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XX学院二一五届毕业论文小米手机市场营销策略研究 系 部:经济贸易系专 业:营销与策划班 级:2012级1班学 号:学生姓名:指导教师:论文成绩:二一五年五月二十日目 录摘 要01关键词01引 言02一、小米公司介绍02二、小米手机的4P营销理论 03(一)产品03(二)价格04(三)渠道04(四)促销05三、小米手机的营销策略05(一)饥饿营销05 (二)互动营销06(三)口碑营销07四、小米手机营销成功的要素的分析08(一)高性能、低价格08(二)营销模式新颖08五、小米公司未来最大的挑战08结 语09参考文献10致 谢11浅析小米手机市场营销策略摘要: 近年来,中国手机市场竞争日益激烈,在蓬勃发展的行业环境下,小米手机作为后起之秀,自2011年发布以来,以迅猛的速度博得众人的关注。面对竞争剧烈的手机市场,小米手机成功的营销策略助小米手机走向成功。本文将以 4P 营销理论为依托,主要阐述小米手机的营销策略,简要分析饥饿营销、互动营销、炒作营销、口碑营销等营销策略。另外分析其成功的要素以及小米目前新的的发展近况。关键词:4P营销理论;饥饿营销;互动营销;引 言:小米科技由前Google、微软、金山等公司的顶尖高手组建,是一家专注于iPhone、android等新一代智能手机软件开发与热点移动互联网业务运营的公司。小米手机坚持“为发烧而生”的设计理念,将全球最顶尖的移动终端技术与元器件运用到每款新品。由于具有极高的性价比,和用户的要求完美契合,并且成功地运用一系列营销模式,小米手机 自上市以来备受热捧,使以前只有在苹果手机首次发售时才会产生的哄抢局面首次在国产机上演,并催生了像“果粉”一样狂热的 手机发烧友“米粉”,小米科技也因这款产品一跃成为国内智 能手机市场中的翘楚。小米公司介绍小米公司正式成立于2010年4月,是一家专注于智能手机自主研发的移动互联网公司,定位于高性能发烧手机。小米手机、MIUI、米聊是小米公司旗下三大核心业务。“为发烧而生”是小米的产品理念。小米公司首创了用互联网模式开发手机操作系统、发烧友参与开发改进的模式。小米手机、MIUI、米聊是小米公司旗下三大核心业务。“为发烧而生”是小米的产品理念,定位于中低端市场。小米公司首创了利用互联网开发和改进手机操作系统,60万发烧友参与了开发改进。官方已经推出各种附加值产品,官网出售的电视,盒子,米兔,旅行包,手机膜,耳机,帽子,男装、女装,鞋子等都得到了广大消费者的好评,为小米的成功奠定了很大的基础。小米的LOGO是一个“MI”形,是Mobile Internet的缩写,代表小米是一家移动互联网公司,小米的LOGO倒过来是一个“心”字,少一个点。意味着小米要让小米的用户省一点心。另外,MI是米的汉语拼音,正好对应其名字称号。本篇论文将围绕小米公司的主打核心业务“小米手机”来进行简略探讨。一、 小米手机的4P营销理论(一)产品1.性能首先,小米手机的性能十分的强大,始终保持硬件的领先地位;其次,小米手机拥有自主研发的基于 Android的MIUI智能操作系统,不仅符合中国人的使用习惯,而且十分快捷方便;第三,企业内部集合了一大批来自于众多知名科技企业的技术人员,使小米手机系统的研发有了非常高端的科学技术作为基底。可以说,有良好的质量与技术作为支撑,小米会发展的更为久远。2.市场定位小米手机将产品属性定位于发烧友手机,核心卖点其实是高配置和软硬一体。有人为小米定位于发烧,把手机一个简单的产品复杂化了,会让部分用户望而却步,但是事实上这个定位更像是吸引用户关注的一个噱头,最终的结果是成功地吸引了相当可观的关注度,为小米的发布和销售起到了推波助澜的作用。准确的市场定位和营销目标定位使得小米能够在多次公开发售及多次缺货登记用户专场购买中迅速获得更大的市场份额。(二)价格从定价端来看:手机定价1999元。无论从成本角度还是对苹果的膜拜角度,这个价格应该是没有再降价的空间。让人疑虑的是小米不同于苹果,苹果是有足够强势品牌的,也是从 ipod开始真正在大众中树立起自己形象的,而不是iphone。换言之,会给自己一定回旋的空间 小米第一代手机上市时iPhone正在市场大热。当然,厂商对自己的产品有足 够强的信心和市场分析,决策是有依据的。为“中国手机发烧友”打造的小米手机市场销售价仅1999元,这也是接近于成本的价格。在消费者心理比较上,在同类配置的手机中这个价格是消费者们最能够接受的;同时1999元的市场零售价,对于渴望高配置的手机用户来说,也是非常具有诱惑力的;另外在每年新老产品交替时,继续以1999元的价格优势来推出新一代的产品,而老产品降至1499元,这就进一步刺激了更多消费者的购买欲望,极具市场杀伤力。由此可以看出,小米手机相对于苹果、三星等品牌的高价高端智能机来说,价格更加平民化。如今,小米手机在激烈的市场环境中,继续以质优价廉为策略来满足不同消费者的需求,从而抢占更多的市场份额。因此,可以说,低廉的价格是小米手机迅速抢占市场份额的有效战略途径。 (三)渠道小米的官方网站是小米手机销售的的主阵地,微博是第二渠道,官网上第一时间发布新产品新信息,也有发烧友交流区和厂家与发烧友的互动活动,微博上同步消息以及与公众互动 积累口碑。借着全线的网络销售,不仅节约了成本,而且 也突出个性,营销效果更好。另外小米在全国配有 420 余家售 后服务点,方便用户出现问题时的解决与及时沟通; 和凡客的如风达物流公司合作,使得手机配送更加安全、及时。另外,小米手机之所以能够迅速地占领市场,主要是采用了网上直销的渠道策略。网上直销可以实现生产者和消费者的直接接触,从而了解消费者需求,有利于开展有效的营 销活动; 也可以减少中间环节,让买卖双方都节约费用。小米公司成立后不久便建立了小米网站,接着开发了基于安卓平台的米聊软件,从而扩大了小米手机知名度,然后大量宣传小米手机顶尖配置以及公司的顶尖人才,并 且在论坛里放出 MIUI 系统,让论坛里面的高手刷机和评测ROM好坏,从而小米手机的诞生也是必然趋势,最后 通过新闻媒体的炒作,使小米手机无人不知无人不晓。小米手机迎合了广大中青年人的喜好,采用了电子渠道和物流公司合作的网络分销模式 小米手机早期分销模式。(四)促销小米手机在促销策略上热衷于选择与其他公司合作,并设立多个试销点。