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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;当前全球金融危机的背景下,大学毕业生就业政策Orlando Tucker ,Keele University(奥兰多 塔克,基尔大学)在当前全球金融危机,大学生“就业难”问题已成为学生,家长,学校和社会共同关注的话题。困难通过大学生就业产生的原因是多方面的,只有仔细研究的原因从而为大学生就业难制定有效的解决社会问题的对策。一2009金融危机更为严峻的就业形势大学的学生。自2008下半年目前的全球金融危机,巨大的自就业压力。这样的就业压力来自于就业金融危机这两个群体的影响,对农民工就业的影响,和第二,大学毕业生就业。定量的角度来看,金融危机的影响,农民工大得多的大学毕业生,然而,在中国典型的二元经济结构,使农村水库作为城市就业起到了缓冲作用,失业,移民工人可以返回不久的农村地区。对于大学毕业生来说,情况就不同了,他们需要中学毕业后找到一份工作。农民工在两个大学毕业生就业群体,农民工的就业与经济增长和增加迅速缓解,或对农民工短缺的现象甚至出现。然而,大学毕业生,情况并非对金融危机爆发前的几年那么乐观,尽管经济形势是好的,然而,大学生就业难的问题毕业生一直更优秀。事实上,自2003以来,大学生的难题就业一直是社会关注的热点问题。2009近年来大学毕业生的在今年最为不利的条款。从供应方面,数据显示,中国将在2009有的大学毕业生,比2008增加。此外,作为2008,有的大学生毕业找不到工作,他们要寻找的毕业生提供就业机会,这使得大学毕业生2009面临更为激烈的竞争。从需求方面,受金融危机和经济周期的影响,与企业对大学毕业生的主要雇主的需求将明显下降。大学毕业生失业率在2009的现象,更突出。二大学生就业难的数量分析(一)学生自身的原因1,对就业有很高的期望就业期望值高的难以形成一所大学的主要就业毕业生就业,这导致高的预期,主要原因是大学本科教育的投入产出不平衡的学生和家长就业后的成本工资高的期望放在以尽快恢复可能在人力资本投资。尤其是那些有水平的人收入低,食物和衣服,多年来,甚至不惜负债为了支持他们的孩子去上大学的希望自己的孩子毕业后的工作得到相应的回传球改变他们的地位,身份,找到一个体面的工资工作。一些大学学生没有找到工作,但找不到满意的工作。在职业生涯中,他们的工资,住房条件,推广,无论是在省会城市和沿海城市,作为一个就业的先决条件。一些学生,如盲目的公务员,公共机构和其他的“体面”的帖子挤压,忽视和歧视更“谦虚”的职业;也有很多人担心到基层和边远贫困地区,是不情愿的企业,特别是中小企业和民营企业工作。事实上,有更多的就业机会往往是中部和西部地区,私人或私人小中小企业,但这往往不是学生选择一个对象,在这些更能发挥的作用,地方高校学生却很难雇用大学生,这是一个更专业的工作比供应和需求的高和低的Qianyue LV的主要原因。对专业市场需求,没有任何限制,“在西部地区的“大学生志愿服务计划,”农村教师资助行动等等,就业,学生仍不高的期望选择。这些都不是就业和职业态度的正确观念,使毕业生漏时间,时间如此高的期望为就业再就业机会很多高校毕业生的就业成功地创建了一个很大的障碍。2,高估”专业对口一些学生看到自己的专业太重,这在“专业对口的重点,”亦是造成就业难的原因。专业对口的现象是不可避免的,如果他固执地不愿意被转移到强调专业同行,会给自己受阻的就业机会。高校不能准确地预测市场几年后需要的人才,但只有在当前或预测对人才的需求在未来几年的社会状况和确定专业教学条件。学生申请的时间挤“热”,放弃“火爆”,但目前的快速经济的发展,使人才市场的需求是不断变化的,几年后原本看好专业现在可以成为“凉都”,没有人需要。因此,大学毕业生不必拿自己的专业和职业相关的链接,可以试试,甚至在职业生涯;专业对口,不应主要依据选择职业,可以发挥自己的专业特长是一个理想的职业。为雇主,其用人单位也应该改变标准,既要看行业,应该更关心人才整体素质:工作,创新能力,人格特质等。 3,对于竞争,缺乏能力学生缺乏就业竞争力可以分为“智商”和“情商”不高缺乏类别。”智商”是不是在学术装备不良,主要是高例如,课程的分数很低,知识结构不合理,专业知识不系统,没有一个坚实的,综合技能水平不高,创新能力和解决实际问题的能力较差等。“情商”主要表现在缺乏就业,面试技巧的缺乏,不明白招聘过程中,面试技巧和沟通的艺术,在一些招聘在会议上,一些学生产生良好的工作,保持信息或恢复,包含有各种证书的品种,在招聘人员面前显得缺乏自信,或不连贯的,无奈的,或答非所问,让一个人能够积极的市场自己,结束了自己喜爱的工作通过与遗憾。(二)社会造成了大学生就业困难1,供应与大学生的需求之间的矛盾当前中国高等教育的教学模式,专业设置,招生,教学内容,等,等,或拿过去,项目管理模式,教育当局向学校招生指标,教学计划的发展,高校无权增加或在各专业计划招生人数减少的确定专业的课程也由方案确定,大学不能实现根据在他们的录取人才市场的需求,不能调整教学计划。在这种方式中,作为一个学校校长的高校办学自主权,不能缺少的人员在市场需求的变化及时调整招生,专业,教学内容。学校知道相对过剩的专业,专业人才短缺,但由于限制不能调整。2,就业渠道相对减少高校招生的同一时期,政府实施精简的机构和人员,在业主的承受能力,在信道的大幅下降的学生;此外,国有企业实施减员增效措施。这两个原因在高校毕业生就业市场带来了变化,由卖方市场向买方市场,对大学毕业生就业难的问题日益突出。3,就业市场的不完善目前的就业市场,高校学生的相关政策不建设与管理足够强健,谁可以进入市场,谁能够组织市场和如何组织市场等等,是不是很清楚,人才市场的政府监管仍然存在,导致大学生就业市场的混合,包括一些为寻求投机行为的个人获利的目的。在市场供应和需求主要的,市场的组织者和市场交易不规范,在保证利益供应和需求,有很多隐患。4,用人单位的科学概念用人单位的人才引进更严格的要求的条件下,在除了要求毕业生有较好的专业知识和技能,还需要一个好的思想道德素质,有较强的工作能力,动手能力,创新和其他优秀的综合素质。同时,引进人才也有很多对性取向的歧视。名牌大学,如“”的品牌效应大学生就业仍发挥了很大的作用,用人单位的著名毕业生该机构的需求,大量的外国投资,合资企业或大型商业学校毕业生重视声誉,和一些招聘单位甚至只要大学的重点学生,巨大的心理打击下的大学毕业生。在竞争激烈的工作,大多数毕业生往往由于目前不能完全与用人需求许多雇主不喜欢单元。为了节省人事成本的用人单位,缺乏人才意识,对于刚刚走出学校进入社会的毕业生缺乏实际的经验,他们往往不会只考虑以前的毕业生招聘工作经验,LED的应届毕业生也很难。(三)对大学毕业生就业的不利影响大学1,在许多情况下不具备的条件是在学院和大学录取的快速扩张从一个角度,高校扩招是一件好事,有能收到更多的适龄青年人大学教育;但另一方面,条件在许多情况下是不可用的,原学校,努力提高本科,更多的硕士学位办本科院校,硕士点博士机构的努力,学院和大学似乎进入了国家竞相“升级”的“大跃进”时期。这一次风将不可避免地导致许多不良的后果,而且对大学生就业难的了一定程度上。2,优化专业结构调整的主体是不够的在高等教育的快速发展,招生规模迅速扩大,同时,逐渐暴露出一些职业院校低外资过多学生的语言水平,陈旧的训练模式的教学内容单一,人性化教育和培训质量较差等。在某些行业的一些大学,特别是新课程有更多的专业和盲目性,在就业市场的变化和发展,科学证据和可预测性的缺乏,加上专业的盲目扩招和其他因素的影响,导致一些专业的供大于求的现象。3,就业管理制度不完善在就业方面,高等院校,医院各部门的重点就业在有限的程度上,效果不明显。原因是缺乏支持“责任,权利和利益”的就业管理系统,导致在不同的医院部门拓宽就业渠道的积极性不高,却无能为力,因此,直接影响就业率,特别是就业质量。三解决高校毕业生就业问题的对策1,政府应该继续深化改革,完善就业市场政府应采取有效措施,消除体制障碍,妨碍学生这些政策的就业,系统应逐步取消,加强协调部门之间的沟通,积极疏通就业渠道,不断完善就业市场。政府也应加强高校学校的指导,以加强在宏观预测和专业设置的调整,人力资源,以及调节大小的各类人员培训。此外,政府应发挥他们的优势,主动为学校和学生提供必要的信息服务和就业指导。同时,政府应促进用人单位采用科学的人才观,不盲目追求人才高消费,但要在与实际情况相符合,一个合理的冗余人员更换,考虑一个长期的人才储备机制,将充分利用的建立。2,加强高校内部改革高等教育已进入全国推广这一新形势的中间阶段要求全国高校重新定位,专注于高教育的“生态结构合理化。前一段时间,对国家的发展高等教育机构有大学综合大学研究热点,热点,多学科大学热,片面追求“高水平大学,”导致的不平衡高等教育的生态结构。中国在未来仍将保持的过程中工业化,大量需要的应用型人才,技能人才,技术,人才。大多数学院和大学应该为经济建设和社会培训在人才的发展,这是主要的战场应用事业,主要人才为主要任务,必须以培养专业技术人才和管理人员,也是培养一线操作人员。教育应该更以就业为导向,努力提高学生的能力和创业能力社会实践。高校要主动适应市场需求,及时本专业的结构调整,加强基础学科,应用科学的建筑,和不断更新教学内容,重视教学方法的改革提高教学质量,培养出高素质的毕业生。