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关于青春的语句1.青春是什么?是生命中火一般的季节;青春写什么?写一首漫长漫长的诗歌;青春留什么?留一个没有遗憾的遗憾。What is youth? Is the season of fire in life; Youth write? To write a long long poems; The youth leave? There are no regrets leave a regret.2.青春并不忧伤、却被我们演绎的如此凄凉。Youth is not sad, but are we deduce so bleak.3.春是一种姿态,更是一种财富;青春是一种概念,更是一种风度。朋友啊!珍惜青春。Spring is a kind of attitude, is a kind of wealth; Youth is a concept, but also a kind of manner. A friend! Cherish the youth.4.青春,是人生组歌中的一首绝唱,它理应同最美的事物联在一起。A song of youth, is a suite of songs, it should be united with the most beautiful thing.5.青春是天边的虹,转瞬即逝,却又柔美异常;青春是清晨的雾,朦胧含蓄,却又适合徜徉;青春是山涧的溪,清丽柔和,却又时常飘荡。The youth are the rainbow in the sky, fleeting, but soft exception; Youth is the morning fog, hazy reservation, but suitable for walking; Youth is a mountain stream creek, qing li is soft, but often wanders again.精选文档6.青春,一半明媚,一半忧伤。它是一本惊天地泣鬼神的着作,而我们却读的太匆忙。于不经意间,青春的书籍悄然合上,以至于我们要重新研读它时,却发现青春的字迹早已落满尘埃,模糊不清。Youth, half bright and beautiful, half sorrow. It is a simply make the gods cry of the make, but we read in haste. In casual, the youth quietly closed the books, so we want to read it, only to find that the youth's handwriting are dust, ambiguous.7.在青春的世界里,沙粒要变成珍珠,石头要化作金;青春的魅力,应当叫枯枝长出鲜果,沙漠布满森林;这才是青春的快乐,青春的本份!In the world of youth, grains of sand to become pearls, stone into gold; The charm of youth, should call dead branches grow fruit, desert is full of forest; That is the joy of youth, the youth of this!8.我常常在思索我们的青春。它真是一个奇形怪状的玩意儿,短短的身子偏偏拖了一个长长的尾巴,像翅膀一样招摇着,久久不肯离去。I often think in our youth. It is really a strange thing, short body just dragging a long tail, like wings as.9.谁虚度年华,青春就要裉色,生命就会抛弃他们。Who to idle away one's time, youth will Ken color, life will abandon them精选文档.10.青春不过是一胡春水,有时风平浪静,闲适怡人,有时会激流澎湃,卷起千堆雪,我们不能在迷茫中消亡,不应在悲欢中自沉,也不应沉醉于鸟语花香。Youth is but a chun-shui hu, sometimes calm, leisurely and comfortable happy person, sometimes surging grain, rolled up thousand pile of snow, and we can't die in the confusion, should not be in the sad and ZiChen, also should not indulge in charactizing a fine spring day.11.青春的幻想既狂热又可爱。The illusion of youth craze and lovely.12.没有人会感觉到,青春正在消逝;但任何人都会感觉到,青春已经消逝。No one will feel that youth is passing; But anyone can feel, the youth has faded.13.有人说:青春是快乐的源泉;快乐在这里流淌,痛苦也在对面徘徊。有人写,青春是多雨的天空;雨露在这里蔓延,阳光也在天边等待Someone says: youth is the source of happiness; Happy here, pain and on the other side. Some to write, youth is rainy sky; Spread the rain here, the sun is in the sky waiting for.精选文档14.提起青春,人们会想到初升的太阳;说起青春,人们会看到含苞待放的花蕾;谈起青春,人们会听到初春时的雨声。Mention youth, people will think of the rising sun; Speaking of youth, people will see in bud bud; People will hear about youth, when the spring rain.15.我们为青春的多姿喝彩,为青春的凌云之志折服,但同时也为青春的短暂而慨叹。We cheer for much appearance of youth, for youth volunteer in skimming admit defeat, but also for the brief but lament of youth.16.过去就像回形针,把青春一页页的固定,然后变成了一本不被出版的书。The past is like a paper clip, fixed the youth page, and then turned into a book will not be published.17.时间太瘦,指缝太宽,它总是不经意的从我的指缝间溜走,伸手紧握,抓住的只是空气。在青春布满藤蔓的围墙上,缓慢的攀行,回头下望,是散落一地的音符,被记忆沉吟着辗过,又被风卷起。天高云淡,仅有几缕羽白的丝云,在天空中游走,把青春的沉淀塞进时间的罅隙,时间卷起所有太过纯净的美好,却平淡如白开水。Time is too thin, fingers is too wide, it is always inadvertently slip through my fingers, stretched out his hand clenched, caught just air. In youth is full of vines on the walls of the slow line, climbing back under, are scattered notes, is memory thoughtfully ran over, and be the wind. Feather white silk weaving clear sky, with only a few clouds, ramble in the sky, the precipitation of youth into the crack of time, time to roll up all too pure beauty, was as plain as plain boiled water.