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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上单元综合测验卷含听力文件及原文2019年人教版PEP教材专用严格按教学大纲教材编制2019年八年级英语下册前 言为更好的检验学生对知识的掌握程度,总结经验查漏补缺,根据最新人教版版英语八年级下册初二教学大纲精心设计编排了本套单元综合能力测试卷,所有含有听力部分的试题,均内置有听力材料文件及听力原文(双击前言下方MP3图标,使用Windows media player播放,可以另存到桌面),题量充实、难易适中,通过本套试卷检测,剖析考点,探究重难点,加深学生对教材知识点理解,做到既可领先教学进度,又能贴近教学需要,力求打造高效优质测验试卷,让您能够快速提升教学质量。UNIT 3单元过关卷时间:100分钟满分:120分第卷听力部分(25分). 听下面5个句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分)1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. . 听下面5段小对话,每段对话对应一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分)6. What is Tom doing now?A. Watching TV. B. Doing homework. C. Playing computer games. 7. What does the woman ask Mario to do?A. Clean the room. B. Meet his sister. C. Look after his sister. 8. How will the girl go to school today?A. By bike. B. By car. C. By bus. 9. What does Cindy want to borrow?A. An MP3. B. An English dictionary. C. Some CDs. 10. What does the boy like to do?A. Do the dishes. B. Sweep the floor. C. Clean the windows. . 听下面4段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共10分)听第1段对话,回答第11、12小题。11. What does the man ask the girl to do?A. To go to the movies. B. To do the dishes. C. To do her homework. 12. What is Linda busy with?A. Tomorrow's homework. B. The delicious dinner. C. The writing competition. 听第2段对话,回答第13、14小题。13. Who folds clothes for Alice?A. Her father. B. Her sister. C. Her mother. 14. What does Alice like doing?A. Folding clothes. B. Washing bowls.C. Washing clothes. 听第3段对话,回答第15至17小题。15. Who will pay a home visit?A. The boy's math teacher. B. The boy's English teacher. C. The boy's history teacher. 16. Where are they talking?A. At home. B. At a restaurant. C. At school. 17. When will the boy's father be back?A. In 5 minutes. B. In 10 minutes. C. In 15 minutes. 听第4段对话,回答第18至20小题。18. What is Mike doing when his mother asks him to clean his room?A. Doing homework. B. Taking out the rubbish. C. Watching TV. 19. Who is coming over in an hour?A. Mike's grandfather. B. Mike's grandmother. C. Mike's uncle. 20. Where will Mike and Bruce meet?A. At Mike's home. B. At the library. C. At the cinema. . 听下面一篇短文,完成表格中所缺的信息,每空词数不限。(每小题1分,共5分)Miss Chan's reportAbout (21)_% of the students don't do housework. The other students do housework every (22)_Easy jobs: making the (23)_ and folding clothes. Difficult jobs: (24)_ or doing the dishes. AdviceDoing housework can help children become more (25)_. 第卷笔试部分(95分). 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)26. Sandy always puts her things everywhere, so her room is really a _. A. messB. resultC. placeD. floor27. _ you please turn down the TV? Your mother is sleeping. Sorry, Dad. A. Must B. Should C. Need D. Could28. It's _ that I'm working while everyone else is enjoying themselves!A. similar B. educational C. independent D. unfair29. _ we have a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee. A. Since B. Although C. Before D. While30. It's very cold outside. Could you please _ the door?A. don't open B. to not open C. not open D. not to open31. Jim didn't come to the party yesterday. _ his sister. A. Neither did B. So didn't C. So did D. Neither didn't32. Nancy's father will take her to America as soon as she _ the exam. A. pass B. passes C. passed D. will pass33. Could I _ your bike?Sorry, I _ it to Jim yesterday. A. borrow; lent B. lend; borrowedC. lend; lent D. borrow; borrowed34. When learning English, _ you practice, _ mistakes you will make. A. the more; the more B. the fewer; the moreC. the less; the less D. the more; the fewer35. Could you please pass me the book?_A. Yes, I could. B. No, I couldn't. C. Sure, here you are. D. No, that's no problem. . 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)I live in a happy family. My parents love me and they never let me do any chores. My dad is a good _36_, so he does all the cooking in our family. My mom does all the other chores _37_ sweeping the floor and washing clothes. Last weekend, my parents were out, so I had to look after _38_. In the afternoon, I was _39_, so I decided to cook a meal. I _40_ cooked before, but how hard would it be? My father is a good cook, and then I must _41_ him in some ways. Finally, I decided to cook chicken. I took _42_ the chicken from the fridge. When the oil became very hot, I _43_ the chicken into the pot. Quickly the pot was on fire. I didn't know how it _44_ before I threw the flaming pot into the water. Then I noticed the white table next to the stove and the ceiling (天花板) became black. I spent the next hour trying to clean up the _45_. Cooking isn't as easy as I ever thought, and there's always something I need to learn. 