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江苏2022年浦发银行苏州分行社会招聘(516)上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.某公司财务部的二十名员工进行绩效排名,已知前十八名的平均分为85分,第十九名比第二十名多4分,所有人的平均绩效是82分,那么排名最后的员工绩效是()分。A.59B.57C.55D.53答案:D 本题解析:根据已知条件,可得D项正确;前十八名的总分为:85×18=1530(分)所有人的总分为:82×20=1640(分),因此第十九及二十名总分为1640-1530=110(分),设排名最后的员工绩效为x,则(x+4)+x=110,解得x=53,D选项符合题意。A、B、C选项错误。故本题应选D项。2.用30米的栅栏刚好可围成三边均为整数米的直角三角形区域,问该直角三角形区域的面积为多少平方米?A.20B.25C.30D.60答案:C 本题解析:解法一:第一步,本题考查几何问题中的几何特殊性质类,用代入排除法解题。第二步,分别设两条直角边的长度为a、b,斜边长为c,可得a2+b2=c2,a+b+c=30,分别代入A选项ab/2=20,可得a、b、c为非整数,故排除A;代入B选项ab/2=25,可得a、b、c为非整数,故排除B;代入C选项ab/2=30,可得a=5、b=12、c=13;代入D选项ab/2=60,可得a、b、c为非整数,故排除D。第三步,可得a5,b12,c=13,故直角三角形面积为30。因此,选择C选项。解法二:第一步,本题考查几何特殊性质类,用特殊值解题。第二步,根据周长为30,且三条边都为整数,则根据特殊直角三角形和常见三角形,得三条边为5、12、13能满足该题干条件。第三步,可得a5,b12,c=13,故直角三角形面积为30。因此,选择C选项。3.2013年12月26日,中国社科院和社会科学文献出版社共同发布的社会蓝皮书显示,2012年我国城镇居民人均可支配收入达24565元是1978年的ll5倍,年均增长74,农村人均纯收入达到7917元,是1978年的ll8倍,年均增长75,二者均为剔除价格因素影响后的数据。2013年上半年,我国城镇居民人均可支配收入达到l36491元;农村居民人均纯收入达到48175元。从各地城镇居民人均可支配收入,农村居民人均纯收入看,2012年,城镇居民和农村居民收入最高的均为上海,分别达到40188元和l7804元,北京排名第二,城镇居民人均可支配收入为36469元农村人均纯收入16476元。从收入高低对比来看,2012年,我国城乡居民高收人家庭(最高20收人家庭)人均年收人为437975元:低收入家庭人均年收入只有15877元。根据城乡居民对2014年物价水平变化的调查数据显示,认为物价水平会有大幅度上涨的人数比重为355:认为物价会平稳上涨的人数比重为483;其他观点的人数比重为l62。资料数据表明,2012年北京城乡居民收入比为( )。A.2.21:1B.1:3.21C.1:2.21D.3.21:1答案:A 本题解析:由第二段可知,北京城乡居民收入分别为36469元、l6476元,所求之比为36469:1647636:16=2x:1,A项满足。4.Russian really is hard for lcarners, and a casual comparison might serve the conclusion that big, prestigious languages like Russian are complex. Just look, after all, at their rich, technical vocabularies, and the complex industrial societies that they serve.But linguists who have compared languages systematically are struck by the opposite conclusion.This is largely because linguists, unlike laypeople, focus on grammar, not vocabulary,Consider Berik, spoken in a few villages in eastern Papua. It may not have a word for“supernova”, but it drips with complex rules: a mandatory verb ending tells what time of day the action occurred, and another indicates the size of the direet object. Ofcourse these things can be said in English, but Berik requires them. Remote socictics may be materially simplc;“primitive”", their languages are not.Systematically so: a study in 2010 of thousands of tongucs found that smaller languages have more Berik-style grammatical bits and pieces attached to words. By contrast, bigger ones tend to be like English or Mandarin, in which words change their form lttle ifat all. No one knows why, but a likely culprit is the very scale and ubiquity of such widely travelled languages.As a language spreads, more foreigners come to learn it as adults (thanks to conquest and trade, for example). Since languages are more complex than they need to be, many of those adult learners will- Stalin-style- ignore some of the niceties where they