精选文档18.青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志、恢宏的想像、炽热的感情;青春是生命的深泉涌流。Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy, red lips and supple knees, but a matter of the will, the marvelous imagination, hot feeling; Youth is life's deep juices flow.19.青春真的很单薄,什么都很轻,风一吹,我们就走散了。Youth is really very thin, very light, the wind blows, we lost contact.20.庸者总会傲慢的认为青春是一个无底洞,智者则会谦卑的认为青春是上帝借我们的一架云梯,时间到了总要归还。Sucker always arrogant that youth is a bottomless pit, a wise man will humble think that youth is god lend us a ladder, time is always returned.21.青春不是风花雪月,青春也不是红杏绿柳,青春更不是富丽的象牙塔,它是生命的一个阶段,是人生渐渐成熟的过程。精选文档Youth is not affair, youth is not a accidentallyalso a red almond green willows, youth not richly ivory tower, it is a time of life, life is gradually mature process.22.那个可以任意挥霍的年纪, 人们叫它“青春” 。That can be arbitrary squandering age, people call it "youth".23.青春是一场泅渡,如履薄冰,战战兢兢我们却要把持住那些岌岌可危的惶恐,毅然朝梦里花开的暖季前行。Youth is a swim across, are treading on thin ice, and trembling, but we will control the precarious fear, resolutely towards the warm dream bloom.24.有人说,青春仿佛是朵素洁的昙花,来不及铺张、来不及遐思,甚至来不及弥补欠缺和瑕庛,就那么匆匆地谢了。Some people say that youth is a pure white like epiphyllum, too grandiose, not random, doesn't even make up the lack of returns and defect, so thanks in a hurry.25.青春是打开了就合不上的书, 人生是踏上了就回不了头的路,爱情是扔出了就收不回的赌注。Youth is opened the book on the shu not, life is on the returned to the head of road, love is thrown out of the put back bets.精选文档26. 青春,在嘲笑着我们。它嘲笑我们不懂得珍惜,嘲笑我们的世俗,嘲笑我们的懦弱。我们或许有无奈,但在青春的准则下却容不得你为自己便解。我们只能看着它带着鄙夷的目光,在有生之年里离我们远去。Youth, laughing at us. Mock it we don't know to cherish, our secular, laugh at our weakness. We may have a helpless, but it will be in the youth under the guidelines of you for their solution. We can only look at it with a scornful look, far away from us in the lifetime.27.站在青春里,遍地美好。就算那里的烦恼特别多,那里的遗憾忘不掉,可在你眼里,留白的青春,一样重要,一样美好。Standing in the youth, and beautiful everywhere. If there so many troubles, sorry to forget, but in your eyes, white youth, as important as good.28.很多事情,但凡与青春联系到一起,那不算什么,一离开青春,原来什么也不是。A lot of things, the fact and the youth together, that's nothing, leave the youth, the original is nothing.29.在这个忧伤而明媚的三月,我从我单薄的青春里打马而过,穿过紫堇,穿过木棉,穿过时隐时现的悲喜和无常。In march of this sad and beautiful, I from my youth in thin the horse, through the purple pansy, through the kapok, through the soliloquy and impermanence scenery.精选文档30.青春终将散场,唯独记忆永垂不朽。Youth will break, but memory lasts forever.31.我们不能做到青春活得不留遗憾,但要做到在青春里活得心安。We can't do the youth live without regret, but to do in the youth live in peace.32.一生经历一次的青春,目的只是听一次花开的声音,看一次花落的寂然,然后散场。Life experiences a youth, just listen to the voices of flowers, the flowers have become, once and then break.33.人生如一条河流,无数的记忆成了河底的鹅卵石,拾起一颗,沙锅面赤然刻着两个大字青春。用力把它仍入时间的旋涡中,飞入人生年华之中Life is like a river, countless memories became the pebbles in the river, and picked up a star, the earth face red but engraved with two characters - youth. Forcibly threw it into the vortex of the time, into the life time of.精选文档34.青春是一种持续的陶醉,是理智的狂热。Youth is a constant, is a passionate sense.35.第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个的青春是靠自己努力的。The first youth is given by god; The second youth is of yourself. (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 精选文档


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