36. A. cook B. driver C. worker D. teacher37. A. for B. with C. like D. in38. A. himself B. themselves C. yourself D. myself39. A. hungry B. dirty C. full D. busy40. A. often B. never C. ever D. always41. A. take after B. look after C. find out D. give out42. A. away B. out C. off D. back43. A. threw B. turned C. made D. used44. A. stopped B. disappeared C. left D. happened45. A. living room B. bathroom C. kitchen D. bedroom. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)What do mothers think of housework? Let's read the following ideas. LauraWe don't like housework,but at the same time,we hope to have a clean and comfortable home. My neighbor Teresa told me that I didn't have to do everything right away. We can do small things with great love. Start with the easy ones,rest,and then go on with the others. It becomes less tiring but much more interesting when you divide(分成)things into smaller parts. MonaWhat should you call those who use towels(毛巾)but never wash them,eat meals but never do the dishes,sit in rooms but never clean them?If your answer is “A house guest. ”,you're wrong. Because I just describe my kids. MaryKids seem to learn to use the computer and turn on the TV quickly. However,they have difficulty in using the vacuum cleaner(真空吸尘器). It's really surprising. 46. Teresa taught Laura to _. A. do everything right away B. have a rest before workingC. do the important things only D. start with easy things47. Mona thinks her kids are _. A. lazy B. hard­working C. clever D. serious48. Mary tells something about her _. A. kids B. guests C. parents D. students49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Laura likes doing the housework very much. B. Mona's kids often help with the housework. C. Mary's kids like to use the computer. D. They all talk about their kids. 50. Where is the text probably taken from?A. A newspaper. B. A textbook. C. A sports magazine. D. A science report. BThe Simpsons is a famous cartoon. It tells about the happy life in an American family. What chores does each of them like and dislike? Homer is the father of the family. He likes sweeping the floor. He often weeds(除杂草) in the garden and washes the car. He never feeds their dog or cooks meals for his family. Marge is the mother of the family and she is very busy. She always cooks meals, does the laundry and cleans the house. She never washes the car or changes light bulbs(灯泡). Lisa is the elder daughter of the family. She likes making her bed. She cleans the table and does the dishes every day. She can't cook meals but she is a good helper for her mother. Bart is the son of the family. He only likes feeding their dog and walking it outside. He never cleans his bedroom. 51. Which country do the Simpsons come from? A. The UK. B. Canada. C. The US. D. Australia. 52. What chores does Homer never do? A. He never sweeps the floor or cooks meals. B. He never weeds in the garden or feeds the dog. C. He never washes the car or sweeps the floor. D. He never feeds the dog or cooks meals. 53. Who cooks the meals in the kitchen?A. Homer. B. Marge. C. Lisa. D. Bart. 54. What does Lisa like doing?A. Sweeping the floor. B. Feeding the dog. C. Making her bed. D. Weeding in the garden. 55. Which of the following about Bart is TRUE?A. He likes walking the dog outside. B. He likes cleaning his bedroom. C. He is a good helper for his mother. D. He often washes the car. CLife is always full of stress these days. How do you usually relieve(减轻) stress?(56)_ In fact,doing something like washing dirty clothes may really make people relaxed. “Doing some housework such as folding the clothes or sweeping the floor is a good way to relieve our stress without taking any medicine,”says Carol Clark,a successful psychologist(心理学家) in New York. (57)_“While washing something,”she says,“you can imagine you're washing away some trouble in your life. ”(58)_ Here are some other people's ideas about it. “Housework is the main reason for the stress in my life,”says Linda in France. “(59)_”“A man pays a psychologist $200 an hour for his problem about stress. (60)_ I really don't know who is crazier,the psychologist or the man,”says Gary,a single(单身的) father in America. 