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关于高考励志语录名言英语努力去做自己该做的,但是不要期待回报,不是付出了就会有回报的,做了就不要懊悔,不做才懊悔。下面由小编与大家分享高考励志语录名言英语,希望你们喜欢!欢迎阅读!高考励志语录名言英语1、try it, you can win。试试就能行,争争就能赢。2、one month is sprint。 idea that day, one day。考前一个月就是冲刺。养兵千日,用兵一时。3、did not dare to voice, fear of reading people。不敢高声语,恐惊读书人。4、there is no easy place in the world。天下断无易处之境遇;人间哪有空闲的光阴。5、to work easily, the problem will become easier。把容易题作对,难题就会变容易。6、plum flower, the first joy in the sweat。梅花香自苦寒来,熬头喜在汗水中。7、to the winner will lose, is not afraid of the losers will win。总想赢者必输,不怕输者必赢。8、dead heart does not panic, more easily in fine。遇难心不慌,遇易心更细。9、without wind and rain, how can see the rainbow不经风雨,怎见彩虹10、god helps those who help themselves, you can。天助自助者,你要你就能。11、rose to fly, at the foot of the road。奋起飞翔,路在脚下。12、at top speed, as the first monarch, young heroes。快马加鞭,君为先,自古英雄出少年。13、perseverance, hard to adhere to, adhere to。贵在坚持、难在坚持、成在坚持。14、hard for three years, happy life。辛苦三年,幸福一生。15、spiritual adult, knowledge and talent, attitude。精神成人,知识成才,态度成全。16、a product kuibu zhen cheng, thousands of miles away。积一时之跬步,臻千里之遥程。17、efforts will be able to succeed, to ensure that the victory。努力就能成功,坚持确保胜利。18、note to be easy to see, to look at, this is another textbook。笔记要便于看,要经常看,这是又一本教材。19、encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。遇到会做的题:仔细;遇到不会做的题:冷静。20、again hard, but also strong, only for those who look forward to。再苦再难,也要刚强,只为那些期待的眼神。21、there is power without pressure, stress, and not anxiety。有动力而无压力,紧张而不焦虑,迅速而不慌乱。22、battle entrance, change destiny。 repeated setbacks fighting, triumph in the pack!决战高考,改变命运。屡挫屡战,笑傲群雄!23、the sun is new every day, and you are trying every day。太阳每天都是新的,你是否每天都在努力。24、senior college entrance examination high goals, learning good academic learning。高三高考高目标,苦学善学上好学。25、do not seek the difficult problems, first of all, the middle grade is good。不求难题都做,先求中低档题不错。26、today, studying hard, i must have; ming exclusive first, who今日寒窗苦读,必定有我;明朝独占熬头,舍我其谁27、for time is to strive for success, improve efficiency is to improve the score。争取时间就是争取成功,提高效率就是提高分数。28、there is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。有高水平的集体,才有高水平的个人。29、a storm will sharpen a future, to share the joy of brilliance。一路风雨前程磨砺意志,半载苦乐同享铸就辉煌。30、has the knowledge to change destiny, has the ideal change manner。拥有知识改变命运,拥有理想改变态度。31、the most difficult question, for you, is not necessarily the last one。最难的题,对你而言,并不一定在于最后一道。32、today more than a hard tomorrow, more than a few smiles。今天多一份拼搏、明天多几份欢笑。33、with aspirations to long unremitting self-improvement, social commitment with dream fu ling。自强不息怀壮志以长行,厚德载物携幻想而抚凌。34、thank you why three up to sleep before dawn; the most useless if one day ten day of cold exposure。贵有恒何必三更起五更睡;最无益只怕一日曝十日寒。35、confidence is the aggregation of endless wisdom。 plain, is on the success of the inn。自信,是无尽智慧的凝聚。平淡,是成功路上的驿站。36、yi you speech memorable wenjiqiwu, welcome bing xu still need cigu cantilever。辞乙酉难忘闻鸡起舞,迎丙戌仍需刺股悬梁。37、reading to change the fate of the cause of hard work, attitude determines everything。读书改变命运,刻苦成就事业,态度决定一切。38、don't ask the harvest, but the hard work! god helps those who help themselves。不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。39、spring breeze blowing drum beating, the college entrance examination this year who cares!春风吹战鼓擂,今年高考谁怕谁!40、ningchengyigusheng, stroke as a force, ruthless one, is a dream。拧成一股绳,搏尽一份力,狠下一条心,共圆一个梦。41、don't feel inferior, you are not stupid。 don't be complacent, others are not stupid。不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。42、four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk loparex, two test method, a common heart。四分学识智,三心细耐恒,二成应试法,一片平常心。名人名言励志英语1、a healthy body is the cornerstone of the goal。健康的身体是实现目标的基石。2、is the best for the character 。永不言败是查究者的最正确品格。3、pay will be good。付出才会杰出。4、do the right thing, and do the right thing。做正确的事,再把事情做正确。5、don't sigh for the lost time。不要为已消逝之年华叹息,须正视欲匆匆溜走的时光。6、life can only move forward; only fit to live。人生只有发明才能前进;只有适应才能生存。7、great strength lies in our hearts。伟大的力量存在于我们的内心。8、never give up is the only secret of your dream。永不放弃是你幻想实现的唯一秘诀。9、success is a simple thing to do。成功就是简单的事情不断地重复做。