此外,努力加强教师队伍和基础教育设施,改善就业管理系统,以创造为大学毕业生就业的有利条件。3,大学生应提高自身素质,更新就业观念目前的就业市场是激烈的竞争能力和竞争的质量,学生必须掌握在他们自己的就业计划一方面,要全面提高自己的大学生涯,高校整体质量和高校充分利用这个平台,不断塑造和完善自己。在同一时间提高自己的学习成绩,必须重视培养自己的动手的能力。随着就业形势的变化,大学生要更新就业观念,摆脱那些旧的观念,使自己摆脱了那些认为外箱可不轻眼睛向上,更多的眼睛向下,即就业,表面面积,更倾向于中部和西部地区和小城市和县镇;在单位定位失败的候选人机关、事业单位,和更多的企业,尤其是中小型企业,私人企业和乡镇企业;职业定位,失败的候选人的职业技术岗位和管理岗位,可以先从事一线生产操作位置有机会发展;没有单位的考生,可以自主创业。此外,我们要主动学习和掌握工作技能,提高职业能力,应该有合理的期望,正确认识就业。只有摆正自己的位置,可以在竞争中处于主动地位。结论在当前全球金融危机,大学生“就业难”问题已成为共同关注的焦点。通过大学生就业困难的原因是多方面造成的对于大学生自身的原因,也有不利影响的学院和大学大学毕业生的就业,以及用人单位和社会的原因。为了解决大学大学生“就业难”的问题,政府应该继续深化改革,完善就业市场;加强高校内部改革,以建立对高校毕业生就业的有利条件;大学生要提高自己的素质,更新就业观念,积极寻求就业的道路。2.外文原文Under the Current Global Financial Crisis, College GraduatesEmployment PolicyOrlando Tucker ,Keele UniversityIn the current global financial crisis, the college graduates "employment difficult" issue has become college students, parents, colleges and universities and the community of common concern. Difficulties caused by employment of university students are many reasons, and only careful study of the causes leading to the difficult employment situation of university students in order to develop effective countermeasures to address the social problems. 1. The financial crisis in 2009 even more severe employment situation of university studentsSince the second half of 2008 since the current global financial crisis to China's tremendous employment pressure. Such employment pressure comes from the financial crisis on the employment impact of the two groups, one for the employment impact of migrant workers, and second, for university graduates employment. Quantitative point of view, the impact of the financial crisis, migrant workers is much larger than university graduates, however, the typical dual economic structure in China, making the reservoir in rural areas as urban employment has played a buffer role, unemployment, migrant workers can return shortly rural areas. For university graduates, the situation is different, they need to find a job after leaving school. Of migrant workers and university graduates in the two employment groups, the employment of migrant workers will increase with economic growth and rapid mitigation, or even re-emergence of the phenomenon of shortage of migrant workers. However, for university graduates, the situation is not so optimistic about the financial crisis a few years prior to the outbreak, despite the economic situation is good, however, the difficult problem of employment of college graduates has always been more outstanding. In fact, since 2003, college students the difficult problem of employment has been a hot issue of social concern. 2009 university graduates in recent years to the most disadvantaged in terms of the year. From the supply side, the data show that in 2009 China will have 6.11 million university graduates, 520,000 compared with an increase in 2008. In addition, as of 2008, there are 1.5 million college students have graduated not find work, they will look for graduates with employment opportunities, which makes university graduates in 2009 is facing more intense competition. From the demand side, by the financial crisis and the impact of the economic cycle, with enterprises as the main employer demand for university graduates will be decreased significantly. College graduates that the phenomenon of unemployment in 2009, more prominent.2. College students a number of difficult employment Analysis(A) Students their own reasons 1, employment, high expectations High expectations of employment is difficult to form one of the main employment of university graduates, which leads to employment, the main reason for high expectations is the cost of undergraduate education input-output imbalance both students and parents on the post-employment wages and high expectations placed in order to recover as soon as possible investment in human capital. Especially those with low income levels of people, food and clothing over the years even at the cost debt to support their