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2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 My First Ride on a Train 6 period 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 My First Ride on a Train 6 period 外研版必修1.doc

2019-2020年高中英语 Module3 My First Ride on a Train 6 period 外研版必修1The General Idea of This PeriodThis class, we are going to do some listening exercises to enable the students abilities of listening. Also train the students writing ability. Besides, ask the students to answer questions, using the correct expressions.Teaching Aims1. Learn listening and writing.2. To learn and use Everyday English.3. To train the students abilities of listening and writing.4. Pay attention to word stress.Teaching Important Points1. To learn Everyday English and plete the sentences.2. To train the students listening and writing.Teaching Difficult PointTo improve the students listening ability.Teaching Aids1. a tape recorder2. the multimedia3. some pictures.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Greeting and Lead-in1. Introduction:(Show a picture.)Do you know this great woman? She is a 90yearold silent movie actress called Mary Lennon. She was born in England, but went to America to make films in the 1930s.Step 2 Listening1. Play the tape for the students to listen for the first time.2. Get the students to look at the questions carefully.3. Show the questions on the screen.Q1: When did the first go to America?Q2: How old was she?Q3: How did she get there?Q4: What did she do in New York?Q5: How did she get from New York to California?Q6: Where did she stop on the way?Q7: What did she think of Los Angles?4. Play the tape for the second time, then give suggested answers: (1)In 1934(2)19(3)By ship(4)She met a lot of people and she went to some parties.(5)By train.(6)Chicago(7)It was too hotStep 3 Practice1. Let the students do the exercises.(Show them on the screen.)Match the questions and answers.1. Where were you born?2. When did you go to America?3. Were you sick?4. How did you get to California?5. Were you and your friends bored?6. Did your friends go to California with you?(a)When I was 19 (b)No, I wasnt.(c)By train.(d) In London.(e) No, they didnt.(f) Yes, we were.Suggested answers: 1.(d)2.(a)3.(b)4.(c)5.(f)6.(e)2. Listen to the tape again. Check the answer.Step 4 Writing1. Show the four topics, then let the students choose one of these to write a passage.My first family holidayThe most unusual journey Ive madeMy first train rideThe best journey of my lifeExample: The first family holiday I can remember was when I was five. At six oclock in the morning, we went to the bus station and.2. Teacher asked students to write a passage (Five minutes given.)S: My best journey of my lift I can remember was when I was a little child. At five oclock in the morning, we went to the train station and went back seven days later. How happy my family was!Step 5 Word StressT: Open your books at Page 28. Lets listen and underline. The words which are stressed.S: Read after the teacher, pay attention to their stress.T: Give the possible answers.(1) Travel plane(2) Plane, course, traveled ship(3) long take(4) seven days(5) enjoy(6) no hated(7) Why sick(8) no boredstep 6 Everyday English1. Show these expressions on the screen.Interviewer Mary LennonTell me. Oh, yes!Is that right? Not at all!Oh, I see. Absolutely!Goodness! Definitely.2. Let the students read through the expressions.3. Put the students in pairs to answer the question.4. Call back the answers from the class.Answer (on the screen):(1)It is not necessary for the interviewer to use the expressions, but the first is a friendly way of introducing a question, while the other three are ways of responding to Mary Lennons answers and showing interest in what she is saying.(2)a Shes very enthusiastic.Step 7 PractiseOpen your books at Page 28.Do Ex.2.plete each sentence with one of the expressions.Interviewer:(1),did you enjoy making films?Mary Lennon:(2)!It was good fun! Sometimes we made three films in a week.Interviewer:(3)!Werent you bored?Mary Lennon:(4)!It was a good fun.Interviewer:(5)!But werent you tired?Mary Lennon:(6)!We were exhausted. We had to get up at 4 a. m. and we didnt go to bed until midnight.Interviewer:(7).Thats a long time.Mary Lennon:(8),it takes a long time to make a films.Suggested answers: (1)Tell me(2)Oh, yes(3)Goodness(4)Notatall(5)Is that right(6)Definitely(7)Oh, I see(8)AbsolutelyStep 8 Speaking and Writing1. Read the conversation again and again.2. Asking-and-answeringGet the students practice in pairs.Ask and answer:(1)Where did you go?I went to Beijing zoo.(2)When did you go?When I was 10.(3)How did you travel there?I went by bus.(4)Who did you go with?I went with my class.(5)What did you do there?We spent the whole time at the zoo.(6)What did you see there?We saw a elephant, snakes and crocodiles.(7)What did you eat there?We ate a picnic lunch.(8)Did you enjoy the trip?Yes, I did.3. Then ask the students to write down the answers in their exercise books.Step 9 Summary and HomeworkThis class, weve learned “Everyday English”, then plete the sentences with them. Weve done some listening exercise. Then trained speaking and writing. After class, do Ex 10 at home.Step 10 The Design of Writing on the BlackboardModule 3My First Ride on a TrainThe Sixth Period1.Word stress(1)travel plane(2)plane course traveled ship(3)long take(4)seven days(5)enjoy(6)No, hated(7)Why sick(8)No bored2. Writing and answering3. plete the sentence with these expressions.Step 11 Activity and InquiryStepsStudents ActingTeachers Organizing1Look at the photo.Get the students to look and listen carefully.2Listen to the tape.Give the answers.3Speaking and writing.Give instruction.


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