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四川2023年攀枝花商业银行校园招聘历年高频考点试题库答案解析(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共20题)1.2015年政府工作报告指出,我们要着眼于()和()“双目标”,坚持稳政策稳预期和促改革调结构“双结合”实现中国经济提质增效升级。A.经济社会发展平稳 持续推进农业现代化B.经济社会健康发展 坚持稳中求进C.保持中高速增长 迈向中高端水平D.保持高速增长 迈向高端水平答案:C 本题解析:2015年政府工作报告指出,我们要把握好总体要求,着眼于保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平“双目标”,坚持稳政策稳预期和促改革调结构“双结合”,打造大众创业、万众创新和增加公共产品、公共服务“双引擎”推动发展调速不减势、量增质更优,实现中国经济提质增效升级。故本题答案选C。2.某城市一个居民小区2008年以前盗窃事件经常发生2008年在小区居民的要求下。物业管理部门为该小区安装了技术先进的多功能防盗系统结果该小区盗窃事件的发生率显著下降,这说明多功能防盗系统对于防止盗窃事件的发生起到了重要的作用。以下哪一项为真。最能加强上述结论?()A.从2008年开始.该城市其它小区的盗窃事件有显著增加B.该城市另一个居民小区也安装了这种多功能防盗系统.但效果不佳C.从2008年开始.该城市加强了治安管理.盗窃事件有所减少D.采取其他的防盗措施对预防盗窃事件也能起到一定的效果答案:A 本题解析:题干通过“小区使用防盗系统后盗窃事件发生率下降”得出结论“该防盗系统对防止盗窃事件起到重要作用”。A项通过与其他小区盗窃事件发生率的对比,说明如果没有防盗系统。则盗窃事件上升,从反面场合突出了防盗系统的作用,加强了题干结论:B项削弱了结论;C项说明整体盗窃事件发生率都下降了,与防盗系统的使用无关削弱了结论:D项说明别的措施也可以达到同样效果,削弱了结论。故答案选A。3.中国传统文化中的内容。体现了当今金人类的普遍价值观:念,极富现代意蕴。这些内容,既是民族的,又是全人类的;既是传统的,又是现代的。我们把这些内容用国际社会容易理解的形式对外传播,比较容易得到认同。从而有助于提升中华文化的国际影响力和亲和力,提升我们国家在国际社会中的软实力。同时,这也有助于在全世界塑造我们国家的文明、友好、开放、包容的形象。这段话主要谈论的是()。A.提升我国软实力的途径B.中国传统文化的现代价值C.中国文化的国际影响力D.弘扬中国传统文化的意义答案:D 本题解析:材料围绕中国传统文化来说,因此主要谈论的内容自然是“中国传统文化”,可首先排除不含此主题词的A、C两项。由材料的三四句可知,作者重点想说的是把这些具有现实意义的传统文化进行对外传播可提升我国的软实力和形象,即弘扬传统文化的意义。故答案为D。4.目前划分货币供应量层次的一般依据是()。A.货币的名义购买力B.货币的实际购买力C.一定时期内全社会的各类存款量D.货币资产的流动性答案:D 本题解析:目前一般依据资产的流动性,即各种货币资产转化为通货或现实购买力的能力来划分不同货币层次。5.The management believes that _all of the damaged goods will cost more than hiring a contractor to repair them.A.replacementB.replacesC.replacedD.replacing答案:D 本题解析:从空格开始到900ds截止的部分为that从句的主语,分析句子可以知道,all ofthe damaged goods充当空格的宾语。6.Questions 69-71 refer to the following letter.Sarton Industries13 NovemberMs. Claudia Ramirez238 Carter BoulevardSpring Harbor, DE05421Dear Ms. RamirezThank you for your interest in Sarton Industries. I received your resume, cover letter, and reference list today. Unfortunately, the computer analyst position you were interest in was filled earlier this week.Your credentials are very impressive. I believe you are well qualified for a Web-developer position that we will posting sometime next month. We are looking for candidates with extensive experience in Web design. If you are interested in the position, I can forward your information to Richard Stanton, our information systems supervisor, and suggest that he set up an interview with you. If you do not already have one assembled, you may want to put a collection of your work into a portfolio to bring with you to that interview.Please call me or send an e-mail at your earliest convenience to let me know if you would be interestedin meeting with Mr. Stanton.Sincerely.Debra MetzgerDirector of PerdonnelSarton Industries What position did Ms. Ramirez apply for? A.Director of personnelB.Web designerC.Graphic artistD.Computer analyst答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析7.第51题答案是_A.allowB.accompanyC.registerD.follow答案:C 本题解析:A“allow”同意,G“accompany”伴随,C“register”登记,D“follow”追赶。