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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 教案 人教新课标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 教案 人教新课标版.doc

2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 教案 人教新课标版第一课时( From Section A 1a to Grammar focus )教学目标:1.知识目标: A.词汇:复习或新学物体名词及描述性形容词 scarf, tennis balls, dictionary, CD, camera, bike, calendar, photo album, boring, expensive, cheap, special, personal, creative B.句型:掌握下列句型 What should I get my sister? Why dont you get her a camera? How ( What)about some tennis balls? Thats too boring. Thats not creative enough.2.能力目标:通过所学句型,熟练地征询建议和提出合理性建议,并能准确地发表自己对某物某事建议的评估。3.情感目标:学习内容及谈话的主题贴近学生的生活,激发学生学习英语的欲望和兴趣,使他们乐于参与各种英语实践活动;另外也培养同学之间和睦相处,团结合作的团队精神。教学重点及难点: 重点: 1.学习运用重点句型 What should I get her for her birthday? Why dont you get her a scarf? 2.学习使用描述性形容词 难点:get sb sth 在特殊疑问句中的应用,Why dont的正确使用过程与方法: 1.采用教学图片 幻灯片 实物展示来展开课堂pairwork问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动。 2.师生互动来带动生生互动,并由点带面,又由面带动整体,最后达到全体同学之间的交流, 2.运用Discussion 和Classifying的学习策略来引导学生们进行听力和口语交际训练。 3.应用拓展:采用辩论 归纳和总结的方式引导学生们了解不同的场合不同的人物适合送不同的礼物。教学设计:Task One:情景创设,导入新课1.教师出示实物 教学图片或放映幻灯片,复习旧单词,引入新单词。 教师提问:Now please look at these things. First, can you tell me what they are? 学生按顺序回答: Its a scarf/CD/bike/photo album/ 教师提问:Now, which do you want if its a gift for you? And which one dont you want? And why?(学生们自由发言,各抒己见)同时展示物体,让学生们跟读物体名词及描述性形容词。2.引导学生们读(1a)的内容,将描述性形容词与物品一一对应,完成(1a)内容。3.引入句型及对话,展开课堂问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动。同时引导学生们使用所学句型谈论自己关于礼物的喜好,可采取师生互动带动生生互动的方式。教师导入情景:bout the gift, you have different ideas. So now I have a problem. I hope I can get your help. Tomorrow is my sisters birthday. What should I get her for her birthday?(反复重复,让学生们跟读)个别同学提出自己的建议(所用句型可以是不同的)For instance: S1:I think a scarf is OK. S2:You should give her a CD. S3: I Think its better to give her a ball. 教师提问原因:Why? Or Why dont I get her a camera?(反复重复)同学回答,应用描述性形容词。4.学生以小组为单位进行辩论,教师帮助学生们使用第三人称做主语进行提问 应用句型:What should our teacher get her sister for her birthday?I think he should . How about ? Why doesnt he get her a ? Task Two:师生互动,完成听力训练任务1.播放(1b)部分的录音,引导学生完成(1b)的教学内容。2.播放(2a)部分的录音,引导学生选出正确的答案,完成(2a)。3.重放(2a)部分的录音,在表格中填入对话中涉及到的物体及描述性形容词,完成(2b)部分的听力训练任务。 在此过程中讲解对话里enough修饰形容词的用法,并进行适当的练习。Task Three:合作交流,巩固提高 1.引导学生展开Pair work活动,完成(2c)部分口语交际的教学任务设想父母朋友兄弟姐妹要过生日了,根据他们不同的爱好,选择不同的礼物 教师导入:Think of a friend or a family member who is having a birthday soon. Then discuss with your partner what to get this person.2.学生们展示对话,教师要对错误进行纠正。归纳上述学生对话中提到的人物及礼物名称,教师总结:When we give a gift to someone, we had better give something that he or she likes.A same thing cant be given to different people for their birthdays.Task Four: 应用拓展,课外探究,德育渗透教师引导学生们以小组为单位讨论一个他们所熟悉的名人,并探讨送他们什么礼物,而且要模拟购物和送礼物的场景。(接上一环节)教师导入:Now most of you are some famous persons fans. You often want to give something to him or her. But what should you get him or her when you meet them? And how can you send it to him or her? Or what will you say to him or her? Now please work together in groups and act it out. (教师可以参加讨论也可扮演一个名人,总之要参入到学生的活动中。) 