你就此表写一封150词左右的email,将此事告诉你的笔友Jack。开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。赞成方:反对方:中立方1.每年可节约18亿多元资金。2.防止消耗大量树木和造成污染。3.有利于建立节约型社会。1.学生没法在课本上做标记,会影响学习成绩。2.不好操作,因为有的课本学生毕业后还会用。1.可以先搞试点,积累经验。2.循环使用非考试类科目用书,如音乐、美术等。Dear Jack, Im very glad to tell you a piece of good news that the government will plan to recycle textbooks. There was a heated discussion among the representatives in our newly-ended state conferences._ _Best wishes, Yours, Li Ming【写作指导】第一步 仔细审题,确立主题,明确要求审题是写好书面表达题的基础。通过仔细审题,旨在完成五项任务:一定写作体裁,二定写作人称,三定写作时态,四定写作主题,五明写作要求。根据表外文字提示可以确定:写作主要人称为第三人称,字数150左右,不需要写标题,书信格式。在时态的确定方面,特定时间用过去时态,经常出现的情况或自己的评述用一般现在时态,此题讲述的是一般情况,故以一般现在时态为主。第二步 围绕主题,提炼要点,编拟提纲1段落主题句:支持者认为循环使用课本可以每年节约18多亿元资金。防止消耗大量树木和减少污染有利于建立节约型社会2. 段落主题句:有些代表持相反的观点。原因为:学生没法在课本上做标记,会影响学习成绩。不好操作3. 段落主题句:有些人既不同意支持方又不完全赞成反对方的意见。基本观点为:可以先搞试点,积累经验。循环使用非考试类科目用书,如音乐、美术等。第三步 分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语。第四步 恰当使用句型,连词成句。在连词成句时要尽量做到: 套用常用句型和句式多变。一篇文章在表达准确的前提下,应做到单句、并列句、复合句恰当安排,长短句有机结合,非谓语动词及介词短语恰当使用,增加文章的生动性,为文章增加亮点。同时,一定要避免些常规句法错误的出现,如:无主语或无谓语动词,时态、语态错误,滥用逗号等。将上述提炼出来的关键单词和短语连词成句为:第五步 恰当使用连接词,组句成篇。高考英语书面表达评分标准中其中一项指标是“有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑,行文连贯,条理清楚。”根据这一要求,最后还要有效地使用语句间的连接成分,对译出的要点根据拟定的提纲进行合理组合,从而使文章过渡自然,浑然一体。【参考范文】 Dear Jack, Im very glad to tell you a piece of good news that the government will plan to recycle textbooks. There was a heated discussion about this among the representatives in our newly-ended state conferences. The supporters think recycling textbooks can save more than 1.8 billion yuan for our country each year, which undoubtedly contributes a lot to building an energy-saving society. Whats more important is that it can avoid a waste of trees and prevent serious pollution. However, some representatives hold the opposite idea. One of the reasons they present is that recycling textbooks makes it impossible for students to write down their notes in the books, which is likely to have a bad effect on their study. And in practice, the plan is hard to carry out. There are also some people neither for the supporters nor the opponents absolutely. They believe that it is wiser to recycling textbooks in some trial areas to draw some useful experience. Furthermore, another good way is to recycle some of the textbooks that arent aimed at examinations instead of all of them, such as music and art.Best wishes, Yours, Li Ming【教师点评】该篇文章从总体上来讲,能够把握议论文的特点。语言流畅,能够正确地利用一些较为高级的词语,精彩短语(下划线)、句型(斜体)和过渡词句(加粗)。人称使用正确,为第三人称。能够把握主体时态:用一般现在时。能够按题目的要求,涵盖所要求的内容,并准确达意,反映了作者较强的基本功。 【句型拓展】类似的常用句型有:11. We need to strongly advocate conservation-oriented, environmentally friendly and civilized patterns of production and consumption throughout society.12. Only by .can we13. We can, therefore, e to the conclusion that14. Thus, this is the reason why实例指导3植树造林【写作任务】树木对我们非常重要,每年的植树节都有很多树木因为疏于管理而难以成活。最campaign? 【写作指导】第一步 仔细审题,确立主题,明确要求根据文字提示可以确定:写作主要人称为第一人称,字数150左右,无标题,为短文格式。时态为一般现在时。第二步 围绕主题,提炼要点,编拟提纲第一段:陈述树的重要性:树木对我们非常重要,原因是: 它们不仅吸收二氧化碳,产生人们的健康必需的氧气,而且使我们的城市更美丽。种树还能改变气候。第二段:捐钱植树。原因 尽管每年春秋会种很多树,但生手们种的树成活率很低。所以政府呼吁每人捐25元用于买树苗和树的护理;结果是: 尽管钱对于一个人来说不多,但它确实会使一棵树有所不同。第三段:提出倡议:原因:我认为这是为城市作贡献的机会;我们还可以享受到更绿、更清新的环境。建议:为什么不加入到这一活动中来呢?第三步 分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语。第四步 恰当使用句型,连词成句。 Trees are of vital importance for us.Not only do they absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen which is essential to the health of human beings, but also they can make our city beautiful.Furthermore, the climate can even be changed by planting trees.In spite of the fact that a great number of trees are planted in spring and autumn every year, few trees planted by green hands survive. Our government is appealing to every resident to donate twenty-five yuan to buy the young trees and support for each tree.25 yuan, which is a small sum of money for you, makes a difference for a tree. As far as Im concerned, this is a good chance to make contributes to our city.We can enjoy a greener and clearer environment. Why not join in our campaign?