can. If those newcomers have children, the children will often learn a slightly simpler version of the language from their parents.But a new study, conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics at Nijmegen in the Netherlands, has found that it is not entirely foreigners and their sloppy ways that are to blame for languages becoming simpler. Merely being bigger was enough. The researchers, Limor Raviv, Antje Meyer and Shiri Lev-Ari, asked 12 groups of four strangers and 12 groups of eight to invent languages to describe a group of moving shapes on the screen. They were told that the goal was to rack up points for communicating successfully over 16 rounds. (They“talked" by keyboard and were forbidden to use their native language, Dutch.)Over time both big and small groups got better at making themselves understood,but the bigger ones did so by crcating more systematic languages as they interacted,with fewer idiosyncrasies. The rescarchers suppose that this is because the members of the larger groups had fewer interactions with each other member, this put pressureon them to come up with clear patterns. Smaller groups could afford quirkierlanguages, because their members got to“know”cach other better.Ncither the more systematic nor the more idiosyncratic languages were“better",given group size: the small and large groups communicated equally well. But the work provides evidence that an idiosyncratic language is best suited to a small group with rich shared history, As the language spreads, it nceds to become morepredictablc.Taken with previous studies, the new research offers a two-part answer to why grammar rules are built- and lost. As groups grow, the need for systematic rules becomes greater, unlearnable in-group-speak with random variation won't do. But languages develop more rules than they need; as they are learned by foreign speakers joining the group. some of these get stripped away. This can explain why pairs of closely related languages - Tajik and Persian, Icelandic and Swedish, Frisian and English- differ in grammatical complexity. In each couple, the former language is both smaller and more isolated. Systematicity is required for growth. Lost complexity is the cost of foreigners learming your language. It is the price of success. According to the passage, in which way is Berik different from the system of bigger languages, like English? A.There is no way to express the tiny pieces of meanings in EnglishB.There are more direct and easier ways to convey the same contentC.The word forms remain unchanged when used in different situationsD.It requires small pieces attached to words to indicate diferent meanings答案:D 本题解析:细节理解题。由文中第二段“of course these things can be said in English, but Berik requires them.”可知,一些复杂的词汇用英语都表达得出来,但是用Berik语时,我们需要给词汇加上语法词缀。所以答案选D。5.以下能驳倒“他既会弹钢琴也会弹吉他”的有()。