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开题报告题目从迪斯尼动画花木兰女性主义形象视角对比中美女性社会角色的差异性 The Different Social Roles of Females between China and America from the Perspective of Feminist Image in Disneys Mulan 论文题目从迪斯尼动画花木兰女性主义形象视角对比中美女性社会角色的差异性 The Different Social Roles of Females between China and America from the Perspective of Feminist Image in Disneys Mulan 中心论点: 在全球化时代背景下,跨文化交际日益重要,中美文化相互借鉴交流也随之日益密切, 越来越多融合中美文化的电影电视节目被搬上银幕,这对了解中西方文化差异提出了新的要求。本论文以比较中美传统女性社会角色的差异为立足点,通过比较中国诗歌木兰辞和迪士尼电影花木兰中的女性形象,归纳出中美文化差异在迪斯尼电影花木兰中的体现,分析中美女性社会角色的差异,以激发人们欣赏电影时的文化敏感度,更好的区分中美文化差异在女性社会地位方面的体现,从而保证跨文化交际的有效进行。Thesis Statement: Under the circumstance of globalization, inter-cultural communication becomes increasingly important, it results the rise of a new tendency on the communication between Chinese culture and Americas, and more and more movies and TV programs, which intermingled both Chinese culture and Americas, are adapted for screen, and it put forward new requirements for us to understand the cultural differences between China and Western. This essay rests on comparing the different social roles of females between China and America through contrasting Chinas poetry The Ballad of Hua Mulan and Disney's movie Mulan, the essay aims to analyze cultural varieties between China and America, which was reflected in the movie Mulan, and make a conclusion on the different social roles of females between China and America, in order to invoke the people's cultural sensitivity, and differentiate the cultural differences between China and America, which was mostly reflected on the females social role, and ensure that the inter-cultural go smoothly. 本研究目的和意义: 目的:本研究在于对比相似材料背景下,中美两国塑造的不同人物形象,分析体现的中美文化差异,归纳所折射的中美女性社会角色的差异。 意义:笔者作为英语文化学习者,切身体会到了中美文化差异对跨文化交流的影响,特别是在全球化日益加快的时代背景下,融合中美文化的电影产品越来越多,冲击着人们的娱乐生活。本文通过对比电影中花木兰形象的差异,分析中西文化差异,以激发人们欣赏电影时的文化敏感度,增强人们对美国文化的认识了解,进一步体会中国传统思想文化,从而保证和促进跨文化交流的有效进行。Purpose and significance: purpose:the research aims to compare the two different images of Mulan,to conclude the cultural varieties and the different social role which was played by females. significance:To be a English major, the writer experienced by herself that the difficult in intercultural communication caused by the cultural varieties, especially under the circumstance of globalization, the number of film and television products, which was combined Chinese traditional culture and Americans, influencing consumers life. By comparing the two different Mulans images, the writer aims to analyze the cultural differences, in order to invoke the people's cultural sensitivity and deepen their understanding for foreign cultures and bear Chinese traditional cultures in their minds. Hence, building a bridge to stimulate inter-cultural communication.本研究的理论意义(国内外文献综述):1. 研究背景:跨文化交流在当今时代越来越重要, 美国迪斯尼花木兰电影的拍摄说明了这一点,但电影将一个巾帼英雄描述为一位女性主义者,这引起中国学者的关注,但是很少有美国学者意识到其中所反映的文化差异。文化交流中区分文化的差异,是导致交流能否顺畅进行的关键。因此,相关的研究很有必要。2. 研究现状: 2.1 国外研究状况国外对花木兰的研究很少,成书只有吉夫 可如迪(Jeff Kurtti)的木兰的艺术(The Art of Mulan)这是迪斯尼创作者的创作谈。