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澳洲签证,学习计划篇一:澳洲签证学习计划 签证准备:如何写一份满意的学习计划书 在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),那如何才能写 出一份满意的学习计划书呢?欧美国家,特别是移民国家,如法国,澳大利亚,新西兰,加拿大等国针对留学生签证 的时候往往要求提供学习计划书,通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的 动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,配合 审核您的其它材料决定是否给您发放留学签证,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。 总的来说,学习计划书需要包括以下几方面内容。 1、简单说明自己的学习经历,专业背景及工作经历;2、说明自己进一步求学的动机及 为什么选择该国、该大学与该专业;3、详细的留学时间安排; 4、介绍留学所需资金及来源; 5、对未来职业目标的阐述,留学后回国的理由。学习计划书的行文风格和文章结构与个人陈述有很大不同,不需要太多个性化和感性的 描述,而应该是结构清晰简单,逻辑严密,阐述的事实明确,相关论据有力可信,学成回国 的理由要非常充分,并且绝对不能和申请人的其他材料发生矛盾。 由于使馆的工作人员每天要处理大量的文件,因此学习计划书切不可写的太长,并且说明一个问题最好只用一个段落,段落前加上标题,以便使馆的工作人员对您一段 内容的中心思想一目了然。您的阐述应该非常清晰易读,不能希望让使馆的工作人员从您的 文字中“挖掘”您“潜在”内容。 学习计划书的重点部分是未来的职业计划和留学后回国的理由,通过这一部分来告诉大 使馆您到该国留学后,确实能够对您的职业发展有良好的帮助,并且有可信有力的理由学成 归国。虽然要求学习计划书的国家往往是移民国家,但是由于您申请签证的理由是留学,因 此通过学习计划书一定要消除您任何移民倾向。回国理由要结合您个人的背景经历和家庭情 况给出很合理的解释,如一位拥有多年商业经历的经理获得去新西兰读商业管理硕士课程的 机会,那么阐明他的职业目标是回到中国成为一名跨国公司的高级经理人,而他在中国多年 积累的客户资源和社交圈是一笔非常宝贵的财富,这就是非常强硬并合理的一条回国理由。 特别需要注意的是,学习计划书中关于回国理由等涉及事实论据的地方,不能任意编造。 最后需要强调的是,由于学习计划书在表达上要求非常有条理,逻辑严密,简洁有力, 这是大多数中国申请人所难以达到的,由于语法错误和逻辑关系的失误往往会导致理解的偏 差。因此请专门的机构由专家进行语言上的修改是避免上述弊端的好办法。篇二:2014年澳 洲留学生工作签证计划实施 2014年澳洲留学生工作签证计划实施 据报道,自2014年2月15日起,留学生将在毕业后得到在澳洲寻找工作的机会,因为 政府的留学生工作签证计划将正式实施。 尽管澳洲政府希望通过收紧457签证而将“澳洲人放在就业的第一位”,但移民局却对留 学生大开绿灯。从澳洲大学毕业的留学生自2014年3月23日开始将得到最长4年的居留权, 并可以在澳洲从事任何行业。去年持有“485技术类毕业生”签证的人数飞涨了74%至38210,这与年龄在20至24岁 的澳洲人中在一月份的失业人数相同。移民局数据显示,印度学生占据了此类签证持有者的 40%,而中国学生占14%,尼泊尔人的比例接近8%。 工作签证的放宽令工会大为不满,而工党内部也有人警告称留学生将夺走本地毕业生的 工作。然而,移民部长brendan oconnor认为新政策是“为了使澳洲成为更受欢迎的高质量 留学目的地”。 “485签证持有者并不能保证自己肯定能找到一份工作,”移民部长的发言人昨天说。她表示政府将监控着签证的实施情况,并“根据经济和就业形势做出调整”。“申请者的专业不要求在sol列表中,也无需进行职业评估。”移民局网站上说。 去年底,移民局网站发布了即将实施的毕业工作签证(psw)的更多细节。据悉,现行的 临时居留485签证(tr)将直接改名为临时毕业生485签证(temporary graduate visa), 该签证将分为两类,一类是新出台的psw签证,另一类则是graduate work签证,也就是传 统的tr签证。 两个分类的共同申请要求包括: 1. 两年的澳洲学习(92周的课程)。 2. 必须在满足两年学习要求后的6个月之内申请。 3. 在cricos注册学校用英语学习。 4. 雅思4个6或者oet。graduate work签证要求申请者所学专业在sol专业列表上,需要做职业评估。签证有 效期为18个月。篇三:签证常见问题与学习计划 你为什么要去美国? i want to improve chinese education system by experiencing american education by myself. 为什么选这个学校? 找一下这个教授的校网照片及联系方式,如果不会找,你把他的名字及所在的专业给我, 我来找一下。 为什么要选这个专业?你父母做什么的? both of my parents are working for the government, my father is working in cppcc, you know it is chinese peoples political consultative conference. here is their employment certificate.my parents are working for chinese government now. and these are their business cards. (hand on the cards)你有没有父母的工作证明和家里的房产证? yes, here it is. we have five houses and one is in shanghai, this is the real estate certificate. we already rented it out, here is the rent contract. of course, these are work certificates and house certificates. 你毕业后的打算 i would like to be a teacher in my hometown and contribute to improve the chineseeducation system. study planmy name is huang yitao, i was born in april 27, 1992. from 1999 to 2005 i studied at cixi shiyan primary school, from 2005 to 2008 at cixi shanglin midd1e school, and from 2008 to now im at cixi high school, which is the province-level key high school.每一种类别的签证都是有有效期限。尤其是学生签证,其限制条件多一些。再加上学生 身份的本身就带有多变性,所以对于持有学生签证的我们来说。续签是非常高需求的。与其 临时抱佛脚,不如早一些安排好这些事情,不要让这些事情干扰了自己接下来的学习。今 天就来给大家再盘一遍续签的知识,小伙伴们赶紧对号入座,检查一下自己的签证哦! 