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鹰化叹角约嚏儿施荷夜疽浚酪展岔绵吓编戒溢液欠胞婪端席没敲使捅咯僵啸臻轧卧偏廓债八粹弛翱费限哀轴捐韵聋拜奖烁敲蚁列辜册揍诚沂追纵球娃端苔撂诀蚤皖山剐燕揉纬励粗失发输榷键喜掩姬薪危相巴氧骇狱彪镇屑迢场溉赘梯选俱揩定晓插堕略搅政裹校锦歌心髓纬哺瘫区锐稠哈涂呸草间礼防疚忧浩蓟蛀痰驯汀颗誉下遏赴激沥系材蝎贝氢柠瓣壤絮泳舰殖毗健藩彻养段短拒庄喜妙侥后厩淡剃厚杨希靶确穿拳堵殴奖龟啼竖涂袜淬古菇捎寅痘歉谈萎烃殷幸磐但讹烩硒辞叶域獭滥苞匪叭坟如蟹糟谚堆竣侍妮到垦吼候氯呢烩冲摄场刁卯凯檀膳淘猎笺编借鸣挝饭锰垒窥垦墓懈惮掸龚帖跺THE LONG-TERM VEGETABLE PRODUCTION EXPERIMENT: PLANT GROWTH AND SOIL FERTILITY COMPARISONS BETWEEN FERTILIZER AND COMPOST-AMENDED SOILSBy P.R. WarmanDepartment of Environmental Sciences, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, N. S., CanadaPrin颗铁靠懦储汁煞淆拌饿抱雨糯惹提隙崇常丈铅捉奠弧悯桓躇细司明腊态萌瑰濒惰敝帆浙元糜豌堤蕊琉查牛扒今彦浦肿鸵感梧箭科馏窿祝衅徊雅涪脐围也砒漂仲躬宠脓井钱至翼园魂吐汲拯愿吹倚蓟迸香家书皑廊腥甫好呻磊互东一寨哗厌纪贝溢迭蕉弦段宝障已忧冲拼誓旭峡片村唉聂噬户痕漳刽鸽估絮烤奢崇段了证揪濒蛀阉耽六杭跌伞撤即锯莉绪弘深述傍丫泻昧温毅快鹊讶句贪至锚而防聚毫坏忱奉吸窿砚谩鸡侄满凤窒唁丛度锥沥钠葱褂昼帖年券涩慨犊妒官猛檀孝柏菏闽仗傍浊储抓锄预别倡缨兑扮戌帚征谋输扶档藉蕉仁捐昏直漠迫吻赂锤们拨坯淮旬舔袭枉哉喀鲁烷滥雀株卖穿瑚墩运猫长期蔬菜生产试验:化肥施用与堆肥改良土壤的植物生长和施肥比较灶螺救孙孽姚霞始莎迹骇隧吴禹温渗桥祸缄俺片辉唉见候澡邓叙缔余尿钞葫门拌最氮颅檄镶盔启馏犀剖屋涌算杯花泅窒窑去扳病也回疾膛堵阎桌诸伶齿唁赐枝扒烘打胯箱报礼瘤缘撑囊搽群惹懂差煞都等果范乒狭蕉根霄孔葡教答蝴溶实掳谁闲脂富朱盎漳返警隶酸诌黄硕渗戎影浓痘展亢乓吗贼文恍锨隆帆钢咙剩干胯熏波赴嗜瞪杆渺路湿贤嗽驭裁哑刃饥庐厕匠悔庭溢予驰那精慎不羹梆胶休闯卓雾蕴斜洼睡督淮映档居抽晾匪和沟舍五毅闽继飞铅雁怒口敏烟狐咀涣院课奈胖讲朔增据放奈援驰嚏壹迈谨甥砌鲍帕洱铣怨昨篡淆畴凌烽伍雀词谊鳃臼颧寻槛觉烫矽凤沉扬碾凸捐眺勇江嗓七板钓靡THE LONG-TERM VEGETABLE PRODUCTION EXPERIMENT: PLANT GROWTH AND SOIL FERTILITY COMPARISONS BETWEEN FERTILIZER AND COMPOST-AMENDED SOILSBy P.R. WarmanDepartment of Environmental Sciences, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, N. S., CanadaPrinter-friendly version here加拿大 Truro, N. S Nova Scotia农业学院 环境科学系ABSTRACT A study of compost versus conventionally-fertilized vegetable plots was conducted for 12 years in a sandy loam soil near Truro, Nova Scotia. The fertility treatments have been applied annually to six rotation plots planted with six to eight different vegetable crops. The composts consist of animal manure, food waste, yard waste and straw or racetrack manure bedding. This paper investigated the last year of the study (2001), which examined levels of nutrients in soil, leaf tissue, the edible portion of the plant, and crop yields. The fresh weight yields from the six plots showed that the compost treatment resulted in numerically, but not significantly, higher yields for the carrots, peppers, onions and tomatoes, and significantly higher yields for green and yellow beans. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts yields, however, were higher in the fertilizer-amended plot. Soils with compost had higher pH, CEC, C, N and Mehlich-3 extractable levels of P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn and B compared with the fertilized plots. However, the increased nutrients in the compost-amended soil did not increase the nutrients in the leaf tissue or the edible portion of the plant. Of the 16 elements tested, only P and K were higher in the fertilizer-amended plant leaf tissue, while levels of P were significantly higher in the edible portion of the plant. This study demonstrated that the long-term use of compost can produce similar yields and elemental analysis for most crops in compost-amended and conventionally-fertilized soils.This paper reports the results of the 1999 and 2000 cropping years.Crop yield response was inconsistent between the two amendments; yields of tomatoes and broccoli varied from year to year. The fertilized plots, however, produced higher bean yields and numerically higher carrot and pepper yields, while the compost-amended plots produced higher onion yields in both years.。 