8.下列国际贸易理论中,认为“各国应该集中生产并出口那些能够充分利用本国充裕要素的产品。进口那些需要密集使用本国稀缺要素的产品”的是()。A.亚当·斯密的绝对优势理论B.大卫·李嘉图的比较优势理论C.赫克歇尔一俄林的要素禀赋理论D.克鲁格曼的规模经济贸易理论答案:C 本题解析:根据赫克歇尔和俄林的理论,各国应该集中生产并出口那些能够充分利用本国充裕要素的产品,进口那些需要密集使用本国稀缺要素的产品。本题通过“要素”二字即可做正确选择。9.2011年6月1日国务院总理主持召开国务院常务会议,会议决定,自2011年7月1日起, 启动城镇居民社会养老保险试点工作,今年试点范围覆盖全国( )的地区。A.40%B.50%C.55%D.60%答案:D 本题解析:2011年6月1日的国务院常务会议决定,今年居民社会养老保险试点范 围覆盖全国60%的地区,明年基本实现全覆盖。10.Russian really is hard for lcarners, and a casual comparison might serve the conclusion that big, prestigious languages like Russian are complex. Just look, after all, at their rich, technical vocabularies, and the complex industrial societies that they serve.But linguists who have compared languages systematically are struck by the opposite conclusion.This is largely because linguists, unlike laypeople, focus on grammar, not vocabulary,Consider Berik, spoken in a few villages in eastern Papua. It may not have a word for“supernova”, but it drips with complex rules: a mandatory verb ending tells what time of day the action occurred, and another indicates the size of the direet object. Ofcourse these things can be said in English, but Berik requires them. Remote socictics may be materially simplc;“primitive”", their languages are not.Systematically so: a study in 2010 of thousands of tongucs found that smaller languages have more Berik-style grammatical bits and pieces attached to words. By contrast, bigger ones tend to be like English or Mandarin, in which words change their form lttle ifat all. No one knows why, but a likely culprit is the very scale and ubiquity of such widely travelled languages.As a language spreads, more foreigners come to learn it as adults (thanks to conquest and trade, for example). Since languages are more complex than they need to be, many of those adult learners will- Stalin-style- ignore some of the niceties where they can. If those newcomers have children, the children will often learn a slightly simpler version of the language from their parents.But a new study, conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics at Nijmegen in the Netherlands, has found that it is not entirely foreigners and their sloppy ways that are to blame for languages becoming simpler. Merely being bigger was enough. The researchers, Limor Raviv, Antje Meyer and Shiri Lev-Ari, asked 12 groups of four strangers and 12 groups of eight to invent languages to describe a group of moving shapes on the screen. They were told that the goal was to rack up points for communicating successfully over 16 rounds. (They“talked" by keyboard and were forbidden to use their native language, Dutch.)Over time both big and small groups got better at making themselves understood,but the bigger ones did so by crcating more systematic languages as they interacted,with fewer idiosyncrasies. The rescarchers suppose that this is because the members of the larger groups had fewer