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江苏常熟浦发银行信用卡中心2023年招聘上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.A.2B.3C.3.5D.4答案:B 本题解析:被除数的各项是除数对应项的3倍,故本题正确答案为B。2.在工作中,小周不慎将计算机的电源线拔掉,导致计算机断电关机。下列存储器中,原存信息丢失可能性最大的是( )。A.软盘存储器B.ROM存储器C.半导体RAM存储器D.硬盘存储器答案:C 本题解析:ROM是只读存储器,即只解读出事先所存数据的固态半导体存储器,断电是不丢失数据的。只有RAM,随机存储器,关掉电脑,RAM数据是全部丢失的。3.I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the more wonderful thing in the world. Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother."But the desk," she'd said again, "it's for Elizaheth."I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in acdou. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened.And a gulf opened between us. I was "too emotional". But she lived "on the surface".As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she ebose that she did forgive me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace-it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn't be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and l could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.Now the present of her desk told, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside-a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many times. Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.What did mother do with her daughter's letter asking forgiveness?A.She had never received the letterB.For years, she often talked about the letterC.She didn't forgive her daughter at all in all her lifeD.She read the letter again and again till she died答案:D 本题解析:根据最后一段“a photo of my father and a onPage letter,foldedand refoldedmanytimes”可知应选D。4.2016年,S省建筑业增加值共完成895.6亿元,同比增长5.7%,占GDP的比重上升,达到6.9%,比上年提高了0.3个百分点。2016年全省有工作量的总承包和专业承包建筑业企业2532家,完成建筑业总产值3318.5亿元。其中,省内产值完成2064.7亿元,同比增长9.4%,增速比上年提高21.3个百分点;省外完成产值1253.8亿元,同比增长20.1%,增速比上年提高11.4个百分点。2016年,全省建筑业直接从事生产经营活动的平均人数达到112.3万人,比上年增加12.8万人,同比增长12.8%,其中工程技术人员达到12.5万人,比上年增加0.5万人,同比增长4.5%;一级建造师0.8万人,比上年增加0.1万人,同比增长11.4%。2012-2016年,S省建筑业总产值约是同期建筑业增加值的( )。A.3.7倍B.4.5倍C.5.3倍D.6.1倍答案:A 本题解析:本题属于倍数计算题目。要求“建筑业总产值/建筑业增加值”,定位图片,分别找到2012-2016年对应的数据,2012-2016年,S省建筑业总产值约是同期建筑业增加值的倍数=(2688.2+3034.4+3103.5+2931.3+3318.5)/(719+774.5+826.9+847.2+895.6),分子分母都是加减法估算,四舍五入保留到百位,(27+30+31+29+33)/(7+8+8+8+9)=3.7。A选项正确。因此,选择A选项。5.老周、老吴、老郑、老王四人参加一次乒乓球比赛,获得比赛前四名。据了解,他们之间有以下关系:老郑和老王经常相约一起去游泳第一名和第三名在这次比赛中刚认识第二名不会驾驶汽车,也不会游泳老周的名次比老吴的名次靠前老吴和老王每天自己驾驶汽车上班比赛前四名依次为:()。A.老郑、老周、老吴、老王B.老王、老周、老郑、老吴C.老王、老郑、老周、老吴D.老郑、老王、老周、老吴答案:A 本题解析:第一步,确定题型。题干存在需要匹配的对象和信息,确定为分析推理。第二步,分析题干,进行推理。老郑和老王熟识且会游泳;第一名和第三名在这次比赛中刚认识;第二名不会驾驶汽车,也不会游泳;老周的名次老吴的名次;老吴和老王每天自己驾驶汽车上班。结合条件可知,第一名和第三名不可能同时是老郑和老王,排除B项;结合条件可知,第二名不是老郑,也不是老王,排除C、D项。故本题正确答案选A。6.人们常说“品牌瓶装水品质更好”。美国广播电视网做了一个口味测试,把不同品牌的瓶装水和纽约市中心的公用饮用水装入同样的杯子中,要求人们对这些水进行品尝并评定等级。结果评价最低的是一种品质受到广泛认可的某品牌瓶装水。以下最能解释以上矛盾现象的是()。A.人们会根据价格因素来判断商品的好坏B.不同品牌的瓶装水的口感确实存在着差异C.纽约市中心的公用饮用水已经达到了瓶装水的品质D.物品包装会影响人们对其品质的评定答案:D 本题解析:题干中的矛盾是人们认为品牌瓶装水的品质更好,然而在相同容器的水测试中人们对某品牌瓶装水的评价最低。