作业 每个小组对比其他组的对话找出优点与欠缺的地方,修改自己的对话,并把抄好的对话放入成长记录袋里.第二课时 (Section A 3a-4)教学目标:1.知识目标:.语法:现在完成时的用法.句型:Whats the best gift Joe has ever received?2.能力目标: 通过所学句型能熟练地正确表达自己收到的最好礼物及何人在何地赠送3.情感目标:学习内容和话题从学生的生活出发,使每个学生都能参入进来,都有话可说,以此激发学生学习英语并使用英语的欲望和兴趣;正确引导学生们树立正确的消费观念.教学重点及难点: 重点:重点句型What the best gift Joe has ever received? Whats the best gift you have ever received?难点:现在完成时的用法过程与方法: 1.通过图片,物体实物和听力练习熟悉所学句型 2.以Pairwork 和Groupwork形式反复练习,来展开课堂问答式的口语交际活动 3.采用Discussion and Guess的学习策略调动学生的积极性教学设计:Task One:情景创设,由复习旧课导入新课1.教师出示实物,教学图片或幻灯片引导学生进行Pairwork。复习上节课内容(物体名词,描述性形容词及句型) 教师导入:Therere some gifts here. What do you think of them? Talk about it with your partner学生活动:S1 : What is that? S2: Its a camera./ photo album/- S3: What do you think of it? S4: I think its too expensive/personal/not creative enough/ 2.教学新句型:教师展示一件礼物,导入新课:Now its a photo album. Among all the gifts that I received, I like it best. Because its my classmate_ Zheng Yifan who gave it on my fourteenth birthday. And I put a lot of old photos in it. I often looked at them when I missed my middle school classmates.(Say it again and again and ask them to answer questions.) 师生互动:A: T: Whats the best gift I have ever received? S1: Its a photo album. T: When did I get it? S2: On your fourteenth birthday. T: Who gave it to me? S3: Your classmate_ Zheng Yifan.(反复重复每个问句,慢慢让学生们熟悉,并讲解第一个问句)B: 用相同句型询问不同的学生同时让学生展示物品: T: Whats the best gift you have ever received? S4: Its a pet dog. T: When did you get it? S5: On my tenth birthday. T: Who gave it to you? S6:My father.Task Two:合作交流,师生互动,互相探索1.学生进行Pairwork对话练习,运用第二人称进行互动交流 要求:记住伙伴所说的内容,为下一环节做准备 2. 针对以上活动内容运用第三人称进行师生互动和生生互动(1)Make the conversation in groups.教师先找个别学生询问, T: Whats the best gift your partner has ever received?S6: A bike.T: When did she get it?S6: She got it on her tenth birthday.T: Who gave it to her?S6: Her father.之后,组织学生们以组为单位交换伙伴,用以上句型互相询问第三人的情况(运用第三人称) 3.用所学知识进行应用练习,完成(3a)内容 Student A looks at the form in (3a). Student B turns to page 87.Exchange information and fill in the chart. Task Three:巩固提高,实践应用1.根据完成之后的表格,引导学生用陈述句的形式分别介绍Joe, Maria, Tom, Vera有关的内容,进行给材料口头作文的练习2.Play a game.引导学生们完成(3c),调动积极性. Tell the class what I am going to do for someones birthday. Then ask the students to guess the person. For instance: T: Im going to buy a special gift for someone. Can you guess who it is? S1: Is it someone in your family? T: Sorry, it isnt. S2: Is it someone in our class? T: Yes, it is. S3: Is it an old person?Task Four:知识的深化拓展与所学知识的综合运用,德育教育的渗透 放映一段有关学生之间送礼的录象或调查报告,让同学们自由评述现下送礼成风和送礼贪大贪贵的现象及讨论作为一名中学生应如何对待。布置作业作文:针对上述讨论内容,以自己或身边的人发生的事为例阐述自己的观点。第三课时(Section B, 1a-2c)教学目标:1.知识目标:.复习或学习下列词汇:pet,cat,dog,hamster,snake,spider,goldfish,turtle,mouse,parrot,pig,rabbit,easy to take care of,hairy,boring,difficult,popular,friendly,hair,nice,scary,interesting,quiet,clean ,noisy,unusual .句型:Cats are the most popular pets. Dogs are too difficult to take care of.2.能力目标: 能列举出尽可能多的家里的宠物及宠物商店里的宠物,并能运用所学句型去谈论哪些最受欢迎、哪些最不平常。