children to college with the hope that their children work after graduation to get the corresponding return pass to change their status, identity, find a decent salary job. Some college students are not find a job, but could not find satisfactory work. In careers, they tend to wages, housing conditions, promotion promotion, whether in the provincial capital cities or coastal cities, work as a prerequisite for employment. Some students, such as blind to the civil service, public institutions and other "decent" posts squeeze, neglect and discrimination against the more "humble" some of the occupations; also have a lot of people are afraid to the grassroots level and poor remote areas, are reluctant to enterprises, especially SMEs and private enterprises work. In fact, there are more employment opportunities are often the central and western regions, private or private small and medium enterprises, but this is often not the students choose an object, in these more able to play the role of local college students but is difficult to hire college students, this is a more professional jobs than supply and demand is high and the main reason for low Qianyue Lv. For the professional market demand, with no restrictions, "university student volunteer service in the western region", "Plan of Action for funding rural teachers" and so on, employment, high expectations of students will still not a choice. These are not the correct concept of employment and career attitudes so that graduates of missed time and time again a lot of employment opportunities for the employment of such high expectations for the employment of college graduates successfully created a great obstacle.2, over-valued "professional counterpartsSome students see their own professional too heavy, this over-emphasis on "professional counterparts," is also one of the reasons causing the difficult employment situation. Professional counterparts, the phenomenon is not inevitable, if he stubbornly unwilling to be diverted to emphasize professional counterparts, will give himself blocked employment opportunities. Colleges and universities can not accurately predict the market a few years later the need for talent, but only under the current or predicted demand for talent within the next few years the social situation and determine the professional teaching conditions. Students apply for the time squeeze "hot", abandoning "unpopular", but the current rapid economic development, so that the market demand for talented people is changing, a few years after the original optimistic about the professional may now become a "cool city", no one should need . Thus, university graduates do not have to holding their own professional link, can try and professional-related, or even outside the professional career; professional counterparts, should not be the main basis for choice of occupation, can play their own professional expertise is an ideal career. For the employer, the employer should also be changes in standards, not only to look at the professions, should be more concerned about the overall quality of talent: the ability to work, innovation, personality traits and so on. 3, competition, lack of capacity Students lack of employability and competitiveness can be divided into "IQ" is not high and the "EQ" lack of categories. "IQ" is not high mainly in academic ill-equipped, for example, course score is low, the irrational structure of knowledge, professional knowledge is not the system, not a solid, comprehensive skill level is not high, innovation and the ability to solve practical problems such as poor. "EQ" is mainly manifested in lack of employment, lack of interview skills, do not understand the recruitment process, interviewing techniques and communication arts, in a number of Recruitment at the meeting, some students produced excellent job holding the information or resume, bag containing a variety of all sorts of certificates, in the recruitment of staff before it appears to be