与此同时,将部分小米手机作为员工或消费者的节假日礼品或回馈礼品,来扩大小米手机的影响,并且成立促销小组,通过各种促销活动,使人们对小米手机更为了解,从而再度激发消费者的购买欲望。二、 小米手机的营销策略(一)饥饿营销所谓“饥饿营销”法,是指商品提供者有意识的降低产品的产量,人为的创造出可控的供求关系,制造出一种供不应求的市场假象,以此达到维持商品售价和商品利润的目的。关键点在于产品对消费者的吸引力,以及如何让消费者感受到供不应求的紧迫感。小米公司在饥饿营销的把控尺度上有其独特的技巧。首先,小米公司的饥饿营销是建立在对市场容量的准确评估与调查上的,充分了解市场的需求,并规划出产品的实际产量;其次,小米公司的饥饿营销在实施过程中,保证了产品和服务所具有的不可替代的独特性,极大刺激了消费者的购买欲望;最后,小米公司在新品宣传上总是遮遮掩掩,吊足了媒体和“米粉”的胃口,使媒体和“米粉”乐意免费为小米新品发布会造势,然后在万众瞩目的盛况下发布新一代的产品。而且在新一代产品发布后营造出货源不足的局面,使没有购买到产品的消费者心痒难耐。可以说,小米手机把饥饿营销“三分饱,七分饿”的尺度把握的十分精准到位,从而赢得了国内市场 如今这种模式已然被各大厂商应用且消费者比较接受这种模式,大有乐此不疲之势。饥饿营销对于企业来说就是一把双刃剑,关键在于如何正确的使用与调控,不但要把握饥饿度、时刻保持危机感,而且还要坚持不断的创新能力,使自己的产品永远处于时尚的前沿、科技的前沿、人们需求的前沿,只有形成自身独特的企业文化,才能使企业在“饥饿营销”中立于不败之地。每当小米有新款手机发布时,年轻消费者预购、抢购的狂热现象都是有目共睹的。小米手机将饥饿营销玩转的游刃有余,以供不应求营造狂热的销售氛围,分析小米手机的饥饿营销主要遵循以下几个步骤: 1.研发期激发消费者兴趣从产品研发开始,小米便开始为产品炒作和前期预热做准备,小米开放 MIUI 和米聊论坛,让许多热爱科技的公众参与讨论,表达消费者对手机的需求和期望,这种“用户参与产品研发”的互动,充分激发了消费者的兴趣,使消费者感觉到小米对他们的重视。 2.预订期高调炒作话题小米手机发售之前,有个网上预订购阶段,广大网友被小米官网带发售的低价小米手机所吸引,网上话题不 变,在这样的大环境体营销重视起来,部分公司还独特成神秘,为小米手机吸引了更多的关注度。 3.发售期消费者疯狂抢购小米手机打着“为发烧友而生”的口号,经过充分的前期炒作,受求新心理及小米低价的营销,许多消费者已迫不及待抢购小米,这也导致了小米手机官网几分钟抢购完的情况时有出现。从本质上来说,小米卖手机的方式即为找准目标市场,努力包装自己,加之八卦传闻来炒作预热,吊足了消费者胃口,致使新品发布时立即抢购一空。(2) 互动营销1.粉丝营销粉丝营销最为核心的内核就是需要建立一种让粉丝信服的文化,粉丝将会通过信服一种文化,从而产生对于一个产品的好感,比如苹果、耐克走的基本都是这条路线,用品牌的理念增加用户的情感认知。对于营销者而言,要想自己的产品拥有广大的“粉丝”市场,就必须要理解用户群体,并且和这个他们建立长久的关系。小米手机为满足年轻用户身份、自我价值的需求,强调“因为米粉所以小米”。在与用户的沟通上,小米手机一直将粉丝视为整个品牌的主人,他们不仅仅只是小米的用户,他们还有可能成为小米手机的开发者,小米手机价值的传播者或者是小米手机当之无愧的VIP。2013年10月15日,小米VIP特权中心正式上线,在小米官网上我们可以看到对VIP特权的描述,“每个小米VIP认证用户在此拥有专属自己的VIP用户个人主页,享有各种尊贵特权,并可以领取手机勋章,享有比普通小米用户更多的购买优惠和服务待遇。”可见,小米在与用户进行价值的连接。同时小米也注重与用户的情感连接,熟悉小米的人都会知道“荣誉开发组”这一神秘的群体。小米手机创造了“9:100 万”的粉丝管理模式,在微信上宣传小米手机的一对一优质服务,利用新媒体提高小米手机美誉度。小米微信的客服人员还是会进行一对一的回复,小米也是通过这样的方式大大的提升了用户的品牌忠诚度。另外,微信做客服也给小米带来了实实在在的益处。相关负责人表示,微信同样使得小米与消费者的互动成本品 降低,新媒体营销给小米带来的益处不可言喻。2.炒作营销借用新闻媒体的炒作营销。炒作营销是指通过 对某些有卖点的人或事物进行精心的策划和包装,利用网 络进行传播以吸引公众的注意力,从而促进产品销售或提高品牌知名度的营销方式。小米手机一直被传闻是偷来 的,是仿苹果的等等。针对这些传闻,小米官方并没有给 予澄清或者解释,正是因为各大媒体的炒作使得小米更加 神秘,更加吸引人们的关注。(三)口碑营销1.小米公司在口碑营销上可堪称为行业典范。首先,小米公司将主要精力放在提高产品的核心竞争力上,专注于提高产品质量 这是口碑营销最关键之处,而不是一味进行铺天盖地的广告宣传和大量的促销活动,为公司产品取得了良好的口碑。口碑营销“微”力无边,品牌突围新媒体营销与传统媒体最大一点区别便是互动性,而参与感正是新媒体营销的灵魂。新媒体营销时代,企业借助网络新媒体实现与受众之间的良性互动,从而使口碑营销成为一种低投入高回报的推广方式。小米手机基于其专注于网络销售的商业模式,充分利用口碑营销的作用。2.微博主攻小米品牌传播,微博是新媒体营销中不可或缺的一部分,以方便快捷、影响面大而备受欢迎,各个企业将微博作为宣传品牌信息的重要手段。小米手机当然不甘落后,小米公司 CEO 开通微博账号,另外,小米公司有独立的微博账号,查看这些微博可以发现,小米公司经常与消费者互动,或告诉消费者小米手机的新产品即将发售;或号召消费者参与小米的互动活动;或转发消费者感兴趣的热点话题。小米通过微博增强与消费者的黏度,与消费者交流互动的同时,提升消费者与小米之间的感情。例如,在 2012 世界末日谣言甚嚣尘上时,小米手机和新浪微博合作举办“末日”购物活动,通过微博抢购的全新购物方式,使小米手机很快一抢而空。小米专注热点、敏感话题,利用微博这一广为人知的新媒体工具,成功打响品牌知名度。真实体验,为小米公司创造了良好的口碑。最后,小米公司十分注重自己宣传的客观性和真实性,真实的展现了自己的产品和服务,为公司带来了了良好的口碑传播。用雷军的话说就是:“作为一家新兴的互联网公司,我们更在意用户口碑,只要有用户,盈利自然水到渠成。”实践证明,小米手机凭借物美价廉的产品与优质的服务,留住了众多的消费者并创造了良好的口碑,同时众多“米粉”的口口相传更是为良好的口碑锦上添花。