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导游试题:旅游英语专业大学英语试卷 I. 在B栏中找出A栏斜体单词的正确释义. (10%) A B. ( )1. mysterious a. hide ( )2. hazard b . arrive as expected ( )3. mask c. move ( )4. pollute d. shock ( )5. proceed e. come near or nearer ( )6. come through f. continue, esp. after an interruption ( )7. exclaim g. danger ( )8. approach h. cry loudly ( )9. stun i. make dirty or unfit for use ( )10. make ones way j. hard to explain or understand A B ( )1. immediately a. in the beginning ( )2. implication b. rise ( )3. indicate c. say directly ( )4. awkward d. a meeting for discussion ( )5. come right out and say e. not knowing what to do ( )6. originally f. right away ( )7. interrupt g. control ones feelings ( )8. hold oneself in h. show ( )9. conference i. sth. suggested but not expressed ( )10. get to ones feet j. break the flow of speech or action II. 选择正确答案填空. (5%) 1. The movie star _ with your sister , didnt he? A. was used to dance B. used to dancing C. used to dance D. was used to dancing 2. The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, _. A. her long hair flowed in the breeze. B. her long hair was flowing in the breeze. C. her long hair flow in the breeze. D. her long hair flowing in the breeze. 3. Mother insisted that _. A. they are to be back before nine in the evening. B. they ought to be back before nine in the evening. C. they be back before nine in the evening. D. they had to be back before nine in the evening. 4. The professor paused as if _ his students to ask questions on the point he had just made. A. expecting B. to expect C. expected D. to have expected 5. I couldnt understand why he pretended _ in the bookstore. A. to see me not B. not to see me C. not see me D. to see not me 6. The classr oom was almost empty _ a desk or two. A. besides B. except for C. except D. In addition to 7. It was in that small room _ they worked hard and dreamed ofbetter days to come. A. what B. in which C. which D. that 8. _, you must show your ticket to go into the cinema. A. No matter whoever you are B. Whoever you are C. Whomever you are D. No matter who are you 9. _ that the left side of the human brain is responsible for logic. A. It generally is believed B. It is believed generally C. It is generally believed D. Generally it is believed 10. Scientists didnt know much about lung cancer _. A. before long B. until recently C. long before D. in the past few years III. 选择与划线单词意义相近的词。(5%) 11." You are a liar. " she exclaimed. A. wept B. cried out C. sighed D. insisted 12. Are you positive that the boy you saw in the corridor was Peter ? A. right B. wrong C. sure D. doubtful 13. They occasionally stop by to see us. A. often B. seldom C. usually D. once in a while 14. All her doubts vanished after she read the letter from Jimmy. A. broke B. disappeared C. decreased D. grew 15. The judge suspected the truth of the evidence provided by witness. A. doubted B. believed C. guessed D. realized 16. I answered the letter immediately. A. at once B. briefly C. quickly D. swiftly 17. Betty was nervous whenever she saw her history teacher. A. delighted B. relaxed C. disappointed D. tense 18. We waited more than half an hour for Beth but eventually we had to leave without her. A. actually B. in the end C. afterwards D. reluctantly 19. The police are looking into the mysterious disappearance of a two- year-old girl from her home in Florida. A. finding out B. handling C. studying D. investigating 20. As long as you keep trying, youll certainly succeed. A. As B. Because C. No matter how D. If IV. 将括号内的中文译成英文。(6%) 1. They didnt invite me, _ (也没有邀请我父母). 2(尽管大卫很爱他的女儿)_, he is strict with her. 3(就这个方法本身而言)_, it is worth trying. The trouble is we dont have enough hands.4 They hurried me, _ (结果我在离开前忘了关电视机)。 5 I am sure we are safe _(只要在你的关心下). 6_(就结构而言), The house isnt worth the price theyre asking. V. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(16%) 1. imply, implication, implied 1). She did not actually say that our plan was utopian(空想的),but that was the _. 2). Are you _ that I am a liar? 3). Can you figure out the _ meaning of his statement? 4). The teacher smiled, with the _that he didnt believe me. 2. surprise ( v.) surprise (n.) surprising, surprised, surprisingly 1). I was _ to hear that Tom had failed his exam. 2). Aunt Sophia paid us a _ visit last Sunday. 3). _, our team lost for the first time in ten years. 4). The news _ all of us. 5). It is not _ that Jack got fired because he was always daydreaming at work. 6). A look of _ came into his eyes as he read the telegram. 3. respond, response, responsibility, responsible, irresponsible 1). The suggestions we put forward at the meeting met with little _. 2). Mary _ to the news by weeping all day. 3). It is _ of her to leave the children alone in the house. 4). Who is _ for the accident? 5). Mr.Black was fully aware that his new post as general manager was a position of great _. 6). Every adult ( except a mad person) is _for his actions. 4. correct (v.) correct (a.) incorrect correctness correctly 1). _translation of a single word could lead to misunderstanding 2). The teacher was busy _ our exercises books when we called at his house. 3). You are _ in thinking that my brother is a little bossy. 4). Facts have proved the _ of his theory. 5). I kept practicing until I was able to pronounce these words _. 6). He spent a lot of time _ my pronunciation. 