interactions with each other member, this put pressureon them to come up with clear patterns. Smaller groups could afford quirkierlanguages, because their members got to“know”cach other better.Ncither the more systematic nor the more idiosyncratic languages were“better",given group size: the small and large groups communicated equally well. But the work provides evidence that an idiosyncratic language is best suited to a small group with rich shared history, As the language spreads, it nceds to become morepredictablc.Taken with previous studies, the new research offers a two-part answer to why grammar rules are built- and lost. As groups grow, the need for systematic rules becomes greater, unlearnable in-group-speak with random variation won't do. But languages develop more rules than they need; as they are learned by foreign speakers joining the group. some of these get stripped away. This can explain why pairs of closely related languages - Tajik and Persian, Icelandic and Swedish, Frisian and English- differ in grammatical complexity. In each couple, the former language is both smaller and more isolated. Systematicity is required for growth. Lost complexity is the cost of foreigners learming your language. It is the price of success.What is the author's main purpose of writing this article?A.To explain why bigger languages have simpler grammarB.To inform readers the evolvement process of languagesC.To introduce the systematic and idiosyncratic languagesD.To compare the differences between Berik and English答案:A 本题解析:主旨大意题。全文用俄语学习引出话题,通过对比Berik语和其他大语种以及荷兰的MaxPlanck心理语言学研究院的研究,旨在说明“为什么说的人越多的语言,语法反而越简单?"所以答案选A。11.举目眺望,河那边的深林被_笼罩着,黄昏降临了。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是()A.暮秋B.暮景C.暮霭D.暮气答案:C 本题解析:“幕秋”指将要结束时的秋天,夏历九月前后暮景”指今晚的景色,“募雾”指黄昏时幕气沉沉, 依据下文中“黄昏降临了”可以判断括号中的词语应该是“幕霭”,因此正确答案是C12.Questions refer to the following article. President Barack Obama has issued his call to put global warming at the top of the international agenda,pledging to push for co-ordinated action by the worlds biggest countries to tackle the problem of climate change. In the speech, the US president on Tuesday laid out a three-part plan to deal with climate change using the power of his office. He outlined a strategy to cut the USs carbon pollution by reducing emissions from coal-fired power plants;to prepare the US for the impact of climate change,such as the super storm that ravaged the New Jersey coastline last year, and to lead the world by example in combating changing climate. “While no single step can reverse the effects of climate change, the president believes we have a moral obligation to our kids to leave them a planet thats not polluted and damaged,” a White House official said. The coal industry said the proposals could prove devastatingshares in US coal mining companies have been falling sharplybut Mr. Obamas speech was being watched closely around the World. In