可以说,良好的口碑,不但为公司节省了大笔的广告费用而且更促进了公司的发展壮大。 三、 小米手机营销成功的要素的分析(一)高性能、低价格小米手机的许多因素综合在一起构成了小米手机的特色服务。比如说所含的成分、材料、质量、价格等等,根据产品产出,制定合理的价格。过高,则让人望而生畏,过低,则影响企业实现价值。因此,小米手机的价格一般采取尾数为999的形式 分析4P在价格部分有提到定价,这样在顾客消费心理上比较满意,让顾客享受到合理的利益。为顾客考虑,顾客至上,这样的理念才使得小米赢得声誉的同时,实现了企业的预期利润。(二)营销模式新颖线上销售:所谓线上销售就是指利用电子商务是在全球各地广泛的商业贸易活动中,在因特网开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动,实现消费者的网上购物、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、交易活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务活动的一种新型的商业运营销售模式。小米手机开创使用这种销售模式,使得它在短时间内抢占市场,获得许多手机发烧友的热爱和追捧。四、 小米公司未来最大的挑战(1) 产品定义。 产品定义就是确定做一个产品最早的决策点。比如,小米Note是2015年1月上市的,提前1年半就要做产品定义,小米移动电源是2013年12月上市的,提前1年就要做产品定义。目前,小米所有产品的产品定义都要雷军确定,目前看来,小米基本上是款款爆品。但是,提前1年甚至2年做预判,这还是一个压力巨大的事情。移动互联网时代,消费者的需求、市场情况每隔半年就是一个天翻地覆的变化。要做好一个准确的产品定义,是一个首席产品经理最难最难的事,也是智能硬件创业必鉴。(2) 库存。 小米的创始人说的最多的是“我们做的是海鲜生意”,就是说原材料等贬值压力比较大。按照小米的模式出的产品首先要做量,靠大的量撬动供应链、工厂,以及消费者。但是,也因为量比较大,如果一个环节出问题,变成库存问题,会变成一个很大的压力。(3) 品质。 品质对于做手机、智能硬件产品是一个很大的挑战,特别是从实验室产品到工厂生产其中需要克服的困难。很多产品在实验室设计出来,一到工厂遇到生产问题就是大麻烦。结语:小米手机取得了较大的成功,这与小米公司有效的营销策略是密不可分的。面对竞争日益激烈的智能手机市场,小米手机还需要进一步注重产品创新、品牌塑造、加强与消费者的沟通,增加发展空间、重视售后服务,提高顾客忠诚度等,以期能够更好地发展, 为国产手机的发展树立标杆。小米公司依旧在飞速发展,如今已经大跨步涉足智能家电领域,由于其在智能家电领域的表现还有待大家拭目以待,因此本文没有讨论小米的拓展业务。总之,小米的上市是成功 的,同时它成功的经验也将被我国中小企业所借鉴。参考文献:1 张学高.浅析小米手机的饥饿营销J.现代商业,2013( 3) : 1 2.2张海峰.小米成功有道理J.销售与市场(评论版),2012 ( 6) : 1 2.3赵雷.从小米手机的发展看市场营销J .当代畜禽养殖业,2012 (11) 4小米官网5中国企管网致谢:大学三年学习时光已经接近尾声,在此我想对我的母校,我的父母、亲人们,我的老师和同学们表达我由衷的谢意。感谢我的家人对我大学X年学习的默默支持;感谢我的母校给了我在大学X年深造的机会,让我能继续学习和提高;感谢XX学院的老师和同学们X年来的关心和鼓励。这次毕业论文设计我得到了老师和同学的帮助,其中我的论文指导老师XXX老师对我的关心和支持尤为重要。在论文选题时,虽然我在与小组成员有选题重复的情况。但是她肯定了我准备材料和查询资料的认真和充分度。在大纲制定时,我的在理清思路之后,又得到了老师很中肯的补充建议。在此十分感谢李老师的细心指导。本篇毕业论文的写作也得到了XXX、XXX等同学的热情帮助。感谢他们在整个毕业论文写作期间,在各个方面给予我支持。以上各位,我在此表示衷心的感谢!a您好,为你提供优秀的毕业论文参考资料,请您删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!AnationalsurveywasrecentlylaunchedtoevaluatetheeyehealthofChinesechildrenandteenagers.OnJune6,ChinasannualNationalDayforEyeCare,theChinaYouthDevelopmentServiceCenterandZhejiangMedicine,aleadinglistedChinesepharmaceuticalcompany,jointlyannouncedthekickoffofthesurvey.Inaboutonemonth,aquestionnairecompiledbytopeyecaremedicalexpertsinChinawillbedistributedthroughmultipleonlinepartners,includingH,aswellasthroughofflinesurveyeventsheldinuniversities,middleschoolsandprimaryschoolsacrossthecountry.Areportwillbereleasedbasedonthesurveystatisticsandanalysis,andmostimportantly,guidelinesforparentsandyouthonhowtocarefortheeyesandpreventmyopiaagrowingprobleminChinasdigitizedsociety,willalsobeattachedonthereport."Myopiaisnotonlyadiseasethatmakespeopleseethingsblurrily,butalsoleadstoseverecomplications,suchasglaucoma(increasedpressurewithintheeyeball),andcancauseblindness,"saidZhouYuehua,anestablishedeyecarespecialistwithBeijingTongrenHospital."Itisveryimportantforparentsandchildrentoknowabouttheriskandcarefortheireyes."Thereareabout450millionmyopiapatientsinChina.AmongChinesemyopiapatients,30millionareseverepatients,accordingtoZhouTheprevalenceofmyopiaamonghighschoolandcollegestudentsismorethan70percent,andthesituationiscontinuouslyworsening,headded.SunZhu,directorwiththeChinaYouthDevelopmentServiceCenter,saidlonghoursofstudy,lackofexercise,especiallyoutdooractivities,andattachmenttoelectronicscreenaresomeofthetopreasonsbehindthewidespreadmyopiaproblems,andtheincreaseofyoungerpatients,althoughChinahasmadegreatprogressinimprovingthehardwarefacilitiesandlightingconditionsinschools.Hesaidhehopesthesurveywillalertpeopleonthethreateningsituation,andalsohelpmedicalexpertstobetterguidelineparentsandchildrensbehaviorstocareforeyes,basedonthetimelyandfactualstatisticsthesurveycollected.Aseriesoffollow-upeventswillalsobeheldinsixcities,includingJinaninShandongprovince,andChangshainHunanprovince,toeducatepeopleonhowtocareforeyesafterthesurveystarted. More and more Chinese are jogging to get and stay fit. Most joggers will run alone, but some will jog with friends or even coaches. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is one of the most popular spots. It is packed with runners in the afternoon, usually after work, and at weekends. Jogging after a whole days work can be a way to unwind. It is true for He Wenjun, whose workplace is right near the forest park. She discovered her athletic aptitude at the age of seven, when she began playing tennis. Then she turned to jogging, and she has persevered with it for 10 years. "I come to jog almost every day after work, whenever I have time. I think jogging is good for my health. And for me, a girl, it helps me to achieve to eternal goal, to keep slim," He said. He says she prefers jogging alone, so she can focus better. She loves jogging, even during Beijings smoggy days. "If the smog is severe, Ill hold off jogging for a while. But if I really want to get away from work, Ill wear a mask, or just ignore the smog and go on jogging," she said. For those who are not so athletic, jogging also has its attractions. Wu Houbin started roughly two years ago, when he was severely obese. Within two months, his weight dropped from 82 kilograms to 64 kilograms. The success helped him recover health, and he has made friends. "Jogging does not require speed, but stamina. If you want to stick to the game, you need to take it as a mission, a habit, and then eventually a hobby," Wu said. But persevering with jogging is not always easy. Jogging is beneficial for heart-lung function, and the skeletal system, but doctors say improper technique damages the joints, especially the knees and