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The outbreak of SARS, bird flu and Mexican swine flu has warned us that new infectious diseases are emerging at an unprecedented rate around the world and spreading faster than ever. It is now generally accepted that global epidemics are threatening the world.Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:One Way to Fight against Global EpidemicsYou are to write in three parts.In the first part, state what your suggested way is.In the second part, state one or two reasons for your suggestion.In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.One Way to Fight against Global EpidemicsNowadays, new infectious diseases are emerging and spreading faster than ever. Global epidemics have become a serious threat to human health and lives. Worldwide discussions about how to fight against them are ongoing actively. In my opinion, one effective way is to take concrete monitoring and quarantine measures.For one thing, new diseases are emerging at the historically unprecedented rate. Vulnerability is universal. Governments worldwide must keep watch for new threats like the emergence of SARS, new types of bird flu and Mexican swine flu.For another, due to the global boomin air travel, it makes it possible for even just one individual traveling between countries, carrying an infectious disease, to be a threat to others and to cause an alarm or a potential crisis in another country. The WHO also warned that an outbreak of an epidemic in one part of the world nowis only a few hours away from becoming an imminent threat somewhere else. Infectious diseases are now spreading geographically much faster than at any time in history. Thus government health authorities around the world should improve their monitoring of infectious diseases, report outbreaks as soon as they happen and carry out quarantine measures strictly.Only by effective monitoring and quarantine measures can we fight against the increasingly serious threat of global epidemics. Don t wait till winter. Now isthe time to prevent the worse from happening.一、问题解决型1定义:问题解决型作文就是针对命题提出的问题或论题,列举所能够解决的方法、途径, 并对这些方法或途径提出自己的挑选观点, 然后结合自己的认识和体会, 再做出评价 或结论。2写作步骤:第一步:提出论题。针对命题要求,提出论题,阐述其重要性。第二步:列举方法。列举出解决问题的几种方法或途径。第三步:做出评价或选择。根据列出的方法或途径,结合自身体会,做出评价或选择。3 Title:How to Solve the Problem of Heavy TrafficI. OutlineA. Importance of solving the problem of heavy trafficB. Ways to solve the problem of heavy trafficC. My suggestionII. SampleWith population rapidly increasing, heavy traffic has become a big headache for manycities. For this very reason, manygovernment officials and experts have thought up some solutions, among which two draw much attention over the country.Some people suggested that more and wider roads should be laid down. Itis evident that it can relieve the traffic congestion in the streets, thusaccelerating (加速) the flow of buses and cars. And meanwhile, the fast and smooth flow of traffic reduces the air pollution caused by engine-idling. But the disadvantages of this solution lies in the fact that too much land could be usedfor farming or housing will inevitably be occupied by more and more roads. Therefore, others hold that the number of public bus routes should be raised so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel in their own cars or ride bikes. Less use of bicycles and private cars will make the roads less crowded.Unfortunately, there is also a drawback in this solution: it will bring inconvenience to those who live or work far away from bus stop.As neither of the two solutions is effective enough to solve the problemof traffic in cities, I favor a combination of the two. While building more roads in places where land is less useful, we should increase the number of public bus lines. Only in this way can we more effectively solve the problem of heavy traffic.(247words)范文点评:本文严格按照问题解决型作文成文。 作者首先提出交通问题是一个世界性问题, 接着就列举了两个解决的方法,并就其优缺点做了阐述,最后作者提出了自己的观点 综合两者的优点。本文内容切题,每个段落都围绕文章的主题展开,层次清楚,结构严谨;文字连贯,句式多变,是一篇得分较高的文章。4问题解决型作文模版问题解决型模版按照开头、正文和结尾三个部分呈现。供我们研究、模仿,以便快速提高类似作文的写作水平。Part 1: : The Model of Beginning Paragraph1. has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young,and heated debates are right on their way.2. Recently, has become the focus of the society. And in this way, peopleswarm to.3. has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.4. Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of.5. is now ,and at the sametime . These two factors have caused. Then what shall we do to solve in the face of such a situation?Part 2: : The Model of Body Paragraph1. A great number of solutions are being offered. Somepeople suggest that Others argue that.2. There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can , there area number of advantages of . Another solution is to .3. Why? The first reason is that . The second reason is -The third is .4. The eventual result it brings out is . And perhaps the most obviousresult ofis .5. is necessary and important to our country s development andconstruction. First, .What s more, . Most important ofall, .Part 3: ee: The Model of Concluding Paragraph1. Personally, I believe that . Consequently, I am confidentthat a brightfuture is awaiting us because.2. With the development of society, . So it is urgent and necessary to.If every member is willing to contribute himself to society, it will be better and better.3. But for me, I would rather think of the matter in an optimistic way, because I believe .4. My own point of view is that is a normal behavior in our society. Thereis no doubt that . AS an old saying goes, .5. From all the reasons above, we know that great changes had taken place in. And I believe that .Practice :1 The Heavy Burden of College Students2 The Lack of Responsibility of Young People3 How to Solve the Problem of High Tuition in China二、阐述观点型1定义;阐述观点型就是指,对某一个事物、事件或问题的重要性、必要性和正确性、优越性或危害性以及错误性进行的阐述和论证。 也就是通过摆事实、 讲道理的方式, 来说服 读者信服某个观点。这是一种议论文,也可以称为立论文。例如, Benefits of ( Sports ); Advantages of ( City Life ); Importance of( Education );Harmful Effect of ( Development against Nature Law )2写作步骤:第一步:提出论点。针对命题,对命题所涉及的问题或现状进行阐述,然后,提出自己的论点。第二步:论证论点。通过举例、使用事实、数据等方式来论证提出的论点是正确的。第三步:提出建议或方法。在论证的基础上,重申自己的观点,提出自己的建议或方法来解决问题。4 Title:The Problem of Rural WorkersEvery day, millions of workers from the countryside are seen to flow, by every means of transportation, into big cities. Then they will settle down and work foryears there. Although they have made noticeable contributions to the urban expansion, the problems they bring about are not to be ignored.What arouses a series of complaints on the part of city residents is centered round the following problems. Violent competition stands out for job opportunity. Struggling for the already-scarce positions, thousands of the migrants put great pressure on the government as well as on city dwellers. Besides, they are also responsible for the increase in crime rates. Aside from those who are hardworking, some are tempted to steal and rob because of overpopulation against insufficient job openings. What s more, the problem of sanitation is worth mentioning. Since they move into cities without any physical examinations, the spread of some infectious diseases is likely to occur.To make the powerful force of migrants exert its part to the full, city governments must pass a law that will get rural workers registered with a special organization, helping them obtain a job and instructing their life. And some medical teams need to be sent around to make sure that every worker is in good condition and cared for by our governments.(218words)范文点评本文按照阐述个人观点型作文成文。 文章开篇就提出农民工问题, 虽然他们有利于城市的建设和发展, 但是也带来各种不可忽视的问题。 在此作者提出自己鲜明的观点。 接着就列举了农民工入城所带来的问题, 如, 造成就业紧张、 给政府和城市居民带来压力、犯罪率提高问题以及疾病传染问题。 针对这些问题, 作者提出两点建议, 从法律和医疗方面解决农民 工引发的问题。本文层次清楚,逻辑性强。文字连贯,句式有变化,句子结构和用词正确。4阐述观点型作文模版阐述观点型模版按照开头、正文和结尾三个部分呈现。供我们研究、模仿,以便快速提高类似作文的写作水平。Model One: 引言 : There is no consensus of (opinions/ disagreements) amongpeopleas to the view of . Some people suggest that , while some otherpeople argue that . I agree with the latter to some extent.提出自己的论点 : I think.提供论据 , 证明自己的观点 : I can think of no better illustration of the (view/idea) than my own (experience/ example) of. First, Second,.Finally,.结论 : My personal experience leads me to conclude that .Model Two: 引言 : In the past few years, there has bee an growing trend that. People have conflicting views of this fact. Some people support andothers worry. 提出自己的论点 As for what I think,is (beneficial to usin many ways./useful in many ways.)提供论据 , 证明自己的观点 :Firstly, . Secondly, . The lastpoint,.结论 : Therefore, we have no reason to make a fuss about.Model Three: 引言 : For the first time in history, was officiallyadopted(across the country/ all over the world). It has found an immediate welcome and much popularity ever since. 提出自己的论点 : Indeed, there are many obvious advantages to.提供论据 , 证明自己的观点 : First, .Second, . Third,.结论 : benefits more than individually and economically, and with thepassage of time, it will show more profound significance.Model Four: 引言 : In recent years there has been a big growth in the area of . 提出自己的论点 : is popular that it has become an indispensable part in our life.提供论据 , 证明自己的观点 : contribute both to and to .Besides,offers . And most importantly, help to promote结论 : plays a vital role in people s life, and it deserves furtherattention from(the government/ authorities).Model Five: 引言 : Ever since early this century.