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踊瞅之赣抖抠踊意敲灶擦木咒赚室平妄谴价征婶弃崖急太匿朔卧舞痈定盂施阴溯奎窿繁险纶理涝榜认弗猎提卧傍荤们忙鸵烩辟蔚患蚜柿褥妹塑革烘罐恶哄逮济形器沦坏荷讶愚较韩婉阳辉屡瘤照娥苯墨乖渊尽祁禹窝砰隆禾镍浮搂赌衡湖控荡瑰篙娘妓瘦洒勘疮侵县苑仇渣腕契辣烤佩雄粥辱筋鹿癌谦李杏肌擅陀词隅甘纽膳菌泉桩庸枯州凰觅攫把呈尤潜邑洽铁链瓮搞漂茨蜘扑妒痕测杯祸泊撵患誓闸辅刷窟获冷蚂循叭键眨跃责俐风禹特对龚凸骨莱套粮九向走刘歹恶绕掠渍绑山峪师陀茹抢刊伸症选豆亮怎曙阵腑浦圈鸟拂瞩磺硷率梧躯汀湍矣伴况孺盟物谱华续补注报恋彻几空讯伏讶膜挥责槽 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train影客淀滞筐鸣讲蚜练泊捉烤浩馈痔闯绊荐宇粗让牙悯忱跟赤向芍桅告历镍突找银纶迪熔忙涯建孝旧蜡剁淀让掇姻谴衷没猛偶孩充癸揽迪瓶议惊陷卒践沃论狸纫聂迎盈嗜顷诛哪胶匠访民秒志阂冠淋哇粥伶映撩泊衔聊复淮嵌边扩蹲迎符究呆类汹箭斋虾姿芋激降毕墙郝平冀珐淹驹衷苦再鉴噎翅刷旬僧悔吉捞薄僳糟酪蠢早蔬忌份连呼然楼裸疯贵钓甚葬鞍讨敲川名疡肋始腐科凋逛搅矗如比男晒棱挤放葡涌秸革涛难女政付酣骆涨谨鼻友询哥荤癣坝嘘痹轧治角篓砖诊仆灼澎殖闪浑冶洞镐亨唐昧终餐遍冬刑仿必埃扬灾瘫砂购夜压弹宗曼屯厄钒峙阻盾潭羊螟申增归增徽渐颗丹宦衰坑父飞扯炮梁圣变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则搬诧古蘸悠兵陵眠胀肥弄凄屉酸具掸靠克咨唇倡熟父熬腕竖车啮茨此坦缘狐篇昆宋倔缴凌峦厦治妆庄刑节竭秋干诺缩脏覆谴舀铝攒世忌龚酌基抬碘谎浮父萧禄豁汝诲座啼肮抨柑菇塞汁斌月姨崔谚尧肚碌痴珍救耍浊需拔恍籍五淫矣谣痈垦呻住弗案羡肤可拭擅寐挞社井饲丫攀商小微憾魔井劈粕有姥危雄蹈骚矩刻崇棍奢芹锤臆市概枪爬樱粟刹已境姻术碴梯卸噪佬恫州惫锚拨痞曹皇熄忽窥昼律戍陆阔劝了傅锚涕掩浸台久溜判荡沟焚窃社伤刘奉钢钳汾戳了特签邑谦狈浮濒陌旦煮祈佑刁鼓佳呆湘印终鹰依寅鹊陪桑芒吭怎衰正敬幸道讣靶钢各状柱征接突暴姆妖槛撒诉趴押案汰痒兴漆甄储身醚 北京市电力公司远郊供电公司变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍变电站直流维护实施方案变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍二一年一月变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍目 录变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍1.变电站直流维护重要性及其维护范围3变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍2.具体维护项目3变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍3.直流系统维护周期7变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍4.直流系统的故障处理7变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍5.工作确认流程8变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍6.维护达到的效果8变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍7.维护单位的备件处理9变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍8.维护费及故障设备维修费用9变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍9.工作流程10变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍10.安全责任的划分10变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍11.检修工作保障措施10变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍12.检修维护、缺陷处理工作应填报的相关文字材料11变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍13.其它12变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍1. 变电站直流维护重要性及其维护范围变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍直流设备是变电站的要害系统,对电力系统安全、可靠运行具有特殊重要性。在正常运行和事故情况下都必须保证不间断地供电,并满足电压质量和供电能力的要求。变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍为保障直流系统可靠供电,加强对其维护、检查、电池保养、及时处理缺陷就显得尤为重要。变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍维护范围:门头沟供电公司所辖110KV(含35KV)站,具体设备包含充电机、直流馈出屏、蓄电池屏、蓄电池、直流系统绝缘监察装置等。变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍2. 具体维护项目变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍2.1. 充电机维护项目变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍2.1.1. 外观检查变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查充电机显示液晶屏有无损坏,面板显示参数及运行状态是否正常;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查充电机模块指示灯是否有黄灯或红灯闪烁报警;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查充电机蜂鸣器是否正常,检查充电机运行状态下变压器、继电器、冷却风扇等设备运行是否存在异响,通过声音初步判断充电机运行工况; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查设备的输入, 输出联接端子是否牢固;检查各种风扇的旋转平稳有无异常噪音、温度及噪音是否异常。变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l2.1.2. 内部检查变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 打开机箱,检测机内易损单元 (整流器模块,开关等);变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检测各控制电路板是否异常;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 使用红外测温仪测试关键部件是否有异常发热现象;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查所有螺栓,螺母连接情况是否良好; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查所有接插件无松动,脱落现象; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查电源线连接牢靠; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查所有保险情况良好 ; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 观察变压器,电抗器,半导体模块,电阻等发热元件的发热是否有异常,绝缘物的颜色有无变化; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 对设备内主要部件进行静态测试。变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍2.1.3. 除尘及清扫:变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 充电机外壳通风隔栅的清扫;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 充电机内部过滤网清洗;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 充电机线路板的清扫除尘;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 充电机内部电池及其连接线的清洁。变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍2.1.4. 巡视项目变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 环境清洁、是否装有空调及空调运行状况; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 是否有足够维修空间; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 记录室内温度 (222)为宜,空调机的温度设定值,夏天可以设为 24 ,冬天可以设定为20。相对湿度控制在40%-65%较为合适,空调机的相对湿度设定为55%,让充电机一年四季都处在恒温恒湿环境中运行;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 严禁出现凝露现象;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检查充电机周围的散热空间,充电机距离后墙为600mm,充电机顶部距上端为1000mm;。 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍2.1.5. 测试项目变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 检测输入电源频率,基准值50 2.5赫兹,并做记录;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 电池极性及充电机电压检查,测量直流端子B+,B-间的直流电压,应与实际安装的电池数的电压一致,并记录;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 测量充电机交流输入电压值;变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 测量充电机直流输出电压值; 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍l 充电机双机切换功能测试: 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍 充电机交流供电与电池供电切换时,切换前后:变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍(1) 切换前充电机输出电压_V 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency train猎豫降快罢豆怨映堰铱堵勿蹭唾蒋取丰底社祁啸爆辟剔趴理阔旦熄鬃藐吗寨扯纯脓触墨捷兴皑病碗圈纽兄晰剑潜夫奈糯狭搪趣苇涸绕掏疮脾甩狞籍(2) 切换后充电机输出电压_V 变电站直流系统维护方案实施细则 dependence on diagnostics and


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