Europe, where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the climate change agenda firmly into the political background, environmental campaigners said they hoped Mr. Obamas speech would puncture arguments tackling global warming as bad for the economy. “If you have got the US and China moving, then the argument that the EU is going it alone clearly doesnt stand up to scrutiny anymore,”said Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation. The president said he would seek to expand new and existing international initiatives, including bilateral initiatives with China, India and other big emissions countries.The Eurozone crisis has caused that().A.People believed that dealing with environmental problems is bad for the economyB.There has been more environmental campaigners discussing about the issueC.The climate change agenda was influenced by politicsD.The EU was going along with US and China答案:C 本题解析:根据原文where the Eurozone crisis has pushed the climate change agenda firmly into the political background即这些年来欧元区危机一直主宰政治日程,气候变化问题则退居幕后。可知气候变化问题受到政治的影响。故选C项。13.()A.选项AB.选项BC.选项CD.选项D答案:D 本题解析:题干每个图形十字交叉点的个数分别为2、3、4、5,选项中只有D有6个十字交叉点。14.某项目组成员年龄分别为:2 人26 岁、1 人27 岁、2 人28 岁、3 人30 岁、2 人35 岁。那么项目组成员年龄的中数是( )岁。A.27B.29C.30D.28答案:B 本题解析:项目组成员共10 人,计算中数取中间两个数的平均值,即(28+30)÷2=29。15.西方神话中,正义女神头戴蒙眼布,这并非_,而是寓意自我约束,不受外界干扰。在现代司法制度中,禁止单方面接触,执行利益回避等具体制度设计,正是为了实现法律本身的公正与严肃,是对法官个人以及整个司法事业提出的职业_。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.与世隔绝要求B.置若罔闻标准C.闭目塞听戒律D.避人耳目规范答案:C 本题解析:本题考察的是实词与成语的综合。“正义女神头戴蒙眼布,这并非”,后面填入词与前文呼应,A项“与世隔绝”比蒙眼布的含义更重,不合文意;B项“置若罔闻”是对感知到的信息当做未曾感知,题干强调的不是感知到后故意当做未感知,不合文意;C项“闭目塞听”闭上眼睛不看,堵住耳朵不听。形容对外界事物不闻不问,符合文意。D项“避人耳目”指的是避免走漏消息,不符合文意。验证第二空,C项“戒律”指的是必须遵守的准则。职业戒律,符合文意。因此,选择C选项。16.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:题干的四个图形都能够一笔画成,选项中只有A符合条件。因此选A。17.A New Study Says You Can Spread to Your DogResearch shows that most dog owner's find their pets to be great stress busters.Curling up on the couch with your pug on playing eatch with your Labradoodle is a great way to unwind and letthe cares of the dlay slip away . New science has some bud news for dog owners. Dog might ease your stress. but they can also catch it,I's an old joke that dogs resemble their owners, but according to this new study out of linkoping universily in sweden . Its actually true in one lecus funny way: stressed out owners have stressedout dog .To figure this out the researchers took hair samples from 25 border collies and 33 shetland sheepdogs. AS well as their female owners. For both humans and dogs . Hair records the level of the stress bormone cortisol in the body over time s0 by analy zing these hairs, the team could figure out just now much stress both the owners and their pets were under long_ ferm.The studly found the stress level of the dogs and their owners matched up : higher levels of sitress among owners showed up as higher levels of stress in their dogs. The efct was even more pronounced if the dogs was female or if it took part in agility copettions with is owner.Previous research has found that cortisol in humans and their dogs can rise together in the short term especially when competing. But this finding was someting new. " This is the first time we've seen a long term synchroniation in stress levels between members of two diferent species。