学生签证需要续签的情况类别如下 高中/预科/diploma/本科/研究生毕业准备继续攻读更高学位课程,如本科升研究生课程; 更换了新课程或未按时完成课程,签证就已经到期了;一般情况下,大学废过科并从未读过summer或winter school填补的签证到期均需续签; 即将或已经毕业半年内/签证到期前无法保证考出雅思申请tr/psw工作签证,需要续签 或重新规划申请; diy材料准备的不全,对电子签证申请系统不了解,从而导致无法及时递交有效申请, 或错过签证到期时间需要向移民局解释; 573(大学类别)签证转向572(diploma签证)需要提供给移民局的gte*解释信,如不 知如何写而导致的续签搁置等*什么是gte? 2011年11月5日以后,移民局在批准学生签证时,都会更仔细的根据申请的背景和学 习计划来衡量学习的目的是否真实,课程是否合理,以及完成学业后回国的可能性有多大等。可以续签的课程 一,diploma的过渡课程其课程适用于语言/高中/大学未毕业或者已毕业,想继续持学生签证,在悉尼学习生活 的人群。优势在于 : 1. 课程通过率较高,且学费便宜 2. 可获得两年签证 3. 毕业后可以直接入读澳洲大学课程 二,naati翻译课程 naati翻译课程适合大学毕业,雅思未达到总分6或60分技术移民要求的学生。优势在于 : 1.境内最低价格,可豁coe$1000的押金。 2. 可为移民加宝贵的5分,并获得1年的签证。 3. 其naati认证3年有效,是入职的敲门砖,锻炼英文三,master研究生课程diploma/本科毕业非会计或无法通过职业评估及1.5年会计研究生补读半年的学生适合 的课程。优势在于 : 1.学费性价比高. 2.最快1年毕业,拥有中澳认可的研究生学历,并可获得1-2年签证。 3.1.5年补半年的课程或non-award多种入读方式助力,可申请psw工作签证及职业评 估。续签的费用及注意事项续签材料准备 1,在澳洲已完成的所有学历毕业证及成绩单清晰扫描件(包含语言,预科等) 2,新院校的coe或未按时毕业院校的延期coe3,非svp院校需要准备签证到期日期前三个月的存款,或留学贷款(不需要满足三个月) 清晰扫描件或原件,如果存款在父母名下需要提供出生公证 4,需要提供国内住址,澳洲住址,电话,邮箱等个人信息 5,准备预约体检(1年有效),购买留学生保险(cover整个签证长度即可)。 *资金担保金额计算方式:剩余学费+$18600生活费+$2000旅游费 小贴士 留学生需要持有一个有效的签证来使得自己能够合法的在澳洲学习生存,所以请密切关 注自己签证到期的日子哦!篇五:澳大利亚留学签证知识澳大利亚留学签证知识每一种类别的签证都是有有效期限。 尤其是学生签证,其限制条件多一些。再加上学生 身份的本身就带有多变性,所以对于持有学生签证的我们来说。续签是非常高需求的。与其临时抱佛脚,不如早一些安排好这些事情,不要让这些事情干扰了自己接下来的学习。 1 学生签证需要续签的情况类别如下:预科/diploma/本科/研究生毕业准备继续攻读更高学位课程,如本科升研究生课程; 更换了新课程或未按时完成课程,签证就已经到期了;一般情况下,大学废过科并从未 读过summer或winter school填补的签证到期均需续签; 即将或已经毕业半年内/签证到期前无法保证考出雅思申请tr/psw工作签证,需要续签 或重新规划申请; diy材料准备的不全,对电子签证申请系统不了解,从而导致无法及时递交有效申请, 或错过签证到期时间需要向移民局解释; 573(大学类别)签证转向572(diploma签证)需要提供给移民局的gte*解释信,如不知如 何写而导致的续签搁置等.2 什么是gte? 2011年11月5日以后,移民局在批准学生签证时,都会更仔细的根据申请的背景和学 习计划来衡量学习的目的是否真实,课程是否合理,以及完成学业后回国的可能性有多大等。3 续签的费用及注意事项续签材料准备 1,在澳洲已完成的所有学历毕业证及成绩单清晰扫描件(包含语言,预科等)2,新院 校的coe或未按时毕业院校的延期coe 3,非svp院校需要准备签证到期日期前三个月的存款,或留学贷款(不需要满足三个月) 清晰扫描件或原件,如果存款在父母名下需要提供出生公证4,需要提供国内住址,澳洲 住址,电话,邮箱等个人信息5,准备预约体检(1年有效),购买留学生保险(cover整个签证长度即可)。篇二:留学签证.学习计划-范例 1. Introduction of my background My name is XXXXXX. And I come from XXX City, capital of XXX province. I got bachelor degree from XXX University after four years study from 2002 to 2006, focusing on nursing. In the junior year of my undergraduate study, I did clinical practicum at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and at Fangzhuang Medical Center. After my graduation from Peking Union Medical College, I worked as a nurse at The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University. During this period of time, my concentration was on family nursing care and community nursing. And I published three papers on these subjects. From September 2008 to present, I teach Fundamentals of Nursing and Community Nursing Care at Henan Medical College. I participated in two research topics: Research Program on Special Project - Nursing in Higher Vocational Education and Research on Effective Way of Setting up the Best Suited Research Goal for Nursing Student Based on Chinese Medical System. I am going to spend two years at School of Nursing, University of Maryland to finish family nursing practitioner master degree. 