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2019-2020年高一 Unit7学案 新人教版.doc

2019-2020年高一 Unit7学案 新人教版 .重要单词聚焦 1 adj.文化的 2 vt. 包括;包含 3vt. 修复;重建 4vt. 代表;表现 5n. 废墟;遗迹;毁灭;崩溃 6n. 美;美景;美好的人或事物culturalincluderestorerepresentruinbeauty 7 vt. 再创造;再创作;重新创新 8 n. 一段时间,时期 9vi. 联合;团结 10 vt.& n. 损害;伤害 11 n. 计划;方案;工程 12 n. 污染;玷污 13 n. 呼吸;气息 14 adv. 真诚地 15n. 官员;公务员 adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的recreateperiodunitedamageprojectpollutionbreathsincerelyofficial 16 vt. 限制;限定 n. 界限;限度limit .重点短语扫描 1让步;投降 2 使苏醒;使生动;使活泼 3 拆毁;摧毁;推翻 4 设立;创立 5 遭受攻击 6 小心;向外看give inbring.back to lifepull downset upunder attacklook out 7 改变主意 8 追溯 9 成为废墟;遭到严重破坏 10 在帮助下change ones minddate fromin ruinswith the help of .课文原句突破 1Where there is a river,there is a city. 信息提取where引导状语从句,表示“在地方”,此句中where含有条件意味。 例句仿写竹子在阳光充足的地方长得更好。 Bamboo grows better_ _ _ _ _ _. 【答案】where there is plenty of sunlight 2Strong,proud_and_united,the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia. 信息提取句子前面的形容词短语strong,proud and united作状语。 例句仿写又冷又饿,他挨家挨户乞讨。 _ _ _,he begged from door to door. 【答案】Cold and hungry 3It_is_said to be the citys largest ever cultural relics repair project. 信息提取It is said.据说。 例句仿写据说她是班里最优秀的学生。 _ _ _ _ _the best student in the class. 【答案】She is said to be 4To_make_your_voice_heard,you can write a letter to a newspaper editor. 信息提取make your voice heard中,heard作宾语补足语,表示被动意义。 例句仿写恐怕别人听不懂我的话。 Im afraid I cant_ _ _. 【答案】make myself understood 5We will not let our history and culture be destroyed,and we will do_everything_we_can_to_save_our_city! 信息提取do everything we can to do sth.尽力做某事。 例句仿写我会尽力提前完成工作。 I_ _ _ _ _ _finish the work ahead of time. 【答案】will do everything I can to include (1)vt.包括;包含 The plan includes most of your suggestions. 这项计划里包括了你们的大部分建议。 Her routine work includes cleaning the office and answering calls. 她日常的工作包括清扫办公室和接电话。 (2)including为介词,后接名词、代词作宾语。 Several people were killed in the earthquake,including the mans wife.有数人在地震中丧生,其中包括那个人的妻子。 (3)included为过去分词充当的形容词,无比较级和最高级,其前常用名词或代词。 It is reported that nine people were killed in the accident,an American included. 据报道九个人在事故中丧生,包括一个美国人在内。 【contain,include与hold】 (1)contain含有,包含,容纳,里面装有,侧重所含的量和成分,不用于进行时态。另外,contain有“克制,抑制”之意。 This little book contains all the information that you need. 这本小册子含有你所需要的所有信息。 (2)include包含;连在内,计入,算入,包括,侧重整体与部分,并常用于including和included短语中。 Your duties will include putting the children to bed.哄小孩入睡也将是你工作的一部分。 (3)hold与contain用法相同,但更强调容纳的能力。 The room can hold twenty people.这屋子可容下20个人。 1Some 20 visitors were reported missing,_(包括两名外国人)(include) 【答案】including two foreigners/two foreigners included 2Thousands of works of art,_(包括最有名的) paintings,were missing during the war.(include) 【答案】including the most famous damage (1)vt.损坏;毁坏;损害 The heavy rain damaged the crops.大雨毁坏了庄稼。 Smoking can damage your health.抽烟会损害你的健康。 (2)U 损害;损伤;伤害 cause/do damage to对造成损害、伤害 The earthquake caused a lot of damage. 那次地震造成很多损失。 Smoking can do/cause damage to the liver. 吸烟会使肝脏受到损害。 【damage,destroy与ruin】 (1)damage指功能、外观或价值等方面遭到的“损害”,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害,这种损害往往可以恢复。 The earthquake damaged some houses. 地震毁坏了几所房子。 (2)destroy指某种力量“杀死或摧毁”某人或某物,往往不可以恢复。 All their hopes were destroyed.他们的一切希望都破灭了。 (3)ruin指把某物损害到了不能修复、不能再使用的程度,常用于抽象的借喻中。指希望或计划的破灭常用destroy或ruin。 He has ruined his health through drinking heavily. 大量饮酒损坏了他的健康。 3A big earthquake struck Wenchuan on May 12th,xx,_(造成许多损失)(damage) 【答案】causing a lot of damage 4We had intended to visit a friend in Chengdu.However,the strong earthquake occurring that day_my plan pletely. Adamaged Bdestroyed Cinterrupted Druined 【答案】D limit (1)n.限度、限制 There is a limit to what I can do for you.我能为你做的事有限。 His patience reached its limit.他的忍耐达到了极限。 We must set a limit to the expense of the trip. 我们要为这次旅行的花费设个限度。 (2)vt.限制、限定 The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice. 你要消费的金额限制着你的选择。 (3)limit.to把限制到 My mother limited us to one cake each day. 母亲限制我们每天只能吃一块蛋糕。 limited adj.有限的 Time is limited;we should make full use of it. 时间是有限的,我们应该充分利用。 5Is there any_to the time that I can stay here? Yes,you must leave here before he es back. Anumber Blength Climit Dmatter 【解析】句意为“我呆在这里的时间有限制吗”?表“限定,限制”之意。如:My mother sets a limit to the amount of food that I eat.我母亲限制我的饭量。 【答案】C in ruins成为废墟;遭到严重破坏,常与lie/be连用且常用复数。 The big fire left the whole city in ruins in only two days. 仅用了两天的时间大火就使整个城市成为了废墟。 After the accident,her life seemed to be in ruins. 发生这次事故以后,她的一生似乎已毁了。 Our plan is in ruins.我们的计划已落空。 (1)be/lie in ruins成为废墟 fall into ruin/go to ruin毁灭;灭亡 bring sb.to ruin使某人失败;使倾家荡产 (2)ruin ones reputation使某人名声扫地 ruin ones health把身体搞垮 That small mistake ruined his chance of getting the job. 那个细小的错误把他得到这份工作的机会毁掉了。 6“If you go on stealing,you will_your future,young man!”said the judge. Adestroy Bdamage Cruin Dbreak 【解析】本题考查动词用法辨析。句意为:法官说“年轻人,如果你继续偷盗的话,你就毁掉了你的前途”。ruin在句中表示抽象含义,意为“毁掉某人的名声、前途、希望等”。destroy表示彻底摧毁或毁灭;damage表示对物体的部分损伤或造成其功能的降低,但可以修复。break则指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏。 【答案】C give in (1)屈服、投降、常与介词to连用,意为“向屈服”。 The mother gave in and bought a toy for her child. 拗不过孩子的要求,母亲买了玩具给他。 He has given in to my view.他顺从了我的意见。 We should never give in to our enemy.我们决不能屈服于敌人。 (2)上交,提出 Give in your examination papers when you have finished. 做完后把试卷交上来。 (1)give away意为“赠送,分发,丧失,泄露”。 He gave away all his money to the poor children. 他把自己所有的钱都送给了穷人家的孩子。 If you give away the secret,youll have to answer for it. 如果你把秘密泄露出去,你就得承担责任。 (2)give off意为“发出(烟、光、热等)”,亦作give out。 The heavilypolluted river gives off a bad smell. 这条污染严重的河流散发出一股难闻的气味。 (3)give out还有“耗尽,筋疲力尽”之意。 After two days our food gave out,and we had to return. 两天后食物耗尽了,我们只好。 (4)give up放弃 The police gave up searching for the missing child. 警方放弃了寻找那个失踪的孩子。 7(xx年江西卷)If a person has not had enough sleep,his actions will give him_during the day. Aaway Bup Cin Dback 【解析】句意为:如果一个人没有充足的睡眠,那一天中,他的行为举止总会显露出来的。give away(不经意地)泄露,符合句意,而give up放弃;give in 屈服;give back归还,均不符合题意。 【答案】A 8After the discussion,she thought what I said was correct and _my idea. Agave up Bgave in Cgave in to Dgave back 【解析】give in to屈服于,顺从于。 【答案】C bring.back to life使恢复,救活 No one can bring the soldier back to life.无人能救活那个战士。 The city was burnt down.It can hardly be brought back to life. 那个城市被烧毁,几乎无法恢复原状。 Only by hard work can the people of the town bring their hometown back to life.