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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上小学六年级科学学科期中质量检测试题(卷)金台区店子街小学 许妍评优等级优良达标待达标在相应等级上画()一、填空题:1、微生物是包括 、 、 以及一些小型的原生动物等在内的一大类生物群体。2、青霉菌分泌出的某种物质能杀死细菌,这种物质叫 。3、在适宜的温度下, 会使牛奶发酵成 。4、人体的皮肤、骨骼等都是由一种叫做 的微小结构组成的, 就好像是构成生命体的“ ”。5、地球表面的主要地形地貌有 、 、 、 、 和 。6、地球分为三层:地球表面薄薄的一层是 ,主要由岩石组成;地球中心部分是 ;它们之间的部分是 。7、地壳的岩层在 时会发生褶皱,褶皱突然 时大地会剧烈震动,释放出 ,造成严重破坏,这就是 。8、在长期的风吹日晒、雨水冲刷、生物破坏等作用下,地表岩石破碎的过程叫 。9、物体在 和 的环境条件下,容易发霉。10、大自然中能搬走碎石,改变地貌的力量有 、 、 、 等。二、判断题(正确的在后面括号内打“”,错误的打“×”。)1、利用网格画地图是为了尽量标准。 ( )2、大多数细菌对人类是有害。 ( )3、长期熄灭,但有时会突然喷发的火山,称为休眠火山。 ( )4、各种细胞的大小、形状差异很大。 ( )5、电冰箱能保鲜食物,主要是利用它产生较冷的环境,创造使食物不容易发霉的条件。 ( )6、喜马拉雅山在几千万年以前是河流。 ( )7、服用抗生素,可以有效地治疗因病毒导致的疾病。 ( )8、所有生物的细胞结构都是相同的。 ( )9、天圆地方是古代印度人提出来的,是对地球的正确认识。( )10、地球内部,地核处温度最高。 ( )三、选择题(把正确答案前面的序号填在括号里)1、地震和火山爆发主要发生在( )A、地壳板块边缘 B、地壳板块中间 C、和地壳板块没有关系2、做酸奶需要一种细菌是( )A、酵母菌 B、青霉菌 C、大肠杆菌 D、乳酸菌3、地震波在坚硬的岩石里传播( ),在软软的岩石里传播( )A、较慢 B、较快 C、不起来4、科学家一般用( )观察微生物。A、放大镜 B、显微镜 C、凸透镜5、晚上刷牙的目的主要是( )A、牙齿变白 B、容易睡觉 C、清理微生物 D、促进生长6、目前人类在探地研究中最深的深度是( )A、14千米 B、20千米 C、100千米7、下列不是危险、可怕的自然灾害的是( )A、地震 B、火山喷发 C、阵雨8、( )的做法是正确的A、向大海倾倒垃圾 B、乱伐树木 C、改造沙漠9、大多数细胞都非常小的,但个别细胞却很大,如( )A、一个西瓜 B、鸡蛋的蛋黄 C、人的血红细胞10、“脓”是( )死亡以后的产物A、红细胞和白细胞 B、白细胞和病菌 C、红细胞和病菌四、连线题(将后面正确的选项与对应的类别连起来) 1、 冰箱贮存食物 干燥环境霉菌不易生存 真空包装食品 阳光中的紫外线杀死霉菌 食品袋中放干燥剂 高温灭菌,隔绝空气 太阳曝晒 低温抑制霉菌的生长繁殖2、 法国 张衡 葡萄牙 卡蒂娅·喀夫特 古希腊 麦哲伦              中国 亚里士多德五、简答题:1、用哪些方法可以减少致病细菌的传播?2、当地震发生时,我们应该怎样保护自己?六年级科学试题(卷)命题意图六年级科学质量检测试题的题型结构,严格遵照小学科学课程标准的要求,试卷在内容比例、题型比例和难度比例等方面都与课标相适应,没有偏题、难题、怪题。试题突出了对基础知识和主干知识的考查,能面向全体学生,难易得当,试题共分五个大的类型,它包括:填空、判断、选择、连线和简答,试题满分100分。题型多,考查范围广泛,注重对学生能力和综合素质的考查,实现科学学科的考核目标,重视考核学生调动和运用知识的能力,并对学生获取和解读信息能力进行了考核。所有试题看似简单,但需要学生在掌握知识间内在联系的基础上,积极调动所学知识进行综合分析才能得出正确答案。六年级科学试题(卷)标准答案一、填空题:1、细菌 霉 病毒 2、青霉素 3、乳酸菌 酸奶 4、细胞 细胞 积木 5、高原 平原 山地 海洋 岛屿 峡谷 6、地壳 地核 地幔 7、相互挤压 断裂 巨大能量 地震 8、风化 9、潮湿 温暖 10、风 水 冰 重力二、判断题: 1、 2、× 3、 4、 5、 6、× 7、 8、× 9、× 10、三、选择题: 1、A 2、D 3、B A 4、B 5、C 6、A 7、C 8、C 9、B 10、B 四、连线题: 1、 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 2、 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 五、简答题: 1、答:1、捂住鼻子打喷嚏;2、用热水冲洗筷子;3、勤用肥皂洗手2、答:a在家中时就地避险,选择较安全的地方(床下、桌子底下)躲避;选择开间小的卫生间、厨房、储藏室及墙角躲避;同时关闭电源,关闭煤气,熄灭炉火;利用两次地震之间的间隙,迅速从屋里撤离。b. 向空旷、开阔地带避震。六年级科学试题(卷)评分标准一、填空题:(每空1分,共28分) 二、判断题:(每小题2分,共20分)三、选择题:(每小题2分,共20分) 四、连线题:(每小题2分,共16分)五、简答题:(第一小题6分,第二小题10分,共16分)Class:                  Name:                   (     )1. Good morning!                     !A.Morning !        B.Hello !      C.Hi !(     )2. Nice to see you again !                      .A.How are you ?        B.Nice to see you , too .   C.How do you do ?(     )3.Good night,mom !                  A.Night !       B.Good night !     C.Good evening .(     )4.How do you do ?                       A.How are you ?     B.Fine,thanks .     C.How do you do ?(     )5.How many story books do you have ?                    A.I have 10.      B.I can see 10.      C.Thirty yuan.(     )6.Do you have new teachers?                  A.Yes,we do .     B.Yes,we dont.     C.Yes,we have .(     )7.Whos your art teacher ?                        A.Mr Zhu.       B.Miss Zhu.        C.Hes tall.(     )8.Whats he like?                   A.Hes tall and strong .  B.Yes,he is.  C.Mr Zhu.(     )9.Is your English teacher young?                A.No,she isnt.     B.Yes,she is .    C.No,she is.(     )10.                ?    Her name is Chen Jie.A.Whats your name ?  B.Whats she name ?  C.Whats her name ?(     )11.                ? I like Chinese,math and English.A.What classes do you like?   B.What do you like?  C.What are you like ?(     )12.                ? We have English and P.E. A.What do you have on Mondays ?       B.What do you have ? C.What do you have on Monday?