We haven't scen this between humans and dogs before." lead research lina r oth told the guardian.And what about a pooch's lifestyle?did limited opportunitics for play or more time spent alone stress out the dogs? nearly as much as belonging to a human with high cortisol levels. The personality of the owner seemed to play a role to. Although that varied with the sex of the dog.Female dogs whose owners had higher scores in the Big five traits of neurotic ism openness, and conscientiousness had higher cortisol levels, while the same was true of male dogs whose owners scored high in agreeableness.This will not come as a huge surprise to many observant folks who have noticed that highly stung people offen have a highly strung dogs. But should scientifie confrmation of this conection between owners and their dogs put pet if you're arcciety prone? Or if you're under a lot of stress and already a pet owner, should you feel guilty?Roth replies" 1 don't think you should be anxious that , if you're sressed, you might harm your dog" instead, your dog is a 8ocial support for you, and you are a social support for the dog.Your sressede out than made up for by exstra pats , belly rubs, and tennis ball throws.Though if you do lean towards the anxious side, you might want to think carefully about choosing a resilient type of dog. Just which breeds are best is still an open question.one Roth andher collaborators hope.It may be possible to match dog and owner in a way that is better for both, from a stress- management says" It may be that certain breeds are not so deeply afected if their owner hasa high sres leve!""The auther writes the first para in order to ( )A.Summarize the previous findingsB.Allract atentions by highligbting the differences in study of the relationship between humans and petsC.Highlight the finding of this research lad the themeD.Highlight the close relationship between pets and people答案:B 本题解析:细节题。第一段开头说Reserch shows that most dog owner's find theitr pets to be great stress buster.研究表明,大多数狗主人发现他们的宠物是压力的克星,可以缓解主任的压力New scienee has some bad news for dog owners. Dog might ease your sress. but they can alsocatchit但新的研究说明狗可以缓解你的压力。但是他们也会感染。说明是两个研究的对比。18.下面九宫图中,最适合填入的一项是( )。A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:每一行三个图形封闭部分数目是8。19.某企业是以共同出资并通过订立协议的形式组成的,一年以后,由于经营不善,企业倒闭且资不抵债,此时出资人应负的责任是()。A.有限责任B.有限连带责任C.仅限于总经理无限连带责任D.出资人无限连带责任答案:D 本题解析:从题干中“共同出资”、“订立协议”等词语可以判断该企业为合伙制企业,所以合伙人共同承担债务,对企业承担无限连带责任。20.根据国家现行分税制财政体制,下列税种中,属于中央财政固定收入的是( )。A.消费税B.增值税C.个人所得税D.资源税答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析二.多项选择题(共20题)1.