lacking self-confidence, or incoherent, helpless, or the irrelevant answers, let alone be able to actively market themselves, and end up with their favorite job pass by with regret. (B) Employment of university students in social causes difficulty 1, The contradiction between supply and demand of university students China's current enrollment in higher education, professional settings, teaching model, teaching contents, etc., etc., or to take the past, program management model, education authorities issued to the school enrollment indicators, development of teaching programs, colleges and universities have no right to increase or decrease in each professional The number of planned admissions to determine the professional curriculum also determined by the scheme, universities can not be achieved according to the market demand for talent in their own admission, can not adjust teaching plans. In this way, as a school principal the lack of school autonomy of colleges and universities can not be under the personnel changes in market demand timely adjustments to enrollment, professional, and teaching content. The school knowing that a relative surplus of professionals, a shortage of professionals, but given the constraints can not be adjusted. 2, The relative reduction of employment channels Enrollment in colleges and universities the same period, the government implemented to streamline the agency and staff, students on the owner's ability to absorb a substantial decline in channel; In addition, the state-owned enterprises have implemented a downsizing efficiency measures. These two reasons has brought changes in the job market of college graduates, from a seller's market to a buyer's market, making the difficult problem of employment of university graduates become more prominent. 3, The job market not perfect The current job market, construction and management of university students related policies are not enough able-bodied, who can enter the market, who can organize the market and how to organize markets and so on is not very clear, the Government's supervision and management of the talent market are still in place, leading to employment of university students markets mixed, including some in order to seek personal gain profit for the purpose of speculative behavior. Market supply and demand in the main, market organizers and market transactions are not standardized, in the interests of assurance of supply and demand, there are many hidden dangers. 4, The employing units employing the concept of scientific The conditions of the employing unit personnel to introduce even more stringent requirements, in addition to require graduates to have a good professional knowledge and skills, but also requires a good ideological and moral qualities, has a strong ability to work, hands-on capabilities, innovation and other excellent overall quality. Meanwhile, the introduction of talented people there are also a lot of discrimination against sexual orientation. Prestigious universities, such as the "brand effect" in the employment of university students still play a large role, the employing unit of the famous graduates of the institutions demand, a number of foreign investment, joint ventures or large business-to-school graduates are valued reputation, and some recruitment units or even as long as the focus of university students, making college graduates under great psychological blow. In the fierce competition for jobs, most graduates are often a result of the current can not be fully in line with the needs of the employing unit of the dislike for many employers. Employing unit in order to save personnel costs, lack of awareness of talent pool, for just out of school into the community of graduates lack practical experience, they tend not to consider only the work experience of the previous recruiting graduates, which also led to fresh graduates difficult. (C) The College of the adverse impact of employment of university graduates 