分析实验过程可以发现,实验中的品牌瓶装水仅仅是换了容器,也就是包装,结果评价就不一样了。表明包装影响了人们对水的品质的评价,D项很好地说明了这一点。7.下列各句中,没有歧义的一句是( )A.今天的互联网上,全球华人大签名反对日本谋求联合国常任理事国席位,此举也遭到了国际社会的强烈反对B.柏林反对申办奥运的暴力活动升级C.孩子们非常喜欢张爷爷,一来到这儿就有说有笑,十分高兴D.出席表彰大会的各条战线的劳动模范和先进工作者,人人情绪高涨、精神振奋答案:D 本题解析:A项中的“此举”是指“全球华人大签名”的行为,还是“日本谋求联合国常任理事国席位”的行为有歧义。B项可以理解为反对申办奥运的暴力活动升级;还可以理解为申办奥运的暴力活动升级。C项中到底是张爷爷有说有笑,还是孩子们有说有笑存在歧义。故本题正确答案为D。8.GDP是衡量经济发展状况的重要指标。那么下列表述中,()不会计入GDPA.甲请假一天,粉刷自家新房,节省了300元人工费B.某家庭雇佣小时工,每月支出3000元人民币C.某家庭在春节时购买了500元人民币的烟花D.节假日,某家庭外出旅游,支出的费用2万元人民币答案:A 本题解析:GDP是指是一个国家或一个地区所有常住单位在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品(包括商品和服务)的市场价值。甲自己粉刷新房,并没有支付他人劳务费,没有发生价值增值,所以答案选择A。9.2011年。全国质量技术监督系统经费总支出41294亿。其中工资福利支出12123亿元,商业和服务支出13273亿元,对个人和家庭补助支出36o4亿元,基本建设支出和其他资本性支出等专项支出920l亿元(其中基本建设支出3126亿元,专用仪器设备购置支出2570亿元,其他支出3506亿元),经营支出2305亿元,其他支出788亿元。2011年,全国质量技术监督系统财政收入是事业收入的( )。A.8.12倍B.8.39倍C.8.66倍D.8.93倍答案:D 本题解析:10.1895 年中国清朝政府迫于日本军国主义的军事压力,签订了丧权辱国的不平等条约,即( )。A.马关条约B.南京条约C.天津条约D.北京条约答案:A 本题解析:马关条约是中国清朝政府和日本明治政府于1895 年4 月17 日在日本签订的不平等条约。1842 年,清朝在与英国的第一次鸦片战争中战败,清政府代表与英国签署中英南京条约;天津条约是1858 年第二次鸦片战争中英国、法国、俄国、美国强迫清政府在天津分别签订的不平等条约;北京条约,包括中英北京条约中法北京条约中俄北京条约,是1860 年中国清朝政府于第二次鸦片战争后在北京分别与英国、法国、俄国签订的不平等条约。故本题答案选A。11.下列说法与资料相符的是( )。A.新加坡月均降水量比雅加达多三十多毫米B.表中的印度城市,其纬度越高,年均温度越低C.海参崴在日照最短月中的日照总时长不足120小时D.表中海拔髙于30米的所有城市年均温度均低于25度答案:B 本题解析:A项,新加坡年均降水量为2150毫米,雅加达年均降水量为1802毫米,二者之差为348毫米,二者月均降水量之差为348 ÷ 12 = 29毫米B项,由表可知,印度城市有加尔各答、孟买、新德里,随着纬度的升高,它们的年均温度呈下降的趋势,故B项正确;C项,海参崴日照最短月为7月,其日照总时长为3. 9X31 = 120. 9小时>120小时,C项错误;D项,新德里的海拔高度为216米,其年均温度为25. 1度,并不低于25度,故D项错误。综上所述,B项为正确答案。12.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:C 本题解析:从每行来看,按照26个英文字母的排序,第一行每两个字母之间间隔一个字母;第二行每两个字母之间间隔两个字母;第三行每两个字母之间应间隔三个字母,选择C项。13.一位水利专家在调查各国水资源利用率时发现,各国的农业水资源利用率与降雨量之间存在明显的负相关关系。他由此得出结论:干旱迫使这些国家的政府更加注重节水。下列最能质疑上述结论的是()。A.降雨量少不等于水资源少B.一些干旱的国家有大量地下水资源C.有些干旱的国家浪费水的现象严重D.水资源利用率取决于农民长期形成的农业用水生产方式答案:D 本题解析:水资源与水资源利用率并非同一概念,故A、B两项是无关项;C项举出特殊反例,有可能大部分国家因为干旱注重节水。不一定能削弱题干。D项表明农业水资源利用率只取决于长期形成的农业用水生产方式,与其他因素无关,属于“另有他因”,削弱了题于结论。故答案选D。14.-9,9,6,9,11,()A.13B.14C.22D.23答案:B 本题解析:15.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:第一行各个图形的线条数为9;第二行各个图形的线条数为6;第三行各个图形的线条数为3。16.由少数几个企业控制某一个行业供给的市场结构属于()。A.完全竞争B.垄断竞争C.寡头垄断D.完全垄断答案:C 本题解析:寡头垄断是指少数几个企业控制某一个行业的市场供给,故本题正确答案为C。17.货币市场主要解决短期资金周转过程中资金余缺的融通问题,它有多个子市场,其中,流动性最高、几乎所有金融机构都参与的子市场是()A.同业拆借市场B.回购市场C.货币市场基金市场D.短期政府债券市场答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析18.By a strange _, both candidates have come up with the same solution to the problem.A.coincidenceB.encounterC.chanceD.overlap答案:A 本题解析:come up with the same solution“同时得出同一解决办法”,这种情况下只能是诸葛亮和周瑜了,所以空格处填入“巧合”之类意思的词语。A 与C 选项可能存在混淆。A 选项coincidence“巧合;一致;同时发生”,与题干大意完全相吻合,答案是A。B 逸项只强调“偶然,运气”。counter“偶然遇见”;overlap“重叠”。19.如果某国消费函数C =300+0.75 (Y-T), 那么政府支出乘数是( ).A.1B.2C.0.75D.4答案:D 本题解析:根据消费函数C=300+0.75 (Y-T),可知,=0.75. 政府支出乘数=1/(1- ) =1/0.25=4。 