3.情感目标:引导学生从学生的生活出发,发表对宠物的看法。教学重点及难点: 重点:重点句型:Cats are the most popular pets. Dogs are too difficult to take care of.难点:句型:Dogs are too difficult to take care of.过程与方法: 1.通过图片,物体实物和听力练习熟悉所学句型由一段听力引出宠物话题2通过宠物图片快速回忆单词及形容词重点短语的用法3.以Pairwork 和Groupwork形式反复练习,来展开课堂问答式的口语交际活动教学设计:Task One:情景创设,由复习旧课导入新课1. 由一段听力引出宠物话题2. 教师导入:T.play the tapeListen to a piece of record.A girl is choosing a birthday gift for his friend Bob.What gift does the girl want to buy for Bob ? A dog,a cat or goldfish?学生活动:学生听录音给出答案 A dog3. 通过宠物图片快速回忆单词及形容词重点短语的用法师生互动:老师提问学生是否喜欢宠物,养过宠物没有,对宠物有什么看法。学生根据实际情况作出回答,答案可以不同。T:1. Do you like pets?Have you ever kept a pet?Do you know these pets?(Show some pictures) 2.: What do you think of these pets?(Which do you think are good pets ?what are bad pets?)What kind of pet do you want to keep?why? pare these pets and give your opinion on them.S:1.Identify these pets on puter2pare good and bad pets3.Pairwork.try to say pets as many as they can. Give ment on each pet.What pet do you want to keep?I want to keep a.why dont you keep a .?A cat?Oh,no. Its too.to.How about a.?教师对学生的回答给予点评。Task Two:1.播放(2a)部分的录音,引导学生完成(1b)的教学内容。2.播放(2b)部分的录音,引导学生将宠物与叙述搭配起来。教师在此过程中讲解重点句型Dogs are too difficult to take care of的用法,并进行适当的练习。Task three:合作交流,师生互动1引导学生看图,那些可以作为宠物,并说明原因。2运用所学句型进行讨论,如: A: I think a dog is a good pet fora 6-year-old child.B: Really? I dont agree. Dogs are too difficult to take care of.A: How about.?B:.引导学生展开Pair work活动,完成(2c)部分口语交际的教学任务3特别的礼物送给特别的人:采用师生问答的方式,学生依次回答.学生们展示对话,教师要对错误进行纠正。Task Four:知识的深化拓展与所学知识的综合运用分组讨论:中学生是否可以养宠物1 将学生分成四人小组2 运用下列句型进行讨论:I(dont)think middle school students can keep pets.Its good for students toIt can make the students3. 分组陈述各自的观点,最后由老师进行点评.作业: 作文:你怎样看待养宠物? 就养宠物一事给别人提出建议.第四课时(Section B3a-shelfcheck)教学目标:1、知识目标:.词汇:pot-bellied,popular,advantages,disadvantages,tooto,need, named, make,rather than ,instead.能运用所学句型对养宠物发表看法;不同的礼物送给不同的人2、能力目标1、能运用所学句型对养宠物发表看法;2、学会用学过的句子编写对话;3、情感目标1、通过对课文的学习,培养学生的逻辑思维能力;2、通过对课文基本句型的学习,培养学生综合运用知识的能力。二、教学重点、难点1、学习掌握课文中的重点词汇2、学习描叙宠物为什么受欢迎及养宠物的优缺点 三、教学过程设计:Task one:创设情景,寓教于乐。教师带领学生复习有关描述宠物的词汇,采用教师提问学生回答的方进行。如:T:What animals do you think would be good pets?What animals do you think would be bad pets?What do you think are good animals for a six-year-old child?然后学生进行 pairwork 练习。Task two: 师生互动,学习探究 1、播放3a部分的录音,引导学生一边听录音,一边跟读。2、通过听录音学生回答以下问题:Why do you think pot-bellied pigs are popular?What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping such a pet?教师对学生的回答进行及时点评。3学习范文,学习重点短语,为下步的模仿写作提供语言素材。T :1. )Have you ever kept a pig as a pet?Do you like pigs? St.:No.Why dont you like to keep a pig? St: No.Theyre too dirty and lazy (Do you know in some foreign countries like Hollyland, Australia,pigs are the most popular pet.theres a kind of pig.(图)it has an interesting name? it s called a pot-bellied pig.) Now,lets learn an article about this kind of interesting pet.2.)play the tape St.:Listen and repeat3.)show some Qs on puter(本子St.: read silently,then answer the Qs(本子)4.)Ask ss. Close book and retell this passage.