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(江苏版)高考英语一轮复习 精选提分专练 第六周 星期日 仿真模拟卷(六)-江苏版高三全册英语试题

仿真模拟卷(六)第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1.I feel so upset.Im afraid Ill be fired for the terrible economic crisis. !Things are not so bad as they seem.A.Go ahead B.Good luckC.No problem D.Cheer up2.The witness an important detail when describing the accident.A.brought about B.kept offC.left out D.ran into3.How did you find your trip to Water Park in the summer of 2016?I thoroughly enjoyed it.It was than I expected.A.even much interesting B.far more interestingC.so far interesting D.far from interesting4.How happy we are!The winter holiday we have been looking forward soon.A.has come B.to have comeC.to coming D.to will come5.Health care workers are at the risk of getting infectious diseases because of their to patients.A.exposure B.discriminationC.guidance D.response6.With so many friends me,I had no difficulty in finishing the work on time.A.to help B.helpedC.helping D.have helped7.“Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.“ ,” he answered politely.“This is the only day everyone is available.”A.Not likely B.Not exactlyC.Not nearly D.Not really8.The debate here will be limited in two main respects, the time available.A.in view of B.in return forC.in addition to D.in comparison with9.The new supermarket has announced that the first to purchase goods on the opening day get a big prize.A.must B.shall C.would D.could10.Jack is late again.It is of him to keep others waiting.A.normal B.ordinaryC.common D.typical11.Experts warn that medical waste from hospitals,if properly,may lead to the spread of disease.A.not handled B.not being handledC.not to be handled D.not having handled12.The troops out of that country by the end of next month and they were sent there 3 years ago.A.have withdrawn B.will withdrawC.had withdrawn D.will have withdrawn 13.It is reported that more than half of surveyed on the website say they are content with their current life.A.whom B.them C.ones D.those14.Had I taken my umbrella with me when I came out in the morning,I wet now.A.shouldnt have been B.hadnt beenC.wasnt D.shouldnt be15.Its always a good idea to have a second key somewhere you lose the first one.A.in case B.now thatC.even though D.as long as第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The Beginning of DramaThere are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient Greece.The one most widely accepted today is based on the 16 that drama evolved from ritual(宗教仪式).The argument for this view goes as follows.In the beginning,human beings 17 the natural forces of the worldeven the seasonal changesas unpredictable,and they sought through various means to 18 these unknown and feared powers.Those measures which appeared to 19 the desired results were then kept and repeated until they changed into 20 rituals. 21 stories arose which explained or masked the mysteries of the rituals.As times passed,some rituals were 22 ,but the stories,later called myths,continued to exist and provided material for art and drama.Those who believed that drama evolved out of ritual also argued that those rituals contained the 23 of theatre because music,dance,masks,and 24 were almost always used. 25 ,a suitable site had to be provided for performances and 26 the entire community did not participate,a(n) 27 division was usually made between the “area of acting” and the “area in which an audience sits”.Besides,there were performers,and,since considerable importance was 28 to avoiding mistakes in the practice of rituals,religious leaders usually 29 that task.Wearing masks and costumes,they often imitated(模仿) other people,animals,or supernatural beings,and mimed(用哑剧表演) the 30 effectsuccess in hunt or battle,the coming rain,the revival of the Sun 31 an actor might.Eventually such dramatic representatives were separated from 32 activities.Another theory traces the theaters origin from the human interest in 33 .According to this view,tales about the hunt,war or other things are told and gradually spread, 34 through the use of action and dialogue by a narrator and then through the assumption of each of the roles by a different person.A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily gymnastic or that are 35 of animal movements and sounds.16.A.background B.assumptionC.evidence D.theory17.A.viewed B.employedC.imagined D.dismissed18.A.take B.possessC.guarantee D.control19.A.start B.showC.bring D.continue20.A.usual B.directC.convincing D.fixed21.A.Apparently B.ActuallyC.Eventually D.Naturally22.A.spread B.abandonedC.followed D.celebrated23.A.seed B.contentC.myth D.history24.A.costumes B.routinesC.instructions D.performances25.A.As a result B.In factC.On the contrary D.In addition26.A.when B.althoughC.unless D.while27.A.deep