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项。A. However,he's just told to go back home and do some housework. B. Do you know housework is helpful in relieving stress?C. Get me out of doing the housework and then I'll really be relaxed. D. Do people all agree with her ideas?E. She often advises people who are under lots of stress to try doing housework every day. . 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共10分)When Norman left high school, he went to a college to learn cooking for two years. He enjoyed cooking and was good at creating (创造) his own dishes. Then he got a job in the kitchen of a big hotel as an apprentice (学徒) for four years. Norman_soon_found_that_cooking_in_a_hotel_was_nothing_like_cooking_for_his_family_at_home. He needed to work in a hot kitchen for a long time every day. A lot of people couldn't stand it, but Norman enjoyed it. He always made new and unusual cakes on Friday. More and more people visited the hotel on Friday just _ his cakes. The hotel owner soon found out why. When Norman decided to leave the hotel, the hotel owner offered(提供)_him_more_money_and_the_position_(职位)_of_the_head_cook. Norman took the position and saved most of the money he made. Finally, he bought his own hotel last year. Then he found he needed a lot more skills than just cooking skills. So he went to an evening school to learn business every Tuesday and Friday. Norman enjoys having his own hotel. But he also enjoys working in the kitchen and thinking_up new creations when the hotel is not too busy. 根据短文内容完成下列任务。任务一、将处画线部分的句子翻译成汉语。61. _任务二、在处填入恰当的短语。62. _任务三、根据处画线部分的句意,完成下面的句子(每空一词)。63. The hotel owner _ him _ more money and the position of the head cook. 任务四、用同义短语替换处的短语。64. _任务五、根据短文内容,完成下面的句子,每空一词。65. To get more _, Norman went to an evening school to learn _ every Tuesday and Friday. . 综合填空。(每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,完成短文中空白处的单词。In some Western countries, many children do chores to (66)g_ pocket money. They usually start to do this when they are ten years old. School students have to do homework and (67)s_ for tests. They don't have much free time on (68)w_. They often do chores on weekends. Young kids only do (69)e_ chores. So they don't get much money. But that's enough. Many of them only want to buy candy (糖果). And candy is cheap! They often help do the dishes, (70)s_ the floor, or feed the pet cat or dog. When they get (71)o_, they want to buy more and more things. They want things that are more expensive than candy. So they have to work (72)h_! They often help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass, or cook meals. Some jobs are a good (73)w_ for kids to learn new things. For example, they can learn how to use a lawnmower (割草机) or how to cook. Of course, their parents help them at (74)f_. Do you think it's fair for the teenagers to depend on (75)t_? . 短文改错。(每小题1分,共10分)下面短文中有10处语言错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出应该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。Your parents love you and care about you. As a teenager, you should do what you can make them happy. Here is some advice. Do your chores. Help your parents with when you see them working around the house. Do your chores without being asked to and do so more than you are asked to. Develop interest something. Find out what you are good at, and join a club that can help you improve you. It's good to have hobbies. Having something that your parents can hang on the walls like a painting will bring them much happy. Talk with your parents good. Do not talk back to (对顶嘴) your parents when they understand you. Find a right time talking with them. They will be glad to take time talking with you. 76. _77. _78. _79. _80. _81. _82. _83. _84. _85. _. 书面表达。(25分)某报社正在以“We should do chores at home”为题进行征文比赛,请你根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇短文参加比赛。提示:1. 许多学生不愿做家务,他们认为做家务是父母的工作,而且做家务占用学习时间;2. 你常做的家务:整理床铺、浇花、打扫房间、倒垃圾等;3. 你的体会。要求:词数80100。