【参考范文】 Ladies and gentlemen, As we all know, trees are of vital importance for us. Not only do they absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen which is essential to the health of human beings, but also they can make our city beautiful. Furthermore, the climate can even be changed by planting trees. However, to our disappointment, in spite of the fact that a great number of trees are planted in spring and autumn every year, few trees planted by green hands survive. 【句型拓展】类似的常用句型有:1. If all those trees had survived, the city would have bee a garden2. Deforestation now accounts for about 20% of carbon dioxide emissions each year.3. A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.4. Shade provided by trees can also reduce your air conditioning bill by 10 to 15%. 5. Since we can get so much from making our cities greener, we should spare no effort to do that. 6. Experts have e up with proper advice on protecting such cultures. 7. Recent efforts toward the greening of our cities have achieved much, although the results are still far from satisfactory. 8. For example, the green space available on average to each Shanghai citizen is only 0.4 Mu while every Londoner has more than 20 Mu.9. First and foremost, media, as a product of scientific advance, provides a quick access to the spread of the traditional culture, helping people to set up a sense of preservation.10. We are trying to do whatever we can to.11. has bee the focus of attention worldwide.12. I would like to outline some reasons for it. First, ; second.13. It is unavoidable for traditions to .14. On all accounts, a great number of reasons lead to the loss of tradition.实例指导4建设绿色校园【写作任务】校刊英语角为配合学校创建“绿色校园”的工作,开展了“创建绿色学校英 【写作指导】环保是当今社会比较热门的话题之一,也是人们关注的焦点。森林被破坏,大气、海洋等受到严重污染,许多动物濒于灭绝,而人类却一味地掠夺自然,使整个自然环境伤痕累累,不过人们已经认识到破坏自然所带来的严重后果,环保意识不断加强,一系列的环保措施也应运而生了。此类话题也以不同的形式出现于高考试题中,尤其是写作题。我们也应顺应时代潮流把握好此类话题的试题。那么如何才能写好环保话题的英语作文呢? 环保类话题作文写作指导及模板 1此类话题的作文是常以描述、说理等为主的记叙文或议论文; 2文章可先摆出恶劣的现状(河流污染、森林破坏、水土流失、大气污染、气候恶化等)以及人们掠夺自然的种种行为;或者采用比较的方式,对比以前美好环境和现在环境的满目疮痍; 3引申严重的后果,从而达到说服的目的,给人们以警示; 4发表评论及提出措施:呼吁人们提高环保意识,并提出建议和设想。常有以下步骤: 呼吁人们提高环保意识:call for people to realise the importance of environmental protection; 采取相应的措施:take measures to protect natureABC; 政府应加大惩罚力度:出台相关法律条文保护自然及增加惩罚措施1Pass laws to protect the environment and punish people who break the laws. 相关知识链接The Green School Project has bee environmental education in our school. However, still a lot of problems in the school. Very often you e across an empty classroom wire the lights still on. Its not difficult to find evidence of wasting water, a very serious problem. Additionally, students do not recycle enough, throwing away the soft drink bottles, used exercise papers and books. Worse still, many students still use non-environmental friendly lunch boxes, which cause "white pollution". These things show that many students lack a sense of environmental awareness. Its important to educate students to be more environmentally friendly. At the same time, students can do small things, such as collect used items for recycling,实例指导5Animals in Danger写作任务:以下图表是根据某调查报告对某地生态遭破坏情况进行的分析,请结合图表内容,写一篇120-150词的短文,粘贴在你的英语网络日志上,以引起人们的关注。文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 症状图示处方乱砍滥伐森林火灾导致森林面积缩减设立自然保护区(natural reserve)开发生态旅游(ecological tour)非法捕猎、大量屠杀导致部分野生动物灭绝惩罚非法捕猎行为增强保护意识Recently, a survey has been done to find out how nature was destroyed in some area._分析:1. 本写作任务要求就图表内容写一篇短文,审题非常关键,图表中所有信息都应该为主题(Animals in Danger)服务。切忌偏离主题,防止过多描写自然环境遭破坏的情形等。根据以上分析,本文内容应包括如下要点:(1)乱砍滥伐+ 森林火灾森林面积缩减动物失去生存之地(2)非法捕猎+ 大量屠杀部分野生动物灭绝动物处于危险之中(3)采取措施:设立保护区、开发生态旅游+惩治非法捕猎行为、增保护意识(4)个人见解:进一步采取措施来拯救动物,以利于人类生活2. 将以上信息用英语句子表达出来,注意表达的准确性,要选用丰富的词汇和结构稍复杂的句子,提高文章的质量。例如:(1)Unplanned cutting trees and many fires caused the decrease of the forest, making many animals lose their homes to live in.初稿:Recently, a survey has been done to find out how nature was destroyed in some area and I find a lot of animals are in danger. There are two reasons for this. On the 教师点评:1. 初稿表述较全面,覆盖了大部分内容要点,运用了一些较复杂的语法结构和词汇。此外,文章还注意到了语句间的衔接,行文连贯,过渡比较自然。2. 表达中存在的错误和不足:(1)在On the one hand, unplanned cut trees and many fires caused the de-crease of the forest, making many animals lose their homes to live.一句中,主语unplanned cut trees应该改为动名词短语unplanned cut-ting trees;句末的动词不定式to live修饰homes,缺少介词in。(2)文章末尾的倒装句用得很好,但两个句子之间的连接出现了错误:Only in this way can we save nature and animals, it is of great value to human beings.第二个分句建议改成非限定性定语从句:Only in this way can we save nature and animals, which is of great value to human beings.