所以答案选D。.20.Rising wages - together with currency fluctuations and high fuel costs - are eating away the once-formidable"China price" advantage, prompting thousands of factory owners to flee the Pearl River Delta. Much has been written about the more than doubling of wages at the Shenzhen factory of Foxconn, the world's largest electronics contract manufacturer, which produces Apple iPhones and iPads and employs 920,000 people in China alone."One can talk about a world pre- and post- Foxconn," says Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung, the world's biggest sourcing company and a supplier of Wal-Mart. "Foxconn is as important as that."Foxconn's wage increases are only the most dramatic. Our analysis suggests that, since February, minimum wages have climbed more than 20 percent in 20 Chinese regions and up to 30 percent in some, including Sichuan. At a Guangdong Province factory supplying Honda, wages have risen an astonishing 47 percent. All this is bad news for companies operating in the world's manufacturing hub, and chief executives should assume that double-digit annual rises - if not on the scale witnessed this year - are here to stay.Looked at another way, however, wage inflation provides companies with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink radically the way they approach global production - and they should do so sooner rather than later.Why the urgency? After all, wage hikes in China are nothing new. Since 1990, they have risen by an average of 13 percent a year in U.S. dollar terms and 19 percent annually in the past five years.There are two big reasons the situation is different now. The first has to do with productivity.Over the past 20 years, productivity increases have broadly matched wage increase, negating their impact. The pay rises came from a very low base, so while average wages grew 19 percent a year from 2005 to 2010, this amounted to only ¥260 a month per employee, a sum that could be offset by more efficient production or switching to cheaper sources of parts and materials.If labor costs continue, however, to increase at 19 percent a year for another five years,monthly wages would grew ¥623 per month, according to BCG estimates. Such an increase would ripple through the economy in the form of higher prices for components, business services, cargo-handling and office staff.The second reason relates to societal change. Until now, if has been easy to lure a seemingly unlimited number of young, low-wage workers to the richer coastal regions and house them cheaply in dormitories until they saved enough to return home to their families in the interior provinces. In the future, though, young workers will be harder to recruit. This is partly because there will be fewer of them: Largely because of the country's one-child policy, the number of Chinese aged 15 to 29 will start declining in 2011. Moreover, with living standards rising across China, fewer of today's rural youth will want to go to coastal