5. smooth (v.) smoothness smooth (a.) smoothly1). The plane landed _. 2). Mother is _the sheets so that the bed may be more comfortable. 3). His path in life had been q uite _ until he lost his job this spring. 4). Many Western visitors are impressed by the _ of Chinese silk and satin.(缎子) 5). Before you paint the board, you have to _it with sandpaper. 6. die, death, dead, deadly (a.), deadly (ad.) 1). One winter morning the beggar was found lying _in the snow. 2). Peace-loving people all over the world want these _ weapon(武器)done away with(废除). 3). He is _ serious about the matter. 4). She died for the people. Her _ is weightier than MountTai.(泰山). 5). When the ambulance (救护车) reach the hospital, the wounded solider was already _. VI. 根据所给单词填空,注意时态的正确应用。(14%) potential differ over and over again be responsible for compared to vanish caught up in dream of equipment amount put.to good use recall universe physical 1.I have pointed out those grammatical mistakes to him _ , but he still keeps making them. 2. If you dont know how to _ your books _, give them to others. 3. If we compare our earth with the moon, we will find that the former _ from the latter in many ways. 4. Who do you think _the failure of the experiment. 5. We were so _the TV program that we forget about the time. 6. When he was young he _traveling round the world. 7. The farmer had looked all over for his pick(镐), but in vain(白费力). It seemed to _. 8. These young people have a _ for learning which has been neglected. 9. _most women of her time, she was indeed very fortunate. 10. Americans who were old enough can clearly _what they were doing on November 22, 1963, the day President Kennedy was assassinated(暗杀) in Dallas. 11. His new theory might hold the key to understanding how the _Came into being. 12. A _ examination is required for a marriage license(证书). 13. Knowledge of the use of specialized _is important in any technical field. 14. Students often, but not always, find it necessary to_ of their professors lectures. hazard as to based on conclusion type proceed widen ougrow stick up crash into give off indicate threaten known as originally 1. The mans eyes _ with fear when he saw the robbers gun. 2. The doctors report _that her death was due to heart disease. 3. Medical researchers reached the _long ago that smoking is a serious _ to health. 4. George Washington , the first President of the United States , is _ the Father of His Country. 5. The fire that broke out in the plant during the night was still seen _ a lot of smoke the next morning. 6. They have invented a new _ of washing machine. 7. The movie we are going to see is said to be _ _the life story of an American general. 8. The fence along the middle of the road is intended to protect vehicles from _each other. 9. The coat fits the boy perfectly now, but he will _it in a years time. 10. My native town, which was _ rather small, has now been built into one of the biggest cities in the province. 11. The twin(成双的) towers of the World Trade Center _over Manhattan Island in New York. 12. The speaker said something about the actors first and then _ to talk about the film. 13. We had a long debate_ whether we should spend so much money on space technology. 14.The flood are _most of the villages in the area. VII. 阅读理解。(30%) Passage 1 Michael Jackson has been singing popular music since he was five years old. He is now 29. Five years ago, he recorded the most successful record album(唱片集) of all time. It was called Thriller. That album won eight Grammy awards (葛莱美奖) from Americas recording industry. It sold morethan 38,000,000 copies. And one of the biggest hits on that album was this song called Beat It. Michael Jackson was born in the middle western city of Gary,Indiana, in 1958. He began singing with his four brothers . They called the group "The Jackson Five". The group became very popular after appearing on a television Program. One of their hit records was Never Say Goodbye. Michael Jackson now lives in California over the years , he has several operations(手术) to change th e appearance(外形) of his face. Michael no longer sings with his brothers. He is now working alone. He has just released (发行) a new record album. It is called Bad. ( ) 1. What does Michael Jackson do? A. He is a worker from Americas recording industry. B. He is an American singer. C. He is a teacher in a middle school. D. He is a famous player. ( ) 2. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the word "hit" means- A. giving a blow(击) B. album C. copy D. successful performance(表现) ( ) 3. From this passage we know _ A. Michael Jackson sings popular music everywhere in the world B. Michael Jackson was born and lived in the United Stated. C. Michael Jackson was born and lived in California. D. Michael Jackson was born in India. ( ) 4. Michael Jackson _ A. doesnt look the same as before. B. looked the same as before. C. looks more beautiful now than before D. does not look as beautiful as before. ( ) 5. The writer tells us here that _ A. his brothers like Michael Jackson very much B. " The Jackson Five only appear on TV. C. Michael Jacksons singing is very popular. D. Jacksons new record album is the most popular. Passage 2. One of the favorite foods in the United States is the hamburger, a kind of flat round bread with fine-cut beef in between. The favorite place to buy a hamburger is a fast food restaurant . At fast food