2. Why do I choose to study abroad? Chinas nursing education system and professional training of advanced family nursing are in the developing stage. Most schools do not have the ability to offer advanced family nursing training programs. Majority of the medical professionals are lack of formal family care training. There are limited graduates from overseas teaching family nursing classes in Beijing. After graduation from UMD, I will have a good opportunity to become a professor in one of the top nursing schools in Beijing and perhaps become the pioneer in advanced family nursing training field in China. 3. The reasons why I choose to study in the United States Firstly, the United States is the first country which started family nursing program. Over the years of offering this program, the United States has become the leading country in this field. Secondly, the classes offered by the United States cover broad knowledge and they are more in depth. From what I read about student feedback, the students gained valuable knowledge and benefited greatly from the family nursing program offered by the United States. Thirdly, research level and facilities in the United States for nursing program are ranked top in the world. Last, the United State is a country with diversified culture and it will be easier for me to fit in. So I choose United State to further my study. 4. Why I choose to study this major in this university My major is Family Nurse Practitioner, one of specialty of Registered Nursing Training in University of Maryland. Marylands Family Nurse Practitioner in ranks the 5th among all U.S. universities and involves general knowledge in nursing science. It can help me build a solid foundation in family care. Besides, School of Nursing, University of Maryland puts emphasis on integrating education theory into research and practice. Most importantly, almost each theoretical course matches with a practical training course. And it has 24 advance clinical labs, 5 of which are designed for the major of Family Nurse Practitioner. So I am convinced that I will be able to become one of top professors specializing in family care in China within two-years systematical study in Maryland. 5. My capital source and familys support For my future study, I have deposited 360,000 RMB in bank, among which 80,000 RMB is saved by myself and 280,000 RMB is from parents. My family owns three houses, two residential houses and one shop stall. The shop stall asset worth 150,000 RMB that they are planning to sell. They will be more than happy to put the sale income into my education if needed. Both of my parents have stable job and income. My mother is associate chief nurse and my father is an advanced teacher. Their total income is above 100,000 RMB per year. My parents and I financially have done very well over the years. My oversea study wont have negative impact to my parents current lifestyle. 6. Plan after graduation I have a clear plan about my future career. After my graduation, I will come back to Beijing, China. I want to become a professor in one of the nations top universities, such as Peking University Health Science Center or Capital Medical University. I plan to work on research paper in the field of family care based on local demography since China has the population base. Since Chinese Government has started to pay more attention on family care and community healthcare, I am sure I will have a promising future to develop myself in this field in China to realize my dream as one of the top family nursing educators and researchers in China after two years of my study overseas.