(3)语句和段落间的衔接有待改进。如第一段中第一句话中"and"前后两部分过渡不够自然;此外两个段落之间的衔接不够紧凑。成稿: Recently, a survey was done to find out how nature was destroyed in some area. As we can see from the diagram, a lot of animals are in danger now. I think there are two reasons for this. On the one hand, unplanned cutting trees and many fires caused the decrease of the forest, making many animals lose their homes to live in. On the other hand, many animals have been killed illegally and as a result, some of them are in danger of dying out. In my opinion, something should be done to stop this from happening again. Firstly, natural reserves should be set up and ecological tours should be developed to protect animals. Secondly, people who hunt illegally should be punished. But the most important thing is that people should be made aware of the importance of animal protection. Only in this way can we save nature and animals, which is of great value to human beings.Powerful sentences:1. Animals are natural resources that people have explored and used throughout history.2. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, and for sport.3. To our surprise, thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Worse still, hundreds more are on the endangered list today.4. Luckily, some people are working to help protect animals. They also call for the governments to pass laws to protect animals in danger.5. In fact, quite a few countries have passed laws to forbid the killing of any animal or plant on the endangered list.1. 本次写作任务是由典型事例引出议论的夹叙夹议的文体,正确审题是写作难点。根据题目要求,文章的重心在叙述"Algae Outbreak in Lake Tai"和对"Environmental Protection"发表自己的看法两个方面,不要写成一篇纯粹的关于生态灾难的新闻报道。本文的第一段写太湖蓝藻污染事件,写作时,应提炼写作要点,合理安排顺序,不要逐字翻译。第二段写措施或看法,并号召保护环境。2. 本文是夹叙夹议文体,因此时态运用视情况而定。3. 本文与环境污染和环境保护有关,写作时可以运用以下句型:With the development of economy and growth of the population, .send waste water directly into the lakebe seriously polluted by .do great harm tobe in dangeruse environmentally friendly materials初稿:Algae Outbreak in Lake Tai and Environmental ProtectionTerrible algae broke out in June in Lake Tai. It is famous for its beautiful scenery and clear water. The water was smelly after the algae died, which had a bad 成稿:Algae Outbreak in Lake Tai and Environmental ProtectionA terrible case of algae broke out in Lake Tai in June, an attraction ever famous for its beautiful scenery and clear water. Smelly algae has seriously polluted the lake and threatened the drinking water supply for the millions of people living in Wuxi City. There are two main reasons for this disaster. The first is that some factories in the area have been pouring a lot of waste directly into the lake. The other reason is that the local weather has been hot with little rain since April. In this case, it is very good for algae to grow. This natural disaster shows how the ecological balance in this area has been badly damaged. It is high time that we took some measures to protect our environment. For example, there should be laws introduced to stop factories from pouring their waste into the lake. Also we should make use of environmentally friendly materials in our daily lives. Most importantly, the public should be taught the importance of environmental protection. 教师点评:1. 本文审题正确,结构安排合理。第一段叙述太湖蓝藻事件,第二段发表评论,符合题目要求。2. 在叙述蓝藻事件时,作者没有逐字翻译,而是根据提供的材料概述了事件的前因后果。3. 短文运用了一些恰当的语言表达方式。如:Smelly algae has seriously polluted the lake and threatened the drinking water supply for the millions of people living in Wuxi City. Powerful Expressions:(表达环境破坏)1. With the development of economy, factories are producing more and more waste.2. Factories often pour waste directly into rivers and lakes.3. The rivers and lakes have been seriously polluted.4. The pollution is so terrible that it has done great harm to both human and the environment. 5. Much pollution has caused many serious problems such as global warming.6. Many trees were cut down.7. More and more good farmland has turned into desert.8. Human beings, animals and plants are all in danger.实例指导7自然周1. 本写作任务要求大家根据提示写成一篇议论文。写这种类型的文章时,首先需要明确围绕哪一个论点展开。对于本写作任务,同学们可以从背景信息中提炼出论点,即:保护自然资源和自然环境的必要性。2. 根据提示,文章可以分为三部分完成,第一步先用几句话将下面要讨论的问题表达清楚。篇幅不用过长,重点在于说明情况。第二步就是分析论述部分。以该写作任务为例,可以先用一句话点明浪费自然资源和破坏环境产生的后果,然后再分别引用具体实例加以证明。