restaurant, people order their food, wait a few minutes to get it over the corner, and carry it to their tablesthemselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes. At some fast food restaurant, people can order their food pay for it and pick it up without leaving their cars. There are many kinds of fast food restaurant in the United Stated. Most of the restaurant sell hamburgers or other popular foods among Americans. In addition, there are many fast food restaurant that serve Chinese food, Italian food, chicken, seafood and ice cream. The idea of a fast food restaurant is so popular that nearly every kind of food can be found in one. Fast food restaurant are popular because they show the American way of life. First, they are not formal restaurant. People wear any type of dress when they go to a fast place. econd, they are fast. People who are busy dont want to spend time preparing their food or waiting while someone else prepares it. In fast food restaurants, the food is usually ready before the customer even orders it. Finally, most food in a fast food restaurant is not expensive. Therefore, people can often eat at a fast food restaurant without spending too much money. While they may not be able to go to more expensive restaurant very often. ( ) 1. Which of the following is not true according t the passage? A. Chinese food is also served in some fast food restaurant. B. People can have almost every kind of food in fast food restaurant C. Fast food is usually expensive D. Fast food can be taken out of the restaurant. ( ) 2. Fast food restaurant are popular because they_ A. are many B. are fast C. are expensive restaurants D. serve expensive food ( ) 3. According to the writer , Americans people_ A. are always busy B. prefer ordinary type of dress C. do not want to spend too much time preparing their food D. go to more expensive restaurant very often ( ) 4. According to the passage , the favorite restaurant in the U.S areA. the Chinese restaurant B. the fast food restaurant C. more expensive restaurant D. less expensive restaurant ( ) 5. The best title for the passage would be _ A. Fast Food Restaurants in the U.S. B. The Favorite Food in the U. C. The American Way of Life D. Different Kinds of Restaurant passage 3. Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge . For many thousands of years it was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants , but from what we can observe of pre-industrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid(金字塔)for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of peoples, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tool, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes.Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of " knowledge" at all. Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become , the farther away We move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid(兰花). When our Neolithic(新石器时代的) ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season, the first great step in a new association of plants and humans was taken. Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops.From then on, humans would increasing take their living from the controlled Production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild - and the accumulated(积累的) knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy(亲密,亲近) with plants in the wild would begin to fade away. 1. Which of the following assumptions about early humans is expressed in the passage? A. They probably had extensive knowledge of plants . B. They thought there was no need to cultivate crops. C. They did nit enjoy the study of botany. D. They placed great importance on the ownership of property. 2. According to the passage, why has general knowledge of botany begun to fade. A. People no longer value plants as a useful resource B. Botany is not recognized as a special branch of science. C. Research is unable to keep us with the increasing numbers of plants D. Direct contact with a variety of plants has decreased. 3. In the second sentence of paragraph 2 in the passage, what is the authors purpose in mentioning " a rose, an apple, or an orchid"? A. To make the passage more poetic B. To cite examples of plants that are attractive C. To give botanical examples that all readers will recognize. D. To illustrate the diversity of botanical life. 4. According to the passage , what was the first great step toward the practice of agriculture? A. The invention of agriulture implements and machinery. B. The development of a system of names for plants C. The discovery of grasses that could be harvested and replanted. D. The changing diets of early humans 5. The relationship between botany and agriculture is similar to the relationship between zoology (the study of animals) and _ A. deer hunting B. bird watching C. sheep raising D. horseback riding VIII. 将下列句子译成英语。(14%) 1 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。 2 我已了解清楚,他的结论是以事实为根据的。 3 那个国家一再卷入对外战争。 4 一辆卡车驶进了学校积雪覆盖的操场。 5 亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面比他兄弟的要好。6 就是在那间斗室里,他们勤奋地工作着,憧憬着美好的未来。 7 我怎么能为他讲的话负责呢? 芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄袄芇莃蒁羆膀艿蒀肈莆薈葿螈膈蒄蒈袀莄莀蒇羃膇芆薆肅罿薄薆螅膅蒀薅羇羈蒆薄聿芃莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁芁薇薁羃肄蒃薀肆芀荿蚀螅肃芅虿袈芈膁蚈肀肁薀蚇螀莆蒆蚆袂腿莂蚅羄莅芈蚄肇膇薆螄螆羀蒂螃衿膆莈螂羁罿芄螁蚁膄芀螀袃肇蕿蝿羅节蒅蝿肇肅莁螈螇芁芇袇衿肃薅袆羂艿蒁袅肄肂莇袄


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