(     )13.                ? Its Monday.A.What is it today ? B.What day is it today ?  C.What day is today ?(     )14.                ? I watch TV and do my homework.A.What do you do ?   B.What do you do in Mondays?  C.What do you do on Sundays ?(     )15.May I have a look ?                   A.Sure.Here you are .   B.Look !     C.Here you are .(     )16.Our math teacher is                 Canada.A.from    B.in     C.at  (     )17.I              three new teachers.A.has     B.am   C.have(     )18.Whats        Chinese teacher like ?A.you     B.your    C.youre(     )19.My P.E.teacher is          thin.A.too      B.so    C.very (     )20.There are            days in a week.A.six     B.seven    C.eight (     )21.There are            month(月)in a year(年).A.ten     B.eleven      C.twelve(     )22.I often watch TV               Saturday .A.on       B.in       C.at (     )23.I like P.E.          I dont lime music.A.but     B.and     C.so(     )24.This is            apple.   It is          red apple.A.a , a       B.an,an          C.an, a(     )25.What               do you like ?A.classes        B.class       C.classs六年级英语测试题Class:                  Name:                   (     )1. How are you ?                    A.Fine,thanks.      B.Yes,it is.        C.How are you ?(     )2. Nice to meet you !                    A.Fine,thank you.    B.OK.      C.Nice to meet you ,too !(     )3. How do you go to school ?                   A.I go to Canada by plane. B.I go to school by bike.  C.What about you ?(     )4. How do you go to the USA ?                       A.I usually go to school by bus. B.I go to England by ship.  C.I go by plane.(     )5.                      ?   My home is near the post office.A. Where is your home ? B.OK.   C.See you then!(     )6. See you at 2 oclock.                  A.See you then !    B.The fifth floor.   C.Its easy.(     )7.                   ?   You can go by the No.15 bus.A.Its not far.    B. How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?   C.Sure.(     )8. Where is the hospital?                   A.Next to the cinema.   B.Thank you .     C.Youre welcome.(     )9. Excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ?                   A.Yes,there is .    B.No,its not far.    C.Its near the post office.(     )10.?                   ?   Its near the post office.A.Yes,there is .    B.No,its not far.    C. Where is the library? (     )11.                   ?  Its next to the hospital. A. Where is the cinema ,please ?   B.Is it far ?      C.Go straight.(     )12. How can I get to the hospital ?                  A.Its next to the hospital.  B.You can go by the No.201 bus. C.Thank you.(     )13.Thank you .              A.Thank you .     B.OK.      C.Youre welcome.(     )14. How can I get to the museum?                A.Go straight.Then turn left.  B.Thank you .  C.Its east of the cinema .(     )15. Where is the post office ?                     A.Go straight.Then turn left.  B.Thank you .  C.Its east of the cinema .(     )16. What are you going to do this evening ?                 A.Im going to the cinema .  B.I go to school on foot.  C.Yes,it is.(     )17. Is it far ?                      A.No,it is .         B.Yes , it is .          C.Yes,it isnt.(     )18.         do you go to school ?A.What          B.Where           C.How(     )19. I go to school           bike.A.on        B. by         C.get(     )20. Can I go       foot ?A.by          B.at           C.on(     )21.How can I         to the post office ?A.near         B. get          C.for(     )22.          me.A. Excuse         B. How         C.next (     )23.           