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Unit 4 Words andE xpressionsMarshelmetair tankdried foodpower packsleeping baggravity n. 火星n. 头盔n. 氧气罐n. 干粮n. 电源包n. 睡袋n. 重力 Lets enjoy some videos.Mars 火 星 移 民 1. To know some basic information about Mars2. To imagine what life would be like on Mars3. To learn the new words and useful expressions Listen and answer the questions.2. How does Eddie like life on Mars? 1. Where are they?They are on Mars.Why?Eddie hates Mars. Because of the helmet, he cant get to his food.1. Use different tones (语 气 ).2. A d your own actions to make the dialogue more interesting. 1111Solar SystemWhere is Mars? Mars Do you know anything about Mars? What does it look like?It looks red. So it is also called the Red Planet.火 星 : 太 阳 系 八 大 行 星 之 一 , 按 离 太 阳 由近 而 远 的 次 序 计 为 第 四 颗 , 比 地 球 小 , 公转 周 期 约 687天 , 自 转 周 期 约 24小 时 37分 。公 转 周 期 : 约 687天 自 转 周 期 : 24小 时 37分 22秒 行 星 直 径 : 6794 千 米 质 量 : 6.4191e20吨 Whats the life like on Mars?pillson Marson Earthfood pollution no pollutionon Marson EarthWhats the life like on Mars? breathing oxygen We must wear space helmets to go outside.on Marson EarthWhats the life like on Mars? Do you know what the following things are? They are necessary when we live on Mars.air tank dried foodpower pack space helmetspecial boots computersleeping bagtent Read the conversation and answer the questions.1. Why do we need to wear special boots on Mars?2. What else do we need to live on Mars?3. Why do we have to eat dried food on Mars?4. Is there any pollution on Mars?1.Because theres less gravity on Mars.2. We might need sleeping bag too.3. Because there is no fruit or vegetables.4. We dont know. Amy hopes that there is no pollution on Mars.gravity U (force): the force that attracts objects towards one another, especially the force that makes things fall to the ground Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes. Role-play1 . Role play in groups;2 . Role play in front of the class For example:What would it be like to live on Mars? Well, theres less oxygen on Mars. We would need space helmet and air tank. Right, and we would need special boots, too. I agree with you. And we would have to eat dried food. I think dried food is not quite d icious.Yes, but ther o l be n pollution n Mars. Well, thats quite nice.What would it be like to live on Mars. Work in pairs and discuss with your partner. Use the conversation on page 51 as a model. Discussion Do you like to live on Mars? Why or why not? 1. I cant get to my food. 我 吃 不 到 我 的 食 物 了 。get to 到 达 ; 开 始 ; 接 触 到What time does this train get to New York? 这 列 火 车 什 么 时 候 到 达 纽 约 ? How can I get to Hilton Hotel? 我 要 如 何 才 能 到 达 希 尔 顿 饭 店 ? 1. Wed probably need to wear special boots. 我 们 可 能 需 要 穿 特 殊 的 靴 子 。wear 穿 着 , 戴 着 ; 面 露 ; 留 着 ( 胡 须 等 )When we drove through the gates, she wore a look of amazement.我 们 驶 过 大 门 时 , 她 流 露 出 惊 讶 的 神 情 。 She wears very little makeup. 她 基 本 上 不 化 妆 。 When shes working she wears her hair in a ponytail. 翻 译 下 列 句 子 。1. - 我 从 未 想 过 到 太 空 旅 行 。 - 我 也 是 。2. 生 活 在 火 星 会 是 什 么 样 子 的 ?- Ive never thought about travelling into space.- Me neither.What would it be like to live on Mars? Homework 1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.2. Preview the article:Moving to Mars


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