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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习特色专项训练第十六组.阅读理解(xx唐山一模)The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for human health and the environment.These findings e from a new report in the journal Nature.David Tilman,a professor of ecology at the University of Minnesota,America,examined information from 100 countries to identify what people ate and how a diet affected health.He noted a movement beginning in the 1960s.He found that as nations industrialized (工业化),population increased and earnings rose,more people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet.The Western diet is high in sugar,fat,oil and meat.By eating these foods,people began to get fatter and sicker.David Tilman says overweight people are at greater risk for noninfectious diseases like diabetes (糖尿病) and heart disease.Unfortunately when people bee industrialized,if they adopt this Western diet,they are going to have these health problems,especially in developing countries in Asia.China is an example where the number of diabetes cases has been jumping from less than one percent to 10 percent of the population as they began to industrialize over a 20year period.And that is happening all across the world,in Mexico,in Nigeria and so on.And,a diet bad for human beings,is also bad for the environment.As the worlds population grows,more forests and tropical(热带的) areas will bee farmlands for crops or grasslands for cattle.We are likely to have more greenhouse gas in the future from agriculture than that ing out of all forms of transportation right now.Mr.Tilman calls the link between the diet,the environment and human health,“a trilemma”a problem offering a difficult choice.He says one possible solution is leaving the Western diet behind.1According to the passage,more greenhouse gas might be given off in the future from _Atransportation Bdeveloping countriesCagriculture Ddeveloped countries2David Tilman believes that _Athe diet,the environment and human health are closely connectedBthe Western diet is the only choice as the nation industrializesCpeople in tropical areas are more likely to have heart diseaseDtraditional diets are more balanced than the Western diet3We can infer from the passage that _ANigeria has the largest number of diabetes casesBoverweight people are at higher risk of infectious diseasesCthe examined information es from developing countriesDindustrialization contributes to the spread of the Western diet4The main purpose of the passage is to _Acall on us to protect the environmentBwarn us of the danger of the Western dietCremind us of the importance of healthDadvise us to have a balanced diet.完形填空(xx贵州七校联盟第一次联考)From the time I lined up my dolls on the sofa in play school,I wanted to be a teacher.“Open your books,” I would _1_ my teddy bear and dolls.Then I would _2_teach them whatever new things I had just _3_ at school.For me,dream was one thing,and _4_ was quite another.My family was too poor to _5_ my tuition.Finally,with others help,I attended a state university.However,I _6_ needed more money to pay for my other expenses,so I found a parttime job,_7_ test tubes in the science department.By then I believed that every dirty test tube I washed meant I was one step closer to my _8_When working as a substitute teacher(代课老师) in the local area,I learned they were planning to _9_ the biology teacher I had substituted for.I was sure the _10_ was meant for me.However,the principal said,“Youre too _11_ .This last teacher had a lot of discipline problems because of his age.We want someone older with more _12_”I cried all the way to work,disappointed and _13_Suddenly,a stranger who I met by chance asked me what had happened.I told him how much I wanted to _14_ and how upset I was to be _15_ because of my age.Then I also shared some of my thoughts with him.He _16_ me,“Never lose heart.I believe you can make it.” The next morning my phone rang.It was the principal calling to offer me the _17_ position.I was totally _18_ and asked him why.He explained,“You made quite an impression on the chairman of our Board of Directors.He _19_ that you should have this position.” A few weeks later,I stood by the door of my classroom,weling my _20_ on their first day of school.When they were settled,I said with a smile,“Open your books.”1.A.persuade BcalmCinstruct Dcongratulate2A.angrily BdelightedlyCjealously Ddisappointedly3A.found BchangedCundertaken Dlearned4.A.advice BinterestCschooling Dtime5.A.cover BignoreCforget Dplan6.A.almost BsuddenlyChardly Dstill7.A.decorating BcleaningCcollecting Dproducing8.A.house BjobCdream Dschool9.A.punish BreplaceCpraise Daccept10.A.result BscholarshipCexperiment Dposition11.A.young BimpatientCbusy Dstrange12.A.adventure BconfidenceCexperience Dindependence13.A.tired BfortableCnervous Dsorrowful14.A.travel BteachCstudy Dsing15.A.called on Blooked afterCturned down Dbrought up16.Aforted BorderedCthanked Dpromised17.A.biology BmathCEnglish DChinese18.A.selfish BupsetCanxious Dconfused19A.remended BinformedCplained Dregretted20A.parents BstudentsCteachers Dfriends.