他会弹吉他,但不会弹钢琴他会弹钢琴,但不会弹吉他他既不会弹钢琴也不会弹吉他他或者不会弹钢琴或者不会弹吉他如果他不会弹钢琴那么他也不会弹吉他A.2项B.3项C.4项D.5项答案:C 本题解析:题干是一个联言命题要求判断能反驳题干命题的有几项就要了解在什么情况下题干命题为假也即考查题干命题与其肢命题的真假关系。选项中包含多种命题,还需注意这些命题与其肢命题的真假关系。题干是联言命题一假即假,即在“他不会弹钢琴”或“不会弹吉他”的情况下为假。都是联言命题,其为真则所有联言肢为真,因此都能驳倒题干;为真则至少一个选言肢为真,能够驳倒题干;是充分条件假言命題,当题干命题为真时也为真,故不能驳倒题干。答案选C。6.甲、乙、丙、丁四人涉嫌某案被传。甲说:作案者是乙;乙说:作案者是甲;丙说:作案者不是我;丁说:作案者在我们四人中。如果四人中有且只有一人说真话,则以下哪项断定成立?( )A.作案者是甲B.作案者是乙C.作案者是丙D.题干中的条件不足以断定谁是作案者答案:C 本题解析:利用包容原理:甲的话丁的话,若甲说的为真,则丁必为真,但是题干中说只有一人为真,故甲的话为假,即乙不是作案者。同理,乙的话为假,甲也不是作案者。那么真话在丙、丁之间。若丁为假,则表示四个人均为作案犯,与题目不符,故丙的话为假,即丙是案犯。7.行领导在网络安全会议上做出重要讲话,讲话稿打印出来后发现有两处模糊了,填入模糊处与句意一组词语是( )。(1)面对通过网络涌入的大量信息,学会( )有效信息、去除无用信息变得尤为重要。(2)演练提升了信息科风险技安全事件处置人员( )风险、处置风险的能力,增强了我行遇突发安全事件处置能力,演练取得预期效果。A.判定;鉴别B.分辨;识别C.判定;识别D.分辨;鉴别答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析8.A New Study Says You Can Spread to Your DogResearch shows that most dog owner's find their pets to be great stress busters.Curling up on the couch with your pug on playing eatch with your Labradoodle is a great way to unwind and letthe cares of the dlay slip away . New science has some bud news for dog owners. Dog might ease your stress. but they can also catch it,I's an old joke that dogs resemble their owners, but according to this new study out of linkoping universily in sweden . Its actually true in one lecus funny way: stressed out owners have stressedout dog .To figure this out the researchers took hair samples from 25 border collies and 33 shetland sheepdogs. AS well as their female owners. For both humans and dogs . Hair records the level of the stress bormone cortisol in the body over time s0 by analy zing these hairs, the team could figure out just now much stress both the owners and their pets were under long_ ferm.The studly found the stress level of the dogs and their owners matched up : higher levels of sitress among owners showed up as higher levels of stress in their dogs. The efct was even more pronounced if the dogs was female or if it took part in agility copettions with is owner.Previous research has found that cortisol in humans and their dogs can rise together in the short term especially when competing. But this finding was someting new. " This is the first time we've seen a long term synchroniation in stress levels between members of two diferent species。We haven't scen this between humans and dogs before." lead research lina r oth told the guardian.And what about a pooch's lifestyle?did limited opportunitics for play or more time spent alone stress out the dogs? nearly as much as belonging to a human with high cortisol levels. The personality of the owner seemed to play a role to. Although that varied with the sex of the dog.Female dogs whose owners had higher scores in the Big five traits of neurotic ism openness, and conscientiousness had higher cortisol levels, while the same was true of male dogs whose owners scored high in agreeableness.This