We should do chores at home_UNIT 3 单元过关卷第卷听力部分听力材料:.1.W:I like cleaning the living room every day.2. Lily takes the dog for a walk after supper every day.3. Teenagers often buy some snacks and drinks in the shop.4. Cooking is really relaxing.5. My mother makes the bed every day.6.W: Tom, stop playing computer games! You have played too much these days!M: Mom, just a few more minutes, please.7. W: Mario, I have an important meeting today. Can you help me look after your sister?M: Yes, of course.8. W:Could you drive me to school today, Dad? My bike is broken.M: Sure! Let's go right away.9. W:Could you lend me your English dictionary tomorrow, Aron?M:Sorry, Cindy. I need to use it in tomorrow's English class.10. W:I hate to do the dishes. It is so boring.M: I can help you do that. I like to do the dishes because it helps me relax.Text 1W: Dad, could I go to the movies after supper?M:Yes, of course. But you have to do the dishes first.W:Why? I did it yesterday. Today is Linda's turn!M:Your sister Linda is busy preparing for tomorrow's writing competition.W:OK, well. I will do it.Text 2M:Could you please fold the shirt for me, Alice?W:Sorry, I don't know how to fold it.M:Who folds the clothes for you?W:My sister. I think it is difficult for me.M:Well, what do you like doing?W:I like washing clothes.Text 3M:Mom, my English teacher will pay a home visit this evening.W:Really? Then we need to clean the house. And we should invite your teacher to have dinner.M:Good idea.W: Now could you please clean the living room and take out the rubbish?M:Yes, sure. By the way, what are we going to have tonight?W:Um Gongbao chicken, mapo tofu, fish and vegetable soup.M:Wow, there is so much housework to do.W:Don't worry. Your father will be back in 10 minutes. He can help us.Text 4W:Mike, please clean your room and take out the rubbish.M:Sorry, Mom. I'm doing my homework now.W:Could you take out the rubbish now, please? I really need your help. Your grandmother is coming over in an hour.M:Sure. Oh, could I use the car this evening? Bruce and I want to go to the movies.W:No, your grandmother and I need to go to a meeting at the library. But I can give you a ride.M:OK. I can meet Bruce at the cinema. Oh, Mom, could I borrow some money for my movie tickets?W:Of course, you can.M:Thank you very much.Miss Chan asked her students about their housework at home. Here are the results. About 40% of the students don't do housework at home. The other students do housework every day. Most of them do easy jobs like making the bed and folding clothes. Only 20% of the students cook or do the dishes at home. Miss Chan advises her students to do more housework at home. American children start doing housework at the age of 2 and it makes them more independent.听力答案:.15:CCABB. 610:CCBBA. 1115:BCBCB1620:ABABC.21.4022.day23.bed24.cooking25.independent第卷笔试部分.26.A点拨:A项意为“混乱”;B项意为“结果”;C项意为“地方”;D项意为“地板”。分析句意为“桑迪总是把她的东西丢得到处都是,所以她的房间真的很乱。”故选A。27. D28.D29. A点拨:A项意为“既然”;B项意为“虽然”;C项意为“在之前”;D项意为“与同时,然而”。通过句意“既然我们有几分钟等火车,让我们喝杯咖啡吧。”分析可知前半句是后半句的原因。故选A。30. C31. A点拨:Neither / So 助动词/ 系动词/情态动词 (肯定)主语. ;neither表示否定,so表示肯定。由于“Jim didn't come to the party yesterday.”是一个否定意义的句子,所以选 A。32. B点拨:由as soon as引导的时间状语从句,当主句用一般将来时,则从句用一般现在时。故选B。33. A点拨:borrow意为“借(入)”,常用结构为“borrow sth. from sb.”;lend意为“借(出)”,常用结构为“lend sb. sth.; lend sth. to sb.”。第一句“我可以借你的自行车吗?”表示“我借入”;第二句“对不起,昨天我把它借给吉姆了”表示“借出去了”。故选A。34. D35.C.3640:ACDAB4145:ABADC.4650:DAACA5155:CDBCA5660:BEDCA.61.诺曼不久发现在饭店里做饭一点不像在家里给家人做饭。62. because of63.provided; withing up with65. skills; business.66.get67.study68.weekdays69.easy70.sweep71. older72.harder73.way74.first75.themselves.76.make前加上to77.with改为out78.去掉so79. 在interest后加上in80.将you改为yourself81. 将happy改变happiness82.将good改为well83. 在understand前加上don't84.talking改为to talk85. 将take改为spend.One possible version:We should do chores at homeNow many students don't like doing chores at home. Some students think it's their parents' job to do chores at home and doing chores takes up their time for study. But I think we should help do chores at home because our parents are busy with their work and are often tired after work. I often do chores at home, like making the bed, watering the flowers, cleaning the rooms, taking out the rubbish and so on.In my opinion, doing chores is relaxing. And it can help us to learn to be independent. It's good for our future.本套检测卷错题分析收集表错题所在的章节:第 册第 章第 节一、错题再现:1. 2. 3. 二、考查的知识、能力点分析:本题主要考查到:1. 2. 3. 三、典型错误及原因分析:1. 2. 3. 四、具体的针对性措施:1. 2. 3. 专心-专注-专业


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