regions to toil for 60 hours a week on an assembly line and live in a cramped dormitory.So what can CEOs do in this fast-changing environment? An instinctive reaction is to search for cheaper labor elsewhere. But this is short-sighted and would provide - at best - a short-term fix. Another option is to stay in China and try to squeeze out greater productivity gains.The reasons why young worker will be harder to recruit exclude().A.China's one-child policyB.the fact that fewer rural youth want to go to coastal citiesC.surging living standardsD.the declining number of China's youth答案:C 本题解析:倒数第二段中,可以得知,C不符合。21.巴纳姆效应产生的原因被认为是“主观验证”的作用,即当有一条观点声称专门描述某人时,就很可能被接收,因为想要相信一件事,人们还会搜集各种“证据”来支持自己的设想,它主要表现为人们很容易相信一般性的人格描述特别适合自己,即使这种描述十分空洞,人们仍会认为其反映了自己的真实面貌。根据上述定义,下列描述不体现巴纳姆效应的是( )。A.小李接受人格测验后收到了一份报告,该报告实际上只是描述了所有受测者的平均结果,但小李认为报告准确地反映了自己的人格特质B.小王因失恋情绪低落,路遇算命先生对他说:“你是个渴望家庭的人,但与异性交往时可能有些困难”,小王觉得算命先生料事如神C.一群星座爱好者对某连环杀人犯进行分析,得出了“正是其出生星座普遍追求完美的性格特征导致其精心策划,连续犯案”的结论D.某专家在某小学随机抽取了10名学生,并告诉老师他们“最有发展潜力”,三个月后专家回访小学时发现这些学生的成绩突飞猛进答案:C 本题解析:本题属于单定义题目。定义的关键信息是巴纳姆效应主要表现为人很容易相信一个笼统、一般性的人格描述,认为它反映的就是真实的自己。A项B项,平均结果和算命先生放之四海而皆准的一般判断都是一种笼统的描述,但是主人公都相信了,这符合巴纳姆效应的定义,排除;C项,并没有表达巴纳姆效应,只是陈述了一个星座分析,得出一个犯罪结论,与相信描述符合真实的自己没任何关联,不体现巴纳姆效应,当选;D项,老师和学生都相信了专家“最有发展潜力”的论断,导致成绩突飞猛进,但是发展潜力是一个一般性的判断,符合巴纳姆效应,排除。因此,选择C选项。22.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:两种小图形在每组三角形的上、中、下部各出现一次。23.下列句子中,句意明确,没有语病的一项是( )A.必须严厉打击食品安全违法违规行为的高压态势,及时消除各环节领域的隐患,创新食品安全监管惩处体制机制。B.通过实施应对国际金融危机冲击的一揽子计划,我国经济呈现回升向好态势.经济增长的质量和效益进一步提高。C.这所大学的一些学生语文水平实在低下,传扬出去,肯定会被人贻笑大方,影响学校声誉。D.对采用电脑摇号择校的做法,社会各界褒贬不一.不少有识之士建议实行结合学生综合素质和所处学区来确定。答案:B 本题解析:A项,“严厉打击”与“高压态势”搭配不当,应在“严厉打击”之前添加“保持”与“高压态势”搭配。C项,“贻笑大方”指被内行人笑话,与“被人”语义重复,应删除“被人”。D项成分残缺可在“确定”后加“的方法”作“实行”的宾语。24.What would someone learn from this text?A.How to make a lot of moneyB.How to write a book about businessC.What the book is aboutD.What the writer's family is like答案:C 本题解析:根据这篇文章可以了解整本书的目的和主旨,所以答案选C。25.Questions refer to the following advertisement. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT WANTED Goodwill Disability Care Service requires an administrative assistant to work in its central New York office The successful1will enjoy working as part of a dedicated team, with the added satisfaction of working for an organization committed to the care and support of disabled people The job involves a variety of administrative duties. These will include filing, letter writing, and other secretarial work Training will be provided, if necessary, to equip the jobholder?2computer skills to enable them to use the organizations computer system. This position is3on a fulltime basis only. For further information, please contact us at (315) 3362100.1()A.servicemanB.missionaryC.candidateD.janitor答案:C 本题解析:根据上下文,可知这是一则征人广告,所以此处意为“合格应征者将因加入一支认真工作的团队而得到乐趣”,因此C项符合文意。candidate应征者;候选人。serviceman军人。missionary传教士。janitor工友;门警。26.麦秸扫帚或高粱苗扫帚首次使用前把它放在很咸的冷水中浸泡几小时,晾干后再使用可以延长一倍的使用期若把它们泡在250克氯化镁加1升清水的溶液中几小时,也可延长一倍的使用期。