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江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 1 Friends》Period 7 Main task教案 牛津版

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江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语上册《8A Unit 1 Friends》Period 7 Main task教案 牛津版

8A Unit 1 FriendsPeriod 7 Main taskTitle(课题)Main task Type(课型)New新授课Period(课时)7Supporting theories(理论支持)1)建构主义学习理论强调教学必须以学生为中心,强调学生对知识的主动探索、主动发现和对所学知识在原有经验基础上的意义生成,要求教师由知识的传授者、灌输者转变成为学生主动建构知识的帮助者、促进者,学生学习的合作者。因此我在设计活动时,基本以生生互动为主,充分调动学生的积极性和参与度,真正成为学习的主人。 2)布鲁姆认为:情感的前提特征在学习中起25的作用。学生如果对英语学习有兴趣,并充满信心地去把握它,学习中会出现极大的自制力和恒心,反之如果学生对英语失去兴趣,就会消极对待它,最终造成不可救药。因此,我在上课时尽量使课上得生动有趣,上课面向全体学生,让大家有实践的机会,注意讲课的形式多样化或用手势、表情、动作让学生理解所学内容,有时采取唱歌、讲故事、表演等多样化方法使学生乐学英语。Aims and demands(教学目标)Key points and difficulties(教学重、难点)1) To master some related adjectives to describe peoples appearance, personality and abilities.2) How to write an article about their best friendsTeaching Methods(教学方法) Task-based language learning teaching ; group work; cooperative studyAids: 课前准备(教具、活动准备等) Multi-media; guide learning plan; some pictures 教 学 设 计课前延伸1.Search for information about best friends.2. Finish the exercises of this part.1.让学生通过课前自学,小组内的团结合作解决预习中的一些问题,为上课做准备。2. 养成自学习惯,培养自学能力。 Teaching Plan (授课计划)Studying Plan(学习计划)Aims(设计意图)课内拓展 学导StepRevision and warm upTask1: Play a game named lucky fruit1) The students choose any kinds of fruit they like among eight ones. If one chooses the icon apple, he or she will be asked to describe one person standing for the icon apple. They can use the following sentence structure: He/She is a boy/girl with . He/She has.2) While students say some sentences, the teacher will correct their mistakes if necessary and pay more attention to new words, such as ponytail, dark, pleasant. Task2: Words competition1) The students work in groups to write down as many words as possible on the blackboard that use to describe different people within 2 minutes. FaceEyes Noses Hair General appearance Personality Abilities2) After the students finish, the teacher will add some words they miss. Then the teacher asks the students to read wordlists on page 19 of English book. Task3: Make a chant1) First, the teacher shows them a chant and asks them to read. Then ask them work in pairs to replace the underlined words by themselves to make their own chant. I have a friend named named Bettypretty pretty girl round round face smiling smiling eyes big big nose short short hair forever forever friend2) The teacher asks some pairs to read out their own chant, saying and clapping. 1)By playing a game, I hope to arouse the students interests and revise the new words. 2) Instead of personating these words by the teacher, I engage them in groups to study and help each other. By having a group competition, I hope to involve more students to take part in the class activity. 3) By making a word chant, I hope to practice these words to help students remember these words easily. Step II PresentationTask1: Listening Listen to the second paragraph of the article about Kate three times and ask some students to draw a simple picture of Kate on the blackboard. Task 2: Looking for main points 1)Read Part C on page 20. Look for main points and keywords (who, where, when, what) and underline these sentences. 2) The teacher asks the following questions and students answer.1.Whos Daniels best friend?2.Where does she live?3. When did they get to know each other?4. Whats her personality? 5. Whats her future plan? 1) Instead of questing and answering, I encourage them to draw a picture while they are listening, I hope to reduce the difficulties of listening.练Step IIIPracticeTask1: Match and write Match the picture with each paragraph and write down the main idea of each paragraph. Task2: Work out the structure of writing Introduction Say who your best friend is. Main body Describe his / her appearance. Describe his / her personality. Conclusion Describe his / her future plan.Task3: Do a survey: My best friend Work in pairs. The teacher allows the students to ask anyone in the classroom and write down the main information of his/her best friend and take turns to do so in 3 minutes. Name: _Face: _Eyes: _Nose: _Hair: _General appearance: _Personality: _Abilities: _Task4: Fill in the blanks.Kate is my best friend. She l_ next door. I g_ to know her ten years ago. Kate is t_ and s_. She has a s_ face and a l_ nose, Her eyes are b_ and s_. So she looks p_ and k_. Kate is a c_ girl. She is h_ and she likes to help people. She always wears a s_ on her face and looks h_. Kate likes to work with children. She wants to be a _ when she g_ up. I b_ she will be a very good teacher.Task5: Write an article about their best friends1)With the help of pictures, I want to reduce the difficulties of summarizing the writing structure. 3) The aim of doing a survey is to train their team spirit. 4) The aim of filling in the blanks is to revise their understanding of the article. 5)Writing an article about friends in class provides a real reflection for the teacher to understand the students master of this part. Step IVProductionTask1: Ask some students to read out their own article and let others guess who he/she is if possible and try to find out his/her mistakes. Task 2: Discussion Students discuss the two questions in groups: 1) How to make friends? 2) What are the important qualities of a good friend?Task3: Proverbs about friends The teacher gives them some famous English sayings about friends. For example, A friend in need is a friend indeed.2) Discussing some questions about how to make friends is to arouse students emotional agreement. 3) By giving them some English sayings, I hope to widen their vision. 课后提升Step V Assignment1) Ask them to improve their writings by correcting mistakes by others and scoring each other. 2) Finish related exercise of “配套练习”.3) Preview checkout 控制作业量,既落实双基,又重视知识面的拓宽和能力的提升。(关心学生的认知发展)6


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