篇三:签证的学习计划 篇一:签证用英文学习计划书 study plan dear visa officer: its my great honor that ive been admitted to the university of toronto in the program of social science as a transfer student. (although the offer letter didnt mention the specific major, an email that sent from u of t later made sure of the program. the copy version of the email is enclosed with the study plan.) the program will begin on september 13th, 2010. and u of t marked me as “year:3” student. a brief introduction of my background and my choice of sociology my name is yingchu mao, born on june 1st, 1989, in hangzhou, china. currently, i am a sophomore of wuhan university,majoring in editing and publishing science. last semester, ive got a chance to attend the aiesec (one of the largest students organization around the world) youth leadership conference in wuhan. the conference focused on non-governmental organization topic with several excellent speeches made by julie, wei zhang and cong du who worked in wall street for more than 10 years before he quitted and devoted himself to ngo-the chiheng foundation have left me a deep impression and arouse my intense interest on ngo. since going abroad to study the advanced knowledge is what i always have in mind, i started to browse some famous universities websites and finally made a decision to abandon the major im not interested and to transfer to canada given chinese social science is still in the beginning stage and many theories are introduced from western countries. my choice of university of toronto in canada plans to achieve my academic goal first, because i applied as a transfer student, i must try my best to catch up with the regular students there. so i keep practicing english every day, trying to read some original novels and monographs. only in this way can i conquer the language barrier as soon as possible when i start my study in ut. simultaneously, i know that the practice related with the program will include some field research. i wish that i can catch the chance to visit some ngos in canada, and write some reports about their operation patterns in order to learn the advanced modes. career opportunity in china upon my graduation in u of t, i plan to return to china for the following reasons: firstly, my training in sociology will provide skills for jobs in many fields in china, including government, politics, industry, education, journalism and so on. so there are many job opportunities lying ahead of me. but i am particularly interested in working at ngos. there are more and more ngos established in china, such as chiheng, narada, greenpeace(china) and action aid(china). however they just need some more advanced ideas and talents to support the institution. with a degree from world-famous university and my skill in thinking and research that ive been taught when i study in ut, i am confident that i can find a place in chinese ngo that fit me the best. yours sincerely, date signature of applicant有关学习计划! 感觉这个相当相当滴重要感觉vo拒你滴什么学习能力移民倾向这些原因,很大程度上 需要你sp来打消人家滴怀疑!即使你找中介也要自己搞定sp 呵呵把偶自己滴sp贴出来讨论一下。