will not come as a huge surprise to many observant folks who have noticed that highly stung people offen have a highly strung dogs. But should scientifie confrmation of this conection between owners and their dogs put pet if you're arcciety prone? Or if you're under a lot of stress and already a pet owner, should you feel guilty?Roth replies" 1 don't think you should be anxious that , if you're sressed, you might harm your dog" instead, your dog is a 8ocial support for you, and you are a social support for the dog.Your sressede out than made up for by exstra pats , belly rubs, and tennis ball throws.Though if you do lean towards the anxious side, you might want to think carefully about choosing a resilient type of dog. Just which breeds are best is still an open question.one Roth andher collaborators hope.It may be possible to match dog and owner in a way that is better for both, from a stress- management says" It may be that certain breeds are not so deeply afected if their owner hasa high sres leve!"" Readers can find answers to the flowin question ecep( ) A.Should anxiety-prone pople wory about their dogs' conditionB.Will owners with high pres sure levels definitely have a profound impact on their petsC.What type of dog ie best for anxiety-prone ownersD.How did scientists figure out how much stress both the owners and their pets were under答案:C 本题解析:是非题。倒数第二段说,Just which breeds are best is still an open question, Roth and her cllborators hope .究竞哪种狗是最好的仍然是一个悬而未决的问越。9.2013年10月7日至8日亚太经合组织(APEC)第二十一次领导人非正式会议在( )召开,此次系列会议为期一周。A.中国上海B.美国夏威夷C.日本横滨D.印度尼西亚巴厘岛答案:D 本题解析:2001年10月21日,第9次领导人非正式会议在中国上海举行:2010年11月13日至14日第l8次领导人非正式会议在日本横滨举行;2011年11月12日至l3日第l9次领导人非正式会议在美国夏威夷举行;2013年10月7日,亚太经合组织领导人第21次非正式会议在印尼巴厘岛正式举行。所以,本题答案选D。10.某集团月初的短期借款账户为贷方余额6 000 万元,本月向银行借入期限为6 个月的借款2 000 万元,归还以前的短期借款3 000 万元,则本月末短期借款账户的余额为( )。A.贷方5 000 万元B.借方5 000 万元C.贷方3000 万元D.贷方6 000 万元答案:A 本题解析:负债余额在贷方,期末余额=期初余额+贷方发生额-借方发生额=6 000+2 000-3000=5000 万元。11.超限效应,是指当人们所接受的刺激过多、过强或者作用时间过久时,引起的心理极不耐烦或逆反的心理现象。根据上述定义,下列不符合超限效应的是A.小林因为妈妈经常唠叨,他决定毕业后到外地找工作B.王老师因为儿子意外身亡,上课时无法集中注意力C.小方因学习成绩不好,多次受到老师的批评,后来她就放弃了学业D.小华连续加班一周,感到非常疲惫,因琐事与家人大吵答案:B 本题解析:本题对定义中状语和定语的考察。定义给出的是“刺激过多、强或长时间,引起不耐烦或逆反”。A选项经常唠叨和去外地是刺激过多时间久导致了不耐烦符合定义,C选项多次批评和放弃学业是刺激多引起了逆反符合定义。D选项连续加班和疲惫大吵是刺激时间久引起了不耐烦符合定义。B选项丧子的刺激是过强,但没有产生不耐烦和逆反心理而是精力不集中。因此,本题答案为B选项。12.根据以下数字的规律,空缺处应填入的是( )。2/3,1/6,5/6,1/30,( )A.14/15B.29/30C.9/10D.1答案:B 本题解析:观察数列发现,数列中后一项的分母为前一项分子、分母的乘积,分子为前一项的分母-分子,所求项为29/30。B项正确,A、C、D选项不符合题意,故本题正确答案选择B项。13.下列行政行为属于抽象行政行为的是( )A.行政机关关于危旧房改造工程拆迁公告B.公路局关于高速公路收费的通知C.国务院颁布的行政命令D.对某企业偷税行为做出的行政处罚决定答案:C 本题解析:抽象行政行为是指由行政主体做出的具有普遍拘束力的行政行为,如国务院制 定的行政法规,省人民政府制定的规章。观察四个选项,只有C符合。14.我只不过是替他( )了几句,说明了事实的真相。A.辩护B.辩解C.辩白D.辩证答案:C 本题解析:“辩护”强调保护正当利益,“辩证”现在基本做形容词用,形容眼光全面。A、D易 排除。“辩解”与“辩白”两词,“辩解”即分辩解释,强调弄清事实之意,“辩白”指在被误解或被指责 等情况下分辩,使事实得以澄清。结合材料,该空与后面的“说明了事实的真相”是并列关系,故 “说明了事实的真相”即为待填词的含义。故选C。15.Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow-blindness. Yet, dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow-blindness, when exposed to several hours of "snow light".The United States Army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow- blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man's eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow-covered terrain. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluidcovers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs,then is observed, and the result is total, even though temporary, snow-blindness.Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop scouring the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a solid white terrain is overcome.Snow-blindness may be avoided by_.A.concentrating to the solid white terrainB.searching for something to look at in snow-covered terrainC.providing the eyes with something to focus onD.covering the eyeballs with fluid答案:C 本题解析:根据第二段可知,雪盲症的发生最根本的原因是茫茫雪原上没有除了白色以外的颜色可以看到因而眼睛疲劳,因此提供可以聚焦的物体是根本预防办法,故选C。16.3,6, 12,21,33,()。A.44B.46C.48D.50答案:C 本题解析:17.根据内容涉及国家秘密的程度,含有重要的国家秘密,泄露会使国家的安全和利益遭受严重损害的文件属于()。A.内部使用文件B.秘密文件C.机密文件D.绝密文件答案:C 本题解析:根据保密程度,公文可分为对外公开、限国内公开、内部使用、秘密、机密、绝密六类。“绝密”是指含有最重要的国家秘密,泄露会使国家的安全和利益遭受特别严重损害的公文。“机密”是指含有重要的国家秘密,泄露会使国家的安全和利益遭受严重损害的公文。“秘密”是指含有一般的国家秘密,泄露会使国家安全和利益遭受损害的公文。18.The biggest whale is_ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long-theheight of _ 9-storey building.A.the; theB.a; aC.a; theD.the ; a答案:D 本题解析:gstorey building为泛指,故第二个空选a;bluewhale有非限制定语从句修饰所以应用定冠词。故选D。19.8,6,10,11,7,(),24,28A.14B.16C.18D.20答案:A 本题解析:前后组合,8+28=36,6+24=30,10+(14)=24,11+7=18,其中36,30,(24),18是公差为-6的等差数列。20.下列文言句式特点与其他三项不同的是()。A.古之人不余欺也B.三人行,必有我师焉C.刘国破灭,非兵不利,战不善,弊在略秦D.蚯无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也答案:A 本题解析:A项“不余欺”即“不欺余”为倒装句。BCD都是正常的陈述句。21.2012年某省接待过夜游客总量再次实现突破,达到3001.34万人次,同比增长16.0%。实现旅游收入324.04亿元,同比增长25. 8%。12月份宾馆平均开房率为74.02%,同比增长 0.06%;全年累计宾馆平均开房率为62. 37%,同比增长2.0%。2011年该省接待过夜游客的旅游总收入约为( )。A.25亿元B.258亿元C.298亿元D.408亿元答案:B 本题解析:22. Human resources workers serve a vital ( ) in screening qualified candidates for the company's managerial positions.A.playB.functionC.skillD.piece答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析23.一根竹笋从发芽到长大,如果每天长1倍,经过l0天长到40分米,那么当长到25分米时,要经过()天。A.6B.8C.4D.12答案:A 本题解析:先计算由25分米长到40分米所需要的时间,这是一个首项为25,公比为2的等比数列,40÷25=16=24,即需要4天,故长到25分米需要10-4=6天。24.企业信息化:是指企业利用现代信息技术,通过深化开发和广泛利用信息资源,不断提高生产、经营、管理、决策效率和水平的过程。根据上述定义,下列不属于企业信息化的是( )A.学校建立计算机网络平台使校内信息资源得到充分利用B.将全部企业业务乃至全部企业管理实现信息化的计算机集成制造系统C.将离散型和流程型生产的质量、设施、控制、数据和通信等结合起来,实现广泛的管理信息集成D.制定原材料零部件采购加工计划,以保证能在规定的时间、地点得到需要的物料数量,并引进计算机进行辅助管理答案:A 本题解析:A项的主体学校是事业单位,不能算是企业,因此,不属于企业信息化。25.2010年7月,中国农业银行A+H股于15日、16日分别在()挂牌上市,实现全球最大规模IP0。A.上海、香港B.上海、深圳C.深圳、上海D.香港、深圳答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析26.曲艺是中华传统文化的重要组成部分。近年来,在各级政府的重视下,经过全国曲艺工作者和学术界的共同努力,曲艺艺术在传承中得到发展,一系列源于传统的曲艺精品不断涌现一大批宝贵的曲艺遗产得到了有效的抢救与保护。