B.equalC.clear D.extra28.A.attached B.relatedC.committed D.tied29.A.put up B.took upC.took on D.put on30.A.unexpected B.unpredictedC.prepared D.desired31.A.whenever B.asC.whatever D.so32.A.social B.politicalC.economic D.religious33.A.accounts B.story­tellingC.descriptions D.drama­writing34.A.at that time B.at a timeC.at first D.at once35.A.imitations B.creaturesC.presentations D.exhibitions第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AParking InformationThere is a mix of paid and free parking on Granville Island.Below you will find all relevant information on parking and traffic management.FREE PARKING STALLS(停车位)Free parking throughout Granville Island for all motorized vehicles is intended for visitors only.Free parking stalls are available and vehicles are limited to occupy one stall,once per day,and within the maximum posted time limit.When the posted time limit is reached,you move your vehicle,or should you require additional parking during the same day,your vehicle must be parked in a pay parking stall.Free parking restrictions are strictly enforced from 7 am to 7 pm,7 days a week.Once your vehicle is parked,you are not permitted to move to another free stall on Granville Island at any other time throughout the day.You may move to any of the pay stalls.PAID PARKING STALLSPay parking restrictions are strictly enforced from 7 am to 7 pm,7 days a week.Daily ParkingThe Daily Parking Pass is valid for 24 hours from the time of purchase.The pass is VOID(无效的) if not placed face up with the date and time visible.The pass is VOID if not parked in a pay parking lot.Weekly ParkingThe Weekly Parking Pass is valid for 7 days from the time of purchase.The pass is VOID if not placed face up with the date and time visible.The pass is VOID if not parked in a pay parking lot.Monthly ParkingMonthly parking is limited and available on a first come first serve basis and sold starting on the twenty­sixth(26) of every month.Monthly Parking Passes are available at the Granville Island Administration Office from 8:30 am5:00 pm.A Monthly Parking Pass allows a vehicle to be parked in an appointed parking stall only when it is clearly displayed.Lost monthly passes cannot be replaced.36.Visitors to Granville Island can .A.park their cars for free as long as they wishB.move their cars to different free stallsC.pay for the parking when the time limit is reachedD.use the same free stall for many times37.Which of the following is TRUE according to the notice?A.A paid parking pass is valid only when it is clearly displayed.B.Cars with the Daily Parking Pass can be parked in a free stall.C.One can buy the Monthly Parking Pass on any day of the month.D.One can apply for a new Monthly Parking Pass if it is lost.BTuesdays Amtrak derailment(脱轨) Philadelphia,which claimed eight lives and injured more than 200 others has turned the countrys attention to railroad safety.But for those commuters(每日往返上班者) questioning whether or not to board the next train,statistics may offer some reassurance.According to the scientific journal Bandolier,the lifetime odds of dying on a passenger train in the US are about one in 1,871,241.So trains are still one of the safest modes of transport;in 2013,891 US fatalities were linked to rail travel,while 32,700 people were killed in highway accidents.“Train accidents are rare,” Dr.Zarembski,director of the railroad safety program,told The Huffington Post.“Accident rate in 2014 was 2.2 accidents per million train miles,and this number has been declining steadily.” But if you are still concerned about safetyor if youre just curious about which part of the train is the safest place to sitscience has an answer to that too.The front car of a train is the most dangerous place in the event of a headon collision,while the last car is less safe if the train is rearended(追尾).In fact,trains are nine times more likely to derail than to hit another train or car headon or to get hit from behind,according to the Federal Railroad Administration.The administration found that there were about 13,200 derailments from 2005 to 2014,compared with about 1,450 collisions.Studies suggest that broken rails or welds are the leading cause of derailments,and these problems more often cause derailments near the front of the train.Therefore,choosing a car located in the middle,or one or two back from the middle of the train may be the safest bet,Ross Capon,president of the National Association of Railroad Passengers,told CBS New York.If you cant get a seat near the midpoint of a train,theres another potential safety factor you might want to considernamely,which way your seat is facing.