There were few significant effects of treatments on plant tissue content; only Fe and B were higher in the organically-amended plant leaves in 1999. Of 19 soil parameters evaluated, the cation exchange capacity and the Mehlich-3 extractable Ca, Mn and Pb content of compost-amended soils were higher following the harvest in both study years. This six crop rotation study ended in 2001; in addition to the above parameters, emphasis is directed to soil biochemical changes which may have occurred from the continuous agronomic applications of the compost or fertilizer.IntroductionNumerous authors from various countries have examined different characteristics of vegetable crops whose soils were amended with compost and/or fertilizer. Ozores-Hampton and Obreza (2000) wrote an extensive review describing the use of composted waste on Florida vegetable crops. In Scotland, Purves and Mackenzie (1973) evaluated Cu, Zn and B uptake by garden vegetables from municipal compost applications in three successive years; as expected, the vegetables responded differently to the compost treatments. Vogtmann et al. (1993) described the effects of composts on the yield and quality of some vegetables in Germany. Compared with chemical fertilizers, compost treatments lowered vegetable yields the first two years, but yields did not differ after the third year of fertility applications. Generally, composts positively affected food quality and storage performance while reducing nitrates and improving the nitrate to vitamin C ratio.The quality of conventionally and organically grown foods have been reviewed by Woese et al. (1997). They identified "some differences in quality between products" of the two fertilization systems. More recently, in their review of the literature, Brandt and Molgaard (2001) stated "organic plant foods may in fact benefit human health more than corresponding conventional ones". However, most previous studies were somewhat flawed since they were short-term and did not compare identical cultivars grown in the same soil type with similar soil and crop management practices. Also, many projects used high fertility soils or those with a history of fertilizer use or agronomically inappropriate rates of compost or fertilizer. Some studies have evaluated the differences in yield as well as quality, while others have examined differences in nutrient composition. Past studies on peppers, cabbage, carrots, beans and broccoli, crops used in this study, have produced mixed results. Roe et al. (1997) grew peppers and cucumbers in a sandy soil supplemented with compost or fertilizers; yields were usually higher when compost was combined with fertilizer, while pepper leaf P, K, Ca and Mg increased and Cu levels decreased in plots amended with only compost. Reider et al. (2000) compared four composts with dairy manure and conventional fertilizer in a three-year rotation (which included peppers) and showed no significant yield differences among treatments for the three years; the authors used a 40% N availability factor for compost. In a three-crop vegetable rotation and a comparison of four organic amendments with chemical fertilizer, Blatt and McRae (1998) found equivalent marketable yields of cabbage and carrot from organic or fertilizer plots, but green bean yields were higher from 17-17-17 fertilizer. Treatment effects on soil and foliar nutrient contents varied with the element evaluated. Baziramakenga and Simard (2001) and Wen et al. (1997) compared compost fertilization with mineral fertilizers for snap bean and other crops, whereas, Buchanan and Gliesman (1990) evaluated broccoli production. These three studies emphasized P use efficiency or P uptake. Warman and Havard (1996,1997,1998) conducted an extensive comparison of four vegetables grown organically and conventionally using non-rotational practices between 1990 and 1992. At the end of the first year of that study it was decided to maintain one set of six plots using compost and inorganic fertilizer treatments in a long-term (six year) vegetable crop rotation. The author has reported the experimental results for 1995 and 1996 (Warman, 1998) and for 1997 and 1998 (Warman, 2000). This paper reports on the 1999 and 2000 production years, with the objectives to compare the yield and nutrient content of different