其他关于花木兰的研究大都是发布在各大报纸杂志网络上的影片评论,更多讨论其艺术性和娱乐性。2.2 国内研究状况新中国成立初期,花木兰形象被制作成电影,戏剧,如陈宪章改编的豫剧花木兰。1979年,美国华裔女作家汤亭亭发表了处女座女勇士,这是对花木兰第一次跨文化改写。香港学者陈韬文先生,四川大学的李祥林教授都对花木兰形象做出相应阐述和探讨。目前,国内对花木兰形象的研究大都以论文的形式出现。根据CNKI调查数据显示,目前总共有70多篇研究花木兰的论文,从不同的方面入手,一部分以叙事角度为立足点,一部分从迪斯尼花木兰字幕翻译策略入手,还有部分从历史角度对花木兰形象进行梳理。Theoretical significance of the study: Background: Inter -cultural communication plays an important role in today's society, Disneys Mulan reflects it, Mulan was created with the material of Chinese story. However, the film transformed a filial girl to a feminist, which invoked Chinese scholars' attention while the American scholars pay less attention to it. Differentiate the cultural differences between China and America is important, for it is the key point determining whether the inter-cultural can be went smoothly. Therefore, further studies are very necessary. Foreign research: There are few foreign researches on the image of Mulan. Only the book, named The Art of Mulan, which was written by Jeff Kurtti. Another relevant researches are published on newspapers, magazines, and on the internet, among them are comments of the movie, paying more attention to movies artistry and recreation. Domestic study: In the Early Years of New China, the image of Mulan was displayed by films, dramas, such as Henan opera Mulan, which was adapted by Chen Xianzhang. In 1979, the American writer of Chinese descent, Tang Tingting, who published her first effort The Woman Worrior, and it was the first time that Hua Mulan was adapted in the background of cross-cultural. The Hong Kong scholar Chen Taoiwen , and the Doctor Li Xianglin in Si Chuan University, both of them expounded their views on Hua Mulan. At present, most research results were showed in the form of essays. According to the data, reported by CNKI, there are over 70 essays researching the image of Mulan from the different perspectives, some rests on the point of narrating, some focuses on translation strategies of the subtitles in movie, another essays form the historical perspective to analysis Mulan. 本研究的问题、理论、方法和视角:问题:分析两部作品所折射的中美女性社会角色的差异。理论: 女性主义批评理论(女权主义批评是以妇女为中心的批评,要求以一种女性的视觉对文学作品进行全新的解读)。方法:对比分析法。视角:从女性形象的角度,以中国诗歌木兰辞和迪斯尼电影花木兰为例对比分析中美女性社会角色的差异。Questions, Theory, Methodology ,Perspective:Questions: To analyses the different social role of females between China and America. Theory: Feminist Literary Criticism(It uses feminist principles and ideology to critique the language of literature.)Methodology: Comparative Analysis ApproachPerspective: From the perspective of feminist image, and take The Ballad of Mulan and MuLan for example, the essay aims to conclude the different social role of females between China and America.本研究的主要观点和重难点:主要观点:从迪斯尼花木兰女性主义形象,探讨迪斯尼动画花木兰中的中美文化差异,归纳中美女性社会角色的差异,通过对中美文化差异的研究,促进跨文化交流。 重难点:笔者所获得的相关知识框架主要来源于课本及专业书籍,所研究的领域和所反映的问题有限。同时,对此问题国内外研究资源很少。