1, In many cases conditions are not available in the rapid expansion of college and university admissions From one angle, college enrollment is a good thing, there are more school-age young people can receive university education; but on the other hand, conditions are not available in many cases, the original school, tried to upgrade the undergraduate, undergraduate institutions do more on the master's degree, master's multi-point efforts on the doctoral institutions, colleges and universities seem to have entered the country vie to "upgrade" of the "Great Leap Forward" era. This time the wind will inevitably lead to many undesirable consequences, but also to the difficult employment of university students has brought a certain extent. 2, The subject of professional adjustment of structural optimization is not enough In the rapid development of higher education, enrollment has expanded rapidly and at the same time, gradually exposing a number of professional colleges and universities an excess number of low foreign language proficiency of students, teaching content of obsolete training model a single, humane education and quality of training is weak and so on. Some universities in certain professions, particularly the new curriculum have more professional and blindness, to change and development in the job market, lack of scientific evidence and predictability, coupled with the professional blind enrollment and other factors, resulting in some professional oversupply phenomenon.3, Employment management system imperfections Within the institutions of higher learning in terms of employment, all hospital departments focus on employment to a limited extent, the effect is not obvious. The reason is the lack of supporting "responsibilities, rights and interests" employment management system, resulting in various hospital departments to broaden the channels of employment for the enthusiasm is not high and the powerless, and thus directly affect the employment rate, especially the quality of employment.solve the employment problem of college graduates Countermeasures 1, The Government should continue to deepen reform, improve the job market Government should take effective measures to remove institutional obstacles that hinder student employment for those policies, systems should be gradually abolished, to enhance coordination and communication between departments, and actively dredge the channels of employment, and constantly improve the job market. The Government should also strengthen the guidance of university schools, to strengthen human resources at the macro forecast and the adjustment of professional settings, as well as the regulation of the size of various types of personnel training. In addition, the Government should play to their advantage, take the initiative for the college and students to provide the necessary information services and employment guidance. Meanwhile, the Government should promote the employing units to adopt the scientific concept of talent, not the blind pursuit of talent high consumption, but should be in accordance with their actual situation, a reasonable replacement of redundant staff, considering the establishment of a long-term personnel reserve mechanism that will make the best use. 2, Colleges and universities to strengthen their internal reform Popularization of higher education across the country have entered the middle stage of this new situation requires colleges and universities nationwide to re-positioning, focusing on higher Education and "eco-structure" rationalization. The previous period, the development of the national institutions of higher learning there is research university hot, comprehensive universities hot, multi-disciplinary university hot, one-sided pursuit of a "high-level university," resulting in imbalance in ecological structure of higher education. China in the future will remain in the process of industrial


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