因为这些溶液能使麦秸高粱苗变得特别柔软最适合做本段文字标题的是()。农行真题A.扫帚的使用B.麦秸、高粱的回收利用C.延长扫帚使用寿命D.使用扫帚的方法答案:C 本题解析:文段主要介绍了延长扫帚使用期的方法,故标题应表达此意。本题答案为C。27.以下表1表3呈现了全国2014年110月份房地产开发、销售情况,请根据表格信息,回答下列问题。表1 2014年110月份全国房地产开发和销售情况 2014年110月,住宅方面的房地产投资同比增长速度从高到低依次是( )。 A.中部地区西部地区东部地区B.东部地区西部地区中部地区C.西部地区东部地区中部地区D.中部地区东部地区西部地区答案:C 本题解析:东、中、西部住宅方面的房地产投资分别同比增长98%、97%、l46%,由高到低排序应是西部、东部、中部。28.发展低碳和生态经济,应加快成熟技术和工艺的_利用,缩短技术从实验室到生产线的时间。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A.转变B.转化C.转移D.合理答案:B 本题解析:“转变”指从一种形式、状态或特点变为另一种形式、状态或特点。“转化”指矛盾的双方经过斗争,在一定条件下,各自向着和自己相反的方面转变,向着对立方面所处的地位转变。“转移”意思是从一地转往另一地,或者从一种存在状态转到另一种状态;尤指精神上的转移。技术和工艺从实验室到生产线是有关联的两个方面,因此用“转化”最合适。29.甲公司发现乙公司以“好巴适”注册的商标与自己注册的“好巴适”商标在某些方面相似,并用在了和甲公司的商品相类似的商品上,立即向(),得到了法律的保护。A.商标局申请处理B.人民法院提起诉讼C.仲裁委员会申请仲裁D.商标评审委员会申请裁定答案:B 本题解析:当注册商标的专用权受到侵害,商标注册人有权采取保护措施=既可以请求工商管理部门予以行政保护,也可以请求人民法院给予司法保护30.瓶中装有浓度为20%的酒精溶液1000克,现在又分别倒人200克和400克的A、B两种酒精溶液,瓶里的溶液浓度变为15%,巳知A种酒精溶液的浓度是B种酒精溶液浓度的2倍。那么A种酒精溶液的浓度是多少?()A.5%B.6%C.8%D.10%答案:D 本题解析:设A、B两种酒精溶液的浓度分别为2m,则有20%X1000+200X2x+400x=(1000+200+400)X15%,解得x=5%,故A种酒精溶液的浓度为10%.31.人们形容唐朝书法家颜真卿和柳公权书法风格常用的四个字是( )A.颜筋柳骨B.颜骨柳筋C.颜劲柳骨D.颜劲柳风答案:A 本题解析:颜真卿其书法初学张旭和初唐四家,后广收博取,一变古法,反初唐书风, 行以篆籀之笔,化瘦硬为丰腴雄浑,结体宽博而气势恢弘,骨力遒劲而气势凛然,世称“颜筋”。 唐朝柳公权,其楷书清健道劲,结体严谨,笔法精妙,笔力挺拔,世称“柳骨”。“颜筋柳骨”是说他们二人的风格像筋、骨那样挺拔有力而又有所差异。32.足球比赛的计分规则是( )。胜一场得3分,平一场得l分,负一场得0分,如果某国家足球队共打了28场比赛,其中负6场,共得40分,那么这个队胜了多少场?A.8B.10C.12D.9答案:D 本题解析:由题干知,胜的场次和平的场次之和为286=22场,若这22场全平,则可得22×1=22分,现多得了40-22=18分,每胜一场多得3-1=2分,故胜了18+2=9场。33.揣摩指的是对自身以外的人和事的推测、估量、判断等。揣摩必须以良好的心态为基础,以实践经验总结为依据,以认真分析思考为前提。能够比较全面、客观和准确地推测、估量、估计、判断他人内心情感,是人们认识和处理复杂问題时必需的一种基本功。根据以上定义,下列属于揣摩的是()A.知己知彼,百战不殆B.凡事预则立,不预则废C.仁者见仁,智者见智D.己所不欲,勿施于人答案:B 本题解析:A项的意思是如果敌我双方的情况都能了解透彻,打起仗来就会一直立于不敗之地。B项是说不论做什么事,事先有准备,就能得到成功,不然就会失败。C项比喻对同一个问題,不同的人有不同的立场或角度,会有不同的看法。D项意思是自己不想做的事,不要强加于人。对照定义,只有B项符合。34.按照金融交易的交割期限,可以把金融市场分为( )。A.货币市场和资本市场B.现货市场和期货市场C.股票市场和债券市场D.初级市场和次级市场答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析35.Working conditions in air transportation vary widely, _ on the occupation.A.dependsB.dependableC.dependingD.depend答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析36.Who should qualify for minimum wage protections, sick leave or any of the other benefits typically given employees?alformia's state Legislature is reopening that high-stakes,decades-long debate, as it prepares to vote on a proposal that would give hundreds of thousands of contract workers, such as drivers of ride haling companies, new benefits by legally relassfyig them as employees. If it passes, the state's narrower definition of "contractor" would trigger a host of other changes for companies that would then have to pay for Social Security, workers' compensation and unemployment insurance. Large employers would also have to pay for health insurance. This would be a significant development in workplace law and could eventually have implications for workers and companies across the country.The