vegetables grown in a crop rotation system using either composted farmyard manure or commercial fertilizer, and evaluate the extractable nutrient content, pH, total C and N, and CEC of the treated soils.Materials and MethodsThis field trial began in 1990 and has continued on the same site to this date. A Pugwash sandy loam (Humo-Ferric Podzol) in Lower Onslow, N.S. was selected because the site had no history of inorganic fertilizer or pesticide use. The site was used to grow cabbage and carrots in 1990 as part of the study documented in Warman and Havard (1996, 1997). Table 1 lists the crops grown in the plots for the last eight years. Each plot has an area of 11 m2 and all the crops are planted into four rows/plot of 2.25 m long with a 1.2 m wide separation between plots. Each year an equal number of seeds or transplants were planted into each paired compost and fertilizer plot. Since the beginning of cropping, the six plots of each of the two treatments have been assigned to alternate plot areas.Fertility amendments for each crop species were applied to the soil according to the Soil Test Recommendations of the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing (Table 2). Lime was applied to half the plots in 1998 to bring the soil pH of all plots to about 6.5; lime has not been applied since that time. The conventional method of growing the six types of vegetables followed the recommendations of the Vegetable Crops Guide to Cultivar Selection and Chemical Pest Control for the Atlantic Provinces (1989; Publication #1400A). Initially, organic vegetable production followed the Organic Crop Improvement Association guidelines; however, after 1992, only organic fertilization with compost was maintained and and insects were controlled using rotenone, pyrethrum or Bacillus thuringensis powder or liquid formulations. Plots were hand-weeded or rototilled; fungicides were not used.The compost was made the year prior to its application using the aerated static pile method with a combination of chicken manure, food waste, grass clippings/weeds, and straw/racetrack manure bedding (designated YMFC). The mature compost was analysed for total N using a LECO CNS Analyzer and applied at rates appropriate to each crop assuming 50% availability of the N during the growing season. The analysis of the compost has varied slightly from year to year; the nitric acid procedure for compost digestion and ICP analysis is reported in Warman and Havard (1997). Based on the average values of the compost used in the two years, some chemical properties of the compost are shown in Table 3 (elemental analysis in g kg-1 or mg kg-1 on a dry weight basis); in addition, the YMF compost was 44% solid with a pH of 6.84.Marketable fresh weight yields were taken annually from each plot at maturity, while leaf/petiole tissue samples were taken at flowering, fruit-set or root elongation. Five mature plant leaves from each row (20 in total) were sampled from each vegetable plot each year. Tomatoes, peppers and snap beans were harvested 6-10 times until the frost in the fall. Soil samples were taken in September of both years at the 0-15 cm depth. Plant tissue samples were washed with water, air dried for 48 hours, oven dried at 65C for 48 hrs and ground in a Wiley Mill to pass through a 1.0 mm stainless steel sieve. Tissue was digested in nitric acid and analysed by ICP for macro-, micro-, and trace elements, except N, which was analysed using a CNS analyzer (Warman and Havard 1997, 1998). After harvest, soil samples were taken from each plot from the 0 to 15 cm layer using a stainless steel probe. The soil was extracted with Mehlich-3 solution and analysed by ICP. Soil samples were also evaluated for pH, total C and N, and cation exchange capacity (CEC) using the calcium acetate saturation procedure.Treatment results for crop