birthday to you !A. After         B.Happy       C.First(     )24. The hospital is            the left.A. at        B.in          C.on (     )25.         is the bookstore ?A.Where        B.How           C.When 四年级英语测试题Class:                  Name:                   (     )1.Good afternoon !               A.Hello!          B.Hi !          C.Afternoon !(     )2.Nice to see you again !               A.How are you ?   B.Hello !       C.Nice to see you , too.(     )3.Good night,moom !              A.Good evening !        B.Good night !     C.Night !(     )4.How are you ?             A.Fine,thank you .    B.I am 10.    C.Nine .(     )5.How do you do ?                  A.Fine ,Thank you .   B.How are you ?     C.How do you do ?(     )6.How old are you ?                A.How are you ?       B.I am 11.         C.I have 11.(     )7.                    ? I have 23.A.How many books do you have ?  B.How many books can you see?C.How many book do you have ?(     )8.                 ?  I can see 6.A.How many lights do you have ?  B.How many lights can you see ?C.How many light can you see ?(     )9.May I have a look ?                  A.Sure.Here you are .      B.Look!     C.Sure.Here are you .(     )10.                ? 50 yuan. A.How much is this schoolbag ? B.How many is this schoolbag ?C.How much are this schoolbag ?(     )11.Wheres my seat ?                     A.Its near the door.    B.Its on the door.    C.Its under the door.(     )12.Lets clean the desks and chairs.              A.All right !         B.Hello !           C.Its nice .(     )13.Whats this ?                A.There is a board .    B.Its a bee.    C.Its bee.(     )14.            ? My name is Mike.A.Here are you ?          B.Whats your name ?    C.How do you do ?(     )15.Whos the inventor of paper ?              A.Chinese people.       B.Oh! Great !          C.Hello!(     )16.I             a student. You              a teacher.A.am  ,am             B.are, are            C.am, are (     )17.This           a boy.His name               Zhang Peng.A.is, is        B.am   , is        C.is ,  are (     )18.Let          clean the fish bowl.A.I           B. me     C.my (     )19.This is       apple.It is          red apple .A.an ,an       B.a,   a           C.an,  a(     )20.We         a new classroom.A.are          B.have            C.has(     )21.There          a bee in our classroom.A. is        B.are       C.am(     )22.         have a new schoolbag.        schoolbag is heavy.A.I , my           B.I ,My          C.My , I (     )23.Put your English book              your head.A.at      B.in       C.on (     )24.There           many books in the desk.A.am          B.is                C.are (     )25.How many       do you have ?   A.pencil    B.pencils     C.pencils.三年级英语测试题Class:                  Name:                   (     )1.当向别人打招呼时,应该说: A.Hello.           B.Good morning .(     )2.How are you ? 的正确答语是: A.name     B.Im fine,thank you .(     )3.当想知道别人的名字时,应该说: A.Whats your name ?      B.See you.(     )4.字母K的小写是: A.k         B.(     )5.Nice to meet you 的意思是: A.见到你很高兴。  B.你好吗?(     )6.向别人告别时,应该说: A.Good bye!      B.Hi.(     )7.Jenny is a             A.boy             B.girl(     )8.Li Ming is a            A.boy           B.girl(     )9.Jenny lives in             A.Canada.           B.China.(     )10.字母P的大写是: A.P            B.q(     )11.当向别人说谢谢时,应该说: A.Nice to meet you .  B.See you later.(     )12.早上好的正确答语是: A.Good morning .     B.See you later.(     )13.Whats this ? Its a               A.desk        B.book(     )14.This is a              A.teacher      B.Danny (     )15.This is a boy.Whats             name ? A.his       B.her专心-专注-专业


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