ankles. "Excessive jogging wears down the body, and harms ones health. Poor technique harms the muscles and skeleton, and can cause secondary injures. And, jogging in a bad environment can cause circulation problems," said Lu Zhiyong, attending doctor, Sports Hospital, General Admin. of Sports.Dr. Lu has some tips for joggers, and those who are thinking of taking it up.He says people should first evaluate their physical condition, to decide the amount and type of exercise, and jogging in the open air is better running on a treadmill. Conrad Macao will run special programs for the entire month of October this year to support the Hong Kong Cancer Funds Pink Revolution, an annual campaign that seeks to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research, the hotel recently announced. A major sponsor of the campaign for three years in a row, Conrad Macao has pledged to donate a portion of its proceeds to the fund, including those collected from selling its popular bear and rubber duck merchandise, in limited pink editions. Pink is the theme for floral arrangements and decorations in the hotel in October. In addition, on Fridays that month, members of the management and staff will add something pink to their uniforms, regular e-mails and handwritten guest cards. "Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women in Hong Kong and is also of significant concern in Macao and around the world, regardless of age," general manager Bede Barry said in a statement. The hotel has enlisted the support of a number of international and local celebrities to help drive the cause, including South Korean actor Jung Suk Won. This year, a lucky guest who stays at the hotel during the campaign and also donates money for the cause will win a necklace specially designed by Arte Madrid, a Spanish jewelry brand. Women should strive to balance quality of work and life, and have children at a young age. As a doctor I see much suffering because of this imbalance. Xiao Ying, 36, works for a large law firm. Her job means lots of travel, a heavy caseload and a large number of meetings, so her schedule is hectic. She has been pregnant twice, but had abortions on both occasions because she felt her busy, high-pressure career wasnt conducive to raising a child. She planned to have children once she had achieved career success so she could provide a stable environment for her baby. After 10 years, Xiao felt the time was right, and she tried to conceive for about six months, but was unable to become pregnant. I conducted comprehensive physical checkups. The results suggested that Xiaos ovarian function has declined and a bilateral oviduct blockage has occurred, meaning that in vitro fertilization