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开题报告The Application of Micro-teaching in Primary School English Teaching

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开题报告The Application of Micro-teaching in Primary School English Teaching

整篇文档通用的页面设置参数为:A4打印纸(29.7厘米×21厘米)。英文及阿拉伯数字字体均为Times New Roman。页面左右页边距各2.5厘米,上下页边距各2.5厘米。页眉距边界1.5厘米,页脚距边界1.75厘米。本科生毕业论文开题报告论文题目微课在小学英语课堂中的应用研究以语法课堂为例The Application of Micro-teaching in Primary School English Teaching -Taking the Grammar Class as an Example作者所在系别外语系作者所在专业英语作者所在班级B13712作 者 姓 名杨雨婷作 者 学 号201323186指导教师姓名麻蕊指导教师职称讲师完 成 时 间2016年12月此页无页码北华航天工业学院教务处制此页无页码本页不得删除说 明1根据学校毕业设计(论文)工作暂行规定,学生必须撰写毕业设计(论文)开题报告。开题报告作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。2开题报告应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,经指导教师签署意见及所在专业教研室论证审查后生效。开题报告不合格者需重做。3毕业设计开题报告各项内容要实事求是,逐条认真填写。文字表达要明确、严谨,语言通顺,外来语要同时用原文和中文表达。第一次出现缩写词,须注出全称。4开题报告中除最后一页外均由学生填写,填写各栏目时可根据内容另加附页。5阅读的主要参考文献应在10篇以上,其中外文资料应占一定比例。本学科的基础和专业课教材一般不应列为参考资料。6参考文献的书写应遵循毕业设计(论文)撰写规范要求。7开题报告应与文献综述、一篇外文译文和外文原文复印件同时提交,文献综述的撰写格式按毕业设计(论文)撰写规范的要求,字数在2000字左右。此页无页码本页三个单元格内格式为:楷体_GB2312(中文),Times New Roman(西文和阿拉伯数字),小四号字,两端对齐,首行缩进2字符(点击“格式”à“段落”à“特殊格式”à “首行缩进”à“度量值”à2字符,单倍行距,段前0行,段后0行。不允许调整本页各单元格的大小。选题意义 The new English curriculum emphasis that English teaching reform should focus on cultivating students' interest in English learning, and advocated that the modern educational technology should be combined effectively with the students' English learning. Micro-teaching is welcomed by more and more educators because of its factors such as short and pithy, strong knowledge, rich forms and so on. The study according to the subject characteristics of primary school English and the characteristics of Micro-teaching, comparatively analysis two cases of application of Micro-teaching in primary school English grammar teaching, which not only has guiding significance for design and development of Micro-teaching in primary school English teaching, but also can enrich the study of Micro-teaching.国内外研究现状概述 Most of the knowledge about the Micro-teaching in China has been focused on the knowledge points and teaching links, and the carrier is micro video. However, the definition of the concept of Micro-teaching is not clear, different scholars have different definition of the Micro-teaching. From the perspective of resource composition, Micro-teaching is resource, such as Hu Tiesheng and other scholars opinion; From the perspective of teaching theory, Micro-teaching is curriculum and teaching activities, such as Zhang Yichun, Li Jiahou and other scholars opinion.American Senior instructional designer David Penrose put forward the concept of Micro-teaching firstly in the autumn of 2008. He called Micro-teaching “knowledge pulse”. He believes that with the support of the corresponding work and discussion, the micro knowledge pulse can achieve the same effect with the long time classroom teaching.此页无页码预计研究过程中可能遇到的困难和问题,以及解决的措施The difficulties that may be encountered and the solutions are as follows:Firstly, I don't know much about the current situation of English teaching in primary schools and the problems that often arise due to my limited personal ability and knowledge. To solve this problem, I will search the Internet for information about English Teaching in primary schools. Besides, I will go to the local primary school to conduct a filed survey, and to consult some English teachers about this.Secondly, I m not very understand the design and production of Micro-teaching, so it is difficult for me to evaluate a Micro-teaching. Therefore, I will not only search the related information in library and on the internet, but also consult my teachers who have experience of design Micro-teaching.拟采用的研究思(方法、技术路线、可行性论证) Firstly, a brief introduction of English grammar teaching in primary schools, which includes the requirements of new curriculum standards for English grammar teaching in primary schools, characteristics of grammar teaching and problems existed in English grammar teaching in primary schools. Then, a brief introduction of Micro-teaching, which includes the concept, characteristics and effect of Micro-teaching. Thirdly, an analysis of the elements in the Micro-teaching design. Finally, select and analyze two cases with the same knowledge points.研究工作安排及进度 12016.10.162017.2.16, write and hand in the first draft; 22017.2.172017.4.20, modify the thesis and print the final copy. 参考文献目录1 Brady. Micro lectures in distance and online learning, 2010. 2 Le Roy A. Mc Grew. A 60-Second Course in Organic Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 1993.3 Melinda S. Trempus, Michael J. Curran, Peter J. Draus. “The Influence of Instructor-Generated Video Content on Student Satisfaction with and Engagement in Asynchronous Online Classes”. Merlot Journal, 2014.4 Shieh, David. These lectures are gone in 60 seconds. Chronicle of Higher Education, 2009.5 Tan Guodong. The Study of Story-theme English Grammar Teaching in Primary School. Shanxi: Shanxi Normal University, 2013. 6 T. P. Kee. The One Minute Lecture. Education in Chemistry, 1995.7 杜鑫. 高校微型课程建设探讨. 新乡教育学院学报, 2006.8 杜旭林, 宋明清. 学科微型课程及其开发. 泸州职业技术学院学报, 2007.9 樊永仙. 英语教学理论探讨与实践应用. 北京: 冶金工业出版社, 2009.10 管春叶. 国内外微课程的比较研究. 上海: 上海师范大学: 2014.11 何秋兰, 徐占春. 梳理中国微课研究现状. 资源与应用, 2014. 12 胡铁生. 区域性优质微课资源的开发与思考. 中小学信息技术教育, 2013.13 胡铁生. 我国微课发展的个阶段及其启示. 远程教育, 2013.14 李婉嘉, 徐晶. 微课开发与应用研究. 软件导刊, 2013.15 李雪梅. 浅谈当前我国英语教育改革. 教育发展研究, 2003.16 王电建, 赖红玲, 岳可观. 小学英语语法教学的原则和方法. 甘肃教育学院学报, 2002.17 俞林, 浅谈小学英语语法教学策略. 小学教学研究, 2007.18 中华人民共和国教育部(制订). 义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版) . 北京: 北京师范大学出版社, 2012.本页内容由各相关教师手写开 题 报 告 审 定 纪 要时 间地点主持人参会教师姓 名职 务(职 称)姓 名职 务(职 称)会议记录摘要 记录人:指导教师意见指导教师签字: 年 月 日教研室意见教研室主任签字: 年 月 日参考文献至少10件,其中外文不少于2件,序号编排方法同上一单元格,引文出处的书写格式同论文参考文献。此单元格内格式为:楷体_GB2312(中文),Times New Roman(西文和阿拉伯数字),小四号字(或酌情缩小),两端对齐,首行缩进2字符,单倍行距,段前0行,段后0行。不允许调整本页各单元格的大小此处如果是理论研究,可以写论文的大纲。说明论文的各个部分的主要内容。但是必须以段落的形式,不能像目录那样列举内容。此页无页码


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