Main points:From Disneys feminist image of Hua Mulan, the essay focuses on the cultural varieties and compares the different social role of female which was reflected in the movie Mulan. The purpose is stimulating the inter-cultural communication through the research on the cultural differences between China and America.Key Point: The structure of writers knowledge comes from books, not from the writers experience, and the research field was limited. Besides, the findings may not be comprehensive enough for the limited of data and there are limited foreign and domestic researches. 详细提纲迪斯尼电影花木兰简要介绍第一章 中美文化差异在<<花木兰>>中的体现1.1 图腾文化的差异1.2 文化价值观念的差异 1.2.1 美国文化中的个人主义 1.2.2 中国传统文化中的集体主义第二章 传统中国式花木兰巾帼英雄2.1中国式花木兰形象2.1.1 “父母之命媒妁之言”的婚姻观念2.1.2 传统儒学价值观三从四德2.1.3 “男尊女卑”的封建等级制度第三章 迪斯尼美国式花木兰女权主义者 3.1 迪斯尼式花木兰形象 3.1.1 自由平等的婚姻观念 3.1.2 个性解放思想 3.1.3 女权主义思想人人平等的观念总结:通过对比分析总结,归纳中美女性社会角色的差异性Detailed Outline: IntroductionI. The cultural difference between China and America reflected in Mulan1.1 The difference of cultural totems1.2 The diversities of cultural value concept1.2.1 Individualism concept in Americas culture1.2.2 Collective concept in Chinese cultureII. Traditional Chinas Mulanheroic woman 2.1 Chinese image off Mulan2.1.1 Marriage conceptorder of the parents and proposal of a matchmaker 2.1.2 Traditional Confucian valuesthree obediences and four virtues for a woman 2.1.3 Feudal Hierarchytreatment of females as inferior to malesIII. Disney American Mulanfeminist 3.1 Disneys image of Mulan 3.1.1 Free and equal marriage concept 3.1.2 the idea of self-realization 3.1.3 feminism-the concept of “everyone is equal”Conclusion:make a conclusion about the different social roles of females between China and America 写作进程 (Schedule):2016/9/20-10/7 确定论文方向,导师沟通,开始搜集资料;2016/10/10-10/25 确定题目,搜集资料,完成开题报告;2016/11/18-11/28 完成第一章和第二章2016/11/30-12/15 完成第三章2016/12/18-12/25 完成论文并检查2016/12/25-12/30 交初稿,与导师修改初稿Schedule:2016/9/20-10/7 The main direction of study has been determined and consults with tutor.2016/10/10-10/25 The title of study has been made and began to search the data to finish the proposal2016/11/1-11/15 Finish the Chapter One 2016/11/18-11/28 Finish the Chapter Two 2016/11/30-12/15 Finish the Chapter Three2016/12/18-12/25 Finish the Essay and Check it2016/12/25-12/30 Hand in the first draft参考书目(References):1.步国峥,中美电影中_花木兰_的女性意识及差异J,洛阳师范学院 2. 陈矩,美国动漫的跨文化传播策略及启示-以<<花木兰>>为例J,杭州电子科技大学学报第10卷第1期.3. 冯英杰,从迪斯尼<<木兰>>与国产<<花木兰>>看中美女性文化差异D,许昌学院4. 高莉,试析<<木兰辞>>与美国电影<<Mulan>>中的中美文化差异J,怀化学院学报第25卷第三期5. 鞠贵芹,女性主义视阈下的花木兰形象演变J,哈尔滨学院学报第28卷第四期.6. 刘建波,女性主义_中国式标签 J,山东大学20087. 李雪薇,A comparative study of cultural values reference in “HuaMulan” and “Mulan”.(花木兰与“Mulan”所反映的文化价值观之对比) D,哈尔滨工业大学20128. 鲁修红,从文化价值观角度看中美花木兰形象差异J,湖北工业大学学报第28卷第三期9. 王树娟,Culture shock and integration: an interpretation of Disneys Mulan from the perspective of feminism (中西文化的冲撞与融合_迪斯尼动画花木兰女性主义形象解读)D,山东大学201210. 王倩,迪士尼镜头下的花木兰解读J,郑州航空工业社会科学报第25卷第三期.11. 郑伟玲,木兰故事在迪斯尼动画电影中的变异,Variations of the Story of Mulan in Disney Animation Movie,安徽大学12. 张燕,中国电影<<花木兰>>与迪斯尼动画<<木兰>>所折射出的文化错位与融合D,中国石油大学.13. 张晓倩,花木兰形象内涵的女性主义解读D,商洛学院指导教师意见: 指导小组意见负责人签名:年月日学院意见负责人签名:盖章:年月日15


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