is her only option. So, after reducing her workload, Xiao underwent IVF treatment. Luckily, she got pregnant after just one treatment cycle, but later experienced vaginal bleeding, and rushed to the hospital. I told her to rest and carry on with the treatment (to prevent a miscarriage). As Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh, a yoga guru, demonstrated postures at a high school stadium in Dujiangyan city, Sichuan province, some 200 students sat on colorful mats watching him closely. It was part of the first India-China international yoga festival in the provincial capital, Chengdu, in Southwest China, where more than 1,000 fans from home and abroad gathered for lessons from 20 leading practitioners of the ancient Indian regimen, from June 17-21. Yoga is to India what perhaps tai chi is to China. Many countries other than India and China, also held the first World Yoga Day on June 21, after the United Nations last year agreed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modis suggestion that a special day be marked in the year for the global practice of the stress-busting regimen, which is already a multibillion dollar industry in the United States. Modi said in the speech: "Yoga is an invaluable gift of Indias ancient tradition. . It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature."Zarthoshtimanesh, who runs his own yoga center, Iyengar Yogabhyasa, in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai, says: "Chinese students are very respectful. For me, all students are the same no matter what their race is and where they come from. The most important thing is to remove mental walls." Zarthoshtimanesh learned yoga from the late Yogacharya Iyengar and traveled with the master to different countries. Consulate General of India in southern Chinas Guangzhou city organized the Chengdu festival. A terrifying wooden bridge in China has just been replaced by a glass one. This, the worlds longest glass-bottomed walkway, is located in Shiniuzhai Geopark in Hunan, and spans 300m (984f) and is 180m (590f) above ground. The floor is made of double-layered glass that is 24mm (0.94in), and is reportedly 25 times stronger than regular window glass. The bridge had previously been made of wood, linking the two peaks of Stone Buddha Mountain, but 11 engineers working 12 hours a day converted it to glass. Previously, you were considered brave if you steeled yourself to cross the wooden walkway; now, with its glass bottom, the bridge is already being referred to as “hero bridge.” The popular chains longtime executive chef embraces mapo tofu and other exotic elements for the burger-driven menu, Liu Zhihua reports.At the age of 37, Shanghai native Lin