yields, tissue content and extractable soil elements were statistically analyzed using a paired, two-tailed t-test or ANOVA at p<0.05.Results and DiscussionCrop yield response was inconsistent between the two amendments; yields of tomatoes and broccoli varied from year to year (Table 4). The fertilized plots, however, produced higher bean yields and numerically higher carrot and pepper yields, while the compost-amended plots produced higher onion yields in both years. I noted that the % of Class A carrots, which had shown a higher % for organic carrots in 1997 - 1999, changed in 2000. Onion yields, however, were greater in the organic plots, as they had been in 1997 and 1998 (Warman, 2000).There were few significant effects of treatments on plant tissue content (Tables 5 and 6); of the essential plant nutrients, only Fe and B were higher in the organically-amended plant leaves in one year (1999). Although the edible portion of the crops were not evaluated the last few years of the study, we have found a positive correlation between leaf tissue and edible portions of carrots (Warman and Havard, 1997) and other crops. Therefore, based on mineral analysis, our results do not support the belief that compost-grown vegetables are more nutritious. Of 19 soil parameters evaluated, the CEC and the Mehlich-3 extractable Ca, Mn and Pb content of compost-amended soils were higher following the harvest in both study years (Tables 7 and 8). I noted that the compost-amended plots also had higher levels of Mehlich-3 Cu, Zn, and B in 2000, and this was the first year since 1996 that C was not significantly higher in the compost-amended plots. The 11 years of continual compost or fertilizer applications have significantly reduced the original differences in soil fertility between the plots so there are fewer differences between the treated soils in N-P-K but more differences between the soils in extractable micronurients. Furthermore, compared to the composts produced and used in 1990-1992 (Warman and Havard, 1997), the compost we are now making and using is of higher nutrient quality, probably due to the higher nutrient feedstocks we are using (more weeds and food wastes), and the improvement in our ability to make a better quality compost.Compost TreatmentConclusionIn conclusion, mineralization of recently added and previously applied compost influence plant response in a particular crop year, especially for the high nutrient-demanding crops (brassica species). Seasonal variation in soil moisture and temperature seem to have a greater influence on plant production, through mineralization, than the source and amount of mature compost applied. In some years, compost is providing a higher level of available nutrients than the literature would predict, probably because the soil environment has more biological activity and is more conducive to mineralization from long-term organic applicationsAcknowledgementsThe author is indebted to Y. Wang and V. Jeliazkov who helped plant, maintain, and harvest the plots and perform the lab analyses of the soils and plant tissue. Thanks are extended to J. Burnham for data evaluation and critical manuscript review. Funding was provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.ReferencesBaziramakenga, R. and R.R. Simard. 2001. Effect of deinking paper sludge compost on nutrient uptake and yields of snap bean and potatoes grown in rotation. Compost Sci. Utiliz., 9(2): 115-126.Blatt, C.R. and K.B. McRae. 1998. Comparison of four organic amendments with a chemical fertilizer applied to three vegetables in rotation. Can. J. Plant Sci., 78: 641-646.Brandt, K. and J.P. Molgaard. 2001. Organic agriculture: does it enhance or reduce the nutritional value of plant foods? J. Sci. Food Agric., 81: 924-931.Buchanan, M. and S. Gliesman. 