10、no retreat when the potential to play out。没有退路时潜能就发挥出来了。11、passion and desire can break through all the difficulties。热情和欲望可以突破一切难关。12、never give up, is the best character of success。永不言败,是成功者的最正确品格。13、into a big thing is not how much power, but how long it can last。成大事不在于力量多少,而在能坚持多久。14、to be successful, first go crazy, the mind is simple to move forward。要成功,先发疯,头脑简单向前冲。15、observe success, don't always pay attention to failure。用心察看成功者,别老是关注失败者。16、the goal is to build a strong desire to succeed in my success。目标的实现建立在我要成功的强烈愿望上。17、life only come out of the beautiful, not so brilliant。人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。18、with the active people together, can make us feel high。与积极的人在一起,可以让我们心情高昂。19、the secret of success is to keep your goals and beliefs。成功的秘诀在于坚持自已的目标和信念。20、a man's luck, in fact, he has the ability to change himself。一个人幸运的前提,其实是他有能力改变自己。21、a strong man, his world is full of infinite possibilities。意志刚强的人,他的世界充斥着无限的可能性。22、life is like riding a bicycle。 to keep your balance you must move on。人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。23、opportunity is created by oneself, but not the one that waits for others。时机是自己发明的,而不能一味的等待别人的赐予。24、life to precipitation, have anyone, a person will force enough impetuous。人生要成沉淀,要有定力,一个人定力不够会急躁。25、no matter how many times the number of times, they have to face life, full of hope。不论失败多少次,都要面对生活,充斥希望。26、the most important value of life is the soul of happiness, but nothing else。人生最重要的价值是心灵的幸福,而不是任何身外之物。27、when no one is ignored, firm rigid。 people envy, xinruzhishui。无人理睬时,坚决执着。万人羡慕时,心如止水。28、the secret of success is hard, the first place is all out of practice。成功的秘诀是努力,所有的第一名都是练出来的。29、hope, happiness will come to you; dream, opportunity will cover you。心存希望,幸福就会降临你;心存幻想,机遇就会笼罩你。30、because of regret, so the day; because of the dream, so to forget about one's own。因为有悔,所以披星戴月;因为有梦,所以奋不顾身。31、when you have nothing to lose, it's when you start to get it。当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。32、treat yourself, don't be others around, also don't go around others, self-confident grace。善待自己,不被别人左右,也不去左右别人,自信优雅。33、when you feel pain, go to the study point, learning can reduce the pain。当你感到痛苦时,就去学习点什么吧,学习可以使我们减缓痛苦。34、man has faith and the pursuit of can endure all hardships, adapt to all the environment。人有了信念和追求就能忍受一切艰苦,适应一切环境。35、to succeed, do not run with the horses, to ride on the horse, immediately succeed。要成功,不要与马赛跑,要骑在马上,马上成功。36、luck can never last forever, it can help you to keep the thing for a lifetime。运气永远不可能持续一辈子,能帮忙你持续一辈子的东西只有你个人的能力。37、when your ability also can't control your goal, you should devote to experience。当你的能力还驾驭不了你的目标时,那你就应该沉下心来历练。38、when your talents can not afford your ambition, then you should be calm down to learn。当你的才华还撑不起你的野心时,那你就应该静下心来学习。39、to have the same results as a successful person, you must take the same action。要跟成功者有同样的结果,就必须采取同样的行动。40、having a dream is a kind of intelligence, the realization of a dream is a kind of ability。拥有幻想只是一种智力,实现幻想才是一种能力。41、man's potential is an invaluable resource of mine, just waiting for us to dig。人的潜能是一座无法估量的丰盛的矿藏,只等着我们去挖掘。42、goals and beliefs give people a lasting power, it is the spiritual pillar of the people。目标和信念给人以持久的动力,它是人的精神支柱。43、is expected to get to work, get hopeless mind, no matter winning attitude will be good。有望得到的要努力,无望得到的不介意,无论输赢姿态都会好看。44、many things in life, not that we can not do, but we do not believe that we can do。生活中的许多事,并不是我们不能做到,而是我们不相信能够做到。45、don't complain, don't always feel this situation is most be frustrated for all one's talent, by yourself。不要抱怨,不要总是觉得自己怀才不遇,这种状况大局部是自己造成的。46、all the hardships you have experienced are meaningful, because it is a sign of your responsibility。你经历的所有的困苦都是有意义的,因为这是你要承当重任的先兆。47、what is most important in your life is not what you are in the world, but what you think of yourself。人生在世,最重要的不是自己处境如何,而是你如何看待自己的处境。48、life is a process that has been spending time, waiting for the time being, and life goes to the end。生命就是一个一直在支出时间的过程,等时间支完了,生命也就走到了尽头。49、great achievements, great efforts from the great goal and the greatest efforts to put into action。伟大的成就,来自为远大的目标所花费的巨大心思和付诸的最大努力。


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