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五年级英语下册 Unit 5-6测试卷 (新版)牛津译林版.doc

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五年级英语下册 Unit 5-6测试卷 (新版)牛津译林版.doc

Unit5-Unit6 Name Class Score _听力部分30%一听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( )1. A. sweet B. sweep C. sleep ( )2. A. pest B. next C. best( )3. A. small B. smell C. smart( )4. A. spot B. sport C. spare( )5. A. clean the car B. clean the table C. clean the room( )6. A. wash clothes B. wash the dishes C. wash the shoes( )7. A. fish soup B. meat soup C. tomato soup( )8. A. cooking meat B. buying meat C. eating meat( )9. A. Its sleeping. B. Hes sleeping. C. Theyre sleeping. ( )10. A. Are you looking for some juice? B. Are they looking for some bread? C. Is she buying some bread?二. 听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选择相应的答句。5%( )1. A. Hes playing. B. Shes playing.( )2. A. Shes in the garden. B. Hes in the bedroom.( )3. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is.( )4. A. No, I am not. B. No, we are not.( )5. A. There is some tea. B. There are some cakes.三. 听录音,根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择相应的答句。5%( )1. A. Shes singing and dancing. B. Hes eating and drinking.( )2. A. In the kitchen. B. In the study.( )3. A. They are big and sweet. B. Its nice and yummy.( )4. A. Bread and milk. B. Meat and soup.( )5. A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt.四. 听录音,填入所缺单词。10%Its a sunny day. It is seven oclock in the _. There are many people in the _. Some children are _ a picnic near the _. Look, Liu Tao is _. Mike is _ him. The girls are _ dishes. Their _ is _ a fruit salad. How _ they are!笔试部分。70%一、单词辩音,选出画线部分发音不同的那个单词。5% A B C D ( ) 1. tree train travel dress( ) 2. ship sheep shoe chair( ) 3. morning in sing spring( ) 4. chair much toothache chicken ( ) 5. dentist any bedtime traffic二、英汉互译。13%1. 清洗我父母的车 _ my _ _2. 在厨房烧饭 _ in the _ 3. 在客厅扫地 _ the _ in the _ 4. 在卧室睡觉 _ in the _ 5. 帮他擦桌子 _ _ table _ _ 6. 一起洗碗 _ _ _ together 7. 做土豆烧肉 _ _ with _ 8. 买些西红柿 _ some _ 9. The queen is coming through our little town. _10. In western countries, people eat with the knife and fork._ 三、选择填空。10%( ) 1. It is _ Sunday evening. A. in B. on C. /( ) 2. What _ your sister _ now?A. are, doing B. is, doing C. is, do( ) 3. Miss Li _ us Chinese at school.A. is teaching B. teaches C. teaching( ) 4. My mother usually_ TV in the evening.A. watches B. watch C. is watching( ) 5. Miss Li eats with_. Mr Green eats with _.A. chopsticks, chopsticks B. chopsticks, a knife and forkC. a knife and fork, a knife and fork( ) 6. _ you helping your mum to clean the rooms? Yes, I _.A. Are, are B. are, am C. Are, am( ) 7. _ your friend playing basketball over there? No, he _.A. Are, arent B. Is, isnt C. Is, is( ) 8. Su Hai likes _. She is_ in the music room now.A. to sing, to sing B. singing, singing C. singing, to sing( ) 9. _ some bread with grapes.A. There are B. There is C. There isnt( ) 10. Are they _water? Yes, they are.A. looking for any B. look for some C. looking for some 四、适当形式填空。10%1. _ (be) there _ (some) bread in the box?2. What are you _ (do)? I _ (make) a kite. 3. Where is Nancy? She _ (sit) in the garden.4. I cant cook meat with _. How about _ soup? (tomato)5. Mike is good at _(play) football. After school, he often _(play) football with his friends. Now, he_ (play) football with his cousins.五、根据所给汉语提示,完成句子10%1. 鲍比正在他的花园里照顾葡萄。但是一些害虫来了。他们正在吃他的葡萄。 Bobby_ _after the grapes in his garden. But some pests _. They _ _ his grapes.2. 山姆的瓢虫正在把坏的瓢虫和害虫赶走。好的是有七个斑点。坏的是有十个斑点。 Sams ladybirds _ _ the bad ladybirds and the pests _. The good ones _ seven spots. The _ ones have ten spots.六、改句。10%1. They are having a Science lesson in the lab. (改为否定句) _2. We are having a picnic in the park. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _3. My cousin is cleaning her bedroom. (对划线部分提问) _4. Mr and Mrs Green are watching a film in the cinema. (对划线部分提问) _5. there the bread not three there are is apples in any fridge but (, . )(连词成句) _七、首字母填空。7%Its S_. Bob and his f_ are at home. Bob w_ to watch a basketball g_, but his father wants to watch a f_ on TV. So his father asks, Do you finish your h_, Bob?I have no homework t_, says Bob. Do you read your books?Yes, I r_ them at nine oclock.Whats one and one? his father a_.Bob is unhappy and says, I dont k_.His father is u_, too, and s_, Youre a fool! What a_ you and I?Two f_. says Bob.八、阅读短文,回答下列问题。5%WB: Hi, Liu Tao. Where are you going?LT: Im going to the playground, Wang Bing.WB: I cant find Yang Ling. Where is she?LT: Shes in the playground too.WB: Whats she doing there?LT: Shes jumping.WB: Are Mike and Ben there?LT: Yes, they are.WB: Are they jumping too?LT: No, theyre running.WB: Great! Lets go and see. 1. Where is Liu Tao going? _2. Who cant find Yang Ling? _3. Is Yang Ling reading? Whats she doing? _4. Who is in the playground too? _5. What are Mike and Ben doing? _ 五年级下册英语Unit5-Unit6单元测试一 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%1. some sweets2. a big bad pest3. smell great4. a small white spot5. Clean the room, please.6. Its time to wash the dishes.7. I like fish soup better.8. My mum is buying meat for dinner.9. Dont talk. Hes sleeping.10. Are you looking for some juice?二. 听录音,根据你所听到的问题,选择相应的答句。5%1. Whats your brother doing, Su Hai?2. Dad, where is mum?3. Is Tina watching TV now?4. Are you reading Chinese books, children?5. Whats in the kettle?三. 听录音,根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择相应的答句。5%1. Nancy is singing and dancing happily. Mike is eating and drinking happily. Q: What is Mike doing?2. My mum is cooking. My dad is cleaning the car. My sister is swinging. I am reading.Q: Where is Mum?3. These apples are so big. Those grapes are so sweet. The milk is sweet. The juice is nice and yummy.Q: How are the fruits?4. David has bread and milk for his breakfast. He has sandwiches and juice for lunch. He has meat and soup for dinner.Q: What does David have for his dinner?5. There is some milk, but there is no juice. There are some eggs, but there are no apples.Q: Is there any juice?四. 听录音,填入所缺单词。10%Its a sunny day. It is seven oclock in the morning. There are many people in the park. Some children are having a picnic near the lake. Look, Liu Tao is cooking. Mike is helping him. The girls are washing dishes. Their teacher is making a fruit salad. How happy they are!


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