(what is a pot-bellied pig? Is it a good or bad pet? ) St.: retell it to each other“A pot bellied pig is a popular pet now”5.read the article together.St.:.practice reading4、引导学生用所给词语写一篇关于hamsters 的短文。找几个同学在全班交流,对优胜者进行表扬。5、引导学生进行关键词自我检测,完成自我评估,复习所学的重点词汇,完成第l部分的教学任务。6、 引导学生阅读第二部分,同时重点词汇和重点句型的用法:enough, give away to, rather than, instead ; 自读短文,回答下列问题:What kind of gifts do people give in Japan?Do they open the gifts they received? Why?What kind of gifts do people give in Canada?What kind of gifts do people give in the USA?What kind of gifts do people give in Sweden?Task three:师生互动,学习探究 1、把学生分成四人小组,谈论在家里养宠物的优缺点;每组选出一名同学在全班交流。教师对学生的看法给予评价。2、引导学生运用所学词汇和句型写一篇短文: 谈谈在你的朋友和家人中最受欢迎的礼物。 Task four: 合作交流,巩固提高计划新年礼物 先让学生独立去做,消化本单元所涉及的单词和基本句型。然后再把自己的打算告诉组内的其他同学,由自我学习过度到合作学习,并在充分思考后练习了语言口头表达。Teacher: When New Year es,maybe youll buy something for your parents or friends. What you are going to buy? Please make a plan for New Years gifts.Gifts for my family and friendsPeopleGiftsmentsMy momA sweaterShe likes things that are beautiful. Her old sweater isnt beautiful enough.操作建议:1、 老师给每一位同学发一张如上的表格.2、 仿照老师的示例,写出自己计划购买的礼物及理由3、 在小组陈述自己的计划4、 选出代表在全班陈述,达到大家互相学习的目的作业:写一篇短文介绍自己家里或朋友家里所养的宠物的优缺点第五课时(Reading)教学目标:1.知识目标:.词汇:host, try to, as well as, all over China, encourage, find out, take an interest in, a good way to do make friends with, the Olympic Games,the Olympic mittee. 学习讨论学习英语歌曲对学习英语的帮助2.能力目标: 通过学习短文能培养学生的阅读理解能力3.情感目标:学习英语歌曲可以促进学生的英语水平,激发学生学习英语的欲望和兴趣,开辟学习英语的新途径教学重点及难点: 重点:本课的重点词汇难点:阅读的方法教学设计:Task One:创设情景,导入新课1、教师唱一首英语歌曲2、教师让学生把所知道的、所喜欢的英语歌曲列出来,在全班交流3、教师提出问题:Can singing English songs help your English? How can singing English songs help your English?教师对学生的回答进行点评Task Two:合作交流,师生互动,互相探索1. 引导学生阅读短文,回答以下问题:What is the passage mainly about?How many singers entered the contest?How old were the singers?Why did Jiang Mei win? 同桌之间互相问答,教师巡回指导 2. 集中解决重点词汇,指导学生作好笔记3. 让学生快速浏览课文,完成3a 部分的选择题,同学之间可以互相讨论Task Three:巩固提高,实践应用11.) 教师询问学生是否用过文中介绍过的学习英语的方法2.) 把学生分成四人小组,讨论还有哪些学习英语的方法3.)每组选出一名同学把这些方法介绍给大家2. 根据课文写一篇故事梗概,在小组交流, 教师巡回指导Task Four:知识的深化拓展与所学知识的综合运用让同学们写出如果要成为xx年奥运会的志愿者有哪些途径,可以询问同桌征求他们的意见。作业 作文:写一篇短文阐述学习英语歌曲对学习英语的帮助新目标英语八年级上册第三单元重点知识小结一、 易混词语gift-presentexpensive-dear-cheapspend-pay-take-costnearly-almostboth-allever-nevermovie-filmperhaps-maybe二、 常用词组1. turn to 2. fall asleep3. take care of4. all day5. give away6. pay for7. rather than8. in different ways9. on stage10. all over China11. make progress12. hear of13. find out14. take an intrest in15. make friends with16. the Olympic Games17. the Olympic mittee三、 重点句子1. Why dont you get her a scarf?2. Dogs are too difficult to take care of.3. David Smith of North London has a pot-bellied pig named Connie.4. Pot-bellied pigs make the best pets.5. It is enough to make her very happy.6. Some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.7. She said studying English helped her win the prize.8. The kind of contest encourage people in China to speak English.四、 语言语法比较品质;提出建议、征求意见


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