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课题:Module 6 A trip to the zooUnit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.(七年级)一、 教学内容分析小学起点外研教材新版, 复习和巩固现在进行时态.二、教学目标1. To get information about animals from the reading material.2. To learn to find specific information in the reading.3. To learn to use capital letters.三、学习者特征分析七年级学生分化很严重,要注意较差学生的知识接收,多复习以前知识和词汇.四、教学策略选择与设计通过各种形式的练习,掌握本课的重点知识.五、教学重点及难点1.有关动物的名称2.现在进行时的用法六、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. Review the text of Unit 1. 2. Show some pictures, ask the students to look at the pictures, then talk something about the pictures. 3. Introduce the new words.4. Read the new words.Step 2 Find these places on the map. 1. Show a map of the world.2. Find these places (Africa, America, Asia, Europe)on the map. 3. Check with a partner .4. Call back the answers from the whole class .5. Show some pictures, ask the students to look at the pictures, then talk something about the pictures. Step 3 Reading.1. Play the recording.2. Ask the students to read through the passage.3. Read the passage and complete the table in Activity 3.4. Check with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys:Elephants Africa and Asia plants, leaves, bamboo and a little fruitPandas China bamboo, plants and leavesZebras Africa plants, leaves and grassTigers Asia many kinds of animals Monkeys Africa, Asia and America meat, leaves, fruit and eggs6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expression from the box in Activities 4.7. Check with a partner.8. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1. a little 2. kilos 3. grass 4. only 5. world 6. AfricanStep 4 Writing.1. Read the introduction about a zoo.2. Correct the mistakes. 3. Ask the students to notice capital letters. The zoo has many animals. The animals come from many different countries. The panda lives in China and it eats bamboo. There are elephants from Africa and Asia. The tiger comes from Asia. It eats meat.Step 5 Do exercises:A.首字母填空:1. China is a country in A_.2. They are Europeans. They come from E_.3. The dog is my favourite a _.4. In autumn, we can see the yellow l_ of the trees.5. The old man lives a_. I usually talk with him.Keys: 1. Asia 2.Europe 3. animal 4. leaves 5. aloneB.完成句子:1.狮子是欧洲的吗?Is the lion _?2.他们不是非洲人。They dont _.3.这是只非洲大象吗?Is this _?4.你愿意住在美洲吗?Would you like _?5.熊猫一天吃30公斤竹子,也吃植物和叶子。The panda eats about 30 _ a day, _ plants and leaves.Keys: 1. from Europe 2. come from Asia 3. an African elephant 4. live in America 5. kilos of bamboo 6. as well as C.综合填空:Susan likes animals very much. She often goes to the zoo with her parents. (1)T_ are many animals in the zoo. Such as (2)g_ , (3)t_ and many more. (4)P_ like eating bamboo, (5) e_ are very big and strong, they have long noses and they like (6) d_ water. (7) M_ are Susans favourite animal. They like eating bananas and climbing trees. Susan doesnt like (8) l_ because they are very dangerous. The (9) g_ tells the family the kind of animals are from (10)E_. But her parents like them very much. Susan always has a good time too. Keys: 1.There 2. giraffes 3. tigers 4. pandas 5.elephants 6. drinking 7. Monkeys 8.lions 9.guide, 10.Europe Step 6 Homework七、教学评价设计教师评价:课堂表现活跃,学生积极参与,达成教学目标,每个学生都能有收获。学生课堂自我评价在本课中我学到了_我最喜欢的活动是_认识动物和他们的习性。 自己对本课堂表现的评分是_4.5八、板书设计Module 6 A trip to the zooUnit 2 The tiger lives in Asia.Elephants Africa and Asia plants, leaves, bamboo and a little fruitPandas China bamboo, plants and leavesZebras Africa plants, leaves and grassTigers Asia many kinds of animals Monkeys Africa, Asia and America meat, leaves, fruit and eggsSentence forms:1. We are having a school trip。 2. We are visiting the zoo。 九教学反思这节课中,学生积极参与教学活动,师生、生生之间的配合非常和谐。本节课教学目标明确,体现了由易到难,循序渐进的规律。每个教学任务都以学生为中心,让他们自主学习,体现了“以学生为主体,教师为主导,思维训练为主线”的教学指导思想。本节课充分注重了课堂实效性,最大限度地提高课堂的有效教学,每一环节都为教学目标服务,为教学主体-学生们搭建好有已学到新学的转换。充分调动了学生的主体意识,以及学习兴趣。在练习部分时间略显仓促,个别学生需要更多时间去强化所学。有些学生因历史原因,理解知识有困难,需要多帮助,提高学习信心,并适当讲一些他们能理解的知识,让每一个学生都有收获。


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