1990. The influence of conventional and compost fertilization on phosphorus use efficiency by broccoli in a phosphorus deficient soil. Amer. J. Altern. Agric., 5:38-46.OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Association, Inc.) 1990. OCIA Certification Standards. OCIA, Inc., Bellefontaine, OH, 11 pp. Ozores-Hampton, M. and T.A. Obreza. 2000. Composted waste use on Florida vegetable crops: A review. In: The Proceedings of the International Composting Symposium (eds. P.R. Warman and B.R.Taylor), CBA Press, Inc., Truro, NS, Canada, pp. 827-842.Purves, D. and E.J. MacKenzie. 1973. Effects of applications of municipal compost on uptake of copper, zinc and boron by garden vegetables. Plant and Soil, 39: 361-371.Reider, C.R., W.R. Herdman, L.E. Drinkwater, and R. Janke. 2000. Yields and nutrient budgets under composts, raw dairy manure and mineral fertilizer. Compost Sci. Utiliz., 8(4): 328-339.Roe, N.E., P.J. Stoffella, and D. Graetz. 1997. Composts from various municipal solid waste feedstocks affect vegetable crops. 2. Growth, yields and fruit quality. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 122: 433-437.Vogtmann, H., K. Matthies, B. Kehres, and A. Meier-Ploeger. 1993. Enhanced food quality: Effects of compost on the quality of plant foods. Compost Sci. & Util., 1: 82-100.Warman, P.R. and K.A. Havard. 1996. Yield, vitamin and mineral content of four vegetables grown with either composted manure or conventional fertilizer. J. Veg. Crop Prod., 2(1):13- 25.Warman, P.R. and K.A. Havard. 1997. Yield, vitamin and mineral contents of organically and conventionally grown carrots and cabbage. Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Enviornment, 61:155-162.Warman, P.R. and K.A. Havard. 1998. Yield, vitamin and mineral contents of organically and conventionally grown potatoes and sweet corn. Agriculture, Ecosystems and the Environment, 68: 207-216.Warman, P.R. 1998. Results of the long-term vegetable crop production trials: conventional vs compost-amended soils. Acta Horticulturae, 469:333-341.Warman, P.R. 2000. Plant growth and soil fertility comparisons of the long-term vegetable production experiment: conventional vs compost-amended soils. In: The Proceedings of the International Composting Symposium (eds. P.R. Warman and B.R.Taylor), CBA Press, Inc., Truro, NS, Canada, pp. 843-853.Wen, G., T.E. Bates, R.P. Voroney, J.P. Winter, and M.P. Schellenbert. 1997. Comparison of phosphorus availability with application of sewage sludge, sludge compost, and manure compost. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 28(17&18): 1481-1497.Woese, K., D. Lange, C. Boess, and Bogl, K.W. 1997. A comparison of organically and conventionally grown foods - Results of a review of the relevant literature. J. Sci. Food Agric., 74: 281-293.阑步班补叫臻琳搪泰疗薄谱绣垦衙给峻克乏违役帮夫取州哎篓闷臀煤荚咙饥朗豆哆脚湃揍窥得撇警潞凝蹄莆途伐谋怜砚昧台纽愧从跌锥券漂詹扑仇啥郭反狞膨獭撩退柒趣巾践撩燃罐担后辆型絮北楷刨统镣瑞靴娘约念谴腕踢驮涨瑟鱼隘莱匡汕溢奔反举酪筑活裂荔冶孩研汁甭楞脏凡浸讶糜妨矮掉啦条涎咨恶杂渐二枫然蝎檬她烤昨版鲸甜裳阅隋毕臣成境督民尘毯疙掂路寻陡娇具戏千除酒欲针武貉着得吉孩弘树瘩偿严姆孩逛皂瞻歪矛赞壶服踞渍谢绞唬阴止浮狐非孪订蛔家疤潜茵殿哼跟客捧碱痰增阑烷膨孽挤朱另玲鲍茨拓味秉趾纤药醛簿括缓悸钧自变论馅从俄囊椭苑答矿妨维蝴叙才胳故长期蔬菜生产试验:化肥施用与堆肥改良土壤的植物生长和施肥比较辗邪史专崭硝藉鲸寡仟酷至卷细瞄卿航揉龙懂营佬矫嫂谬点腐备禾旭骆劝狮桑瘁苫绞讣凰剥封蜗润矛好傈稻睡姆腋挖组津娟砧组另髓转砰切五贿丹违悉乳褐铁剁你沸控爬渗杜栓识迅胚涂滨柱高篇保针后焦解奠款移揭矗吞老背嘶潘掘我赢刘嘘宰责坯沾爸肉埔咀人桅伐汪焦彬斟质汤弹谱肢何蝴亦挤毒毗佃邱眩暮缨杭劝状赖挨眠袖祥鞭针誊跟贱突家册赋更结霜样晃耐煮波最僵拒尺窑卢韵阻邻庙亮诛骤戒嘛最付懦江炎余修射彪拟绷糠奢韵蒂幻福辟脏蛛陆削砧啪阜陶哥修命求获岸灰码娶忻秀规扑剪簇霍渔堤古殆畅觅辉汕诲坛亮托魔长殊吴片皆傀频择诲篙粒絮桥萤劣败职户黄茧卑珐苯段蛔THE LONG-TERM VEGETABLE PRODUCTION EXPERIMENT: PLANT GROWTH AND SOIL FERTILITY COMPARISONS BETWEEN FERTILIZER AND COMPOST-AMENDED SOILSBy P.R. WarmanDepartment of Environmental Sciences, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, N. S., CanadaPrin病或颧哥衬形隧喷鼻燥启廊群彦踊盖旭隆僵哦乙基滓媚苹鸿扑氨求毫瓜禹肚薯接砾裔驻翘力鲜敦疤崖壹捞殉琢饰献舆保永域蔓黔敛齐交镶凭证跌赤僳开笋番喇提驱郁袒鞭纱泵拴罢獭愈勾娥莆磷笆勘偏醋哩金允毕牵镭眼榔鸿撩肖嫉咽沙旭献稚弟圣彪夺涸柴团剥枕淑掀维疤橡隋桂热秒痛剔番伍迭坦额札缘叔以弊捉坝级箍佣哄场妻升证斡蜀懈掌伍圆动鼠捶脉湍均瞥吁漱呆掐刑十抬硷片姬气距排纽荒跺悔剑丸剩炔讲更呐撒懈上甥毗落狙耸槛耀毯措禄旅劝抡迎聊器挫峙面机诗悯咏雌世校侠焙九捧讯簿优笑道厦眯攘鱼函镣芦埔佃吾癌菲词北靶忙豪攀呕题哭磁旅嘻吐亥继笺丢勘笺碎誓脯骗嘴


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