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对外经济贸易大学2013年硕士学位研究生入学考研初试试题考试科目:834技术经济及管理综合第一部分:技术经济及管理专业英语I. True/False QuestionsInstructions: In thissection,you are required to determine whether the following statements are ture or false according to managerial theory or practice. Write your judgments on your answers sheet. Do not make any marks on your test paper. (total 10 points)1. Three important themes stick out in definition of entrepreneurship are the pursuit of opportunities,innovation and risk-taking.2. Innovation refers to the ability to combine ides in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas.3. Multidomestic corporations decentralize management to the local country,while global companies centralize management in the home country.4. Controlling reduces uncertainty by forcing managers to look ahead,anticipate change,consider the impact of change,and develop appropriate responses.5. Authority is the individuals capacity to influence decisions.6. Doing nothing is not an acceptable managerial action in the control process.7.Work specialization is also knoen as departmentalization.II. Single ChoiceInstructions :In this section,you are required to choose one of the four choices as your best response,and put it in on your answer sheet.Do not make any marks on your test paper(total 20 points).1. is a cultural dimension in which people expect others in their group to look after themm and protect them when they are in trouble.a. Power distanceb. Collectivismc. Achievementd. Uncertainty avoidance2. Decision makers with atend to be very broad in their outlook and look at many alternatives.a. directive styleb. analytic stylec. conceptual styled. behavioral style3. Appropriate organizational structure depends on four contingency variables,which of the following is NOTone of them?a.cultureb.organizations strategyc.technologyd.degree of environmental uncertainty4.Whichexpectancy theory linkage explain the degree ti which a student desires a good job? a.effort to performance b.input to outcome c.instrumentality d.valence5.All of the following factors indicate that a decentralized organization would be most effective EXCEPT when . a.the environment is complex. b.decisions are relatively minor. c.the organization is facting a crisis. d.the company is geograpaically dispersed.6. Range of variation is a concept that is important in what management function? a.planning b.organizing c.leading d.controllingIII. Essay QuestionsInstructions:In this section,you are required to respond to the following questions in short essays.Do not make any marks on your test paper.(total 32 point,write in English)1. In a short essay,describe the learning organization and discuss the concept of knowledge management.2. In a short essay,list and discuss the three contingency factors that affect planning.3. In a short essay,list and discuss five sources in which leader power has been identified .4. List and explain the three sets of variables that have been found to stimulate and nurture innovation in an organization.IVTranslate the following paragraphs into Chinese.(18%) Ambidextrous Organization The Room god Janus had two sets of eyesone pair focusing on what lay behind,the other on what lay ahead.General managers and corporate executives should be able to relate.They,too,mustconstantly look backward,attending to the products and processes of the past,while also gazing forward,preparing for the innovations that will define the future. This mental balancing act can be one of the toughest of all managerial challengesit requires executives executives to explore new opportunities even as they work diligently to exploit existing capabilitiesand its no surprise that few conpanies do it well.Most successful enterprises are adept at refining their current offerings,but they falter when it comes to pioneering radically new products and serices.Kodak and Boeing are just two of the more recent examples of ince dominant companiesn that failed to adapt to market changes. The failure to achieve breaktgrough innovationa while also making steady improvements to an existing business is so commonplaceand so fascinatingthat it has become a bottleground of management thought.For decades,scholars have spun theories toexplain the puzzle and offered advice on how to solve it.Some have argued that theres no way out of the conundrumthat established that big companies simply lach the flexibility to explore new territory. 第二部分:技术经济及管理基础知识一、 名词解释(共20分)1. 经营成本2. 蛛网理论3. 设备的无形磨损4. 承诺升级(escalation of commitment)二、 简答题(共15分)1. 试简要回答技术经济学中为什么要进行不确定性分析?2. 消费者行为理论和生产者行为理论的联系和区别?3. 何谓“公平理论”(equity theory)?当员工感到不公平时,可能会采取哪些做法?三、 计算题(共30分)1.某设备原始价值10000元,物理寿命10年,各年运行费及残值如表所列(单位:元)使用年数12345678910年末残值70005000350020001000800600400200100年运行费1200135015001700195022502600300035004000试求设备的经济寿命。2.假设:(1)只有A、B两寡头垄断厂商出售同质且生产成本为零的产品;(2)市场对该产品的需求函数为Qd=240-10p,以美元计;(3)厂商A先进入市场,随之B进入。各厂商确定产量时认为另一厂商会保持产量不变。试求: (1)均衡时各厂商的产量和价格为多少? (2)与完全竞争和完全垄断相比,该产量和价格如何? (3)各厂商取得利润是多少?该利润与完全竞争和完全垄断时相比情况如何? (4)如果再有一厂商进入该企业,则行业均衡产量和价格会发生什么变化?如有更多厂商进入,情况会怎样?注:2013年对外经贸大学国际商学院834技术经济及管理综合考研试题官方完整扫描版请点击:2013年对外经贸大学834技术经济与管理综合考研真题正式扫描版


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