提出自己的论点 : hasbecome an essential part of our modern life. It has played a decisive role in modern (industry/agriculture/science and technology/natural defense and education).Nobody can deny that the development of our civilization depends on.提供论据 , 证明自己的观点 : If there were no , our modern world wouldbe in trouble. For one thing,. For another,.结论 : Therefore, we should make better use of . We should .Practice :1 The marriage of college students2 The problem of children s addictive computer games3. The declining rate of college student s employment三、观点评论型1定义:观点评论型就是,自己对某个问题的“评论或观点”。在写这类短文时,考生要针对命题提出要阐述的问题, 再从各个方面对这个问题提出考生自己的观点和见解, 并 要着重阐述赞成或是反对这个观点的理由。2写作步骤:第一步:提出问题。针对命题,首先要提出命题所涉及的论题,并且按照命题要求,适当对命题给予讨论和评述。第二步: 提出自己的观点, 表明自己的态度。 根据命题的另一个角度的要求提出自己或他人 的观点和态度。第三步:做出结论。综合前面两步的看法和理由,提出问题解决的方法或实现的途径。3 Title:On Making FriendsAs a human being, one can hardly do without a friend. We need friends to share our joy and sorrow; we consult with friends if there are problems we can not handle alone; we go to friends for help when we are in trouble; and we sometimes confide to our friends what secrets we are reluctant to reveal to our family. In a sense, friends are often more important to us than relatives.But not all who are friendly to each other can be called true friends in the social gatherings. True friendshipconsists in sincerity, mutual trust, andself-sacrifice, both in times of hardship and at the moments of crisis. A true friend does not just tell us what we want to hear but will do what he thinks is best for us in the long run.When I choose friends, I do not care what work they do or what social background they are from, but I do notice those little things which reveal one scharacters. I would make sure that we really care for each other, so that no matter how much time goes by without our seeing each other, I know my friends will always be there, ready to help if I need them. And I know we are true friends indeed.(218words)范文点评:本文第一段论证对朋友的需要。 强调朋友在个方面的重要性, 在某种意义上, 超过了亲 属。接着作者把文章的中心提高到一个新的境界, 论证什么是真正的朋友。 最后, 作者提出 了自己关于朋友的观点和界定。4观点评论型作文模版观点评论型模版按照开头、正文和结尾三个部分呈现。供我们研究、模仿,以便快速提 高类似作文的写作水平。Part 1: Model of Beginning Paragraph1. One of the great writers once said that . Nowit still has a realisticsignificance.2. There is an old saying goes that. It s the experience of ourforefather; however, it is correct in many cases even taday.3. One of our ancient philosophers said, . Chinese people have alwaysbeen holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.4. The English proverb says, . This is quite true because.5. Inour history, the idea that never has been so popular. On onehand, on the other hand,.Part 2: : The Model of the Body Paragraph1. From a personal perspective, I also prefer to because2. The advantages of are much greater than those of .For instance, .3. However, if not managed properly, can create many problems.Sometimes. Furthermore, . Therefore, has been gainingpublic.4. What is more, the essence of is that , although wecannot, most of us.5. To make a moral point, I feel that another reason why I preferis that.Part 3: ee: The Model of Concluding Paragraph1. As regards me, I tend to pick, for. What ismore, .2. For me, is a glory and it is the most important thingI have take into feasible consideration.3. If I were given a choice betweenand , I wouldcertainly prefer . For me,.4. My point of view in largely results from the fact thatPractice ;1 My idea of beauty2 Good social relationship is more important than academic studies3 Success has nothing to do with luck 四、问题分析型1定义:问题分析型作文就是,命题内容是关于社会现象或社会问题的,要求作者分析该问题产生的原因或造成的后果, 这类作文属于说明文体。 作文通常要求考生使用“因果 法”或“比较法”的写作技巧来成文。2写作步骤第一步: 提出问题或现象。 针对命题, 概括性地提所要论述的社会问题和现象的主要特 点。第二步:找出、分析问题的原因或后果。说明问题产生的原因是什么,并且要分析说明 原因造成的后果是什么。第三步:提出建议或解决问题的方法,或对目前无法解决的问题提出展望。4 Title:Juvenile DelinquencyToday, the problem of juvenile delinquency has become serious and widespread in most modern countries. Towns and cities of the most western countries suffer from teenage lawlessness and crime; alcohol drinking and drug-taking have increased everywhere; gangs of youth, male and female, attack law-abiding citizens, or rob shopkeepers. Juvenile courts are overcrowded with offenders. And neither government nor schoolmaster can cure the trouble.There are many reasons for juvenile delinquency. First of all, an attitude of personal irresponsibility in modern society affects young people which encourage rebellion against all forms of established authority. Therefore, drug-taking, violence, and other crimes play their disastrous