第三部分需要提出切实可行的解决办法,表达出迫切希望提议得以实施的心情。3. 文章首段应对自然资源和自然环境目前的基本情况加以描述,然后简单说明一下产生这种现象的一些可能的原因。接下来,我们就可以进入到第二段的分析,即围绕论点进行论述,最好能举例说明,加强论证的可信性。最后,我们要针对具体情况提出解决的方法。这个部分相对来说开放性比较强一些。初稿:Today natural resources are being less and less. At the same time, the natural environment is severely polluted by dangerous chemicals. It is time to change the present situation, or we may get into trouble in the future.One of my neighbors never turns off the lights even when he is not at home. He often spits in public. These behaviors affect both society and people in a bad way. Some people take an indifferent attitude towards those behaviors or even do the same. In a long time, the earth will turn into a dirty and dangerous world.In my opinion, the best way to prevent these behaviors is to warn everyone of the harm. I believe most people will pay attention to their behaviors from now on. As the world bees more crowded, we are using up our natural resources more quickly, and at the same time we are polluting our environment. Its time that we made efforts to change the present situation.Everyone realizes today that the more we use natural resources, the less we have. We also know that if we continue to pollute the air, we will in turn destroy the world and ourselves someday. Global warming has already given us the warning of nature. However, in most countries there are few laws to stop or prevent this. What can we do to solve these problems?If we could find some recyclable resources to take the place of the nonrenewable energy, there will be more energy available to us. If every government could encourage the factories to turn their waste into useful things and educate people to think about the problem, Im sure we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.Powerful sentences:1. As the world bees more crowded, we are consuming our natural resources more quickly, and at the same time, .2. Everyone realizes today that if too much oil is taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, .3. Therefore, we must try to find out some useful ways to protect our environment.4. Nature is our friend, but if we treat it improperly, it will also bee our enemy.5. If everyone takes environmental protection as our mission, we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future. 实战演练Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “Saving Our City”. As we all know, rubbish can cause a lot of environmental problems if it is not properly treated. It pollutes air and water. When people breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water, they may get ill.Our government is increasingly attaching great importance to the problem. For example, rubbish is sorted and sent to different places so that it can be treated differently. Some rubbish, such as paper and glass, is recycled, while the harmful rubbish is buried deep to avoid environmental pollution. Waste water is treated well before it is poured into rivers. Whats more, the government has passed laws to prevent people from throwing rubbish wherever they like.As members of our society, I think we students should have a strong sense of environmental protection and do whatever we can to fight against pollution.Lets live in a clean and beautiful city! Thank you for your listening!请观看以下一幅漫画,联想到实际生活,写一篇不超过120字的短文。题目:Dont waste water。As we can from in the picture , a man is using water as much as he likes washing his clothes regardless of the notice pinned above “Save the water Please.”As we all know, there is not enough water on the earth now. In some parts of the world, such as Africa, people do not have enough water to drink. They live a very hard life because of the lack of water. At the same time, the little water that we have is being polluted by factories that create lots of waste. Fish in the polluted waters are not safe to eat any longer, and some people have even died from diseases caused by the polluted water. It is very important to protect our water. Waste water should be cleaned before it is poured into rivers and lakes. Laws should be made to prevent factories from pouring waste into or near rivers and lakes without cleaning it first. We hope that everyone can pr


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