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2019-2020年七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose Section B教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose Section B教学设计.doc

2019-2020年七上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose Section B教学设计The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words:favorite, movie, star, Chinese, again, look, arm, hand, leg, foot2. Continue to learn the description of peoples appearances:(1)Her eyes are small.(2)He has a big nose.(3)She has a small face, big eyes and a small nose.3. Continue to learn the simple present tense with have/has:(1)Does he have a wide mouth?Yes, he does.(2)Does he have long hair?No, he doesnt. Teaching aids 教具录音机/教学挂图/学生相片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案1. (检查上节课布置的课外作业。让学生在小组内描述他的一个朋友,然后挑两个学生向全班同学描述。)2. (老师出示28页5a的教学挂图,让八名学生到黑板前面来,按老师指令触摸玩具的身体部位,并填出相对应的单词。)T: Look at the doll, Ill ask eight students to e to the blackboard. Please touch and write down the names of the parts of the body. Do you understand?Ss: Yes.T: Touch her hair. Touch her face.(复习学过的身体部位的名词后,老师指着图片教授新单词arm, hand, leg, foot, 并板书同时强调两只脚要用feet。在学生会读并理解词义后,老师继续发出指令,让所有学生做相应的动作。)T: Touch your arm.Touch your hand.Touch your leg.Touch your foot.3. (老师利用5a的教学挂图继续问答,导入本课新句型。)T: Look at the doll. Does she have long hair? (老师引导学生回答。) Ss: Yes, she does.T: Does she have small eyes? (老师引导学生回答。)Ss: No, she doesnt.(老师示范后,请学生用上面的句型就其他身体部位进行问答练习。)S1: Does she have big ears?S2: No, she doesnt.S3: Does she have a small mouth?S4: Yes, she does.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (老师出示1a的教学挂图,让学生观察人物特征并回答问题,导入1a。)T: Look at the picture and answer my questions. Does he have long hair?S1: No, he doesnt.T: Does he have a wide mouth?S2: Yes, he does.2. (老师手指图片介绍,这是Michael最喜爱的电影明星。老师放录音并设置听力任务,让学生听录音回答问题:(1)Who is he?(2)Who is your favorite movie star?在放录音前教师要教授新词favorite, movie, star, 通过语境帮助学生理解词义。)T: This is Michaels favorite movie star. Do you want to know who he is? Now listen to 1a and guess who he is. My favorite movie star is Li Lianjie. Who is your favorite movie star?(老师通过语境帮助学生理解favorite, movie, star的词义,并板书此句型。)Who is your favorite movie star?Its Bruce Lee.No. Guess again(再猜).3. (学生听录音猜测图片上的人物是谁,老师鼓励他们说自己最喜爱的电影明星,可让同桌两人一组进行操练。)S1: Who is your favorite movie star?S2: My favorite movie star/It is 4. (再播放1a录音,学生跟读并注意语音语调。)T: Listen again and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (让学生完成1b,巩固1a。)2. (拿出准备好的学生相片,假定这位学生是你的朋友,根据1a表演对话。)T: This is your good friend Lin Wen. Make a similar conversation according to 1a, and act it out.S1: I have a good friend in your class. Guess who is it.S2: Is your friend a girl?S1: Yes, she is. She has a big nose.S2: Does she have long hair?S1: Yes, she does.S2: Does she have small eyes?S1: No, she doesnt. Her eyes are big.S1: Is she Li Wen?S2: Yes, you are right.3. (老师利用简笔画或图片帮助学生完成3。老师可向学生说明描述人的外貌有多种方式。)T: Look at me. My face is round./I have a round face. Now look at the picture and make more sentences. Finish 3.(板书句型)He has big eyes.His eyes are big.She has long hair.Her hair is long.4. (看2部分,听录音填数字,然后核对。核对时要求学生使用has句型。做得好的给予掌声鼓励。完成2。)T: Listen to 2 and match the words with the right numbers. Then describe the children with the sentence patterns: Kangkang has a big head. He has a big head.S1: Jane has a small face. She has a small face.5. (根据黑板上的信息,让学生使用be动词描述2中人物的外貌特征。) He has small eyes.His eyes are small.She has long hair.Her hair is long.(引导学生用人称代词主格和形容词性物主代词造句。) Example:I have a round face.My face is round.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)1. (听4录音,学会判断和标注升降调。板书look。完成4。)T: Listen to 4 and learn how to judge and mark the intonation.A: Whos that girl? B: Shes my friend. A: Look, she has a small face, big eyes and a small nose. B: Thats right. look(教师解释其含义。)2. (听1a,标出升降调。练习语音语调。)T: Listen to 1a and mark the intonation.3. (让学生自己做5a,互相核对答案。完成5a。)4. (完成5b,巩固5a。老师说明游戏规则:当听到Bobby says时才能做动作。把学生分成四大组,先小组操练后每组选出一名代表上讲台,由教师发出指令,四名学生做动作,做错的淘汰出局,最后剩下的为获胜者,老师给予奖励。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)1. (做猜谜游戏。)Play a guessing game.(这个游戏是通过问与答来猜测对方的要好朋友。游戏内容就是一位同学事先在纸上写下同班中最要好同学的姓名,折好交给另一个同学,让这位同学猜测到底是谁,允许这位同学提三个有关外表的问题,然后通过回答判断是谁,最后打开纸张看是否猜对。) T: OK. Lets begin. S1: I have a good friend in our class. He is a boy. Guess! Who? S2: Does he have a big head? S1: Yes, he does. S2: Does he have small eyes? S1: No, he doesnt. S2: Does he have a round face?S1: Yes, he does.S2: He is Lin Jing.S1: Yes, youre right. Great! (如果回答为No,就打开纸张核对。然后同桌间继续进行猜人游戏。)2. (以My favorite teacher/classmate/friend/为题,试用3中的不同句式描述人物的外貌特征。)3. Homework:与同伴练习会话1a。复习Section A和Section B的单词。预习Section C单词。根据1a及3中的句式编对话。板书设计:I have a small nose.Section B1.Does he have long hair?2. Who is your favorite movie star?No, he doesnt.Its Bruce Lee.Does he have a wide mouth? Guess again. Yes, he does. 3.He has big eyes. = His eyes are big. She has long hair. = Her hair is long.


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