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精品文库全国商务英语翻译资格统一考试中级笔译试题注意事项1 、请首先按要求在试卷和答题卷的标封处填写您的姓名、考号等;2、请仔细阅读题目要求进行答题,答案写在答题卷上;3、请保持卷面整洁,不要在封标区内填写无关内容;4、答题时间为150 分钟。Part I Tran slate the followi ng senten ces into Chin ese(10%)1 、 The invisible hand of the market would guide individual choices so that each individual pursuing his own self-interest would simultaneously help society and create the greatest wealth for the greatest number of people in a society.2 、 Service enterprises such as restaurants, hotels, and vacation resorts have grown to become major business sectors in many countries, in some cases, even overtakeing manufacturing and other other peoduction-oriented businesses.3 、 Industrialization changed the world. Few places on earth have escaped its impact. However, the nature of the impact varies from place to place. Understanding the global consequences of industrialization requires an understanding of how industrialization differed in each place.4 、 Countries in the developed world must therefore learn to cooperate in order to devise a sufficiently comprehensive program of income redistribution to the less developed countries. Without help form the develop world, these poorer countries cannot possibly make the sacrifices that the human race must make collectively to reverse the deterioration of the environment.5 、 Although the country ' s long-term strategy of developing the vast western region is still at an early stage, both the government officials and economic experts are keen to discuss the way to narrow the economic gap between the west and the east.Translate the following sentences into English(10%)6 、 不同的国家使用不同的经济来源;不同的人拥有不同的技能。7 、 发达国家拥有大量的熟练劳动力和资本,所以它们能集中生产很多技术密集型的产品,比如计算机、飞机等等。8 、营销包括产品开发、定价、推销和产品信息交流;在那些观念较新的企业里,营销还包括关注客户需求的不断变化、不断开发新产品,并且不断地改进产品、改进服务,以满足客户的需求。9 、由于进口依靠出口来融资,出口获得的外汇可用来进口急需的原材料、技术及设备,因此一个国家的进口能力显然取决于出口业绩的好坏。10 、 我国政府决心在未来的二十年内全面建设小康社会。如何提高占全国人口70% 的农民的生活水平和生存质量,是实现这个目标的最大难题。Part n Tran slate the followi ng passages into Chin ese Passage 1( 20% )Promotional Letter, BankDear Mr. Smith,Let me take this oppprt unity to pers on ally tha nk you for choss ing our bank to ope n and handle your account. I know a great amount of care goes into choosing a banker, and your decision reaffirms my belief in the old fashioned ways of banking. We believe our depositors enjoy the pers onal con tact they receive at each of our bran ches.Be assured that the pers onal banking con cept enjoys our geratest commitme nt. We employ the latest tech no logy in computers and on intern et, however, we will n ever aba ndon our pers onal commitme nt to you, the customer,our greatest asset.I hope you will investigate our trust services, and feel free to use any of the many services we have desig ned to make your banking experie nee as enjoyable and comprehe nsive as possible.I have attached hereto our latest finan cial stateme nt for your review, along with a descriptive brochure of the many services offered to you.If I may be of any help in the future, please feel free to call upon this office.Truly yours,Passage 2 (25%)Web BusinessIn the fiest year or so of Web bus in ess, most of the action has revolved around efforts to tap the consumer market. More recently, as the Web proved to be more than a fashion, companies have started to buy and sell products and services with one ano ther. Such buss in ess to bus in ess sales make sense because bus in ess people typically know what product they ' e look ing for.Nonetheless, many companies still hesitate to use the Web because of doubts about its reliability. Busin esses n eed to feel they can trust the pathway betwee n them and the supplier,”says senior analyst Blane Erwin of Forrester Research (福里斯特研究所 ).Some companies are limiti ng the risk by con duct ing on li ne tran sacti ons only with established bus in ess part ners who are given access to the company's private intranet (局域网).Ano ther major shift in the model for Internet commerce concerns the tech no logy available for marketi ng. Un til recen tly, Internet market ing activities have focused on strategies to pull”customers into sites. In the past year, however, software companies have developed tools that allow companies to push " information directly out to customers, transmitting marketing messages directly to targeted customers. Most no tacly, the Poin tcast Network uses a scree n saver to deliver a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to subscribers "computer mon itors. Subscribers can customize the in formatio n they want to receive and proceed directly to company's Web site. Companies such as Virtual Vineyards(虚拟葡萄园 )are already starting to use similar techno logies to push messages to customers about special sales, product offeri ngs, or other even ts. But push tech no logy has earned the con tempt ogmany Web users. On li ne culturethinks highly of the notion that the information flowing onto the screen comes there by specific request. Once commercial promotion begins to fill the screen uninvited, the distinction between the Web and television fades. That ' a peospect that horrifies Net purists.But it is hardly in evitable that compa nies on the Web will n eed to resort to push strategies to make money. Many examples show that a Web site selling the right kind of product with right mix of in teractivity, hospitality, and security will attact on li ne customers. And the cost of computi ngpower continues to free fall, which is a good sign for any enterprises setting up shop in silicon.Part ) Tran slate the followi ng passages into En glishPassage 1 (20%)通货膨胀把社会弄得四分五裂什么是通货膨胀?通货膨胀就是物价上涨。通货膨胀使社会受到损害,给人们带来了极为严重的不公平。它实际上夺取了人们应从社会得到的经济利益。它迫使那些退休后本来可以过舒适生活的人不得不在贫困中度过晚年。通货膨胀的确把社会弄得四分五裂。它迫使社会上的每一个人都行动起来,力争使自己的收入和资产的价值至少能跟上物价上涨的速度;它迫使工人为增加高额工资而斗争;它迫使工商企业大幅提价;它迫使州政府和地方政府大量增加税收,而政府各部门的开支却增加得更快。公立学校、大学、卫生福利机构以及公路建设部门被迫紧缩预算。大学生必须缴纳更多的学杂费。人们越来越觉得受了骗,越来越感到愤慨。通过膨胀会造成什么后果呢?你可以看到它是怎样把社会弄得四分五裂的!人们只是为要保住原有的地位,既不被抛在后面,而必须竭尽全力进行斗争。通货膨胀使人们丧失理性,意见不和,互不信任和遭受不幸。Passage 2 (15%)弘扬奥林匹克精神奥林匹克理想是人类不断的追求,体育运动和体育教育则是实现这一追求的具体实践。体育不仅让人拥有强健的体魄,更让人学会沟通、合作、尊重他人,以及学会接受失败,是不同文明和价值观之间加强联系的重要媒介。中国政府和人民一向赞美奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所作的努力。此刻,中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国再次得到发扬。欢迎下载5全国商务英语翻译资格统一考试注意事项1、请按要求在答题卷的标封处填写您的姓名、准考证号等;2、所有答案均写在答题卷上,写在试题卷上不给分;3、将题号写在对应的答案前,不必再写题目要求;4、交卷时必须把试题卷随同答题卷一起上交,否则不计成绩5、请保持卷面整洁,不要在标封区填写无关内容。题号Part IPart nPart JI总分总分人OneTwoOneTwo分数


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