推进生态文明建设,既要建立一套系统完整的生态文明制度,也要统筹考虑经济体制改革。十八大以来,相关规定先后下发,坚持()“三管齐下”,逐步改善我国生态环境,绘出美丽中国精彩画卷。A.技术B.行政C.经济D.法律答案:B、C、D 本题解析:暂无解析2.当前我国金融监管体制的特征有( )。A.独立于中央银行B.以中央银行为重心C.单一全能型D.综合监管E.分业监管答案:A、E 本题解析:暂无解析3.为了使职业生涯管理活动取得成功,要得到组织高层的支持。A.诚信B.爱岗C.合规D.尽职E.竞争答案:A、C、D 本题解析:银行业从业人员应当遵守职业操守,在从业生涯中恪守诚信、合规、尽职的职业价值理念。4.中国银行发行的“新时期中国银行纸币”有()。A.奥运钞B.外汇兑换券C.澳门币D.港币答案:A、B、C、D 本题解析:中国银行发行的“新时期中国银行纸币”有港币、澳门币和外汇兑换券、奥运钞。故选ABCD。5.银行承兑汇票一级市场上,主要涉及的交易行为有( )。A.汇票出票B.汇票承兑C.汇票流通D.汇票贴现E.汇票再贴现答案:A、B 本题解析:银行承兑汇票市场主要由一级市场和二级市场构成:前者即发行市场,主要涉及汇票的出票和承兑行为;后者相当于流通市场,涉及汇票的贴现与再贴现过程。6.政府对进出口贸易进行干预的手段包括( )。A.财务核算B.关税壁垒C.非关税壁垒D.出口退税E.出口补贴答案:B、C、D、E 本题解析:暂无解析7.2014年12月5日。中国建设银行多伦多分行正式开业。建设银行多伦多分行持全能银行牌照。开业初期将为客户提供包括()、加元清算和资金业务等在内的商业银行业务。A.存款B.贸易融资C.国际结算D.银团贷款答案:A、B、C、D 本题解析:暂无解析8.根据人们对待风险的态度,经济学中把人分为()。A.风险爱好者B.风险厌恶者C.风险中性者D.风险追求者E.风险逃避者答案:A、B、C 本题解析:根据人们对待风险的态度,经济学中依据风险的偏好把人分为风险爱好者、风险厌恶者和风险中性者三种。故本题正确答案选ABC。9.多媒体计算机系统必备的基本特性有( )。A.多样性B.友好性C.集成性D.交互性答案:A、C、D 本题解析:暂无解析10.管理的基本特征有A.管理是一种文化现象和社会现象B.管理的主体是被管理者C.管理的核心是处理好人际关系D.管理的任务是让工作的人们用尽可能少的支出,实现既定的目标答案:A、B、C、D 本题解析:暂无解析11.财政资本性支出的补偿方式一般包括( )。A.集资B.贷款C.税收D.国债答案:C、D 本题解析:资本性支出的补偿方式一般有两种,一是税收,二是国债。12. 影响我国货币需求的因素有()。 A.价格B.收入C.利率D.货币流通速度E.金融资产收益率答案:A、B、C、D、E 本题解析:影响我国货币需求的因素有:收入;价格;利率;货币流通速度;金融资产的收益率;企业与个人对利率与价格的预期;财政收支状况;其他因素,如信用的发展状况、金融机构技术手段的先进和服务质量的优劣、国家的政治形势对货币需求的影响等。13.以下因素中导致市场利率上升的有( )。A.扩张性货币政策B.紧缩性货币政策C.物价水平上升D.通货紧缩E.股票市场收益增加答案:B、C、E 本题解析:暂无解析14.整理权是著作权的一种,是著作权人允许对其在保护期内的作品或材料进行整理的权利。整理人应当取得原著作权人的许可并支付报酬。在整理过程中,整理作品应符合原作的思想,文字表述体现原作的风格。由于整理人付出大量的创造性劳动,因而对于整理后所形成的作品享有著作权。根据上述定义,下列说法正确的是:A.王某未经李某同意将其短篇小说汇总整理并出版,出版后将一半所得给了李某,王某行使了整理权B.张某利用业余时间查阅清史稿,并进行了修订,后张某将自己的整理稿上传到网上,张某行使了整理权并享有著作权C.赵某经夏某许可将其小说改编成剧本,但夏某认为剧本改动过大,与原文背离,赵某由于享有著作权可以继续出版D.李某经导师郑某同意,整理郑某有关文艺批评方面的论著,完成后进行出版,李某获得了该出版物的著作权答案:D 本题解析:第一步,看提问方式,本题属于选是题。第二步,找关键信息。整理人应取得原著作权人的许可并支付报酬;整理作品应符合原作的思想,文字表述体现原作的风格;对整理后所形成的作品享有著作权。第三步,辨析选项。A项:未经李某同意,不符合“整理人应取得原著作权人的许可”,不符合定义;B项:张某利用业余时间查阅清史稿,没有体现“整理人应取得原著作权人的许可并支付报酬”,不符合定义;C项:夏某认为剧本改动过大,与原文背离,未体现“整理作品应符合原作的思想,文字表述体现原作的风格”,不符合定义;D项:李某经导师郑某同意,体现了“整理人应取得原著作权人的许可并支付报酬”,完成后进行出版,获得著作权,符合“对整理后所形成的作品享有著作权”,符合定义。因此,选择D选项。15.中国银行的战略目标有()。A.担当社会责任B.做最好的银行C.服务客户D.回报股东答案:A、B 本题解析:暂无解析16.信用风险缓释是指商业银行运用()等方式转移或降低信用风险。A.保证B.净额结算C.股指期货D.信用衍生工具E.合格的抵质押品答案:A、B、D、E 本题解析:信用风险缓释是指商业银行运用合格的抵质押品、浄额结算、保证和信用衍生工具等方式转移或降低信用风险。故本题正确答案选ABDE。17.下列信用形式中,直接信用的有A.商业企业对客户赊销商品B.信用合作社对农户发放贷款C.企业发行债券D.银行对居民发放购房贷款E.股份公司发行股票答案:A、C、E 本题解析:暂无解析18.对某产品忠诚度较高的顾客,往往( )。A.对该产品有较高的满意度B.兴趣容易转移到其他新产品上C.感知到该产品的效用较高D.不会轻易放弃该产品E.不会随着时间的推移改变他们对该产品效用的期望答案:A、D 本题解析:暂无解析19.下列选项中,属于我国金融深化过程特征的有( )。A.金融深化主要根据国情自行设计实施B.引进型创新多,原创型创新少C.数量扩张快,质量较低D.资产类业务创新多,负债类业务创新少E.金融深化主要靠外力推动答案:B、C、E 本题解析:暂无解析20.实施下列( )货币政策,会导致利率提高,企业投资意愿下降。A.降低贷款的贴现率B.提高法定存款准备金率C.人民银行通过MLF(中期借贷便利)向商业银行投放基础货币D.人民银行在公开市场出售证券答案:B、D 本题解析:导致利率提高,企业投资意愿下降的是紧缩性货币政策AC 项为扩张性货币政策。三.判断正误(共5题)1.继“863计划”之后,1988年我国又制订了一个“火炬计划”,它的主要宗旨是极大地推进农业现代科技发展和农业产业化。( )答案:错误 本题解析:“火炬计划”同“863计划”一样是发展高技术产业的计划,其主要宗旨是使高技术成果商品化,高技术商品产业化,高技术产业国际化。2.货币主义认为,短期内货币供给量可以


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