Zhengu has become a star as a Western cuisine chef in the Chinese metropolis, a city that has a wealth of Western restaurants. The executive chef of Blue Frog Bar and Grill, a popular burger-based restaurant and bar chain on the Chinese mainland, Lin is the soul of the restaurant franchises team of more than 550 chefs. Many of the franchises most popular dishes are his brainchild. Lin says his secret of success is innovation rooted in experience: He spends months every year traveling and eating worldwide, seeking new ingredients and inspirations that could improve the offerings of Blue Frog restaurants. The restaurant chain regularly launches a new seasonal menu, usually featuring eight new dishes with fresh ingredients. The best-selling seasonal dishes later replace the least popular items on the regular menu, which is usually updated in late fall and boasts a selection of about 40 dishes. "Food should have no boundaries," Lin says. "As long as the food tastes good and is healthy, it doesnt really matter where it originates or how it is cooked." Lin likes to give the American-style restaurants menu some culinary touches from other countries, such as China and Mexico, and customers love such innovation, he says. He started his career as an apprentice in a Chinese kitchen in 1993. By chance he learned from a French chef in 1994, and soon became enamored with the world of Western food. During the next couple of years, he received strict training in Western culinary art from French, Chinese and German chefs. That was rare for a Chinese chef in the 1990s, he saysand so was being a Chinese chef who spoke fluent English. When an American entrepreneur invited him to join in his startup Blue Frog in 2000, Lin didnt hesitate to resign from a five-star hotel to work in the new restaurant with just five chefs, eager to explore the excitement of a life that had yet to unfold. Since that Shanghai launch, Blue Frog has opened 24 branches in seven cities across China, including Beijing, Tianjin, Chongqing and Nanjing in Jiangsu province. The new menu for this fall, which was launched in early September, showcases how flavors of East and West meet to create a variety of delicious burgers and other entrees in the cozy, soft-lit restaurants. I liked the mapo burger best. Just imagine the flavorful combination of the hot, mildly numb-spicy mapo tofu sauce and grilled 100-percent Australian beef patty, along with a slice of cheddar cheese and a side of french fries. The savory sauce helped highlight the pattys juicy, tender texture and its delicious beef flavor. Matching that Sichuan flavor with cheese created a new taste experience.12


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