但是,随着经济全球化和生活方式的转变、城市化步伐的加快以及外来文化的冲击,包括曲艺在内的非物质文化遗产的生存和发展也出现了不小的困难,一些曲艺遗产面临流失,许多曲种后继乏人、濒临失传,传承保护工作迫在眉睫。最能准确表达这段文字主旨的是()。A.曲艺是中华传统文化的重要组成部分B.曲艺遗产传承保护工作迫在眉睫C.曲艺遗产得到了有效的抢救与保护D.非物质文化遗产传承保护工作迫在眉睫答案:B 本题解析:文段先描述了我国一大批曲艺遗产得到了有效抢救与保护,随后用“但是”一词作转折,强调后面的内容,即曲艺的生存和发展出现了不小的困难,传承保护工作迫在眉睫,与此表述一致的是B项。故本题答案为B。27.下列所给图形的左侧是一完整的立方体,中间和右侧再加上下列选项中的( )就可以构成左侧的完整的立方体。A.如图所示B.如上图所示C.如图示D.如图答案:D 本题解析:完整的立方体有27块小方块,中间和右侧两个图形共有小方块15个,剩下的部分应由12个小方块组成。可以排除A、C项,根据完整的立方体的黑色部分可以看出只有D选项符合。所以选D。28.中国的县城确实太复杂,塞北尚在千里冰封、万里雪飘的时候,江南已经百花吐艳、草木争晖了。2000多个县星罗棋布,地理位置、资源禀赋、文化传统和老百姓的生活方式都_。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是:A.各有千秋B.千姿百态C.气象万千D.千变万化答案:A 本题解析:第一句话描述了中国县城在气象方面的差异巨大。由第二句"星罗棋布,地理位置、资源禀赋、文化传统和老百姓的生活方式都"可知,中国的县城不但多,而且各具特色。"千姿百态"形容姿态多种多样或种类丰富。"气象万千"形容景象或事物壮丽而多变化。"千变万化"形容变化非常多,没有穷尽。这三个词用以修饰"生活方式"都不合适。"各有千秋"指各有各的存在的价值,正符合中国县城的特征,故答案选A。29.如果从伦理的角度着眼,两极分化是一种悲剧性的社会现实。面对落人破产者行列的许 多小生产者和劳动者,我们不能不寄予深切的同情。但是从生产力的角度着眼,两极分化 是商品经济的价值规律发生作用后的必然结果,它发挥着约束和激励的功能,使人力资源 和物质资源都趋于更合理的配置。对这段话理解正确的一项是( )。A.从发展商品经济的角度看,两极分化具有一定的意义B.我们应对落人破产者行列的小生产者和劳动者寄予深切的同情C.我们不应该对落人破产者行列的小生产者和劳动者寄予太多的同情D.我们应该首先从经济的角度考虑问题,而不应该过多地从伦理的角度考虑问题答案:A 本题解析:这两句话是转折复句,重心在第二句,主要意思是:从生产力角度看,两极分化具有一定的意义,故A项正确。B、C、D都曲解了作者的意图。30.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:将汉字当作图形来看,每个汉字中均包含且只包含两个元素“一”,在备选项中有此特征的只有B项。考生寻找共同元素的时候,应该从最简单的图形开始找,那么本题应该从“与”开始找。31.论语中孔子教给我们最好的交友原则:“益者三友。友直,友谅,友多闻,益矣。”其中 “友谅”是指( )A.能听取他人意见的朋友B.能帮助自己的朋友C.诚实守信的朋友D.知识广博的朋友答案:C 本题解析:孔子这句话的意思是:有益的朋友有三种。结交正直的朋友,诚信的朋友,知识广博的朋友,是(对人)有益的(朋友)。32.8,15,29,57,()A.112B.114C.113D.116答案:C 本题解析:根据题干,可得C项正确;二级等比数列,15-8=7,29-15=14,57-29=28,所以下一次应为57+56=113,C选项符合题意。A、B、D选项错误。故本题正确答案选C。33.When I opened the first "Body Shop" in 1976, what I wanted to do was to earn (挣) enough money to feed my children. Today the "Body Shop" is a great company growing fast all around the world. In the years since we began, I have learned a lot. Much of what I have learned will be found in this book, because I believe that we, as a company, have something worth saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what you really believe in.It's not an ordinary business book. It is not just about my life, either. The message is that to succeed in business you have to be different. Business can be fun, and can be run with love and do good. In business, as in life, I need to enjoy myself, to have a feeling of my family and to feel excited by something unusual. I have always wanted the people who work for the "Body Shop" to feel the same way.Now this book sends these ideas out into the world, and makes them public. I'd like to think there are no limits (界限) to our "family", and no limits to what can be done. I find that an exciting thought. I hope you do, too. What kind of person does the writer seem to be? A.She is mainly interested in making moneyB.She thinks running a business a different jobC.She


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