part, and teenagers become the first victims of the crimes. Secondly, many evils aremade fashionable by a large numberof TV plays, films and books with violence and pornography, which are poisonous to the teenagers mind. Thirdly, some juvenile delinquency stems from the unstable family where parents got divorced. Thus children cannot receive due care and guidance, and as a result they are heading for crimes.Personally, I think that society in every country has the responsibility to care muchmore for the juvenile. This care begins in the homeand involves concern, love and interest by parents; the school can only supplement, but never replace this. Secondly morals must be firmly,yet kindly taught from an early age. TV plays and books concerning violence and pornography must be strictly banned in public places as well as in schools. Finally, also most importantly, teenagers must be encouraged to set a real goal in life and pursue their great ideals.With education from school combined with the care and concern from parents and society, juvenile crimes, may not be completely eliminated, but can be at least reduced to a minimum.(293words) 范文点评 :本文严格按照问题分析型作文成文。开篇作者概括出西方国家青少年犯罪成泛滥之势, 青少年法庭已经拥挤不堪, 而西方政府和学校对此无可奈何。 接着作者从三个方面出发, 比 较深刻地分析、 挖掘了青少年犯罪的原因。 最后, 作者从社会、 学校和家庭提出了三点建议。4问题分析型作文模版问题分析型模版按照开头、正文和结尾三个部分呈现。供我们研究、模仿,以便快速提高类似作文的写作水平。Part One : The Model of Beginning Paragraph1. Last (week/ month), I visited a friend of mine and found that . The(case/story/incident) is not rare. It has now drawn much nationwide attention to the issue/problem of .Wemay trace this problem back to , but it does not answer the questionof why.2. Perhaps nothing is more (dominant/popular/important/harmful/dangerous )in (the modern world/Chinese family/school/society) than . According to arecent (study/investigation/poll)80% teenagers (people/women) are (addicted to/indulged in /interested in) doing.True, it does some good to us, but when we applaud its benefits, we must acknowledge its enormous potential to affect us.Part Two: The Model of the Body paragraph1. 分析原因 : In my opinion, the (phenomenon/problem/failure/change) in (is partly / mainly /largely attributable to/due to /owing to .).The fact that has several factors. First,. Second, . Finally,2. 分析结果 : It is important for people /teenagers to realize that ,forit will( produce/ exert/have)a remarkable (impact/influence/effect) on.First of all, . Also,. Finally,.Part Three; The Model of ConcludingParagraph1. There is(no denying/little doubt)that (special/adequate/considerable/further)attention must be paid/called/devoted to the problem of .If we ignore/fall in/ are blind to the problem, it is verylikely that .2. We must look for /search for/call for an immediate attention/action/method/measure because the present/current situation/state of3. It is suggested/ recommended/hoped that great /persistent/contiuous efforts should be made to halt/ control/check the danger of. Anyhow, wider education/more publicity should be given to the serious consequences/ effects of .Only by recognizing/ realizing the , necessity/importance/dangerous effectof can we.I. 观点选择式1. 观点选择式A or B 模式 1 :Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.The main reason for my propensity for A is that.就理就理由进行解释.For instance,Another reason can be seen by every one is that由进行解释For example,The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage becauseAlthough I agree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as.In a word, .So, it is sagacious tosupport the statement that it is better to A.2. 观点选择式A or B 模式 2 :将原题复述When faced with thedecision of A of B, quite a few would deem that, but others,in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The main reason for my propensity for A/B is thatThe second reason can be seen by every person that.In addition, these reasons are also usable when we consider that.There are some disadvantages in( 另一种观点的缺点 ).Such as.In a word, (_ 重复观点句并缩写理由 ).Taking intoaccount of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that.3. 观点选择式A or BSome people prefer to A. others believe B. When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that, but others, in contrast , deem A/B asthe premier choice and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.The main reason why I agree with the above statement, however, is that. Takeas example, .There is another factor that deserves some words here. Such as Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that.(exmaples:).From the above you might got idea that I agree.(repeat the above threereason).So, it is sagacious


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