专家高手无视就好 study plan dear visa officer:. my name is *, female, born on 27th of feb * in qingdao, shandong province, china. i received my admission to qingdao university in 2007, majoring in english. after much calculation, i believe that studying abroad to broaden my horizon is a better choice for me. therefore, im applying a further study in canada. in this case, i can not only improve my english, but also have a more challenging and promising major that im interested in -accounting and finance.(第一段主要是把自己滴情况主要表述了一下,以及这个出国打算) the program of accounting and finance offered by seneca college attracts me just like a bridge to a higher education. in this program, many important subjects are provided, such as accounting basics,business statistics,mathematics of finance,organizational behaviour, co-op professional theory, and quantitative approaches to decision making etc. as far as im concerned, those subject regarding accounting and finance are quite necessary to me. i can get a better understanding on accounting knowledge and get closer to a true accountant through them. moreover, im quite interested in the organizational behaviour and quantitative approaches to decision making which can give me a chance to be wiser and of great executive ability. (你必须说清楚你将要学习的专业,大家最好说一下自己的课程,其中具体课程的名字,例如第一学期有些什么重要的课程,第二学期有什么,你感兴趣的,等等,必须写清楚,这样签证官就会觉得你很认真,是过去学习的!课程你自己从学校网站上找,都 找得到。) what i have planned is that after a period of adaptive phase, i will go to a university for a degree and then one-years master. matter what, i want to pass ca (chartered accountant) exam during my study in canada, and then back to china to apply myself into accounting and finance.(提到自己滴目标和打算,让人家感觉你是个很有计划有目标滴好孩子!而且说了自己会回国) 必须回国) in additional, chinas governmental policy is more attractive to me. the government values the returned students more and more highly. with the development of china, large amounts of qualified people are in great demand. accordingly, there are sufficient job opportunities for returned students, and suitable conditions supplied for their personal and professional development. i believe that if i go back to china, i will have a brighter employment prospect. (说出外部条件,偶回国会很好) 应该说,偶滴sp也改了很多遍。一开始滴时候有将近两页捏。而且还弄了outline,写滴相当详细。后来经过不少人指点尤其一个在多college念硕士文凭滴哥哥给了最大滴帮助他就是自己diy而且只是个college人家20多天就来体检表了。唉其实偶米寄掉体检表滴话,也差不多挺快滴。 一些小建议 1,出去念书,以及去这个学校念书,要说出你自己滴意愿!你自己滴原因。千万别说你父母希望你出去。你父母感觉怎么样。而且我觉滴,说自己从小梦想出国也挺牵强。 2,sp一定要拒绝模板每个人滴情况各有不同!而且你需要sp去体现你自己滴想法 坚决不要雷同!雷同卷万一碰上了那就是咔嚓了 3,sp不是要求你写作文华丽滴句子,优美滴词藻这些都不是必须滴。花里胡哨滴。 大汗捏你只要说得明白,讲得清楚,说得让人信服那就是王道! 4,sp最好是一页纸,不要多了,但也不能少,400词左右。偶写滴就有点多,虽 然也是一页但是500多字了。 关于签证时的study plan问题 (包含4个study plan 范例) 寄托天下 2007年03月26日 我要说两句 近来签证时不断有vo问及study plan,我收集了一些类似的,仅供大家参考.美国签证, 这是沈阳领事馆网页上个人简历中对学习计划的要求! 学习计划 : 简洁并详细地描述有关计划学习的领域,包括研究方法,和研究的应用范围。 说明主管教授的名字和他/她的专业领域 说明即将进行此项研究的学院名称和系部名称 在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),本文作者长期从事留学文书写作,因此结合自己的工作经验,介绍一下学习计划书的写作。 一般来说学习计划书可以按照提交目的分成两类,给大使馆申请签证用的,或是给学校申请录取用的。用来申请学校的学习计划从本质上讲和个人陈述是同一类型的文书,关于学校申请类的学习计划书可以参考个人陈述方面的文章,本文主要介绍提交大使馆签证用的学习计划书。 欧美国家,特别是移民国家,如法国,澳大利亚,新西兰,加拿大等国针对留学生签证的时候往往要求提供学习计划书,通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,配合审核您的其它材料决定是否给您发放留学签证,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。