“I prefer rear facing so that in most cases you are pushed back into the seat in the event of an emergency braking application.” Zarembski said.In general,aisle(过道) seats are safer than window seats,where a passenger is more likely to come in contact with broken glass or be thrown out of the train,Capon told CBS New York.Of course,in the very rare events of a catastrophic crash like Tuesdays,theres no guarantee that sitting in a certain place or facing a certain way means youll escape being injured.38.What does the underlined word “fatalities” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?A.Deaths. B.Rates.C.Accidents. D.Carriages.39.In the first three paragraphs,the author is trying to .A.describe objectively the serious consequences a derailment may bring aboutB.urge people to consider carefully whether to board a train in the futureC.impress on people the poor management of American railway linesD.persuade people with statistics that it is still safer to travel by train40.After reading the passage,we can infer that it might be the safest to sit .A.front facing on a window seat in the front carsB.front facing on an aisle seat in the last few carsC.rear facing on an aisle seat in the middle carsD.rear facing on a window seat one car behind the middleCA conversation in which neither party is listening to the other was classified as a “duologue” by Abraham Kaplan,a philosopher who died in 1993.A duologue,he suggested,is more than a monologue but less than a dialogue.“Multiply a duologue by a roomful of people,” he added jokingly,“and you have a conference.” Two psychologists have now given his ideas some substance,by showing that people do indeed often fail to notice when the conversations they are engaged in have been temporarily reduced to nonsense.Bruno Galantucci of Yeshiva University in New York and Gareth Roberts of Haskins Laboratories in New Haven,Connecticut,are interested in how and why languages evolve.The mainstream view of why people communicate is that they are trying to transmit information faithfully.The “information” may not be true,of course.But even lies,this view holds,are told in the hope that they will be understood.Sometimes faithful transmission is indeed the intention,as when a pilot communicates,according to strict rules,with a control tower.According to Dr Galantucci and Dr Roberts,however,transmitting information efficiently takes a lot of effort and is the exception rather than the rule.In normal conversation,they report in a paper in PLOS ONE,people are surprisingly deaf to incoherence.They demonstrated this by asking pairs of student volunteers to chat using an instant­messaging program.These volunteers,who had never met,did so sitting in separate rooms.They were given the task of identifying the differences in colour between two versions of a cartoon(each could see only one version).Unbeknown to them,though,another pair were performing the same task at the same time,with a different cartoon.While the two conversations were going on,the researchers switched between them so that a student would suddenly and without warning find himself chatting to someone from the other pair.There were four such crossings during the 15­minute experimental period,each lasting 30 seconds.Afterwards the volunteers were asked to establish if they had noticed anything strange about their conversation.Having repeated the experiment with variations to allow for the fact that students who volunteer for psychology experiments tend to be cautious about dirty tricks,Dr Galantucci and Dr Roberts reported that between 27% and 42% of participants did not notice that their conversations had been switched.Instead,those participants had simply talked in a confused way regardless.Of course,exchanging instant messages is not quite the same as talking,so the two researchers have not definitively proved that many dialogues are actually duologues.But this research certainly adds to the suspicion that even supposedly purposeful communication often isnt.41.According to Abraham Kaplan,a duologue .A.can ruin a conferenceB.often occurs among a crowd of peopleC.provides instant feedbackD.is an inattentive conversation between people42.Its generally believed that people communicate to .A.lead others to believe liesB.explore the faithful informationC.convey information to each otherD.distinguish faithful information from lies43.The underlined word “incoherence” in Paragraph 2 means something that .A.speakers cant express preciselyB.goes off the subject of the conversationC.is abstract and difficult to understandD.speakers dont prepare listeners to understand44.What can we learn from the psychology experiments?A.More than half of the subjects were talked in a confused way.B.It takes a lot of effort to convey information clearly.C.People are able to realize the nonsense in their communication.D.The experiments prove that purposeful communication doesnt exist.DShoyna,a small Russian village