只有通过辛勤劳动,城镇的人们才能使他们的城镇恢复生机。 (1)bring.back to health使恢复健康 Her stay in the mountains has brought her back to health. 在山上的逗留使她恢复了健康。 (2)e (back) to life苏醒过来,复活 When the man came (back) to life again,he found himself in a hospital bed.那个人苏醒过来时,发现自己躺在医院的病床上。 9Not until the war was over_(这座城市恢复生机)(life) 【答案】did the city e back to life (P45)Where there is a river,there is a city. 凡是有河流的地方,必有城市。 where引导状语从句,表示“在地方”,此句中where含有条件意味。 Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。 The chairman called on the youths to go where they were needed.主席号召青年人到需要他们的地方去。 Please make a mark where you have any question. 请在有问题的地方作记号。 10Dont leave the sharp knife_(小孩容易拿到) (get) 【答案】where children can get it easily 11The doctor advised me to live_(天气温暖的地方) and a bit humid for the sake of my pneumonia.(it) 【答案】where it is warm (P48) It is said to be the citys largest ever cultural relics repair project. 这个工程据说是这个城市最大的文化遗址修复工程。 It 指上文提到的事情。该句可改为复合句:It is said that it is the citys largest.或People say that it is the citys largest. It is said that that strange old man is a great artist. That strange old man is said to be a great artist. 据说那个怪老头是一位艺术大师。 It is said that a new school has been built in our hometown. A new school is said to have been built in our hometown. 据说我们家乡已建起了一所新学校。 It is said that she is the best student in the class. She is said to be the best student in the class. 据说她是班里最优秀的学生。 (1)It is believed that at least a score of buildings were damaged or destroyed. 人们相信,至少有20座楼房遇到破坏或彻底被摧毁。 (2)It was reported that more than 180 people had been killed in the fire.据报道,那场大火烧死了180多人。 (3)It is hoped that the crops will grow better. 人们希望庄稼会长得更好些。 It is hoped that the terrible disease will soon be controlled. 人们希望这种可怕的疾病能迅速得到控制。 12It_(经常听人说) that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.(say) 【答案】is often said 13AIDS is said_(是最大的) health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.(big) 【答案】to have been the biggest 14(xx年重庆卷)Leonardo da Vinci (14521519)_birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. Ais said to be buying Bis said to have bought Chad said to buy Dhas said to have bought 【解析】本题考查动词不定式及时态的应用。因为say与主语(人)是动宾关系,所以应用被动语态;再由括号中的时间标志可知应用现在完成时。 【答案】B .选词填空 1We have already made it clear that we will never_to any pressure. 【答案】give in 2His humorous words_the meeting_. 【答案】bring;back to life 3The earthquake left the whole city_. 【答案】in ruins 4_,the young man came to the city. 【答案】Full of people 5If you work hard,your dream will_one day. 【答案】e true 6Her father has tried many times to_smoking,but he cant seem to do so. 【答案】give up 1Although many measures_(采取了),the worlds economy is still going down.(take) 【答案】have been taken 2(xx年湖北) If times_(变了),have our ways of thinking changed too?(change) 【答案】have changed 3Three fifths of the employees in our pany_(已经受过训练) in that college.(train) 【答案】have been trained 4I like these songs and they_(教过) many times on the radio.(teach) 【答案】have been taught 5This Monday morning I was informed I_(被当选) as one of three exchange students from our college.(choose) 【答案】had been chosen


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