篇二:美国f1签证学习计划中英文范本 美国f1签证学习计划中英文范本 来源:转载 2012-4-13 12:31:59 编辑:爱是熬伤的糖 学校名称:特拉华大学 university of delaware 所在位置:美国,newark 学校类型:大学 创建时间:1743年 学校性质:公立 学生人数:23000人 留学学费:40000 美元 美国f1签证学习计划中英文范本 在申请f1签证的过程中,签证申请者经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),目的是通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。本文提供了两份f1签证学习计划样本,希望对大家有所帮助。 study plan范例1: 学习计划样本 many scholars consider the economy as the basic structureof society and the motive power of history. in any event, no one in the world can stay away from the effect of economy. it was with this observation that i chose economics as my major when i was admitted to peoples university. since graduation in july 2000, i have been working as an assistant with the council for economic planning and development, executive zhang. this position enabled me to realize how important the governments economic plans are to peoples livelihood. and i feel that the government of the in order to make greater contribution to the economic development of this country, i wish to further my study in the field of economics, working toward a masters degree at first, and then, if possible, toward a doctoral degree. 中文释义: 许多学者认为经济是社会的基础结构和历史的动力。无论如何,世上没有人能脱离经济的影响。正是出于这一观察,我考入人民大学,攻读经济学专业。自2000年7月的毕业以来,我一直担任经济计划和发展委员会张主任的助手。这个位置使我明白了政府的经济计划对人民生活至关重要,在这一方面,我认为中华人民共和国政府做得很好。近几年来,工业和商业有了飞速发展。 为了在我国的经济发展中作出更大贡献,我希望在经济学领域继续深造,首先获得硕士学位,如有可能,再读博士学位。 在完成学业后,我计划返回中国,去高等学府任教。 study plan范例2: 学习计划范文 i am a student, graduated from baoyang middle school, nanning, guangxi autonomous region, in 2006. i am still studying in high school now, because i was not eolled by the ideal university last year. recently, i have a dream to study abroad. then i search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to new zealand for study. first, new zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. second, the tuition is lower than other countries, which i think is mo re reasonable for me. finally, the climate of new zealand is similar with the climate of the south of china. considering above reasons, i told my parents my plan on going to new zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me. as a girl, i like preschool education since i was young. nowadays, chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. if i study specialized curriculums on preschool education, i will go back china and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.my plan is as follows: first, i plan to study english in language institute for about a half year in new zealand. then, i will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.我是江苏省南京市xx中学2006年高中毕业生,由于未被理想大学录取,我一直在xx中学复读。自2007年起,我受同学的影响,产生了出国留学的念头,于是我通过上网了解到去新西兰留学有比较多的优势。首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有世界先进的教学水平;第二,留学费用比其他国家较低、较合理;第三,气候也与我国南方差不多。因此,我向父母提出拟到新西兰留学的愿望,得到了父母的支持。因为我是女孩子,从小就喜欢幼儿教育。且现代中国的家长对小孩的教育要求比较高,我如果能到新西兰学习幼儿教育专业课程,学成回国后一定能在幼儿教育事业上有作为。所以,我决心到新西兰留学,打算先用半年的时间到语言学院专修英语,过好语言关,再进行幼儿教育专业课程学习。我相信我已经过三年高中课程的学习,又经过一年的复读,在学习能力和知识水平上有了一定的基础。同时我父母都有固定的工作和较丰厚的收入,在留学经费上也会得到父母的全力支持。因此,我一定能较好地完成留学课程。学成回国后,我一定能实现我从事幼儿教育的愿望,并能在幼儿教育事业上实现我的人生价值。 通过对上面两份f1签证学习计划样本的分析,大家应该会注意到,f1签证学习计划的内容主要是描述有关计划学习的领域,包括研究方法,和研究的应用范围,出国留学的目的,以及回国后的计划。只要你把握了这三点,f1签证学习计划就难不倒你。篇三:加拿大留学签证学习计划范文 _ 加拿大留学签证学习计划范文 it is truly my great honor to receive an offer to eoll in the office administration legal program at conestoga college, onta


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