located on the edge of the Arctic Circle,is often referred to as the worlds northernmost desert.The sand covers everything as far as the eye can see and the few people living here never dare shut their front doors at night,for fear of being buried alive by the ever­shifting dunes(沙丘).They try day and night to change the desert into a green area but in vain.However,Shoyna wasnt always like this.It was settled in the 1930s by fishermen drawn to the coast of the White Sea by the abundance of fish in the area.In just two decades,it had grown into a bustling fishing port with a population of around 1,500 people and a fleet of roughly seventy fishing boats.However,it wasnt long before the fishery collapsed.Dozens of vessels lining the shore stopped coming and many of the families that had thrived(繁荣) in Shoyna slowly moved away.Today,the official number of inhabitants is 375,and most of them survive on unemployment benefits and pensions.Hunting is also a way to make ends meet,thanks to a large number of barnacles and brent geese that use Shoyna as a stopover on their migration route,but the most profitable job in the village is definitely that of a bulldozer(推土机) driver,as everyone needs to have their house dug up from the sand at one point.Modern­day Shoyna lies in the middle of a desert,but historical records show that when the first fishermen settled here in the 1930s,it was an unexpected land covered with moss and trees.No one knows exactly what moved the sand to this place,but experts believe it was caused either by the massive fishing that damaged the seabed vegetation,allowing the sand to rise up and be swept to shore,or by the deforestation carried out by the local population decades ago.The sand dunes now constantly migrate up and down the coast by the westerly wind,and can completely bury houses in Shoyna in a single night.Locals have grown accustomed to the shifting sands and waking up to sunlight going only through the top part of their windows,but always leave their front doors open so they dont get blocked in.Local meteorologist Natasha told English Russia that she now uses a manhole cut into the roof of her house as a door,after getting sick of constantly having to dig the building out of the sand.“Its very comfortable,” she says.“You get out right on the ground and go wherever you want.”Shoyna has just one bulldozer to help the people dig out their homes after a windy night,whose driver is Sasha.It takes ten hours to uncover a house completely,and since one hour of work costs roughly 70,few people can afford his services.The Russian government only subsidizes(补助) 40 hours a month,which is far from enough.Whats more,there arent enough hours in a day to help all those in need.“I dig one house out,and the others are mad at me,” he says.Apart from having seen many of the houses sink beneath the sand,locals have also developed physiological problems from constantly having to walk on uneven sand,according to the local doctor.There are no roads or railroads connecting Shoyna to the rest of the world,so the only ways in and out of the village are by sea or air.Despite their struggles with the sand and isolation(孤立) from the world,locals are reportedly very proud of their off­the­grid settlement and very generous and friendly to visitors,inviting visitors into their homes for traditional seafood feasts,despite lack of fish in the sea.Now many scientists come to Shoyna in order to study and understand the phenomenon of sand dune migration and how to stop it.45.What may be the main trouble that the local people have in Shoyna?A.Closing their front doors.B.Being endangered by sand.C.Failing to plant more trees.D.Lacking bulldozers to dig their house.46.Which job can offer the most pay in Shoyna now?A.Producing fishing boats.B.Being a fisherman.C.Being a physiological doctor.D.Driving a bulldozer.47.Why did Shoyna turn into a desert in experts view?A.Due to human activities.B.Due to climate change.C.Due to natural disasters.D.Due to lack of exploration.48.What can we learn about Sasha?A.He seldom works very long hours.B.He charges a little for his services.C.He fails to help everyone in the village.D.He sometimes offers free services to villagers.49.Which of the following words can best describe Shoyna?A.Its the pride of local villagers.B.Its a man­made attraction.C.Its a spot suitable for scientific study.D.Its an environmental disaster.50.What is the best title of this text?A.A Village Is Disappearing in a DesertB.People Have a Special Lifestyle in ShoynaC.A Village Fights a Losing Battle Against SandD.Man Is Escaping from a Frightening Village第四部分任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。We all need to feel understood,recognized and affirmed(证实) by


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