proposed change is of keen interest to a rapidly growing population of contractors likeLeonardo Diaz. For most of the past 4 years, he has made a decent living working 40 to 50 hours a week driving for the ride-hailing companies. "I love interacting with people," says the father of four, who lives in Los Angeles. But more recently, Diaz has soured on his job. He says that both ride- haling companies cut his share of payments, reducing his take home pay to only $9 an hour,after taking the cost of gas, insurance and car repairs into account. But he says the bigger problem is that he is tired of working as a contractor and misses employee health and paid leave benefits he used to recive when he worked as a valet. "We don't get any holiday pay, "Diaz says."If we get sick, you know, nobody's going to pay for our doctors," Contractors like Diaz make up a fast-growing part of the workforce. And any company in California using them could be affected.The impact of the new law would reverberate beyond the state."Everyone is looking to California right now and they're all following it with bated breath because they recognize that likely whatever happens in California is going to sweep across the country," says Monique Ngo-Bonnici, an attorney in California. The proposal expands on a landmark California Supreme Court ruling last year that extended wage protections to more workers and narrowed the definition of "independent contractor." The. legislative proposal expands on that ruling and would give workers benefits like paid sick leave and protections under anti-discrimination laws. Ngo-Bonnici argues that the, California proposal would put big constraints on workers and companies alike. Speically, it would mean more workers will be put on shifts, which in certain municipalities must be scheduled weeks in advance . - - -giving workers far less flexibiliy, she says.One ride-hailing company confirms it would have to revamp its operations in the state drivers are redassified as employees." We would need far fewer drivers than we currently have."says Adrian Durbin, a company spokesman. And those that remained would have a much more rigid work schedule. Durbin says those Big companies pushed California lawmakers for a middle ground that would grant independent contractors a narrower set of benefits, like minimum wage guarantees, without making them ullledged employees. Which of the following is NOT included in the legislative proposal? A.Companies to pay for workers' compensationB.Companies to pay for workens' insuranceC.Companies to raise the minimum wageD.Companies to provide holiday pay答案:D 本题解析:文章第一段就提到,如果这项提议通过,对于工人的补偿及保险方面都会得到改善,只有D未提到。所以答案选D.37.The economy of the United states after 1952 was the econnomy of a well-fed,almost fully employed people. Despit occasional alarms, the country escaped any pos


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