语法填空(xx郑州第二次质量预测)Two weeks before Christmas,two little girls were walking down the street 1._ they saw old Harry,who was on his knees pulling weeds around a tree.He wore a pair of worn gloves.His fingers were sticking out 2._ the ends,blue from the cold.They stopped to talk to him.Harry told them he 3._ (get) the yard in shape as a Christmas gift for his mother,who had died several years before.“My mother was all I had.She loved her yard and trees,so I do this for her every Christmas.”His words touched the girls and soon they 4._ (join) him,pulling weeds.When they finished,Harry pressed a coin into each of their hands.“I wish I could pay you more,but thats all Ive got right now,” he said.The girls had often passed his house,and they remembered that it had always been 5._ poor condition.No decorations to add cheeriness were anywhere in sight.As they walked on,the coin in one little girls hand seemed to burn a hole of 6._(guilty)The next day she called her friends 7._ they agreed to put their coins in a jar marked“Harrys Christmas Gift”Then they began to seek for small jobs to earn more.Every coin they earned went into the jar.Finally,they had enough money 8._(buy) new gloves.On Christmas Eve they were on Harrys doorstep singing carols.They presented him with the gloves.With 9._ (tremble) hands,he held the gloves to his face and wept.No doubt he once again felt 10._ love of others as the girls reached out to him.第十六组.阅读理解【解题导语】自然杂志上一篇新的报告显示,西方饮食对人的健康和环境有不良影响,人们应警惕西方饮食带来的危害。1解析:选C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的最后一句“We are likely to have more greenhouse gas in the future from agriculture than that ing out of all forms of transportation right now.”可知,未来更多的温室气体排放可能来自于农业,故选择C项。2解析:选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句“Mr.Tilman calls the link between the diet,the environment and human health.a difficult choice.”可知,Tilman先生把日常饮食、环境和人的健康之间的联系称为三难困境。由此可知,它们三个是紧密相关的,故选择A项。3解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第二段的最后一句“He found that as nations industrialized(工业化),population increased and earnings rose,more people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet.”可推知,工业化、人口增长和收入增加造成了西方饮食的传播,故D项正确。4解析:选B。写作意图题。综合全文,尤其是根据文章最后一段的最后一句可知,西方饮食有害健康,不利于环境,故作者是想通过该文让人们警惕西方饮食带来的危害。.完形填空【解题导语】“我”的梦想是成为一名教师,家境贫寒的“我”在别人的帮助下完成了学业。 在“我”要做教师却遭到拒绝之后,遇到了一位贵人,他使“我”最终成为一名教师。1解析:选C。“我”把玩具熊和玩偶放在沙发上当学生,“我”当老师,指导它们打开书。根据语境可知,此处用instruct“指导”。2解析:选B。“我”会高兴地(delightedly)教它们“我”刚刚在学校学的新内容。3解析:选D。此处指“我”在学校所学到的新东西。根据空格后的“at school”可知,此处为学习,故选learned。4解析:选C。对“我”来说,梦想是一回事,学校教育是另一回事。根据下文中的“My family was too poor.a state university”可知,此处应选C项。advice“建议”;interest“兴趣”;schooling“学校教育”;time“时间”。5解析:选A。“我”家太穷了而不能支付“我”的学费。cover此处意为“足以支付,够付”,故选A项。6解析:选D。然而“我”依旧需要更多的钱来支付“我”其他的开销,所以“我”找了一份兼职工作。根据语境可知选D项。7解析:选B。根据下文中的“every dirty test tube I washed”可知,“我”找到的那份兼职工作是清洗(cleaning)实验用的试管。8解析:选C。对应上文的梦想,此处表示这时“我”认为“我”洗的每一个试管都意味着“我”离梦想更近了一步。9解析:选B。当“我”做代课教师时,“我”得知学校要找老师代替那位生物老师。根据语境可知选B项。10解析:选D。“我”认为那个位置是为“我”准备的。根据语境可知,选D项,position“位置”。11解析:选A。根据下文中的“We want someone older”可知,校长说:“你太年轻了”。故选A项。12解析:选C。我们需要年龄大一些的,有更多经验的老师。故选C项,experience“经验”。13解析:选D。“我”被校长拒绝了,所以“我”一路哭着,感到失望和悲伤。根据语境可知选D项,sorrowful“悲伤的”。14解析:选B。“我”告诉他“我”多么想教书(teach)。根据语境可知选B项。15解析:选C。“我”告诉他因为“我”的年龄就拒绝“我”做老师,“我”有多么的烦恼。turn down“拒绝”,符合语境。16解析:选A。他安慰“我”:“不要灰心,我相信你能成功。”fort“安慰”,符合语境。17解析:选A。根据上文可知,“我”教的是生物,故此处选biology。18解析:选D。因为“我”昨天被校长拒绝了,现在却又被接受了,“我”感到很困惑。confused“困惑的”。19解析:选A。校委会主席推荐“我”做生物老师,根据语境可知选A项,remend“推荐”。20解析:选B。在开学的第一天,“我”站在教室门口欢迎“我”的学生们(students)。.语法填空【解题导语】本文主要讲述了两个小女孩圣诞节前用自己微薄的力量帮助他人的感人故事。 1解析:考查连词。根据固定句型be doing.when.可知,应用连词when引导时间状语从句。 答案:when2解析:考查介词。根据语境可知,Harry的手指头从破旧的手套中露了出来。 答案:of/from/through3解析:考查动词时态。根据语境可知,两个女孩停下来和Harry交谈,问他为什么要这么做,于是Harry告诉了她们自己的打算,故表示将来的事情,即用过去将来时was getting/would get。 答案:was getting/would get 4解析:考查动词时态。根据“and”的提示可知,前后时态应一致,故用一般过去时,与“touched”呼应。 答案:joined 5解析:考查介词。根据固定短语搭配in.condition“处于状态”可知,应用介词in。答案:in6解析:考查词性转换。介词后应跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故用名词guilt作介词of的宾语。答案:guilt7解析:考查连词。根据语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的并列关系,故用连词and。 答案:and8解析:考查非谓语动词。此处为不定式表示目的。答案:to buy9解析:考查非谓语动词。此处是现在分词作定语,意为“颤抖的”,表示正在进行的动作。 答案:trembling10解析:考查冠词。根据语境可知,“love”被介词短语“of others”修饰,表示限定的概念,故用定冠词the。答案:the


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